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Customer Relations


Group 5 - Outline Topics

Synergy occurs when two or more things come together with the result that the sum of
the parts is actually greater than the whole.

Technology can be divided into:

✔ makes the operation safer for both the organization and the customer;
✔ the customer with something completely new;
✔ the customer with a more convenient service;
✔ the customer with a quicker service; and
✔ the supplier with more information about the customer

A. Customer care technologies:

1. Personal Identification Number (PIN)

o Allow customer to have combination of number from 0-9 that can be
encoded onto the magnetic strip

2. Telephones
o Allow both to transmit and receive human voices that re connected by
wires or radio to a central switching point

3. Plastic
o the most important from the standpoint of customer relations

4. Facsimile machine
o allows the documents to be sent over telephone lines

5. Email (Electronic Mail)

o its ability to send document files, pictures and greetings cards to anybody
in the world with an internet connection

6. Internet
o allows people to gain access to millions of web pages covering every
possible subject
7. On-line banking
o enables customers of a bank or other financial institution to conduct a range
of financial transactions

8. Interactive voice response (IVR)

o allows a computer to interact with humans through the use of voice and
DTMF tones input via keypad

9. Speech recognition for customer service

o recognizes the spoken words and phrases and converts them to a machine-
readable format
o Key benefits of speech recognition:
a. Customer satisfaction
b. Cost savings
c. Improved productivity
d. Revenue generation

10. Computer telephony integration (CTI)

o allows interactions on a telephone and a computer to be integrated or
o The benefits of CTI:
a. Improved customer service
b. Greater efficiency
c. Flexibility

11. Automatic call distribution (ACD)

o distributes incoming calls to a specific group of terminals that agents based
on customer need, type, and agent skill set

12. Contact management technology

o for complaint management system
o divided 2 parts
a. front end
b. back end

13. Electronic queue management systems

o helps the service providers to manage the complete customer service
effectively especially the rush hours
14. Bill payment kiosks
o allow users to make cash payment and obtain receipts instead of waiting in
lines for check cashing and bill payment centers

15. Customer self-service portals

o provide an opportunity to the customer to access his/her account and gets
o Empowering the customers
o Improve supply chain efficiency
o Reduce cost of service

B. The implications of Technology on the relationships between customers and


1. Customer is more connected
o By using smartphone, they can research products, ask sale queries and
purchase products.

2. Customer use multiple devices

o Customer don’t use single device throughout the buyer journey.

3. Customer have higher expectation

o At an all time high as a result of the influence of the technology.

o Technology will make it easier for you to communicate with and operate with your
suppliers on a daily basis, which will free up more time for your team to focus on
supply-related relationships and strategic decisions.

Overall, Information Technology plays an important part in facilitating customer-

supplier interactions by employing electronic data interchange to transmit data between
both sides. The technology gives the firm with rapid, accurate information as well as
business efficiency.

Technology really plays an important role in almost every aspect of our living.
Incorporating technology to your customer service department is a win-win for both
businesses and consumers. Technology can be used to improve your lines of
communication, respond to your customers need, and keep customers informed.
C. Listed below are some of the reality scenarios that shows the benefits of
technology for customer:

1. Fast food chain Deliveries

o Customers will just call through telephone numbers to buy and order food that they
want and it will be delivered to their house.

2. Advertisement
o Many companies and brands communicate with customers through advertising
their products in radios, televisions, magazines, and even in billboards.

3. Banks
o Investors can withdraw money through online or can easily withdraw money from
their accounts through the use of machine.

Many businesses also give clients the option to text them from their mobile devices.
Compared to that, this is significantly quicker than writing an email and waiting for a
response. Customers are able to resolve their issues more quickly because of the variety
of ways they can contact the businesses.

D. Advantages Of New Technologies in Customer Relationship

1. Keeping Clients Being Informed as Always

o With the use of technology, business owners can keep their customers informed
of the most recent changes or developments in the business. Social media
platforms can considerably boost this capability.

2. Simpler To Ask Questions and Feedback

o With the use of technology, today makes it possible for customers to contact a
business at any time, not just during regular business hours. Customers can give
opinions or submit inquiries about goods or services via email or online forms.

3. Effective Delivery
o With the use of technology, the needs or wants and expectations of the customers
will successfully and could be fulfilled because technology provides effective
delivery. Since Customers are willing to experiment with new formats of their
preferred media, as seen by the success of digital music and e-readers.

4. Easy Management of Customer Service

o Thru technology, Customer’s comments and data are tracked and analyzed by
customer service management software systems, which helps businesses
understand this information.
By utilizing these programs, businesses may more successfully sell and offer the
goods and services that customers need.

5. Cost-efficient
o Technology may also help businesses save expenses internally by streamlining
operations, reducing employees and procedures, and lowering costs, which can
then be passed on to customers in the form of cheaper pricing.
This tactic works well for developing customer relationships since many
consumers actively seek out bargain prices.

Disadvantages Of New Technologies in Customer Relationship

1. Limited Information
o Technology-based customer service choices have a limit on how much personal
information users are ready to share, especially if the website doesn't promote its
security measures. Customers may be naturally reluctant to provide sensitive
information over chat or email, such as credit card details or Social Security
numbers, due to the prevalence of data theft.

2. Customer may experience discomfort of using Technology-Based

o Technology-based customer service can be utilizing a platform that your target
market isn't familiar with. Some customers are much way familiar with traditional
negotiating than using the modern way of transactions.

3. Lack of Personal Touch

o Customers will much be entertained if they will be handled thru voice-based
platforms or live. Without the additional context of a real person's voice and the
tone and cadence of their response, even a customized response might be

Logroño, Dara Rose B.
Jaum, Jeneil L.
Jaum, Kristine Aina L.
Inanod, Analyn D.
Ambe, Jane Rosel
Lamban, Glyce Kaye B.

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