Debit Card Challenge

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Debit Card Challenge: A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told you to use

it as much as you want to make yourself happy. What are you going to do with it? Make
a list of what you want to have. Write as many as you want.

As much as I wanted to buy everything that I wanted, I can’t say I would be able
to prioritize all of those things depending on how niche and necessary they are. What
I’m certain about is the things I would list below are surely substantial enough to be a
reason of not only my happiness but also my general well-being and career.

1. Launch my own book (book publishing investment)

2. Music Production and Recording Studio (Includes necessary equipment and
3. Personal Computer with latest hardware
4. Clothes (Trousers, T- shirts, Cardigans, Sweatshirts, Oversized Long-sleeved
5. Shoes
6. Latest Smartphones from Apple
7. Go on a Vacation Overseas
8. Set up an emergency fund, insurance
9. Hire a personal fitness coach
10. Hire a personal stylist
11. Enroll in Piano Class
12. Professional High End Mirrorless Camera
13. OLED 33-inch 8k TV with Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos
14. Stradivarius Violin
15. Steinway & Sons Fibonacci Piano
16. Japanese Food
17. Korean Food

How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge? Which among the items in your
list you like the most? Why? If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one
among the list, which would you choose? Why?
While the doing the Debit Card Challenge, I felt mixed emotions which are hard
to contain. The notion is it would be an easy task to do but goodness I was wrong. It is
quite difficult because even though I had a lot wants, I’m not really sure if those items I
initially thought of are going to make me happy in the very exact moment that the
opportunity comes. Maybe some of the things I listed offers short term happiness but
probably gives a memorable experience. Or maybe few that I listed have long term
benefits but lacks potential to become a stimulus of pleasure and satisfaction. Both
options are equally significant at least in my personal preferences. Afterall, I had so
much fun doing the Debit Card Challenge. It is much similar to what I often do,

Among all the things I wanted to obtain, the one that I desired the most is having
a music production and recording studio. As you know it, I’m extremely interested in
music. I perceive music as something that is tremendously significant to a human being.
In fact, a study conducted by (R, Oasi 2015) suggest that music therapeutical
intervention is an effective and efficient substitute for pharmacological approaches used
in hospitals which greatly implies how substantial it could be. If I would be given a
chance to have one of the things I listed, this would be it. Aside from having health
benefits, I might as well take advantage of its profitability. Approximately, a home
professional studio costs around 1 million to 1.5 million Philippine pesos to build which
is truly a huge investment but compensate with high returns. According to the book
entitled “Music Originals as Capital Assets” by Rachel Soloveichik, by collecting the
data of music production from 2007-2010. He calculated how GDP statistics change
when songs are classified as capital assets. The results imply that in 2007, the
recording studios along with musicians made a music worth 4.3 billion dollars and non-
recorded music worth 3.5 billion. With this data in consideration, I could conclude that
investing to music studios opens hundreds of opportunities. And of course, if would be
able to achieve success in my investment then I would have no problem buying all other
stuffs that I listed above. Other than profits, I would be able to prepare for sound
engineering jobs that is applicable to students who graduated with a physics degree.
Aside from it being a high paying job, it would also make a path where I have a decent
career and a dream fulfilled at the same time. My decisions from the looks of it could
possibly turn out as one of the big mistakes I could make but I not afraid of failure. We
will never know what the future holds but we are aware regrets are worse. As a form of
gratitude and last reminder to reader, I would like to share a quote from famous
personalities which explains why I made such planned actions. One is from Confucius.
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." And another
is from Albert Einstein. "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried
anything new."

A Raglio, O Oasi - Frontiers in psychology, 2015 -

R Soloveichik - 2013 -

BJ Hracs - Growth and Change, 2012 - Wiley Online Library

D Arditi - 2016 -

E Andres-Barrenechea - World journal of nuclear medicine, 2015 -

N Wlömert, D Papies - International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2016 – Elsevie

BD Man, JD Reiss - Journal on the Art of Record Production, 2015 -

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