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a. Read the sentence and correct the mistake. The main idea of these exercises is to recognize
the implementation of verb to be.

Ex: Mark`s friends is excellent soccer players. Mark`s friends are excellent soccer players.

1. My brother am Patrick. My brother is Patrick.

2. Her name are Mary. Her name is Mary.

3. What are your name? What is your name?

4. How old are your cousin? How old is your cousin?

5. She am younger than me. She six years old. She is younger than me. She is six years old.

6. Look! You isn´t in this photo. Look! You aren´t in this photo.

7. It a very good photo. It´s a very good photo.

8. Thanks. My camera am very good. Thanks. My camera is very good.

9. Where is they in this photo? Where are they in this photo?

10. They at the courthouse. They are at the courthouse.

b. Complete with the verb «to be» in the present simple:

1. What is your address?

2. Are you English? Yes, I am. My brother and I are from England.

3. Are Sue and Victoria from the U.S.A.? No, they aren´t (not).

4. Are they at work? Yes, they are.

5. Sue is a good student.

6. Mrs. O’Connel (our teacher) is a nice person.

7. These new students aren´t (not) from Ireland. They are from Wales.

c. Organize the sentences with the verb to be in the present simple tense:
Ex: My brother / not be / at school today. My brother isn´t at school today

1. Patrick / at home / be /?

Is Patrick at home?

2. an / Paula`s father / excellent lawyer. / be

Paula´s father is an excellent lawyer.

3. be / How tall / he?

How tall is he?

4. My friend and I / good students. / be

My friend and I are good students.

5. These girls / not be / French. Canada / be / They / from

These girls aren´t French. They are from Canada.

6. What nationality / be / they/ ?

What nationality are they?

7. Where / be / from / Viviana /?

Where is Viviana from?

d. Read and complete with the correct form of verb to be. (Affirmative or negative)


My name (be) is (0) John. I (be) am (1) fifteen years old. I live on a farm. It (be, not) is not(2) a noisy
place. I wake up early. Sometimes, I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it (be) is (3) still dark when I
wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way the country looks in the morning. The
first thing I do in the mornings is milking the cow. After that, I bring the milk to my mom. I think she uses it
to make breakfast. She makes a delicious breakfast. My mom (be) is (4) a really good cook. Next, I feed the
pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t feed them. She said it is because my sister
(be, not) isn´t(5) strong enough. But I still don’t understand. She (be) is (6) almost as strong as me! I guess
my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can be pretty rough, especially when they (be)
are(7) hungry. The last thing I do (be) is(8) feed the chickens. That (be) is(9) easy. I just throw some food
down on the ground and they run out and eat it. While the chickens (be) are(10) eating, I go into their house
to collect their eggs. Chicken eggs (be) are(11) really good to eat. They (be) are(12) easy to cook too. That
is what I do in the mornings. I (be) am(13) pretty busy.

Taken from:

d. Read again and write true (T) or false (F).

1. Jhon doesn´t care to wake up early. (F )

2. Jhon´s first activity is to feed the cows. ( F )

3. His mother believes that Jhon is stronger than his sister. ( F )

4. Pigs are sometimes rude. ( F )

5. Jhon has to do many things in the mornings. ( T )

Read again and write in one sentence the main idea of the story.


e. Fill in the blank spaces using the possessive adjectives; (my, your, his, her, its, our, their).
The main idea of these exercises is to recognize the implementation of possessive adjectives.

1. Tim is a boy and his surname is Forbes.

2. The cat is a pet. Its ears are black with white spots.

3. I’m a designer and my favourite TV channel is “Fashion”.

4. It is raining and you haven’t got your umbrella with you.

5. Nanny and you are twins. Your parents are Mr and Mrs Brown.

6. Take these colouring pencils. I like their colour.

7. The girl is crying because her doll is dirty.

8. You and I love reading! Crime writing is our favourite!

9. Sam isn’t Santa Claus but his beard is white.

10. Sarita is Spanish but her mother is Portuguese.

11. That dog is mine. Its name is “Blacky”.

12. Those pupils have got new CDs. Their favourite singer is Pavarotti.

13. This is Bryan Adams. You and I like this singer. Bryan Adams is our favourite singer.

14. Scott and you like surfing. It is your favourite sport.

15. I’m Gillian and my surname is Anderson.

16. Hey, you! is this your car?

f. Complete the sentences, using possessives pronouns (my, his, her, its, our, their) or Subject
pronoun (I, you, she, he, it, we, they).
Ex: My car is new. Its color is green. Possessive
Lucia is my best friend. She is Canadian. Subject Pronoun.
I´m Lauren and I am going to talk a bit about my family.

This is my father. His name is Pedro. He is an architect. This is my mother. her name is Julia. She is a
Biologist. They are my sisters. Their names are Jane and Kathy. We have one dog and 2 cats. Our dog is
very intelligent. Its name is Rocky.

My brother Jake and his wife Lucia live in Los Angeles. Their son is Jeremy. He is 9 years old. My aunt´s
husband is Mateo. He is from Colombian. They are in a Safari right now. They sent us a picture of many
animals. One of them was an elephant. Its children are still babies.
My cousin Carolina Cruz is a top model. She is very beautiful and tall. Her boyfriend is Tom Morello.

g. Click on the link below and develop the exercises. Make a screen shot and put it here.

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