NLRB Complaint Against Activision Blizzard, Inc. Oct. 24, 2022

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FORM NUR. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ‘DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE 2) NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD CHARGE AGAINST EMPLOYER eee ence INSTRUCTIONS: Fle an orginal with NLRB Reglonal Doctor forthe rglon In whlch the alleged unftrIader practies occured oe occuring. 14. EMPLOYER AGAINST WHOM CHARGE IS BROUGHT Name of Ereyer ea Activision Blizzard, Ine. [| 7. Oa No T Fane. a Rasrose (Seat cy, Slate, and ZIP cone) a Empioyer Representative 2701 Olympic Boulevard Bobby Kotick pemel Building B ee En aan Tr Number oF worors emploved Approx. 10,000 i lype of Esiabishrnent factory, mine, wholesaler, ofa] |), Wanily pancpal proauct creenice Video game publisher Video garnes The above-named employer has engaged in and is engaging in unt labor practices witin the meaning of section Ga, subsections (f) end fist subsections) 8(0)3) (ofthe National Labor Relations Act, and these unfair labor practices are practices affecting commerce within the meaning of the Act, or hese unfair labor practices are practoas affecting commerce within tha meaning ofthe Act and tha Postal Roorganzzaton Act. 2. Basis ofthe Charge (so forth a clear and concise stalemont oF the Tools consttaing the aloged unfair labor practices) Please see Attachment 3. Fulname of party Ting charge (labor organization, give fl name, Tnsiding Focal name and purer) ‘Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO a, Adress (Stroot and number, cy, Slate, and ZIP code) “5. Tol No. ‘501 ‘Third Street NW ———— Sixth Floor aa cane: ‘Washington, DC 20001 — 4. Fax, Teer Es 5. Fullname of national or ternational labor organlaton of whieh is an afflate or Gonsliuent ont fio bo flbdh hon charge is fied by » bor oxganaton) Communications Workers of Ametiea, AFL-CIO 8, DECLARATION Tal No. { ectre that have road the above charge and tha he statements to the best of my knowledge and bel "Oca, any, Cal Colin Wescott, Esq., Headquarters Counsel treo representative o person raking charge) (Pinto rare ad ie ofc, tan) Fax Ne. 501 Third Street NW, Sixth Floor, Washington, DC 20001 l tober 24, 2022 oval ae ane October 24, 202% \WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS ON THIS CHARGE GAN BE PUNISHED BY FINE AND IMPRISONMENT (U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001) PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Solan ofthe formation on ts frm fs authorized by the National Labor Relatlons Act (NLRA), 29 U.S.C, § 181 e a8 The principal use ofthe information iso {assist Natonal Labor Relaione Sad (NLRB) n procassng Una ator precce and related proceedings ¢ Hgaton, The routine uses forthe Informston are Ty fat forth n xe Pedecel Register, 71 Fed, Rep. 74942 (bee. 3, 2008), The NURS wil thor expion thse uses upon requis, ecesure of is rformaton to Me NLRB Is volaary; however fle to supp¥y the information ray cause tie NLRB fo dace io nvoke processes TTACHMENT 1. On or about October 14, 2022, the Employer coerced and restrained employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by creating a company-sponsored digital echo chamber for anti-union propaganda, namely a Slack channel (“#ABK-press”) to which rank-and-file employees could not respond, and automatically adding substantially all of its workers (approximately 18,000 in total) to the channel 2. On or about October 14, 2022, the Employer, through Lulu Cheng Meservey, coerced and restrained employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by admonishing all workers included in the Slack channel to refrain from anything other than “discreet and respectful” communication regarding the Employer’s anti-union propaganda, 3, Since on or about October 14, 2022, and continuing to date, the Employer coerced and restrained employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by giving them the impression that their uaion affiliation and/or support was under surveillance. 4, Since on or about October 14, 2022, and continuing to date, the Employer coerced and restrained employees in the exercise of their Section 7 rights by engaging in electronic surveillance of their union affiliation and/or support. 5. On or about October 18, 2022, the Employer, through Lulu Cheng Meservey, violated Sections 8(a)(1) and 8(a)(3) of the Act by disparaging the Union to substantially all of its workers; by suggesting that it did not intend to implement a contract for over a year after an agreement is in places and by communicating to employees that the onus was on the Union for the Employer's failure to enact wage increases, its failure to provide professional advancement opportunities, and its failure to implement other improvements to terms and conditions of employment.

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