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doing philosophy part 1

Martes, Setyembre 13, 2022 11:16 AM

What is philosophy?
• It comes from two greek words, philo "to love", and sophia meaning "wisdom" (common and simplest definition of
• Originally it meant love of wisdom
• All about questions and answers
• The mother of human and natural sciences

What does "doing philosophy" include?

• To ask questions, reflect, and to formulate and evaluate arguments.

Cause -> Process -> Consequences

What is a philosopher?
• A lover of wisdom, puts meaning to what is out there, open to changes and discovery, continues to wander and ask

What are the characteristics of Philosophy?

1. Framework
• Is a way of thinking about the world and is composed of views and beliefs of a person. Abella, 2016

2. Examination of knowledge
• Source

3. Discipline
• Philosophy is a discipline itself

Any can go through the process of doing philosophy, Aristotle, following Socrates argue that philosophy begins in

Philosophical reflection
• According to Gabriel Marcel; it is personal and anchored on day-to-day existence
• Necessary skill in doing philosophy
• Types:
Primary reflection Secondary reflection
Fragmented, cannot be genuine, selfish thinking. Genuine, unselfish, experiences a
coherent whole.
Instrumental thinking, thinks only on what oneself can gain and benefit from a situation, Sees the whole picture of the
relationship, etc. "means-end" experience.
= ability to think logically. Constructs and evaluates arguments.
Considered as an important tool in doing philosophy, if we are not able to justify or view our
claims, then we are not doing philosophy.

Branches of philosophy
1. Metaphysics
• To know and identify what is real, the 'truth'?, mostly starts on curiosity.

2. Ethics
• Explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions; morality and judgement.

3. Epistemology
• Deals with the reality of a subject, with either proof, experience, and validation.

4. Logic
• Reasoning on what makes sense to you, on what you understand, where we find reasoning to the things we
encounter. Comes from the greek word "logike" which means a treatise on matters pertaining to the human thought.
Keywords: Inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning.

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5. Aesthetics
• Appreciation, science of the beautiful in its various manifestations.

Three Attitudinal Imperatives According to Quito

a. Western & Non-western Traditions

Western (straight-centered?) Oriental/non-western (a cycle)
• Linear • Circular
• Beginning and ending • Cyclic style
• Life and death • Rebirth/Samsara

b. Filipino thinking: from local to global

1. Loob; holistic and interior dimension – terms that shows sharing, pagbibigay
2. Filipino philosophy of time – unpredictability
3. Bahala Na - from the word "bathala" ; giving oneself or someone's trust to bathala. OR leaving your fate
uncontrolled, leaving it to the universe to save you grace.
4. Filipino thoughts and values: positive and negative aspects
• Utang na loob – only gets negative when it is abused.
• Bayanihan – unity and connection

c. Philosophy: transcending and aiming for a life of abundance

Abundance "kasaganaan"; comes from the Latin term "abundare" meaning "to overflow nonstop" - Aguilar 2010
• Kindness, compassion, selflessness, sharing

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doing philosophy part 2
Monday, September 19, 2022 10:23 AM

Reflective practice

- this activity or process is simply defined as "the ability to think about or reflect on what
you do." Its aim is to engage in a process of continuous learning.

- It involves "paying critical attention to the practical values and theories which inform
everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively. This leads to
developmental insight." Gillie said.

- Mere experience is not enough to lead to learning.

- Reflecting is not only simply looking back to the past actions and events in their lives, it is
through conscious looking at emotional experiences, actions, and responses and using
this information to add to existing knowledge.

- Reflection is an essential human activity in which people recapture their experience,

Reflective thinking and Reflective practice are two different things.

Reflective practice is continuously questioning and deliberately learning, it is conscious of bias

and discrimination, encourages us to look at things from different perspectives, avoids past
mistakes, challenge practice to improve, maximize opportunities for learning, is an active
process which involves more than thinking and includes actions, keeps skills up to date and it is
a cyclical process.

People who contributed to the study:

- 20th century, John Dewey Wrote about reflective practice, exploring experience,
interaction and reflection.
- After that, Kurt Lewin and Jean Piaget developed theories relevant to human learning and
- Later on Donald Schön's book, The Reflective Practitioner, published in 1983

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