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Pre-service teacher:



Theme: Fruits and Lesson topic: Likes and dislikes Grade: 4° Time: One hour Date:13/10/2022
flavors - fruits


• I follow carefully what my teacher and classmates say during a game

or activity.

• I participate in games and activities following simple instructions.


• I participate in word search games for unknown words.

unknown words.

• I associate a picture with its written description.

• I answer questions about fruits that I like, hate, and dislike,

supported by repetition when necessary.

• I write about my likes and dislikes with an emphasis on fruits.

Content objective: Students will be able to identify and relate the

names of fruits in English that they observe in their daily lives.

Language Objective: Students will be able to express when they like,

dislike or simply hate a fruit.

TeacherAction StudentAction Resources / Materials
Warmup/Motivation The teacher starts the class by greeting the Students will listen attentively to the Voice, Photocopies.
students using the target language (English). teacher's instructions and then work
cooperatively in their respective groups,
7 min Hello, how are you today, then the teacher asks
observing and inferring the differences
the students to form two groups and at the
they should find in the two images
same time provides each group with a copy of
provided by the teacher.
two similar pictures, then the teacher gives
instructions on what to do.

Building Background The teacher talks with her students about the Students must pay attention and respond to Voice.
different fruits that exist and types, then asks the teacher's questions.
8 min
questions to her students to identify which
fruits they know and also to see which fruits
they like and which they don't like.


The teacher introduces the topic of the class to Students pay attention to the teacher's explanation Voice, flashcards.
the students (Likes and dislikes - fruits) and at and repeat the different fruits that the teacher shows
the same time uses real fruits to teach the and pronounces, then write in their notebook the
10 min English vocabulary of fruits, through repetition, correct way of the fruits in English while drawing it.
then the teacher uses flashcards to explain
when someone likes, dislikes, loves or hates

In this way, emphasis is placed on the fruits

that have been taught in the first part.


The teacher asks the students to form a circle Voice, flashcards, classroom.
15 min around the classroom and then puts different
Students pass one at a time, picking up a card and
fruit cards face down, carefully explains what
depending on the fruit they have to say if they like,
the goal of the activity is and what will be done.
hate, love or just don't like the fruit they have picked.

10 min
Students respond to their activity and if they have any Voice, photocopies.
The teacher forms groups and distributes
questions, they ask the teacher for help.
activities related to (likes and dislikes - fruits).
He/she then explains what they should do.

Review /Assessment

The teacher reviews the class and the topic The students participate and solve their doubts with Voice, board, flashcard.
proposed by him, and finally says goodbye. the teacher and then practice again the pronunciation
and at the same time the writing of (like and dislike -
10 min animal) in English. Finally they say goodbye to the

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