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Neurosurg Rev

DOI 10.1007/s10143-014-0549-3


Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough phenomenon:

experimental models
Raquel Gutiérrez-González & Alvaro Pérez-Zamarron &
Gregorio Rodríguez-Boto

Received: 9 February 2013 / Revised: 25 August 2013 / Accepted: 8 February 2014

# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract One of the most life-threatening complications after Introduction

the obliteration of intracranial arteriovenous malformations is
the development of oedema and/or multifocal haemorrhage. One of the most life-threatening complications after the oblit-
Two main theories have been postulated so far in order to eration of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) is
explain this situation. On one hand, “normal perfusion pres- the development of oedema and/or multifocal haemorrhage.
sure breakthrough phenomenon” is based on the loss of cere- Two main theories have been postulated so far in order to
bral vessel autoregulation due to the chronic vasodilation of explain this situation. On one hand, “normal perfusion pres-
perinidal microcirculation. On the other hand, the “occlusive sure breakthrough (NPPB) phenomenon” is based on the loss
hyperaemia” deals with thrombotic and venous obstruction of cerebral vessel autoregulation due to the chronic vasodila-
phenomena that may also generate such manifestations. The tion of perinidal microcirculation. This vasodilation is a con-
aim of this study is to resume the main concepts of the sequence of chronic hypoperfusion secondary to a vascular
“normal perfusion pressure breakthrough phenomenon” theo- “steal phenomenon” caused by the malformation [43]. Thus,
ry as well as the related animal models described up to date, when a high-flow shunt, such as the AVM, is surgically
their advantages and disadvantages, and the main conclusions excised or isolated from the rest of the normal circulation by
obtained as a result of the experimental research. means of endovascular embolization procedures, the redistri-
bution of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) from the AVM to the
adjacent cerebral vessels might cause oedema and haemor-
Keywords Arteriovenous malformation . Experimental . rhage. On the other hand, a different but complementary
Model . Normal perfusion pressure breakthrough . Research concept is the “occlusive hyperaemia”, which deals with
thrombotic and venous obstruction phenomena that may also
generate such manifestations [1].
The increasing knowledge and understanding of such
phenomena have been possible thanks to the experimen-
R. Gutiérrez-González (*) tal research that began in the late 70s as a result of the
Department of Neurosurgery, Fundación Jiménez Díaz (IIS-FJD), investigations of Spetzler et al. [43], who first described
Avda Reyes Católicos 2, 28040 Madrid, Spain
the NPPB theory. With this hypothesis, a new line of
research was developed with the aim of reproducing the
A. Pérez-Zamarron haemodynamic, histological and biochemical changes
Department of Neurosurgery, La Paz University Hospital, that happen after the removal of a high-flow arteriove-
P Castellana 261, 28046 Madrid, Spain
nous shunt. Several models with different animals—
G. Rodríguez-Boto achieved under controlled and reproducible physiologi-
Department of Neurosurgery, Clínico San Carlos University cal conditions—have been described in the literature
Hospital, Prof. Martin Lagos, 28040 Madrid, Spain since then in order to improve the understanding of
the AVM pathogenesis itself, as well as the treatment
G. Rodríguez-Boto
Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Complutense complications [4, 5, 9, 14, 15, 19, 21, 22, 24–32, 34,
University of Madrid, 28040 Madrid, Spain 36–39, 42, 44, 46].
Neurosurg Rev

The aim of this study is to resume the main concepts of the combination between arterial hypotension and venous hyper-
NPPB theory as well as the related animal models described tension [45]. This latter seems to be caused by the obstruction
up to date, their advantages and disadvantages and the main of the malformation venous drainage due to structural vascular
conclusions obtained as a result of the experimental research. injury (endothelial damage, thrombosis and/or stenosis phe-
nomena) related to the intravascular pressure itself and the
flow turbulence in the AVM [12].
Concepts of NPPB theory The normal vascular response to a decrease in CPP is
the arterial and arteriolar dilation, what makes possible
“Vascular steal” phenomenon the maintenance of a constant CBF. Thus, the chronic
hypoperfusion would lead to a maximal vasodilation
Intracranial AVMs are vascular structures with a non-capillary state and, consequently, to the dysfunction of the cere-
nidus. The absence of capillary vessels between arteries and veins brovascular autoregulation.
provides the AVM with one of its most important features: the At this stage, capillaries and veins assume a more active
low-resistance of the nidus. Cerebral blood flow directly depends role in the CVR [10, 11, 23]. In spite of the studies that defend
on cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and inversely on cerebro- the existence of the so-called “vasomotor paralysis” in the
vascular resistance (CVR), which is also inversely proportional to hypoperfused perinidal tissue [6, 8], other reports have
the vessel diameter according to the Poiseuille’s law (Fig. 1). showed that autoregulation remains intact [3, 48]. Therefore,
Cerebral autoregulation is the capacity that intracranial they defend the hypothesis of an autoregulation curve dis-
vessels have of modifying their diameter in response to CPP placement to the left as an adaptive change to the chronic
changes. This is an essential mechanism that allows the main- hypoperfusion of the normal cerebral tissue surrounding the
tenance of a constant CBF above the ischaemic threshold AVM nidus. Such displacement may result in the capacity of
independently of any relatively extreme change in the system- keeping the normal CBF in a range of pressures under the
ic arterial blood pressure (SABP) or the intracranial pressure usual ones (Fig. 2) [20, 49].
(ICP). The lower limit of autoregulation is the value of CPP
under which the CBF decreases proportionally. The increase Neuropathological changes
over the superior limit involves that vasoconstriction depends
on the sympathetic innervation of the vascular adventitia [23]. Despite the aforementioned facts, histological studies
Arteriovenous malformations behave as a low-resistance have revealed the presence of abnormally dilated capil-
shunt, thus creating an increase in CBF through the malfor- laries in the perinidal cerebral tissue with features that
mation. When such a situation is maintained over time, flow suggest congestion in more than half of the cases, as
redistribution towards the AVM may involve a decrease in well as the presence of a pericapillar space with in-
regional CBF (rCBF) of the viable parenchyma adjacent to the creased permeability [2]. Besides that, chronic tissular
vascular nidus, a fact that would provoke the so-called “vas- hypoperfusion seems to be responsible for other neuro-
cular steal” phenomenon [18, 33]. pathological changes such as the diffuse degeneration
and neuronal loss or the reactive gliosis to the steal
Chronic hypoperfusion and autoregulation response phenomenon [2, 7].

The decrease in rCBF of the perinidal nervous tissue is then Reperfusion injury
responsible for the decrease in CPP, which may result from the
The obliteration or excision of an AVM produces sudden
haemodynamic changes like the redistribution of the “stolen”
flow by the AVM towards the chronically hypoperfused
perinidal tissue, thus restoring the normal CPP [35, 47]. Such
a state of “reperfusion” would be comparable to the hyperper-
fusion syndrome after cerebral revascularization in cases of
carotid artery disease. In that case, the haemodynamic situa-
tion may have an effect on the parenchyma developing de-
structive processes such as the release of inflammatory fac-
tors, cytokines and free radicals [23]. Besides that, the injury
related to the increased transmmural pressure over a weakened
Fig. 1 CPP cerebral perfusion pressure, MABP mean arterial blood
pressure, ICP intracranial pressure, CBF cerebral blood flow, CVR cere-
vascular wall and appeared as a result of chronic changes
brovascular resistance, Q flow, ΔP pressure difference, r radius, L length should be also considered, as it might lead to inflammation,
of tube, η viscosity oedema and haemorrhage [2, 47].
Neurosurg Rev

Fig. 2 Cerebral autoregulation

curve. CBF cerebral blood flow,
CPP cerebral perfusion pressure

Experimental models the 30 cats. In the rest of cases, no changes were shown or they
were reversible during the study period. Haemodynamic pa-
An ideal animal model should resemble human AVMs and, rameters were recorded before, during and after temporally
consequently, it should be based on an intracranial shunt occluding the fistula, encouraging SABP changes by means of
between a large cerebral artery and a cerebral vein with a dopamine or nitroprusiate infusion, and inducing pCO2
normal capillary network around it that enables the reproduc- changes by means of hyper or hypoventilation. The analysis
tion of rCBF changes observed in patients. Small animals of the records showed in every patent fistula the loss of
have been extensively used for experimental research due to autoregulation. Thus, flow through the AVF was directly
economical, ethical and availability reasons when compared dependant from SABP and its pharmacologically-induced
with large animals. However, these latter provide better hu- changes. However, the response to pCO2 changes hardly
man resemblance. The disadvantages that large animal models emerged. The temporal occlusion of the fistula gave rise to
involve (such as ethical concerns, handling difficulties, animal the restoration of the autoregulation and the normal response
facilities and higher costs) are essentially the advantages that to pCO2 except for the five cases with significant angiograph-
small animal models show. In addition to that, the anatomical ic dilation of the AVF, which showed abolished responses.
and physiological nuances related to specie differences repre- Nevertheless, histological analysis 6 weeks after surgery did
sent an insurmountable obstacle in most cases and should be not show ischaemia.
considered before interpreting data. Moreover, haemodynam- Experimental research with primates has been very low so
ic and/or neuropathological variables are frequently the end- far in spite of the anatomical and physiological similarities
point in experimental research, whereas functional outcome is that this animal shows when compared with the human brain.
the main value in most cases of clinical research. The main reasons lie in the expertise required to restraint and
Most of the animal models designed to study intracranial handle these animals, as well as the aforementioned econom-
AVMs are based on the creation of an arteriovenous fistula ical and ethical concerns. One of the existing studies dated
(AVF)—extracranial in most of cases—that mimics the high- 1950 recreates a side-to-side fistula in most of the cases or an
flow shunt the AVM means and that would theoretically end-to-end fistula in the remaining ones between the carotid
provoke an effect of flow “steal” capable of generating cere- artery and the internal jugular vein (IJV) in Rhesus monkeys
bral chronic hypoperfusion. [14]. Flow direction analysis showed that blood flow was not
The first model was described by Spetzler et al. [43] in an retrograde towards the sagittal, the petrous or the straight
original study dated 1978. It consisted on the creation of an sinuses but towards the cervical and basilar veins as well as
AVF in cats by means of an anastomosis between the rostral the lateral sinuses. Angiographic studies evidenced that blood
end of the carotid artery and the caudal end of the jugular vein could redistribute towards the intracerebral veins when a
(Fig. 3a) so that the afferent flow of the fistula came from the contralateral lateral sinus was ligated too. Another study was
contralateral carotid artery and the vertebral artery through the also based on an extracranial AVF. Cerebral blood flow, pO2
Willis circle with a retrograde drainage through the anastomo- and pCO2 values suggested the lack of impact of SABP
sis. An extracranial “steal” phenomenon from the cerebral changes on flow autoregulation through the fistula [39].
circulation was then achieved. Follow-up angiography Swine models are more numerous, and they typically use
showed significant chronic dilation of both, the afferent and an anatomic artery-arterial model, the rete mirabile. This is a
efferent vessels diameter 6 weeks after AVF creation in 5 of fine net of vessels with connections that cross along the
Neurosurg Rev

Fig. 3 Schematic drawing of the arteriovenous anastomosis and flow direction in different experimental models. ACA anterior cerebral artery, MCA
middle cerebral artery, ECA external carotid artery, CCA common carotid artery, VA vertebral artery, EJV external jugular vein, IJV internal jugular vein

midline to the contralateral rete and depends on each ascend- such lack [25, 31]. This is an easy model that allows good
ing pharyngeal artery. It is a very useful model due to the great visualization of every component of an AVM, including the
morphological similarity to a cerebral plexiform AVM nidus. nidus, and as a result, very useful in neurointerventional
Nevertheless, no typical arteriovenous shunt of AVMs can be procedures (both techniques and materials for AVM emboli-
reproduced using it. Several studies have also added the zation) and radiosurgery research [9, 21, 24, 26, 31, 32, 42].
creation of a bilateral AVF (carotid-jugular) in order to supply On the other hand, the model does not seem to be suitable in
Neurosurg Rev

the study of NPPB since it recreates a nearly “physiological” between the distal common carotid artery and the proximal
situation in the swine and thus it does not reproduce the IJV in order to achieve extracranial steal phenomenon. Be-
haemodynamic changes that occur in human cerebral AVMs. sides that, the ipsilateral vertebral artery was occluded in order
An animal model in sheep was designed following the to help a more pronounced chronic ischaemic state. Six weeks
same anatomical basis of the rete mirabile and with the aim after the AVF creation, the results showed a decrease in the
of simplifying the initial model described by Massoud et al. restoration of the CPP threshold when a new ischaemic insult
[25] The model was, again, based on an extracranial fistula or a hypertensive state was added to the restoration of the
(carotid-jugular) with the aim of assessing the haemodynamic normal CBF. Miyasaka et al. [28] and Tokiwa et al. [44] also
and angiographic changes related to the shunt [34]. However based their studies on a carotid-jugular fistula. However, no
and considering important morphological and haemodynamic significant histological or haemodynamic changes were ob-
features of the sheep that show little resemblance to cerebral served when the fistula was closed neither in the acute period
AVMs, this animal also seems to be inappropriate for this type nor 8 weeks after its creation.
of research [5, 27]. Finally, research in rats continues being the most prolific
The canine model described in 1999 by Schumacher and one, probably due to the economical facilities it requires as
Schellhammer [38] consisted on an extracranial fistula (bilat- well as the accessibility to work with this animal in spite of its
eral carotid-jugular) with early occlusion of one of the AVF at anatomical differences related to humans. One of the first
21 days and keeping the contralateral one permeable. The models with rats was described by Morgan et al. [29] in
model evidenced the vascular steal effect and the early recruit- 1987 that took reference from models with other animals
ment of the contralateral but mostly ipsilateral CBF. However, [14, 39]. The authors created an end-to-end carotid-jugular
the authors concluded that although the model could be useful fistula (IJV) in Wistar rats using the rostral ends of both
for endovascular training, it did not properly reproduce intra- vessels (intracranial afferent artery and venous drainage to
cranial AVMs physiopathology. On the contrary, Pietilä et al. the intracranial drainage system). The external carotid artery
[36] pointed to canine models as the most suitable ones for was also ligated (Fig. 3b). The anastomosis permeability was
experimental research of AVMs, due to the brain volume of angiographically checked at 24 h, 1, 3 and 6 weeks after such
this animal and also to the comparable physiology as well. intervention. After 8 weeks, endovenous Evans dye was ad-
Unlike the previous study, the model was based on an intra- ministered 5 min before the theoretical disruption of the
cranial AVF between a branch of the middle cerebral artery blood–brain barrier, which was provoked by the closure of
and the dorsal sagittal sinus and interposing a segment of the the fistula or pharmacologically inducing a hypertensive state.
superficial temporal artery. Follow-up angiography showed Laparotomy was used for SABP continuous recording, arterial
the development of neovascularization apart from the AVF. blood gases analysis and venous access for dye infusion. Five
Postmortem exams evidenced angiogenesis areas around the minutes after inducing hypertension and 10 min after Evans
shunt that became bigger as the time passed from the surgery dye infusion, rats were sacrificed. Brain was removed for
increased. Besides that, no changes were observed in the analysis. Three different experiments were conducted: the first
afferent artery diameter but a greater dilation of the fistula one included ligation of the AVF under normal SABP, and no
drainage vein. Finally, histological studies showed significant Evans blue was extravasated in any animal; the second one
gliosis in the parenchyma adjacent to the shunt as well as areas included AVF ligation under a pharmacologically induced
of mesenchymal proliferation, fibroblasts and endothelium, hypertensive condition (150–180 mmHg), and the brain was
mimicking areas of ischaemic infarct. Capillary proliferation dyed in 80 % of the animals; with regard to the third experi-
was also observed (weak vessels without arterial or venous ment, the rats were under a pharmacologically induced hyper-
differentiation) in non-infarction areas, a fact that indicates the tensive state, as in the previous one, but in absence of AVF
existence of reactive changes to ischaemia but also the gener- ligation, and no extravasation was observed. A fourth control
alized neoformation of capillaries. Another model of intracra- group included rats without fistula or with an occluded AVF
nial AVF in dogs consisted on the creation of a pial fistula and did not show any dye extravasation. The study finally
between a cortical artery and a cortical vein. Another dural concluded that BBB showed reproducible disruption under
AVF to a sinus was associated. This latter was created inter- moderate hypertension and mainly in the ipsilateral hemi-
posing a free graft of the superficial temporal artery with an sphere to the fistula. This situation was not reproducible under
end-to-lateral anastomosis between a cortical branch of the normal blood pressure. Two years later, the same research
middle cerebral artery and a drainage vessel (cortical vein or group conducted a new experiment with an AVF similar to
transverse sinus). No haemodynamic, histological or bio- the aforementioned one, and compared the animals with con-
chemical analysis were, however, described in association trol rats that had undergone right carotid artery ligation or with
with this model [5]. intact rats. Twelve weeks after AVF creation, rCBF was re-
Extracranial AVF was used in all experimental models corded in rats after fistula occlusion and in rats with a perme-
described in cats. Thus, Sakaki et al. [37] created a shunt able fistula and compared with the results obtained in control
Neurosurg Rev

animals. Thus, the results showed that rCBF was nearly 50 % increase, which descended when the contralateral venous
lower in the group with an open fistula whereas it was about drainage was occluded. Conversely, middle cerebral artery
30 % higher in the group with an occluded fistula than in the flow velocity significantly descended when the fistula was
control group. The data suggest that AVMs may generate opened and in an even more pronounced way when the
hypoperfusion without infarct that may turn into hyperaemia venous drainage was obstructed, a fact that could reflect the
after nidus removal [30]. decrease in CBF; (3) a positive lineal relationship was ob-
Irikura et al. [19] designed a study with the aim of assessing served between MABP and torcular pressure during venous
the integrity of autoregulation in cases of chronic hypoperfu- drainage occlusion in rats with a permeable fistula. Thus, an
sion. Thus, they described a similar model of AVF with an increase in MABP was directly transmitted to cerebral venous
end-to-end anastomosis between the rostral ends of the com- circulation, a fact that led to an increase in intracranial venous
mon carotid artery and the external jugular vein (EJV) in pressure without changes in CPP; and (4) venous drainage
Sprague–Dawley rats (Fig. 3b). In their opinion, the IJV was restoration and fistula closure carried out an increase in the
not the vein of choice due to the hypoplasia it shows in rats. middle cerebral artery flow velocity up to 69 % in comparison
Both external carotid arteries were also ligated. In situ visual- with the baseline conditions that the authors associated with
ization of pial microvasculature ascertained that pial arterioles the presence of distal vasodilation. Besides that, histological
showed important dilation and tortuosity whereas pial veins studies showed bilateral ischaemic changes in the frontal
were slightly dilated. Such morphological changes were con- cortex and basal ganglia in those rats with permeable fistula
firmed after comparing AVF rats with non-AVF controls. The and permanent occlusion of venous drainage. Venous infarct
response arterioles showed to minor increases in blood pres- changes were also observed in some of these animals. This
sure (130 mmHg) was significant dilation, whereas control model managed to reproduce the vascular steal phenomenon
animals only had such changes in cases of raised hypertension and emphasized on the importance of venous drainage occlu-
(180 mmHg). This observation confirmed the displacement of sion as the responsible of histological and haemodynamic
the superior limit of autoregulation curve when a chronic changes observed in the study. According to the authors,
hypoperfusion state arises. Besides that, a minimal increase venous hypertension may play a critical role in the reduction
in rCBF ipsilateral to the fistula was observed by laser- of CPP below the ischaemic threshold and might be specifi-
Doppler flowmetry when the fistula was suddenly closed cally linked to the postoperative hyperaemia that follows the
under normal blood pressure. This increase was significant removal of certain AVMs.
when the fistula was occluded under hypertension. Moreover, Hai et al. [15] described in 2002 a chronic hypoperfusion
ipsilateral carotid pressure rose up to 65 % in comparison with model in rats designed (as in the previous study) to assess the
mean arterial blood pressure (MABP) whereas this latter did influence of venous drainage obstruction in the pathogenesis
not show any change. When the closure was achieved under of post-obliteration AVMs complications. The authors used
normal blood pressure, arterioles showed vasoconstriction and Sprague–Dawley rats that underwent the creation of a carotid-
vasodilation if it was under minor hypertension (130 mmHg). jugular fistula (EJV) with side-to-end anastomosis and bilat-
These results showed a direct correlation between pial arteri- eral ligation of the external carotid artery (Fig. 3d). In some
oles response to sudden closure of the fistula and SABP. cases, the drainage vein of the left transverse sinus was also
Another outstanding study published by Bederson et al. [4] ligated. The creation of the AVF involved a significant de-
in 1991 dealt with the importance of venous hypertension as crease in MABP and CPP as well as an increase in venous
well as the measure of arterial steal. The authors designed a drainage pressure as well. This latter increase was more pro-
model with Sprague–Dawley rats that underwent an extracra- nounced in those rats with ligation of the drainage vein to the
nial AVF between the common carotid artery and the EJV. transverse sinus. Mean arterial blood pressure recovered to
Thus, an end-to-end anastomosis was created between the baseline values 3 months later, whereas venous drainage
proximal end of the artery and the distal end of the vein. The pressure had descended but to above baseline values. The
contralateral EJV was also ligated 24 h after the beginning of occlusion of the fistula 90 days after its creation provoked
the experiment with the purpose of mimicking intracranial blue Evans dye extravasation and acuose content rise when
drainage obstruction (Fig. 3c). Different haemodynamic pa- comparing AVF rats with control rats. Haematoxylin and
rameters were analysed at different stages of the experiment. eosin staining did not show infarct, oedema or haemorrhage.
In the results, it was observed that: (1) the creation of an AVF Similarly, electron microscopy did not evidence differences in
involved the raise in torcular pressure and the decrease in capillaries between AVF rats and control rats. However, a
MABP and, therefore, the decrease in CPP too (26.9 mmHg). remarkable lack of astrocytes and podocytes was noticed.
Such results became more notable when the venous drainage According to the authors, such findings would correlate with
was obstructed by the contralateral EJV ligation; (2) the the vasogenic oedema and haemorrhage that typically appear
creation of the fistula was associated with the change in the in a subclinical NPPB syndrome and in absence of visible
ipsilateral transverse sinus flow direction and its velocity findings in light microscopy. Besides that, venous drainage
Neurosurg Rev

obstruction would again be essential in order to obtain a common carotid artery and the EJV by means of a side-to-
significant decrease in CPP. side anastomosis and proximal EJV ligation in the same
Yassari et al. [46] described a very similar model to the procedure, apart from the ligation of the contralateral posterior
previous one, based on a carotid-jugular fistula with side-to- facial vein 24 h later (Fig. 3d).
end anastomosis but without contralateral venous drainage Haemodynamic recordings showed a significant decrease
occlusion. The model confirmed some of the results observed in the CPP after the formation of the fistula that progressively
previously as, for example, the appearance of haemodynamic was recovered between days 1 and 28 of the experiment up to
and angiographic changes in the vessels diameter 7 days after values under baseline range in any case. Histological study
the formation of the fistula and their stabilization at approxi- evidenced venous hypertension features (diffuse dilation of
mately day 21. Moreover, blood flow initially increased al- the transverse sinus and wall thickening with fibroblasts and
though became stable during the 90 days the experiment connective tissue) as well as VEGF overexpression in the
lasted. This high-flow and low-resistance state was probably endothelial layer. Such overexpression was significant on
the trigger of the hypertrophic changes observed in the intra- day 7 of the experiment, but it subsequently decreased be-
cranial drainage veins, with proliferation and migration of tween days 7 and 28, thus showing an inverse correlation with
smooth-muscle cells and therefore venous drainage the CPP.
Other studies have also emphasized on the necessity of
recreating not only the drop in MABP when the fistula is Results in experimental research
opened but also the venous hypertension state typical of
certain AVMs too. One of the most recent ones is that of Several studies have made possible the reproduction of the
Kojima et al. [22], who designed an AVF between the vascular steal state and the chronic hypoperfusion of the

Table 1 Summary of
experimental models Specie Shunt Advantages//disadvantages Reference

Primate Intracranial Best human resemblance//handling expertise, animal facilities, high –

cost, ethical concern
Extracranial Human resemblance//handling expertise, animal facilities, high cost, Gurdjian et al. [14]
ethical concern, circle of Willis compensation in extracranial Scott et al. [39]
Swine Rete Human AVM resemblance, morphological similarity to a cerebral Massoud et al. [25]
mirabile plexiform AVM nidus//physiological in the swine, does not Muruyama et al. [31]
reproduce haemodynamic changes of human cerebral AVMs
Sheep Intracranial Brain volume//little morphological AVM resemblance, few “en –
passange” feeders
Extracranial Brain volume//little morphological AVM resemblance, few “en Quian et al. [34]
passange” feeders
Dog Intracranial Human resemblance (brain volume, physiology and Carvi y Nievas [5]
haemodymamics)//handling expertise, animal facilities, high cost Pietilä et al. [36]
Extracranial Human resemblance (brain volume, physiology and Schumacher and
haemodymamics)//circle of Willis compensation in extracranial Schellhammer
shunts [38]
Cat Intracranial Brain volume//rete caroticum, venous outflow with intracranial –
Extracranial Brain volume//rete caroticum, venous outflow with intracranial direction Miyasaka et al. [28]
Sakaki et al. [37]
Spetzler et al. [43]
Tokiwa et al. [44]
Rat Intracranial Handling expertise, animal facilities, low cost, availability//small –
brain and vessels, technical difficulties
Extracranial Handling expertise, animal facilities, low cost, availability//little Bederson et al. [4]
human resemblance, brain oedema and ischaemia may result from Hai et al. [15]
complete occlusion of extracranial arterial and venous vessels in
Irikura et al. [19]
end-to-end anastomosis
Kojima et al. [22]
Morgan et al. [29]
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Disclosures None.
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in swine rete mirabile. Neurosurgery 43:1164–1175 indication and treatment strategy. Once obliteration of the nidus is
33. Nornes H, Grip A (1980) Hemodynamic aspects of cerebral arterio- achieved, the knowledge and understanding of hemodynamic changes
venous malformations. J Neurosurg 53:456–464 is of utmost importance to guide the patient after treatment through this
34. Qian Z, Climent S, Maynar M, Usón-Garallo J, Lima-Rodrigues MA, period in order to prevent haemorrhage. Since the normal perfusion
Calles C et al (1999) A simplified arteriovenous malformation model pressure breakthrough theory was introduced in 1978, numerous exper-
in sheep: feasibility study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 20:765–770 imental and animal models have been suggested. Gutierrez-Gonzalez and
35. Pennings FA, Ince C, Bouma GJ (2006) Continuous real-time visu- coworkers nicely summarized the pathophysiological concepts and dif-
alization of the human cerebral microcirculation during arteriovenous ferent animal models and their major results. As the authors also point out
malformation surgery using orthogonal polarization spectral imaging. the limitations of the listed studies, the need of valuable models for future
Neurosurgery 59:167–171 investigations becomes evident.
36. Pietilä TA, Zabramski JM, Thèllier-Janko A, Duveneck K, Bichard
WD, Brock M et al (2000) Animal model for cerebral arteriovenous Peter Nakaji, Phoenix, USA
malformation. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 142:1231–1240 The original paper proposing the theory of normal perfusion pressure
37. Sakaki T, Tsujimoto S, Nishitani M, Ishida Y, Morimoto T (1992) breakthrough (NPPB) with arteriovenous malformations is now four
Perfusion pressure breakthrough threshold of cerebral autoregulation decades old. Since that time, much debate has been had on the subject,
in the chronically ischemic brain: an experimental study in cats. J though for many it has become an accepted, if uncommon, phenomenon.
Neurosurg 76:478–485 More frequently, postoperative haemorrhage has been attributed to in-
38. Schumacher M, Schellhammer F (1999) Experimental pseudo arte- complete closure of fragile AVM feeding vessels, and edema and brain
riovenous malformation—a model for training and research. swelling have been felt to be due to loss of normal venous drainage in the
Intervent Neuroradiol 5:213–217 course of AVM resection. In this review by Dr. Raquel Gutierrez-
39. Scott BB, McGillicuddy JE, Seeger JF, Kindt GW, Giannotta SL Gonzalez et al., the authors describe and examine the experimental
(1978) Vascular dynamics of an experimental cerebral arteriovenous models for studying NPPB.
shunt in the primate. Surg Neurol 10:34–38 The questions that a cerebrovascular neurosurgeon has about NPPB
40. Sekhon LHS, Morgan MK, Spence I, Weber NC (1997) Chronic revolve around predicting who might have a state of chronic steal-
cerebral hypoperfusion: pathological and behavioural consequences. induced vasodilation and thus be at risk, and what to do about it,
Neurosurgery 40:548–556 preferably before haemorrhage and swelling occur. For example, one
41. Sekhon LH, Morgan MK, Spence I (1997) Normal perfusion pres- strategy I routinely employ in my practice at the Barrow Neurological
sure breakthrough: the role of capillaries. J Neurosurg 86:519–524 Institute is to induce relative mild hypotension on an empiric basis on my
42. Siekmann R, Wakhloo AK, Lieber BB, Gounis MJ, Divani AA, post-resection AVM patients (e.g. target SBP first 24 h 100 mmHg, then
Hopkins LN (2000) Modification of a previously described arterio- 120 mmHg for 24 h, then 140 mmHg for 24 h, followed by ‘normal’
venous malformation model in the swine: endovascular and blood pressure for that patient). However, this practice is not actually
Neurosurg Rev

tailored to the individual patient, about whose regional haemodynamics the conclusion that despite admirable efforts of researchers to
we know little. date, better models are needed.
So how can the experimental models clarify things further? Perhaps the best model is the real patient. In the modern era, an
Animal models often have anatomy very different from a human increase in observations obtained from humans with AVMs may be the
and are largely based on fistula creation, which, while similar, is most productive direction for such investigation. Pre- and postoperative
not the same as an AVM. The fistulas made are often at a flow imaging using perfusion MRI coupled with intraoperative pre- and
distance to the brain (e.g. in the neck) and may not have the post-resection direct brain visualization using laser speckle imaging, for
same combination of hypotension on the brain and hypertension example, might be more illuminating. Even the placement of a flow probe
in the venous drainage bed as a real AVM has. Furthermore, all into the brain near the operative bed for postoperative monitoring would
AVMs have been in place a very long time, whereas any changes be both ethical and reasonable, given the risks patients must tolerate in the
occurring in response to a fistula are relatively short term. The periresection period. In short, the authors remind us that there are still
authors voice similar concerns. Their review of this field leads to many opportunities for meaningful investigation in the NPPB field.

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