Lesson 5

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An excellent Technical Writer should possess the ff.
basic qualifications:

1. Adequate knowledge of the subject matter

2. Ability to compile information.
3. Ability to organize facts or ideas.
4. Ability to analyze and synthesize.
5. Ability to learn and use specialized vocabularies.
6. Ability to write at the reader’s comprehensive level.
7. Ability to use the inductive and deductive methods of
8. Ability to use accurate language.
9. Ability to be objective in presenting facts and issues.
10. Ability to determine the effectiveness of words,
sentences, and paragraphs.
11. Ability to conform to the code of ethics in the technical
writing professions.
Good writing is a tough job that “getting
ideas into the other fellow’s head by
means of black mark on white paper, is
a taught job, needs a good ear,
practice and above all humility”.
Apparently, writing is used to communicate facts or
thoughts to inform, entertain, or persuade, hence to
attain such objective, a good writer’s work must be

1. Well-organized
2. Easy to read
3. Clear to the average reader, and
4. Interesting.
Moreover, the engaged technical writer should adhere to the
following principles of clear and effective writing:

1. Think first, then write

2. Get to the point
3. Use familiar words
4. Omit verbal deadwood
5. Keep sentences short
6. Shorten paragraphs
7. Use specific, concrete language
8. Prefer the simple and concrete to the complex and
9. Be positive
10. Use adjectives sparingly
11. Revise and improve
12. Write to express, not to impress

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