MTR II Journal

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Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
132 Will We Travel to the Stars
require (v) (T) to demand as necessary or - to require a well-equipped All living beings require food. -
essential spacecraft

requirement (n) something essential to the basic / general - Unfortunately, she has failed -
existence or occurrence of requirements to meet the school's
something else requirements for graduation.
object (v) (T) to oppose something firmly and - - No one objected when the -
usually with words or arguments paintings were removed.

objection (n) a reason or argument presented main / no objection to sth objections concerning the He said he had no objection -
in opposition cost to the plan.

energy (n) usable power (as heat or solar / nuclear energy energy available from The newer appliances -
electricity); also : the resources sunlight conserve more energy.
for producing such power
accelerate (v) to move faster : gain speed - to accelerate to a speed She stepped on the gas and the -
car accelerated.

acceleration (n) the rate of change of velocity acceleration of a car - The car delivers -
with respect to time quick acceleration.

remain (v) to continue unchanged - cooling the engine remains a The question remains: who -
problem fired the shot?

design (v) to create, fashion, execute, or designed a space probe A team of prefix: re
construct according to plan engineers designed the new
designer (n) one who creates and often - - She is one of the
executes plans for a project or leading designers in the
structure fashion world.
design (n) the arrangement of elements or - - The machine had a -
details in a product or work of flawed design.
Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
explore (v) (T) to investigate, study, or - the direction we wish to Researchers -
analyze : look into explore are exploring how language is
acquired by children.
overcome (v) (T) to get the better of overcome difficulties/ difficulties to be overcome After a tough battle, -
problems they overcame the enemy.

enormous (adj) marked by extraordinarily great - transmitter has to be They live in synonym: huge
size, number, or degree; enormous an enormous house.
especially : exceeding usual
bounds or accepted notions
transmit (v) (T) to send out (a signal) either by - transmit signals The technology allows data to
radio waves or over a wire be transmitted by cellular
generate (v) (T) to bring into existence - to generate power This business
should generate a lot of
133 China Works to Put Astronauts In Orbit
orbit (n) a path described by one body in - send s.o into orbit -
its revolution about another (as
by the earth about the sun or by ____________________
an electron about an atomic
nucleus); also : one complete
revolution of a body describing
such a path
orbit (v) - - -
____________________ ____________________
pursue to pursue multi-billion dollar -
______________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
advance - technological advances -
(n) progress in development ________________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
- - -
advance (V) ____________________ ____________________

____________________ ____________________
contribute - -
(v) (T) ____________________ take the lead in contributing ____________________
to mankind
____________________ ____________________
launch - -
______________ to release, catapult, or send off to launch details The company is expected
to launch several new
______________ products next year.
challenge - -
(v) (T) to invite into competition / to intend to challenge s.o or sth None of them were willing
to challenge the referee on the
confront or defy boldly
- -
challenging ____________________ - ____________________
____________________ ____________________
exploit Top athletes are able -
(v) (T) to make productive use of exploit your talents aim to exploit sth
to exploit their opponents'
- -
exploitation (n) ____________________ - ____________________
apparent -
(adj) clear or manifest to the for no apparent reason - ____________________
- -
apparently ____________________ apparently abundant supply ____________________
of sth
____________________ ____________________
incredible - suffix:__ ly (incredibly)
______________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________
______________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
deplete to empty of a principal - Suffix : -tion ►noun
______________ ____________________ ____________________
_____________ ____________________ ____________________
much-depleted space program -
depleted (adj) ____________________ - ____________________
____________________ ____________________
37 Urban Development Matters
(n) the power to have an effect on under the influence of sth/ to have an influence on the Helen has a good influence on
people or things, or a person or s.o. quality of our lives him.
thing that is able to do this
influence (v) (T) influence s.o./ sth -- She is very good at making
influence s.o. to do sth friends and influencing
____________________ people.
influential (adj) having a lot of influence on influential in sth. -- She is one of the most
something or somebody influential in doing sth. influential figures in local
reside (v) (I) to live in a particular place reside + adverb to reside in an urban
/preposition environment/ city
resident (n) a person who lives in a - the residents of a city There were confrontations
particular place or who has their between the local residents
home there and the police.
residential (adj) suitable for living in; consisting - - prefix: non
of houses rather than factories
or offices ____________________
fundamental (adj) forming the base, from which -- fundamental human need for We need to make fundamental synonym: basic
everything else develops; more shelter changes to the way in which
important than anything else we treat our environment.
fundamentally in a basic and important way -- -- synonym: basically
respond (v) to react to something by taking respond (to s.o./sth) (with to respond to market forces The government should listen --
a particular course of action sth) to industry and respond to its
respond with needs.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
approval (n) -- approval for a development Do the plans meet with your prefix: dis
____________________ Several people nodded in

approve (v) (I) to think that approve of s.o./ sth -- prefix: dis
somebody/something is good, approve of s.o. doing sth
acceptable or suitable approve of s.o.’s doing sth ____________________

commitment (n) a promise to do or to behave in a commitment (to sth/ s.o.) a commitment to ethics Are you ready to make a long-
particular way commitment to do term commitment?
sth/doings sth
commit (v) to promise sincerely that you commit s.o./yourself (to -
will definitely do something, sth. /to doing sth. )
keep to an agreement or commit s.o. /yourself to ____________________
arrangement etc... do sth.
foster (v) -- to foster warm feelings The club’s aim is to foster synonym:
better relations within the ________________
____________________ community. ________________

profound (adj) felt or experienced very strongly a profound effect on society His grandmother’s death when
or in an extreme way -- he was six had a very
profound effect on him.
profoundly deeply or extremely -- --

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation etc.)
75 IMF: Agency Has Lost Its Purpose
adoption (n) _ the adoption of a system _
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

determine ( v) (T) determine how/ to determine the values of Synonym:

____________________ ___________________
whether/wh- currencies/the cause of death ______________
____________________ determine that SVO ___________________

the determination to succeed _

____________________ ___________________ __________________
determinedly(adv) Showing determination _ determinedly _ _
ambitious (adj) ambitious for s.o.. ambitious new missions Prefix:-un
____________________ ____________________
(want s.o.. to be ambitiously Antonym:
____________________ successful) ____________________
-ly ambitiously
ambition (n) to have an ambition to _
____________________ ___________________ ____________________
change a system
____________________ _ ____________________
detrimental (adj) detrimental to sth./s.o.. to be detrimental to the Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
economies/ the future of the ______________
____________________ company ____________________
corrupt (adj) _ corrupt officials/regime Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
political/ official/ to fight __________ among Suffix:
____________________ ____________________
___________ widespread high-ranking officials -ion
____________________ ____________ ____________________
corrupt(v) To make s.o.. behave in an corrupt sth./s.o.. to corrupt the minds of _
immoral way children
large-scale (adj) _ (small) large-scale, Antonym:
____________________ ____________________
(short)long-term lending ______________
____________________ ____________________
Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation etc.)
long-term (adj) long-term plan/strategy/ (short)long-term lending Antonym:
____________________ ____________________
solution/loan/ Short-term
____________________ investment ____________________

eliminate ( v) (T) _ to eliminate IMF _

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
elimination (n) _ elimination of disease/ elimination of a disease/pain _
poverty/ crime


76 Abolish the IMF

terminate (v) (I) terminate sth. to terminate the IMF _
____________________ ____________________
(contracts/ pregnancy)
____________________ ____________________

termination (n) termination of sth. termination of employment _

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

accomplish (v) (T) accomplish sth. to accomplish the aims of the Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
mission accomplished. IMF/ a task ____________
____________________ ____________________

accomplishment impressive/ great/ technical accomplishment Synonym:

____________________ ____________________
(n) significant
____________________ accomplishment ____________________ Suffix:

manipulate (v) (T) manipulate sth./ s.o.. _ As a politician, he knows how _

(into doing sth.) to manipulate public opinion.

manipulation (n) _ _ currency/political/media Suffix:

manipulation -ion
Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation etc.)

eventually (adv) _ eventually _

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

77 Globalization
based on phrasal verb base sth on/upon sth views based on human rights Synonym:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
sustainable (adj) - - Antonym:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
sustainability(n) - - ecological/financial - -

sustain (v) - to sustain a balance Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

drawback (n) drawback of/to sth to analyze the drawbacks of a Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
profit noun (n) gross/net profit to gain profit from _
___________________ ___________________
at a profit international trade
___________________ make/earn/turn a profit ___________________

profit (v) (t / _ to profit from international _

___________________ ___________________
IT) trade
___________________ ___________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
foreseeable (n) - In the foreseeable future -
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

foresee (v) - to foresee the future Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

imply (v) to suggest that sth is true - his answer implies a

without saying it directly. To negative view
prove that sth else exists ___________________

implication a possible future effect or result by implication the implications of -

(n) of sth globalization/political
bound (adj) be bound to do sth globalization is bound to Synonym:
___________________ ___________________
take a turn/lead to problems
___________________ ___________________

embrace (v) - to embrace a brand name/an Synonym:___________

___________________ ___________________
idea/a person ___________________

promote (v) - to promote unity/a person/an Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
idea/a product
___________________ ___________________

diversity (n) a great/ wide/rich diversity loss of cultural/animal/plant -

___________________ ___________________
cultural/ ethnic/ linguistic diversity
___________________ etc. diversity ___________________

diverse (adj) - a diverse range of -

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
indicate (v) ___________________ - high income indicates high Synonym:
life satisfaction
___________________ ___________________
indicator(n) ___________________ - quality-of-life indicators
help measure how well
people are ___________________

mortality phrase the number of deaths at a - infant mortality rates -

rate particular situation or period of
time ___________________

objective (n) to meet/achieve an objective ultimate/major/main Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
main/primary/ principal objective
___________________ objective ___________________
avoidable (adj) (un)avoidable conflict _
___________________ ___________________

outcome (n) _ the outcome of a race Synonym:

___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
oppose (v) - to oppose a view/decision -
___________________ ___________________

opposition (n) opposition to globalization -

___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
62 Paragliding
sufficient (adj) _______________ to be sufficient for s.o./sth. sufficient equipment ______________________ Antonym: __________
_______________ ______________________ Prefix: _____

sufficiently _ _ _ ______________________ _
(adv) ______________________

develop (v) (T)/(I) ______________ to develop into sth. to develop judgment _____________________ _
_______________ To develop _____________________
_______________ judgment/skills/talent

development (n) _ development of sth. development of judgment _____________________ Suffix: _______

under-/over-development _____________________

pioneer (n) _______________ _________________ __________________ one of the pioneers of _

_______________ __________________ modern science

pioneer (v) (T) _ _ to pioneer the use of silicon ______________________


pioneering (adj) _ _ ____________________ pioneering techniques Suffix: -ing

progression (n) ______________ _________________ the progression from an Drugs can slow down the Suffix: ____
______________ admiring spectator to a progression of the disease.
skilled pilot

progress (v) _ to progress from X to Y ____________________ _______________________ _

numerous (adj) many _ ____________________ Shops of this type, once rare, Synonym: _______
are now numerous Antonym: _______

concerning (prep.) about _ doubts concerning the sport _______________________ _


concern (v)/(T) to cause worry to someone __________________ _ The state of my father's Synonym: _________
health concerns us greatly

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
maintain (v) (T) ________________ _ to maintain spatial ______________________ _
________________ orientation/a building ______________________

maintenance (n) _ maintenance checks/cost the maintenance of ______________________ _

machinery/social ______________________
peace/body weight

courageous (adj) having or showing courage It + to be + courageous of an extremely courageous ______________________ Synonym: _______
s.o. individual ______________________ Antonym: _______

courage (n) _ courage to V0 ___________________ They showed great courage _

when they found out about
their baby's disability.
vast (adj) ____________ _ the vast majority _____________________ Synonym: ______

vastly (adv) very much _ ___________________ vastly different _

61 The High-flyer
depressed (adj) unhappy and without hope for _________________ _____________________ He seemed a bit depressed _
the future about his work situation.

depress (v) (T) _ to depress + Ving/to V0 _ ____________________ Synonym: ______

adjust (v) (T) ________________ _ to adjust position / seat / sth. ____________________ _

________________ _____________________

adjustment _ to make adjustments to sth. _ ______________________ Suffix:

(n) ______________________ _____

disapprove (v) (I) _______________ to approve of sth./s.o. _____________________ The survey showed that 32% Prefix: _______
_______________ disapprove of sth. / s.o _____________________ of respondents approve, 54%
disapprove and the rest are

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
disapproval (n) _ __________________ _ There was a note of Suffix: ____
disapproval in the teacher's
sequence (n) _______________ _ opening sequence of a ______________________ _
_______________ James Bond movie _______________________

privately (adv) _______________ to do sth privately ___________________ She spoke privately with the Antonym: _________
_______________ manager.

private (adj) _ _ _ _______________________ _

68 Kings Of Spray
trendy (adj) _ a trendy gallery opening _
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

exhibit (v) (T) exhibit sth. at/in… to exhibit their work Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

Exhibit(n) _ an art exhibit _

____________________ ___________________
____________________ __________________

solely (adv) _ to live solely on bread and Synonym:

____________________ ___________________
water ______________
____________________ ___________________

lecture (v) (I) / (T) _ to lecture at universities _

____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

confiscate (v) (T) Confiscate sth. to confiscate unlawful Suffix:

____________________ ___________________
books/materials -ion ►confiscation

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
initiate (v) (T) Initiate sth. to initiate a hotline/an action Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

inspired (adj) _ to be inspired by _

____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
(v) (T) to inspire someone to do to inspire someone to do _
____________________ ___________________
something something
____________________ to inspire confidence ___________________
an inspiration “Success is 1% __________; Suffix:
____________________ ____________________
99% perspiration.” -ion
______________ ____________________ ____________________
apartheid (n) the former political and social system in South Africa, in apartheid policies _
which only white people had full political rights and people of
other races, especially black people, were forced to go to ___________________
separate schools, live in separate areas etc
affluent (adj) _ affluent southern Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
suburbs/countries/people ______________
____________________ ___________________

reluctant (adj) to be reluctant to do opponents are reluctant (to Antonym:

____________________ ___________________
sth. criticize) ______________
____________________ ___________________

_ Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
___________ _
____________________ ___________________ Suffix:--ance

spoil (v) (T) _ to spoil the city landscape Synonym:

____________________ ___________________

distinguish (v) (T) distinguish Afrom B to distinguish the murals from Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
distinguish A and B tags ______________
____________________ ___________________

regulate (v) (T) to regulate sth. to regulate murals _

____________________ ___________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix, prefix,
Forms register, connotation etc.)
69 The Art And Psychology Of Motion Pictures
immediate (adj) immediate reaction/ to take immediate action Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
response/ instant
____________________ ____________________ Suffix:
-ly immediately
(adj) immediate Synonym:
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
plans/concern/future close, near
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
very close to sth. / s.o...
immediacy (n) the state of being near _ immediacy of film/the _ Synonym:
danger closeness, nearness
20 Factors Influencing Pro-Social Behavior
encounter (v) to meet somebody, or discover -- to encounter an ambiguous She was the most remarkable synonym: come across
or experience something, emergency situation woman he had ever (ph.v)
especially somebody/ encountered.
something new, unusual or
intense (adj) very great; very strong -- extremely intense emotions
intensify (v) to increase in degree or -- --
strength; to make something
increase in degree or strength ____________________
intensive (adj) involving a lot of effort or -- -- an intensive course in English
activity in a short period of
intensely (adv) -- -- -- She disliked him intensely.

intensity (n) the quality of being felt -- intensity of feeling

strongly or having a very --
strong effect
responsibility (n) something that is your job or to take responsibility for s.o.’s to take responsibility for
duty to deal with actions one’s actions
responsibility+ to infinitive ____________________
responsibility for sth.
responsible responsible for sth. to be responsible for a Mike is responsible for
(adj) difficulty/ problem designing the entire project.
responsibly - - to act responsibly prefix: ir
Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
assess (v) to make a judgment about the assess s.o./ sth to assess a person
nature or quality of assess s.o./sth as sth
somebody/something ____________________
assessment (n) -- -- synonym: evaluation
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
21 The Study of Behavior
distinction (n) distinction (between X and Y) the distinction between the the distinction between formal
make/draw a distinction two types of behavior and informal language
distinct (adj) clearly different or of a distinct from sth. -- The results of the survey fell
different kind into two distinct groups.

independently (adv) -- independently (of sth. /s.o.)

The two departments work
independently of each other
independent independent (of s.o./sth) an independent child antonym: dependent
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
mature (adj) mature behavior a mature and sensible attitude mature
maturation the process of becoming or -- -- cell maturation
(n) being made mature
instinctive (adj) based on instinct and not an instinctive behavior a mother's instinctive love instinctive
involving thought
instinct (n) by instinct behavior based on instinct Animals have a natural instinct
instinct to do sth. for survival.
____________________ instinct for sth.
identical (adj) similar in every detail identical to s.o./ sth identical activity identical
identical with s.o./ sth

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
substitute (v) to take the place of substitute for s.o./ sth to substitute porcelain eggs Nothing can substitute for the
somebody/something else; to substitute A for B for a bird’s eggs advice your doctor is able to
use somebody/something substitute B with/by A give you.
instead of substitute s.o./ sth Margarine can be substituted
somebody/something else for butter in this recipe.

substitution the use of one person or thing -- -- the substitution of low-fat

(n) instead of another spreads for butter

substitute (n) a thing or person that is used -- --

instead of another thing or
person ____________________

artificial (adj) made by people, often as a -- artificial eggs an artificial heart, an artificial
copy of something natural lake

artificially -- -- -- artificially created lakes

innovative (adj) introducing or using new -- innovative nest There will be a prize for the
ideas, ways of doing most innovative design
something, etc…

innovation (n) innovation (in sth.) -- an age of technological


range (v) to vary between two particular to range from sth. to sth. to range from the very hot to Accommodation ranges from
amounts, sizes, etc.., including very cold tourist class to luxury hotels.
others between them
provide (v) to give something to to provide something for provide shelter for people synonym: supply
somebody or make it available somebody
for them to ue to provide somebody with ____________________
provision (n) -- -- The government is responsible
for the provision of health care.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
satisfy (v) to provide what is wanted, -- to satisfy man’s needs/ a to satisfy demand/ s.o.’s
needed or asked for drive hunger/ the requirement
satisfaction (n) -- -- to gain/ get/ derive satisfaction prefix: dis
from sth.
____________________ with satisfaction
a smile of satisfaction
require (v) to need something; to depend require sth to require food
on somebody/something require s.o./ sth to do sth
requirement (n) something that you must have -- -- What is the minimum entrance
in order to do something else requirement for this course?

obtain (v) to get something, especially by to obtain food

making an effort
responsibility (n) something that is your job or to take responsibility for s.o.’s to take responsibility for
duty to deal with actions one’s actions
responsibility+ to infinitive ____________________
responsibility for sth.
responsible responsible for sth. to be responsible for a Mike is responsible for
(adj) difficulty/ problem designing the entire project.
responsibly - - to act responsibly prefix: ir
assess (v) to make a judgment about the assess s.o./ sth to assess a person
nature or quality of assess s.o./sth as sth
somebody/something ____________________
assessment (n) -- -- synonym: evaluation
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
21 The Study of Behavior
distinction (n) distinction (between X and Y) the distinction between the the distinction between formal
make/draw a distinction two types of behavior and informal language
distinct (adj) clearly different or of a distinct from sth. -- The results of the survey fell
different kind into two distinct groups.

independently (adv) -- independently (of sth. /s.o.)

The two departments work
independently of each other
independent independent (of s.o./sth) an independent child antonym: dependent
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
mature (adj) mature behavior a mature and sensible attitude prefix: im
maturation (n) -- --
the process of becoming or cell maturation
being made mature
instinctive (adj) based on instinct and not an instinctive behavior a mother's instinctive love
involving thought
instinct (n) by instinct behavior based on instinct Animals have a natural instinct
instinct to do sth. for survival.
instinct for sth.
identical (adj) similar in every detail identical to s.o./ sth identical activity
identical with s.o./ sth
substitute (v) to take the place of substitute for s.o./ sth to substitute porcelain eggs Nothing can substitute for the
somebody/something else; to substitute A for B for a bird’s eggs advice your doctor is able to
use somebody/something substitute B with/by A give you.
instead of substitute s.o./ sth Margarine can be substituted
somebody/something else for butter in this recipe.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
substitution (n) the use of one person or thing -- -- the substitution of low-fat
instead of another spreads for butter

substitute (n) a thing or person that is used -- --

instead of another thing or
person ____________________
artificial (adj) made by people, often as a -- artificial eggs an artificial heart, an artificial
copy of something natural lake

artificially (adv) -- -- artificially created lakes

innovative (adj) introducing or using new -- innovative nest There will be a prize for the
ideas, ways of doing most innovative design
something, etc…

innovation (n) innovation (in sth.) -- an age of technological

range (v) to vary between two particular to range from sth. to sth. to range from the very hot to Accommodation ranges from
amounts, sizes, etc.., including very cold tourist class to luxury hotels.
others between them
provide (v) to give something to to provide something for provide shelter for people synonym: supply
somebody or make it available somebody
for them to ue to provide somebody with ____________________
provision (n) -- -- The government is responsible
for the provision of health care.
satisfy (v) to provide what is wanted, -- to satisfy man’s needs/ a to satisfy demand/ s.o.’s
needed or asked for drive hunger/ the requirement
satisfaction (n) -- -- to gain/ get/ derive satisfaction prefix: dis
from sth.
with satisfaction
a smile of satisfaction

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
require (v) to need something; to depend require sth to require food
on somebody/something require s.o./ sth to do sth
requirement (n) something that you must have -- -- What is the minimum entrance
in order to do something else requirement for this course?

obtain (v) to get something, especially by to obtain food

making an effort
available (adj) that you can get, buy or find -- available food available resources/ facilities
to make available
to become available
availability (n) -- -- the availability of cheap flights
22 Addictive Personality
addictive (adj) _ addictive behavior associated _
___________________ ___________________
with food
___________________ ___________________
associated (adj) _ associated with food Synonym:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
relieve (v) relieve someone of to relieve anxiety Synonyms:
___________________ ___________________
something ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
relief (n) relief from anxiety Synonym:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
abuse (v) substance/alcohol abuse Synonym:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
abusive (adj) _ an abusive relationship He becomes abusive when he is _

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
28 Language and Sex

differ verb (v) to be not like something or X differs from Y women’s speech differ from His views differ considerably Synonym:
intransitive (I) someone else, either X and Y differ in … men’s speech from those of his parents. vary
physically or in another way. Antonym:
differences _ differences between X and Y _ differences between men’s and Suffix:
noun (n) women’s speech -ence

different _ X is different from Y _ women’s speech is different _

adjective (adj) from men’s speech
differently _ X … differently from Y _ women speak differently from _
adverb (adv) men
equality noun (n) the right of different groups of equality between … to claim equality equality between the sexes Synonym:
people to have a similar social racial equality sameness
position and receive the same Antonym:
treatment inequality Prefix: -in

equal (adj) _ to be equal with others _ All people are equal with each _
other, deserving the same
equally (adv) _ _ _ In an ideal world, would _
everyone get treated equally?
involved (adj) to take part in something, to be to be involved with sth. to be involved with child- She's been involved with Synonym:
included in something rearing animal rights for many years. engaged in

involve (v) (T) _ to involve s.o. in sth. _ It would be difficult not to _

involve the child's father in the
involvement _ _ _ Being on the committee is Suffix:
(n) one involvement. -ment
tendency (n) If someone has a tendency to a tendency + to V1 to have a tendency to use His tendency to exaggerate is Synonym:
do or like something, they will fewer standard forms well known. propensity inclination
probably do it or like it.
tend (v) (I) ._ to tend + to V1 _ We tend to get cold winters and _
warm, dry summers in this part
of the country

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
achieve (v) (T) to succeed in finishing _ to achieve social status/a The government's training Synonym:
something or reaching an aim, degree policy, he claimed, was attain
especially after a lot of work achieving its objectives.
or effort
achievement (n) _ _ _ achievement of social status Suffix:
(noun) -ment
plausible (adj) seeming likely to be true, or _ a plausible explanation She had a plausible explanation Synonym:
able to be believed for why she was late; there had believable
been a big accident on the road. Antonym:
implausible Prefix: -im

plausibly _ to explain plausibly _ The police took the young man _

(adv) to the station as he was unable
to plausibly explain what had
happened on the night of the
enable (v) (T) to make someone able to do to enable s.o. + to V1 communication will enable Computerization should enable Synonym:
something, or to make her to respond us to cut production costs by facilitate
something possible half. Antonym:
efficiently (adv) to make a return by some action _ to respond efficiently to the The new secretary responds to Synonym:
as if in answer in the best wishes of others the needs of our office very effectively
possible manner with the least efficiently. Antonym:
waste of time and effort inefficiently Prefix: -in
efficient (adj) _ _ _ an efficient response _

mutual (adj) (of two or more people or mutual understanding mutual understanding Theirs was a partnership based Synonym:
groups) feeling the same mutual love on mutual respect, trust and shared
emotion, or doing the same understanding.
thing to or for each other
mutually (adv) _ _ _ It will be a mutually beneficial _

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
significant (adj) important or noticeable _ significant discoveries The discovery of King Synonym:
findings Tutankhamen's tomb is major / considerable
considered to be the one of the Antonym:
most significant in history. insignificant Prefix: -in
significantly _ _ _ My piano playing has improved _
(adv) significantly since I've had a
new teacher.
imply (v) (T) to communicate an idea or _ language implies more than Are you implying (that) I'm fat? Synonym:
feeling without saying it what is literally meant suggest
implication (n) _ _ _ From what she said, the _
implication was that they were
splitting up.
46 Melting Pot or Salad Bowl
multiplicity (n) ______________ multiplicity of sth. __________________ There is a multiplicity of Synonym:
______________ __________________ fashion magazines to choose __________

immigration (n) when someone comes to live immigration into a country the history of immigration There are strict limits on Suffix: _____
in a different country immigration

immigrant (n) _ _ _ ______________________ Suffix: _____

immigrate (v) _ __________________ _ He immigrated with his parents _

__________________ in 1895, and grew up in Long
uniqueness (n) ______________ __________________ to maintain cultural _ _
______________ uniqueness

unique (adj) _ be unique to somewhere etc. _ ______________________ Synonym: ________


identical (adj) exactly the same, or very ___________________ identical companies / twins I've got three identical blue _
similar suits.
Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
dominate (v) (T) ______________ _ an attempt to dominate the _____________________ Synonym:
______________ other person _____________________ control / manipulate

dominance (n) _ ___________________ _ dominance of men over women

diversity (n) ______________ a wide diversity of sth. cultural / biological diversity ____________________ Suffix: -ity
______________ ____________________

diverse (adj) _ _ _ New York is a very Synonym: various

culturally/ethnically diverse Antonym: similar
unified (adj) brought together; combined _ ______________________ a unified utility system _

unify (v) _ _ _ ____________________ _


isolate (v) (T) ________________ to isolate from _____________________ He was isolated from all the _
________________ other prisoners.

isolated (adj) not near to other places _ _ an isolated farm/village Synonym:


92 Political Identification
conscious (adj) perceiving or noticing with a become conscious about - ____________________ Prefix: -un
degree of controlled thought ____________________
or observation
consciously in a conscious way consciously share some aspects ____________________ Prefix: -un
(adv) of common culture

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
interaction (n) mutual or reciprocal action or - patterns of interaction ____________________ -
accomplish (v) (T) to succeed in reaching (a stage accomplish a task / goal changing of boundaries can We can accomplish the job in -
in a progression) only be accomplished by war an hour
accomplishment ____________________ - - ____________________ -
(n) ____________________ ____________________

advocate (v) (T) ____________________ passionately advocate an idea to advocate an idea / doctrine ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________

advocate (n) one that defends or maintains - - ____________________ -

a cause or proposal ____________________

free (v) (T) to relieve or rid of what - to free s.o from a ruler/ ____________________ -
restrains, confines, restricts, or problem ____________________
account for (v) (T) to furnish a justifying analysis - to account for sth ____________________ Prefix: -un
or explanation ____________________

establish (v) (T) to bring into existence establish friendly relations / to establish one’s own ____________________
establish a republic identity ____________________

establishment ____________________ - - ____________________

(n) ____________________ ____________________

ensure (v) (T) ____________________ - to ensure that sth will happen ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________

identify (v) (T) ____________________ to identify with s.o / sth ____________________ ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

93 The Individual Level of Analysis

interpret (v) (T) ____________________ ____________________ to interpret a remark ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
monitor (v) (T) ____________________ - to monitor the behavior of s.o ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________

suspect (v) (T) to imagine (one) to be guilty suspect s.o of doing sth - They suspect him of giving -
or culpable on slight evidence false information
or without proof
suspect (n) a person suspected of a crime - - ____________________ -

suspicion (n) the act or an instance - - ____________________ -

of suspecting something ____________________
wrong without proof or on
slight evidence
suspicious (adj) ____________________ - Nasser could be suspicious, ____________________ Suffix: -ly ► adv
____________________ honest or crafty ____________________

withdraw (v) (T) ____________________ ____________________ to withdraw their army ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

acquire (v) (T) ____________________ - to acquire arms ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

acquisition (n) ____________________ - - ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

unify (v) (T) ____________________ - to unify to form the United ____________________ -

____________________ Arab Republic ____________________

unification (n) ____________________ - - ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

unified (adj) ____________________ - - ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

domestic (adj) ____________________ domestic flight / domestic domestic politics ____________________ -

____________________ animal ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
conflict (n) mental struggle resulting from to have a conflict with a ____________________ -
opposing needs, drives, country or s.o ____________________
wishes, or external or internal
conflict (v) (I) ____________________ - - ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________

ultimately ____________ in the end - Ultimately, his risky moves ____________________ Synonym: eventually
____________ alienated too many of his ____________________
alienate (v) (T) to make unfriendly, hostile, or - to alienate s.o from s.o ____________________ -
indifferent especially where ____________________
attachment formerly existed
alienation (n) ____________________ - - ____________________ -
____________________ ____________________

110 Napster
access ____________ ____________________ - a way to access files ____________________ Suffix:- ible►adj
____________ ____________________ ____________________

capablity ____________ ____________________ - capabilities of various search ____________________ -

____________ ____________________ engines ____________________

capable (adj) ____________________ capable of doing sth - ____________________ Prefix: -un

____________________ ____________________

revolutionary (adj) ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________

reside (v) (I) to dwell or occupy a place ____________________ only the directory resides on ____________________ -
permanently or continuously ____________________ a central server ____________________

resident (n) ____________________ ____________________ - ____________________ Suffix: -ntial ►adj

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

guilty (adj) ____________________ guilty as charged to be guilty of sth ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
contribute (v) (I) (T) to play a significant part in contribute to a fund-raising to be accused of contributing ____________________ -
bringing about an end or result campaign to a crime ____________________

contribution (n) ____________________ - - ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________

facilitate (v) (T) ____________________ - to be accused of facilitating a ____________________ -

____________________ crime ____________________

facility (n) ____________________ ____________________ - ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

violate (v) (T) break or disregard ____________________ - ____________________ Suffix: -er►noun

____________________ ____________________

violation (n) ____________________ ____________________ people’s violation of a ____________________ -

____________________ ____________________ copyright ____________________

unprecedented (adj) having no examples before unprecedented problems / unprecedented for a 19-year- ____________________ -
success / solutions / times old ____________________

111 Soaking In Spam

promising (adj) ___________________ _ some promising solutions ________________________ Antonym: __________

Prefix: _________
___________________ ________________________

congest (v) (T) ___________________ to congest sth. with sth. to congest the Internet with ________________________ _
___________________ spam

congestion (n) _ _ _____________________ _______________________ Synonym: jam

Suffix: -tion
overwhelm (v) (T) ___________________ _ _____________________ _______________________ Antonym: __________

___________________ _____________________ _______________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
overwhelming ___________________ _ ____________________ _______________________ _
(n) _______________________

overwhelming ___________________ _ _ ______________________ _

(adv) ______________________
harassed (adj) ___________________ to have a(n) adj attitude harassed e-mail users ______________________ _
___________________ to/towards sth./s.o. ______________________
a change in/of attitude

harassment (n) _ _ a victim of harassment ______________________ synonym: _________

Suffix: -ment

defeat (v) (T) ___________________ _ to be defeated in a ______________________ _

___________________ war/competition ______________________

scheme (n) ___________________ a scheme for Ving/sth. messages promoting work- _____________________ Synonym: _______
___________________ from-home schemes _____________________

legitimate (adj) ____________________ a legitimate child legitimate customer-service ____________________ Antonym: illegitimate
____________________ ____________________ Prefix: _____

legitimacy (n) ___________________ _ _ _____________________ Synonym: _________

evade (v) (T) ___________________ +Ving to evade filters/rules/an _____________________ _

obligation/a question
___________________ _____________________

target (v) (T) ___________________ _ to target children _____________________ _

target (n) _ _ to hit a target _____________________ _

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
ban (v) (T) to forbid (= refuse to allow), _________________ ___________________ _____________________ _
especially officially ___________________

ban ( n) _ _________________ the ban on e-mail marketing _____________________ Synonym: __________

consent (n) permission or agreement _________________ ___________________ _____________________ Synonym: __________

. _________________ ___________________

trace (v) (T) ____________________ __________________ to trace the origin of spam ________________________ _
____________________ __________________ back ________________________

trace (n) _ __________________ _ ________________________ _


112Turn off That Cell Phone

ignorance (n) the state or fact of having lack - confront what appeared to be ________________________ -
of knowledge, education, or ignorance ________________________
ignorant (adj) __________________ - - ________________________ Suffix : -ly ►adv
__________________ ________________________
display (v) (T) __________________ - public displays of sth ________________________ -
__________________ ________________________
display (n) __________________ - - ________________________ -
__________________ ________________________
abuse (n) improper or excessive use or drug abuse a form of abuse ________________________ -
treatment ________________________
intrude (v) (T) to thrust or force in or upon - to intrude on other people’s ________________________ -
someone or something privacy ________________________
especially without permission,
welcome, or fitness
intruder (n) __________________ - - ________________________ -
__________________ ________________________
indifferent (adj) marked by a lack of - indifferent crowd ________________________ Suffix : -ly ►adv
interest, enthusiasm, or ________________________
concern for something

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
constant (adj) continually occurring or constant noise / temperature - The scar serves as -
recurring a constant reminder of the
constantly (adv) __________________ - constantly reconstruct ________________________ -
__________________ kıtchens ________________________
erosion (n) the state of diminishing or - the erosion of shared cultural ________________________ -
being destroyed by degrees norms ________________________
privacy (n) __________________ - to seek privacy Celebrities have a right -
__________________ to privacy.
private (adj) belonging to or concerning an private life - ________________________ Suffix : -ly ►adv
individual person, company, ________________________
or interest
interfere (v) __________________ interfere with sth to interfere with a rapidly ________________________ -
__________________ growing market ________________________

interference (n) the act or process - - ________________________ -

of interfering ________________________
restrict (v) (T) to confine within bounds - to restrict the use of cell She was told to restrict the
phones amount of salt she uses.
restriction (n) __________________ set/ put /place restrictions - ________________________ -
__________________ ________________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
53 Teenage Teachers
emerge verb (v) _____________________ to emerge from sth the message emerging from Synonym:
intransitive (I) _____________________ experiments in several appear
emergence _ emergence from sth _ ___________________ Suffix:
noun (n) ___________________ _______

consistently adverb (adv) ___________________ _ no other recent innovation ___________________ Suffix:

___________________ has proved so consistently ___________________ -ly
consistent _ ___________________ _ what the witness said in court Antonym:
adjective (adj) was not consistent with the _________
statement prefix: ___
when someone behaves or _ _ ___________________ Antonym:
performs in a similar way, or ___________________ inconsistency
consistency when something always prefix: in
happens in a similar way
supervise (v) (T)/(I) ____________________ _ __________________ The children play while two _
____________________ __________________ teachers supervise

supervision (n) when someone watches a person __________________ _ students are not allowed to _
or activity and makes certain __________________ handle these chemicals unless
that everything is done they are under the supervision
correctly, safely, etc. of a teacher
embarrassed (adj) _______________________ _________________ they get embarrassed she felt embarrassed about suffix: -ed
_______________________ whenever they have to do it undressing in front of the
embarrassing _______________________ _ an embarrassing situation __________________ Suffix: -ed
(adj) _______________________ __________________

reputation (n) ________________________ _ to have a good/bad has a reputation for being a The company has a worldwide Synonym:
________________________ reputation for sth problem student reputation for quality. _____________
_ earn/establish/gain/
acquire a reputation as sth

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
persistent (adj) Someone who is persistent _ _______________________ ____________________ Suffix: ______
continues doing something or _______________________ ____________________
tries to do something in a
determined but often
unreasonable way
persistently (of two or more people or _ _ ___________________ Suffix: -ly
(adv) groups) feeling the same ___________________
emotion, or doing the same
thing to or for each other
previous (adj) ________________________ _ previous experiments ___________________ _
________________________ ___________________

previously (adv) before the present time or the _ _______________________ She was previously employed Suffix: -ly
time referred to _______________________ as a tour guide.

frustrated (adj) _______________________ _ _______________________ Are you feeling frustrated in Synonym:

_______________________ _______________________ your present job? discouraged
Suffix: -ed
frustrating _______________________ _ a frustrating situation ____________________ Suffix: -ing
(adj) _______________________ ____________________

resolved (adj) ______________________ to be firmly resolved to do they have firmly resolved to ____________________ Synonym:
______________________ sth help their own children read ____________________ determined
and write
properly (adv) correctly, or in a satisfactory _ to read or write properly I'm not properly dressed for Antonym:
way this sort of weather. _________ Prefix: __

55 Unschooling
relatively (adv) ______________________ _ to be relatively different ___________________ Synonym:
______________________ from sth ___________________ ________
___________________ ________
proceed (v) (I) ______________________ to proceed at someone’s ____________________ The course allows students to _
______________________ own pace (=as slowly or ____________________ proceed at their own pace.
quickly as they like)
mature (adj) ______________________ _ to be mature _____________________ _

maturity (n) ______________________ _ maturity level ______________________ _

______________________ ______________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
correspond (v) (I) to match or be similar or equal ___________________ to correspond learning with His story of what happened _
to correspond with sth the public school's schedule that night didn't correspond
with the witness's version.
correspondence ______________________ correspondence between _ _____________________ Suffix: -_____
(n) ______________________ X and Y _____________________

receptive (adj) ______________________ ____________________ to be receptive to learning The government is not Synonym:
______________________ receptive to the idea of a to be open to sb/sth
Freedom of Information Act.
receptivity (n) _ _ _ _____________________ Suffix:
_____________________ ______

56 How Europe Fails Its Young

challenge (v) (I) _____________ _ to challenge America’s _____________________ _
_____________ leading role _____________________

challenge (n) _ pose challenge to sth _ ____________________ _


competitiveness (n) An aggressive willingness to _ ____________________ the economic competitiveness Suffix: _______
compete ____________________ of countries, regions or cities
competitor (n) _______________ _ working smarter than its ______________________ Synonym:
_______________ competitors ______________________ ________

competitive (adj) _ competitive sports _ Acting is very competitive - _

competitive spirit you've got to really push
yourself if you want to
declare (v) (T) _______________ declare war on a to declare a country ____________________ _
_______________ country/sth independent ____________________
_______________ declare independence
declaration (n) _______________ declaration of intent to make a declaration _____________________ Suffix: _______
______________ _____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
ambition (n) _______________ ambition to do sth to have an ambition _____________________ _
_______________ fulfil/achieve ambition _____________________
ambitious (adj) _ to be ambitious for s.o. to be ambitious an ambitious young lawyer _

progressively (adv) gradually and steadily _ ___________________ My eyesight has got _

___________________ progressively worse over the
progressive (adj) developing or happening _ _ _____________________ Synonym: ________
gradually _____________________ Suffix: -ive
account (phr v) ________________ to account for sth ___________________ Students account for the vast _
___________________ majority of our customers.

restore (v) (T) _______________ ___________________ to restore something to its After a week in bed, she was _
_______________ former state/peace and order fully restored to health

constraint (n) something which controls what constraints on sth/sb financial/time constraints ____________________ _
you do by keeping you within ____________________.
particular limits
inevitable (adj) ________________ inevitable inevitable defeat The accident was the Synonym: _________
________________ consequence/result/outco inevitable
me consequence/result/outcome
of carelessness.
inevitability (n) _ _ inevitability of death _______________________ Suffix: ______

inevitably (adv) _ _ ___________________ Their arguments inevitably end _

in tears.

reform (v) (T)/(I) to make an improvement, _ to reform the education ____________________ _

especially by changing a system ____________________
person's behaviour or the
structure of something
reform (n) _ ___________________ tentative reforms ____________________ _

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
determined (adj) ________________ to be determined to do sth. to be determined to ______________________ Synonym: ________
________________ win/succeed ______________________

determination (n) _ self-determination determination to succeed a man of fierce/ruthless Suffix: __________

vast (adj) extremely big _ to have vast _______________________ Synonym: _______

vastly (adv) ____________ _ _ vastly different _

43 The IKS
assumption (n) _______________ make an assumption about __________________ People tend to make Synonym:
_______________ sth. __________________ assumptions about you when ____________
_______________ you have a disability
assume (v) accept assume to Vbase _ ___________________ Antonym:
assume that SVO ___________________ ___________

evident (adj) ________________ be evident to s.o. an evident connection ____________________ Synonym:

________________ ____________________ obvious
____________________ apparent
Evidently (adv) _ _ _ a thin although evidently Synonym:
pregnant woman ____________
temporary (adj) not lasting or needed for very _ a temporary interest The ceasefire will only Antonym:
(adj) long provide a temporary solution ___________
to the crisis.
Temporarily _ _ _ ______________________ Suffix: -ly
(adv) ______________________
inhuman (adj) __________________ _ a(n) (in)human creature ________________________ Prefix: ___
__________________ ________________________
inhumanity (n) ._ _ the (in)humanity of man ________________________ Suffix: -ity

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
precisely (adv) _________________ _ This is precisely the way ________________________ Synonym:
groups of one size or another _____________

precise (adj) exact and accurate to be precise _ He caught me at the precise Antonym: __________
moment that I fainted. Prefix: ___

assemble (v) (T)/(I) to come together in a single to enable s.o. + to V1 to assemble in masses ________________________ Synonym:
place or bring parts together in a ________________________ __________
single group

44 The Mountain People-IK

evacuate (v) (T)/(I) __________________ _________________ to evacuate the lands The police evacuated the _
__________________ _________________ village shortly before the
evacuation (n) _ _ the evacuation of the lands ________________________ Suffix: -tion

deprive (v) (T) __________________ to deprive s.o. of sth. ______________________ He claimed that he had been _
__________________ deprived of his
deprivation (n) _ deprivation of sth _ _____________________ Suffix: -tion

deprived (adj) _ _ _ ____________________ _

inherent (adj) existing as a natural or basic _ _____________________ I have an inherent distrust of Synonym:
part of something lawyers. intrinsic

inherently (adv) _ _ _ _______________________ _

regard (v) (T) to consider or have an opinion Regard s.o./sth. With sth. to regard children with joy ________________________ _
about something or someone _

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
seek (v) (T) _________________. _ to seek help Legal advice should be sought Synonym: __________
before you take any further
action. Antonym: __________
consider (v) (T) _________________ consider + object + (to to consider someone’s We don't consider her suitable _
_________________ be) + noun or behavior natural for the job.
consideration (n) ________________ to take sth into _ ________________________ Synonym: _________
________________ consideration _______________________

considerably _______________ _ _ He's considerably fatter than Synonym:

(adv) _______________ he was when I knew him. ___________

attitude (n) a feeling or opinion about to have a(n) adj attitude __________________ ________________________ _
something or someone, or a way to/towards sth./s.o. ________________________
of behaving that is caused by a change in/of attitude
flourish (v) (I) __________________ _ prostitution flourishes among ________________________ _
__________________ the young girls. ________________________

51 Culture and Fieldwork

customary (adj) ______________ to participate in sth. customary behavior She's not her customary Suffix: -ary
______________ cheerful self today.

custom (n) _________________ custom + to infinitive local customs ________________________ Synonym: ________
_________________ ________________________

prevalent (adj) existing very commonly or _ ___________________ ________________________ Synonym: _________

happening often ___________________ ________________________

prevail (v)/(I) __________________ to prevail among a group _____________________ This attitude still prevails _
__________________ of people _____________________ among the middle classes.

prevailing (adj) existing in a particular place or _ prevailing fashion/economic ________________________ _

at a particular time climate ________________________
the prevailing attitude

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
inevitable (adj) _________________ the inevitable inevitable ________________________ Synonym:
_________________ consequence/confrontation _ ______________
inevitably (adv) _ _ _ Their arguments inevitably _
end in tears.

employ (v) (T) to use sth. _ to employ strategies ________________________ _


employment (n) _ employment of sth. employment of strategies ______________________ Suffix:

______________________ ______

confide (v) (T) ________________ to confide sth. to s.o. ____________________ He confided (to her) that his _
________________ to confide in s.o. ____________________ hair was not his own.

confidential( adj) secret, often in a formal, _ confidential information ______________________ Synonym: __________
business or military situation

anonymous (adj) __________________ anonymous ___________________ The money was donated by an _

__________________ caller/donor/letter ___________________ anonymous benefactor.

anonymously _ _ _ The donation was made Suffix:

anonymously. -ly

39 Chaos Theory
utter verb (v) to make a sound with your -- -- She did not utter a word
voice; to say something during lunch.

utter (adj) used to emphasize how -- utter confusion

complete something is
utterly (adv) -- -- --

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
confuse (v) to mix up someone's mind or -- -- You're confusing him! Tell
ideas, or to make something him slowly and one thing at a
difficult to understand time.
confused (adj) -- -- Grandfather gets quite
confused sometimes, and
____________________ doesn't even know what day it
confusing (adj) -- a confusing policy We've got two people called
Paul James working here, so
____________________ it's a bit confusing!
random (adj) happening, done or chosen by at random a random disorder/change/ The information is processed
chance rather than according to movement/ motion/ pattern in a random order.
a plan
randomly (adv) -- - -

predict (v) - to predict the weather
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
prediction (v) make a prediction --
____________________ No one believed her
base a prediction on sth.
____________________ prediction that the world
would end on November 12.
initial (adj) - initial condition
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
initially (adv) - -
____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
sensitive (adj) to be sensitive to sth. to be sensitive to initial It's made me much more prefix: in
conditions sensitive to the needs of the
____________________ disabled

sensitivity (n) to be sensitive to - -

____________________ ____________________
sensitively (adv) - - -

minute (adj) very small, tiny - minute differences synonym: tiny
demonstration (n) a public meeting or march at demonstration against s.o./ - -
which people show that they are sth.
protesting against or supporting to go on/ take part in a ____________________
s.o./ sth. demonstration
to hold/ stage a
demonstrate (v) to demonstrate against sth/ to demonstrate that the -
____________________ ____________________
s.o. motion of a chaotic system is
____________________ not completely random

- - -
____________________ ____________________
demonstrator (n)
cutting-edge (adj) very modern and with all the - cutting-edge research
newest features
cutting edge (n) cutting edge of sth. -
____________________ ____________________
at the cutting edge of sth.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
evolve (v) ____________________ evolve (from sth.)(into to evolve in unpredictable ____________________
____________________ sth.) ways ____________________

evolved(adj) -- -- - ____________________

evolution(n) ____________________ -- - The present diversity of life

on Earth came about by means
of evolution.
intentional (adj) ____________________ -- intentional use of micro- ____________________ synonym:
____________________ organisms to kill ____________________ ________________
prefix: un
intentionally - -- -- ____________________ prefix: un
(adv) ____________________

intention (n) what you intend to plan or study intention (of doing sth.) -- ____________________
intention (to do sth.) ____________________
intention (that)
intend (v) (I) (T) ____________________ intend to do sth. -- We intend to go to Australia
____________________ intend s.o./sth to do sth. next year.

restrain (v) (T) ____________________ restrain s.o./ sth to restrain groups You should try to restrain
____________________ restrain s.o./ sth from sth your ambitions and be more
from doing realistic.
restrained (adj) ____________________ -- -- I was expecting him to be
____________________ furious but he was very
restraint (n) ____________________ restraint (on s.o.d/sth) -- ____________________
____________________ ____________________

invade (v) (T) (I) -- to invade a country ____________________

invasion (n) -- -- They were planning to mount
an invasion of the north of the
____________________ country.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
invader (n) ____________________ -- -- They prepared to repel the
eradicate (v) (T) ____________________ eradicate sth. to eradicate a threat ____________________ synonym:
____________________ eradicate sth. from sth. ____________________ ______________

eradication (n) ____________________ - - Eradication of poverty is not -

____________________ an easy thing to do in many
parts of the world.


45 Time As A Social Construction

perceive (v) (T) _______________ _ time is not perceived in the ___________________ _
_______________ same way ___________________

perception (n) _ _________________ perception of time These photographs will affect Suffix:
people's perceptions of war.
vary (v) (I)/(T) ______________ to vary between … norms vary from culture to ____________________ Synonym:
______________ to vary from X to Y culture ___________________ _________
to vary according to … _________
to vary with …
variation (n) _ _ the variation of norms ____________________ _

various (adj) ______________ _ various norms _____________________ Synonym: ________

Variety (n) _ _ ________________ Work on the production line is _

monotonous and lacks variety.
distinction (n) a difference between two similar to make distinctions ____________________ _____________________ Suffix:
things between X and Y ____________________ _____________________ -tion

distinct (adj) _ __________________ _ There are two distinct factions _

within the one political party.
precisely (adv) ______________ _ ____________________ What do you think the Synonym:
problem is, precisely? ___________
precise (adj) ._ _ precise The bunker's precise location Antonym: _______
schedules/terms/measuremen is a closely guarded secret. Prefix: _____

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
violate (v) (T) ______________ _ to violate the rules _______________________ Synonym:
______________ _______________________ ______
violation (n) _ _ ____________________ He claimed that the way he'd Suffix:
been treated was a gross -tion
violation of his
universal (adj) _____________ _ universal terms/standards a universal truth Synonym:
_____________ _________

universally _ _ _ people universally agree on _

(adv) this

particular (adj) ____________ in particular (especially) ____________________ She wanted a particular type Synonym:
____________ of cactus. _________

particularly _ _ _ _______________________ Synonym:

(adv) _______________________ ________

consistent (adj) always behaving or happening in _ ____________________ ______________________ Antonym:

a similar ______________________ ___________
Prefix: _____
consistently _ _ consistently late/negative ______________________ Synonym:
(adv) attitude ______________________ ____________

appreciate (v) (T) ______________ appreciate that + SVO to appreciate cultural ___________________ Synonym:
______________ appreciate Q.W. + SVO differences ___________________ __________

appreciation(n) _ appreciation of sth __________________ __________________ _

appreciation for sth. __________________ __________________
in appreciation

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
46 Melting Pot or Salad Bowl
multiplicity (n) ______________ multiplicity of sth. __________________ There is a multiplicity of Synonym:
______________ __________________ fashion magazines to choose __________

immigration (n) when someone comes to live in immigration into a country the history of immigration There are strict limits on Suffix: _____
a different country immigration

immigrant (n) _ _ _ ______________________ Suffix: _____

immigrate (v) _ __________________ _ He immigrated with his _

parents in 1895, and grew up
in Long Island.
uniqueness (n) ______________ __________________ to maintain cultural _ _
______________ uniqueness
unique (adj) _ be unique to somewhere _ ______________________ Synonym: ________
etc. ______________________
identical (adj) exactly the same, or very similar ___________________ identical companies / twins I've got three identical blue _

dominate (v) (T) ______________ _ an attempt to dominate the _____________________ Synonym:

______________ other person _____________________ control / manipulate

dominance (n) _ ___________________ _ dominance of men over


Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
diversity (n) ______________ a wide diversity of sth. cultural / biological diversity ____________________ Suffix: -ity
______________ ____________________

diverse (adj) _ _ _ New York is a very Synonym: various

Antonym: similar
culturally/ethnically diverse
unified (adj) brought together; combined _ ______________________ a unified utility system _

unify (v) _ _ _ ____________________ _


isolate (v) (T) ________________ to isolate from _____________________ He was isolated from all the _
________________ other prisoners.
isolated (adj) not near to other places _ _ an isolated farm/village Synonym:

117 The Key: When Life Begins

offend (v) to make someone upset or angry _ to offend people ________________________ Synonym: _________

offensive (adj) _ _ _ ________________________ Synonym: _________

______________________ Antonym: _________

offensively (adv) _ _ _ ___________________ Synonym: _________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
proceed (v) (I) _____________________ __________________ __________________ ________________________ _
_____________________ __________________ _________________ ________________________

dismiss (v) (T) _____________________ to dismiss sth from s.o.’s to dismiss a concern ________________________ _
_____________________ mind ________________________

dismissal (n) _ _ ______________________ ________________________ _

suspend (v) (T) ____________________ _ ______________________ ________________________ _
____________________ ______________________ ________________________

suspension (n) _ _ the suspension of research ________________________ _


121 Brain Gene “Clue To Aging”

retain (v) to keep something; to continue - retain strong mental capacity to retain your independence synonym: preserve (v)
to have something -- -- Two influential senators have
argued for the retention of the
unpopular tax.
retention (n) the continued use, existence or - retain strong mental capacity to retain your independence synonym: preserve (v)
possession of something or

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
associated (adj) if one thing is associated -- significant nerve cell the risks associated with synonym: connected (adj)
with another, the two things are changes associated with taking drugs
connected because they happen ageing
together or one thing causes the

deterioration (n) - -- to show greater deterioration a serious deterioration in

than sth. relations between the two
deteriorating -- -- deteriorating weather
(adj) conditions
deteriorate (v) -- -- Her health deteriorated
rapidly, and she died shortly
____________________ afterwards.
109Lazers the Light of the Twenty-First Century
invention (n) discovery, finding - a new invention ________________________ -
invent (v) (T) to devise by thinking - - ________________________ -
inventor (n) _____________________ - - ________________________ -
_____________________ _______________________
inventive (adj) capable at producing inventions - - ________________________ Suffix: -ly►adv
familiar (adj) to have a good knowledge or familiar sight / tune to be familiar with sth Are you familiar with this -
understanding of something type of machine?
accuracy (n) the ability to do something in an accuracy of sth do sth with accuracy ________________________ -
exact way without making a _______________________
accurate (adj) _____________________ - - ________________________ Suffix: -ly►adv
determine (v) (T) _____________________ - the exact speed of light was ________________________ -
determined _______________________
prevent (v) (T) _____________________ - to prevent excessive bleeding ________________________ -

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
treat (v) (T) _____________________ treat an illness - ________________________ -
treatment (n) _____________________ - treatment of cancer ________________________ -
remove (v) (T) _____________________ - to remove a cancerous ________________________ -
growth _______________________

destroy (v) (T) _____________________ - to destroy a cancerous ________________________ -

growth _______________________
ordinary (adj) _____________________ - ordinary telephone ________________________ extra-ordinary ►
technology _______________________ Antonym
Suffix: -ly►adv
108 Enter A New World
virtual (n) a set of images and sounds - virtual reality virtual reality
reality produced by a computer, which
seem to represent a place or a ____________________
situation that a person can take
part in
computer- (adj) the pictures or characters in film - computer-generated images The movie “Dinosaur” -
generated and television created by using combines computer-generated
images computers images with live-action shots.
generate (v) (T) - - -
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
inconvenience (n) - without the inconvenience of -
____________________ ____________________
actually going there.
____________________ ____________________
convenient (adj) convenient (for s.o.d/sth.) - I find it convenient to be able prefix: in
to do my banking by phone.
conveniently - - The house is conveniently prefix: in
(adv) situated near the station and
the shops.
overcome (v) to defeat or succeed in Eventually she managed to
controlling or dealing with overcome her shyness in class.

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
irrational (adj) ____________________ - irrational fears ____________________ synonym: _____________
____________________ ____________________ antonym: rational (adj)
irrationally - - ____________________ -
(adv) ____________________

enable (v) (T) ____________________ enable sth. ____________________ synonym:

____________________ enable sth. to do sth. ____________________ ________________
remotely (adv) from a distance; to a very slight - remotely controlled ____________________
degree ____________________

remote (adj) slight ; far away from places - - ____________________

where other people live ____________________
154 Science of the Supermarket
run out (of) phrasal verb to have no more of something - to run out of food Time simply ran out. -

fall for phrasal verb to become a victim of - to fall for a trick ________________________ -
sophisticated (adj)  highly complicated or sophisticated lady to be more sophisticated ________________________ -
developed about sth _______________________
 having a refined knowledge
of the ways of the world
cultivated especially through
wide experience
sophistication ____________________ - - ________________________ -
(n) ____________________ _______________________
set off phrasal verb cause to begin ____________________ to set off a/the smell ________________________ -
____________________ ________________________
locate (v) (T) to determine or indicate the ____________________ to locate what you want / sth ________________________ -
place, site, or limits of ____________________ _______________________
location (n) ____________________ - _ ________________________ -
____________________ ________________________
browse (v) (T)  to look over casually - to browse (bathroom goods ________________________
 to access (a network) by section) ________________________
means of a browser
browser (n) a computer program used for - - ________________________ -
accessing sites or information on ________________________
a network (as the World Wide Web)

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
88 Cloning Is Moral
used for emphasizing what you - fiercely divided Publishing has become a -
fiercely (adv) are saying, especially how fiercely competitive industry.
strong or severe something is
fierce (adj) angry and aggressive in a way - - a fierce dog -
that is frightening Two fierce eyes glared at
moral (adj) concerned with principles of -- moral attack/ /abomination prefix: im
right and wrong behavior
morally (adv) according to principles of good -- -- prefix: im
behavior and what is considered
to be right or wrong ____________________
permanently (adv) -- -- rejected permanently She had decided to settle
permanently in France.
permanent (adj) - - The accident has not done any antonym: impermanent,
permanent damage. temporary (adj)
extract (v) extract sth (from s.o../sth.) stem cells extracted from a -
____________________ ____________________
cloned embryo
____________________ ____________________
extraction (n) the act or process of removing - - -
or obtaining something from
something else ____________________
at s.o.’s idiom available to be used by someone - to be at someone’s disposal I would take you if I could but -
disposal I don’t have a car at my
disposal this week.
71 Affluenza
exceed (v) (T)  to extend outside of - to exceed the living space/the ________________________ -
 to go beyond a limit set by speed limit ________________________
sustain (v) to supply with the necessary - ________________________ -
nutrients or provisions ________________________
sustainable ______________________ - (un)sustainable economic ________________________ Prefix: un-
(adj) ______________________ growth ________________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
artificial (adj) not real or not made of natural artificial flowers / - ________________________ -
things but made to be like fertilizer / intelligence ________________________
something that is real or natural
artificially (adv) ______________________ - artificially induced ________________________ -
______________________ consumption ________________________
consume (v) (T) ______________________ - - ________________________ -
______________________ ________________________
consumer (n) ______________________ - passive /green consumers ________________________ -
______________________ ________________________
consumerism ______________________ - - ________________________ -
(n) ______________________ ________________________
discard (v) (T) to get rid of sth - to discard clothes/old ________________________ Synonym: to throw away
managers ________________________

80 Ethics Of The Internet

liberty (n) the freedom to live as you wish or to be at liberty (to do sth.) a place of liberty For most citizens, liberty means Synonym: independence
go where you want the freedom to practise their
religious or political beliefs.
censorship (n) the practice of censoring books, _ censorship of films/books censorship of the press Suffix: -ship
films, etc.
censor (v) (T) _ _ to censor films/ books The book was heavily _
censored when first published.
impose (v) (T) to officially force a rule, tax, to impose sth. on sth. to impose laws Very high taxes have recently _
punishment, etc. to be obeyed or been imposed on cigarettes.
imposition (n) _ imposition of sth. imposition of the imposition of the death Suffix: -tion
laws/censorship penalty/martial law/sanctions

challenge (n) asking whether something is (to pose) a challenge to the first/greatest challenge to The result of the vote poses a Prefix: -in
true or legal sth. the law serious challenge to the
government's credibility.

challenge (v) - _ to challenge the Children challenge their Synonym:

government’s legitimacy parents' authority far more question
nowadays than they did in the doubt

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
implication (n) the effect that an action or implication(s) for sth. an implication for ethics The company is cutting back Synonym:
decision will have on something implications of sth. its spending and I wonder consequence
else in the future what the implications will be
for our department.

obligation (n) when you are obliged to do obligation + to V0 to have a moral obligation to If you have not signed a _
something help contract, you are under no
obligation to pay them any

obligatory (adj) _ + to V0 obligatory classes The medical examination Synonym: compulsory

before you start work is
oblige (v) (T) _ + obj. + to V0 to be obliged by law Sellers are not legally obliged _
to accept the highest offer.
occasion (n) a particular time, especially on … occasion(s) an occasion to justify We met on several occasions _
when something happens or has unethical behavior to discuss the issue.

justification (n) a good reason or explanation for to be evacuated from justification for her actions There is no justification for Suffix: -tion
something somewhere treating people so badly.
justify (v) _ + Ving to justify unethical behavior I can't really justify taking _
to justify yourself another day off work.
feasible (adj) able to be made, done or + to V0 a feasible solution With the extra resources, the Synonym: reasonable
achieved scheme now seems feasible.

abandon (v) (T) to leave a place, thing or person _ to abandon a village/project We had to abandon the car Synonym: leave
forever quit
. desert

abandoned (n) _ _ _ An abandoned town Synonym: deserted

Antonym: inhabited

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
15 Why We Laugh
occur (v) (I) to happen - to occur at approximately When exactly did the incident
eight days of age occur?

approximate (adv) used to show that something is - to occur at approximately synonym: almost, about,
ly almost, but not completely, eight days of age around (adv)
accurate or correct ____________________
approximate - - abbr: approx
____________________ ____________________
(adj) antonym: exact (adj)
____________________ ____________________

occurrence (n) - the occurrence of the first Street-fights are an everyday

smile occurrence in this area of the
____________________ city.
reveal (v) to make known or show - to reveal the results of a He was jailed for revealing synonym:
something that is surprising or study secrets to the Russians. ______________ (v)
that was previously secret.
revealing (adj) showing something that was not - -
previously known or seen
develop (v) - to develop responses
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
development (n) - the development of a child The program traced the
development of popular music
____________________ through the ages.
intimate (adj) having a close and friendly - an intimate relationship
intimacy (n) the state of having a close -- -- ____________________
personal relationship with ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
anxiety (n) a worry or fear about something anxiety (about/over) sth. mastery over an anxiety If you’re worried about your
health, share your anxieties
with your doctor.
anxious (adj) anxious (about sth.) -
feeling worried or nervous ____________________
anxious (for s.o..)
crucial (adj) extremely important, because it crucial to/for sth. a crucial factor synonym: critical, essential
will affect other things It is crucial that… (adj)
release (v) release s.o./ sth. to release energy Coal power stations release
release s.o../ sth from sth. sulphur dioxide into the
____________________ atmosphere.
He was released from prison
after serving two years of a
five-year sentence.
release (n) -- -- The accident caused the
release of radioactivity into
the atmosphere.
Her early release from prison
led to a demonstration.
66 Everquest- Farewell to Violence
promote (v) to help something to happen or -- to promote positive social a campaign to promote synonym: encourage
develop values awareness of environmental

promotion (n) activity that encourages people promotion of sth. -- a society for the promotion of
to believe in the value or religious tolerance
importance of something, or that
helps something to succeed
interact (v) to communicate with somebody, interact (with s.o.) to interact with each other The only thing he interacts
especially while you work, play with is his computer!
or spend time with them

interaction (n) when two or more people or interaction (with s.o.) -- an interaction between
things communicate with or characters/ people
react to each other

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
formidable (adj) if people, things or situations -- formidable fighters In debate he was a formidable
are formidable, you feel fear opponent.
and/or respect for them, because
they are impressive or powerful,
or because they seem very

prolong (v) (T) to make something last longer -- to prolong the longevity of The operation could prolong synonym: extend
the game his life by two or three years.

96 Europe’s Transformative Power

superficial (adj) ____________________ -- superficial sense of failure superficial
____________________ differences/similarities

superficially -- -- -- These two sentences are

(adv) superficially very similar.

successive (adj) following immediately one after -- successive waves of There has been low rainfall synonym: consecutive
the other countries for two successive years.

successively -- -- -- ____________________
(adv) ____________________

implement (v) to make something that has been -- to implement standards A new work program for synonym: carry out
officially decided start to young people will be
happen or be used implemented.

implementation ____________________ -- -- implementation of the law/

(n) ____________________ agreement

enduring (adj) lasting for a long time an enduring success enduring memories

compromise (v) (I) to give up some of your compromise (with s.o.) to compromise ____________________
demands after a disagreement (on sth) ____________________
with somebody in order to reach
an agreement

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
bribe (v) to give somebody money or bribe s.o. (with sth.) to bribe somebody ____________________
something valuable in order to bribe s.o. into doing sth. ____________________
persuade them to help you, bribe s.o. to do sth
especially by doing something
bribe (n) ____________________ -- -- She had been offered a
____________________ $50000 bribe to drop the
impose (v) (T) ____________________ impose sth on/ upon s.o. to impose something on ____________________
____________________ somebody ____________________

57 Setting Limits: TV-Watching Is Not a Constitutional Right

set (v) (T) ____________________ _ to set / respect limits (on ____________________ Synonym:
____________________ media consumption) ____________________ ____________

moderation (n) ____________________ in moderation living in moderation ____________________ Suffix:

____________________ ____________________ -ion

convince (v) (T) ____________________ _ to convince s.o... that… / to ____________________ Synonym:

____________________ do sth.. ____________________ _________________
Causing one to believe the truth _ _ He told a convincing story in _
Convincing of something a convincing manner.
exposure (n) ____________________ exposure of /to exposure to / TV / the sun / ____________________ _
____________________ violence / sth.. ____________________

expose (v) ____________________ ____________________ _ ____________________ Synonym:

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
cut down on (phr v) (T) _ to cut down on media Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
exposure ________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
conduct (v) (T) to conduct an to conduct a study / research Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
experiment/an inquiry/a / survey / poll _______________
____________________ survey ____________________

reveal (v) (T) _ language as a means of Synonym:

____________________ ____________________
revealing their emotions
____________________ ____________________ _______________

enforce (v) (T) Enforce sth. on s.o... to enforce limits / laws / sth.. Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

Enforcement (n) _ _ enforcement side We demand the strict Suffix:

enforcement of regulations. -ment

defense (n) Self-defense defense X offense Antonym:

____________________ ____________________
in defense offense

chore (v) (T) _ to do household chores ________________ Synonym:

deprived (adj) to be deprived of one’s rights _
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
deprive s.o.. of to prevent s.o.. from having sth. _ to deprive s.o... of sth.. _
sth. (phrasal v) important enforcement side
The fact of not having sth. you _ food / sleep / deprivation Neglected children suffer Suffix:
___________ need from social deprivation. -ion

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
just (adj) ____________________ _ unjustly X justly ____________________ Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
Suffix: - ness
_ly justly (adv)

reward (n) (T) ____________________ ____________________ a reward for diligently doing ____________________ Synonym:
____________________ ____________________ the other growth-producing ____________________ bounty, price

Reward (v) to give someone a reward reward someone for _ ____________________ Synonym:
something ____________________ award
(slightly formal)
reward someone with
diligent (adj) ____________________ a diligent worker/student a reward for diligently doing ____________________ Suffix :
____________________ the other growth-producing ____________________ -ly
activities diligently (adv)
diligence (n)
challenge (v) (T) ____________________ to challenge somebody to challenge s.o... ____________________ _
____________________ (to something) ____________________

challenge (n) ____________________ an exciting/interesting __ ____________________ Synonym:

____________________ challenge ____________________ ______________
to face a challenge
to meet the challenge of
27 Who Talks More, Men or Women?
involve (v) (T) ______________________ + Ving their play involves more ________________________ _
______________________ to be involved in sth. doing than talking _______________________

involvement (n) _____________________ involvement with s.o. emotional involvement ________________________ _

_____________________ _______________________

Word Part of Speech Meaning Collocation Use in MORE TO READ 2 Extra Examples from Miscellaneous
and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
determine (v) (T) _____________________ _ to determine our character ________________________ _
_____________________ ________________________

determination _ _ the determination of our ________________________ Suffix: -tion

(n) character ________________________

interactive (adj) describes a system or computer _ interactive toys ________________________ _

program which is designed to ________________________
involve the user in the exchange
of information
interaction (n) _ __________________ _____________________ ________________________ _
__________________ _____________________ ________________________

interactively _ _ _ The program lets you work _

(adv) through a text interactively,
correcting as you go along.
self-fulfilling (n) ____________________ _ a self-fulfilling prophecy _ _

respond (v) (I) ____________________ to respond to sth. ____________________ To every question, he _

to respond by Ving responded "I don't know."

response (n) _ response to sth. _____________________ Her proposals met with an _

enthusiastic response.

3 Punishment Takes Many Forms

____________________ ____________________ a steady increase in ____________________ Synonyms:
increase (n) ____________________ ____________________ convictions ____________________ ______________
increase (v) ____________________ to increase sth. to increase steadily ____________________ Synonym:
____________________ ____________________

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and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
launch verb ____________________ ____________________ to launch an extensive ____________________ Synonyms:
____________________ ____________________ prison-building program ____________________ ______________

extensively (adv) Covering or including a large _ extensively ____________________ Synonym:

area/ a lot of information ____________________ ______________

tackle (v) ____________________ to tackle sth. to tackle ____________________ Synonym:

____________________ symptoms/problems/difficult ____________________ ______________

offenders (n) ____________________ ____________________ the number of offenders ____________________ _

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

commit (v) ____________________ ____________________ to commit an offence/a crime ____________________ _

____________________ ____________________ ____________________

reduce (v) (T) _ to consider ways to reduce _

____________________ ____________________
the prison population
____________________ ____________________

- A substantial/drastic/ to make a __________in the Antonym:

significant/ price of sth..
___________ slight_________ in sth. ____________________ Suffix:

to take sth. Idiom _ to take sth. into consideration Synonym:

____________________ ____________________
into To take sth. into account
consideration ____________________ ____________________

consideration (n) _ Careful consideration should Synonym:

____________________ ____________________
be given to the issues of ______________
____________________ ____________________ health and safety.

impose (v) (T) to encourage courts to _

____________________ ____________________ ____________________
impose sentences/fines
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

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and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
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release (v) (T) to be released from prison _ Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

release (n) _ a potential early release _

____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

encourage (v) (T) Encourage s.o.. to do sth. to encourage courts to Antonym:

____________________ ____________________
Encourage s.o.. in sth. impose sentences/fines ______________
____________________ ____________________
encouragement Sth. that encourages s.o.. _ encouragement With a little encouragement Antonym:
(n) from the family, children can ______________
do a lot better.
convict (v) often passive _ to be convicted of a crime Antonym:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
avoid (v) (T) Avoid doing sth. to avoid potentially harmful _
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
potentially (adv) Potentially adj/adv potentially harmful Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
consequences ______________
____________________ ____________________
guilty (adj) to be guilty of a violent Antonym:
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
crime ______________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
reluctant (adj) to be reluctant to do sth. to be reluctant to use a form Antonym:
____________________ ____________________
of punishment ______________
____________________ ____________________
Reluctance (n) _ Reluctance Antonym:
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________
revolutionary (adj) _ a revolutionary idea/person _
____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

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extend (v) (T) to extend the period _
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

contradict (v) (T) To contradict yourself/ to contradict an idea / a _

____________________ ____________________
s.o.. person
____________________ ____________________

Contradictory _ contradictory policies Synonym:

_ There are contradictory
(adj) ______________
reports about the death toll.

Contradiction a contradiction _
____________________ ____________________ ____________________
____________________ ____________________

result in (phrasal v) Result in s.o.. doing sth. to result in more prison Synonym:
____________________ ____________________
sentences ______________
____________________ ____________________

proportional (adj) To be directly _ _

____________________ ____________________
proportional to sth.
____________________ ____________________

Proportionally _ proportionally _
_ Families with children spend
proportionally less per person
than families without children.

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and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
8 Can Mediation Produce Restorative Justice for Victims and Offenders?
victim (n) the victims of crimes Synonym:
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

relieve (v) (T) to relieve the Synonym:

____________________ ____________________ ___________________
fear/pain/anxiety ______________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

Relief (n) To s.o..’s relief, the relief for pain _

____________________ ___________________
In/with relief
____________________ ____________________
opportunity (n) the opportunity to speak their Synonym:
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
minds ______________
____________________ ____________________ ____________________

restore (v) (T) Restore sth. to sth. to restore the victim’s Synonym:
____________________ ___________________
losses/justice ______________
____________________ ____________________

consistent (adj) Consistent in/with sth. consistent Antonym:

____________________ ___________________
statistics/figures/findings/attitu ______________
____________________ de ___________________

_ consistency in/of approach Antonym:

____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________
Consistently _ consistently _
_ Her work has been of a
consistently high standard.
moral (adj) a moral obligation Synonym:
____________________ ____________________ ___________________
____________________ ____________________ ___________________

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participate (v) (T) to participate in sth. to participate in a Synonym:

____________________ ___________________
session/meeting/course ______________
____________________ ___________________

Participant (n) _ the overwhelming majority _

____________________ __________________
research participants
____________________ ___________________

overwhelming (adj) _ the overwhelming majority Synonym:

____________________ ___________________
of research participants ______________
____________________ ___________________

juvenile (adj) juvenile offenders/crime _

____________________ ____________________ ___________________
____________________ ____________________ ___________________

confront (v) (T) _ to confront an offender Synonym:

____________________ ___________________
____________________ ___________________

Confrontation Confrontation with s.o.. / the confrontation with an _

____________________ ___________________
(n) between A and B offender
____________________ ___________________

collaborate (v) (I) Collaborate with s.o.. to collaborate with a _

____________________ ___________________
in/on sth. therapist
____________________ ___________________

____________________ __________ with s.o.. / The _____________ with a ___________________ Suffix:

___________ ____________________ between Aand B therapist ___________________ -ion

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Forms prefix, register, connotation
voluntary (adj) On a voluntary basis (in)voluntary participation Antonym:
____________________ ________________
____________________ _________________

voluntarily _ to participate voluntarily He was not fired-- he went Synonym:

voluntarily. ______________

volunteer(n) _ unpaid volunteers _

____________________ _______________
volunteer work
____________________ _______________
volunteer (v) Volunteer to do sth./ to volunteer to participate in _
____________________ ________________
Volunteer for/as sth. a project
____________________ ________________
10 Criminal Rehabilitation
convict (n) _ the convict _
____________________ ________________
____________________ ________________

(v) (often _ to be convicted of a crime/an Antonym:

____________________ ________________
passive) offence ______________
____________________ ________________
exaggerate (v)(T) _ to exaggerate an argument _
____________________ ________________
____________________ ________________

exaggerated Grossly/ wildly/greatly / an exaggerated argument The revenue figures were _

(adj) slightly exaggerated slightly exaggerated

Gross/ wild/great / slight Suffix:

___________ _____________ -ion
____________________ __________________

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and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
2 The Thrill of Shoplifting
distinct (adj) distinct from sth to be distinct Synonym:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
distinctly (adv) _ the first distinctly modern _
_ ___________________
manipulate (v)(T) manipulate sth./ s.o. (into to manipulate the senses of _
___________________ ___________________
doing sth.) the shoppers
___________________ ___________________
resist (v)(T) to resist temptation Synonym:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
irresistible (adj) _ an irresistible attraction X Antonym:
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
recognized (adj) _ a recognized condition _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
suffer from (v) (I) suffer from sth to suffer from an addictive- _
___________________ ___________________
compulsive disorder
___________________ ___________________
addictive (adj) _ an addictive-compulsive _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
include (v) to include s.o/sth as/in/on to include professional Antonym:
___________________ ___________________
sth criminals
___________________ ___________________
estimate (n) _ an estimate _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________

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and Different Dictionaries (antonym, synonym, suffix,
Forms prefix, register, connotation
neglected (adj) _ to feel neglected _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
neglect (v) _ to neglect a person/ duties/ Suffix:
___________________ ___________________
feelings -ence
___________________ ___________________
kick the idiom _ to kick the habit _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
intervene (v) _ to intervene _
___________________ ___________________
the intervening years
___________________ ___________________

(v) _ to intervene _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________
provide (v) To provide s.o/ sth with sth to provide shops with a new Synonym:
___________________ ___________________
generation of sensor tags
___________________ ___________________
reluctant (adj) to be reluctant to pursue Antonym:
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
criminal cases
___________________ ___________________ ___________________
reason (v) _ to reason that the cost is not _
___________________ ___________________
worth the gain
___________________ ___________________
worth (adj) _ to be (not) worth the gain _
___________________ ___________________
___________________ ___________________


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