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We know that you work incredibly hard, go to great lengths to excel on and off the field - but

why? Where does your hunger to succeed come from?

- I believe my hunger to succeed comes from all the people I have surrounded myself with
since I was little. I have always been told to try my best even if I am not good at what I
am doing. Ever since I was little I have been very competitive and always want to be the
best I can be. The people I have surrounded myself with are the people that I look up to
and want to be just as great as they are. I have always watched the people around me
try their best even if they end up failing, but that never stops them from trying their best.
This is why I think that my hunger to succeed comes from all of the people around me.

What did you do to overcome an academic or athletic challenge and what were the results?
- There have always been many challenges in my life, but I have always found ways to
overcome them and get a result I was okay with. Sometimes things aren't going to turn
out the way you want them to, but if you get a result that is okay you can get it better
from there. A few ways I have overcome different athletic challenges were by putting in
more work outside of practice, asking for help when I really need it, and focusing more
on one problem rather than a whole bunch of problems at one time. Putting in more work
outside of practice has always been my number one way to overcome any athletic
challenges. If you put in more time you will get the result you are looking for. When I put
in more work outside of practice I always see the result I am looking for. I usually
execute the game a lot better, and I do not get as stressed out because I know how to fix
the problem.

Tell us about something you are most proud of, whether it is an achievement or an impact you
made for your team, your school, your family, or your community.
- I have always been proud of the impact I have left on others on my sports teams,
in my family, and my school. I can impact so many people just by the way I act. I
have impacted a lot of kids on my golf and tennis teams, but I have also impacted
my younger sister. The girls on my sports teams have always had a place in my
heart and they will until the day that I die. I know so many of them look up to me
not only through sports but for the way I act around others. My younger sister has
always told me she looks up to me and wants to do everything that I have done.
She wants to play the same sports as I do when she gets into high school, and
better yet she wants to get to the same place I led my teams too. I have been to
state for both tennis and golf. My sister has always told me she wants to do
exactly what I have done and leave the same marks in the school that I have.
What role has your volunteerism played in the development of your character? Please detail a
specific instance where you feel your service made an impact both on you and the individuals
you serve.
- I have always had a place in my heart for volunteering and the others who volunteer in
their free time. In my eighth-grade social studies class, we had to do a volunteer project
and tell our class what we learned from this experience. I volunteered at our local animal
shelter, and I had a blast with all of the animals. These dogs were so happy to see my
smiling face and I was so happy to see some of their wagging tails. Other dogs were
scared, but I get it because they came from a home where they couldn't trust anyone.
Gaining the trust of these animals taught me that not everyone has a good home life,
and gaining their trust back takes time. I was very glad that I got the experience to
volunteer with these dogs because it taught me so many lessons that I had never known
the answers to.

How would receiving this scholarship impact your ability to attend college?
- Receiving this scholarship would mean so much to me. I have always been told that you
pay for college yourself and only get help from your parents if you need it. My parents
have lots of bills to pay, and my dad is still paying off his college debts. By receiving this
scholarship I would be a few steps closer to my dream of paying for college myself. Of
course, my parents will be there if I ever need help with anything, but I want to be a big
kid and try to get as far by myself as I can. College is nothing cheap and that has been a
factor as to where I want to go to college. If I do not have enough money to go to one
college I am not going to choose to go there because I do not want to be in debt coming
out of college. I know I will have a few loans to pay off but I do not want to have to pay
off debts until I am thirty-five years old. This is why I believe I would be a good recipient
to award this scholarship to.

What athletic achievements are you most proud of outside of what's listed for your sports on the
Athletic Activities tab?
- I am most proud of leading my golf team to state three years in a row. I have also led my
golf team to end up in second place at districts for the past three years. During tennis
season my doubles partner and I made it to state and participated with all the rest of our

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