Group 4 Summary Report

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Customer Relations


Summary Report
Group 4
In every business organization, there are bound to be times when things don’t turn out the
way as expected. No matter how diligently we work, there are bound to be times some complaints
during that course of a lifetime. And the organization would be judged as much as how it would
handle these situations and how they would recover from it. Complaint recovery process is the
process where companies receive complaints, process them, and communicate back to the customer.
 What is complaints?
Complaints is one’s unsatisfactory or disapprovement of a certain products and services to
a business. But also encourages the business to know more about their customers, how to improve
the products and services they offer, and meet their customer’s satisfaction and give them the best
 Why do customer complaints?
Actually, there arethree basic reasons why customers complain.
1. Lower than expected quality . This could either mean that a product or service quality is
below the expected or prescribed standard of the customers. They complaints because the quality
they expect is failed.
2. Lower than expected service . This actually means that the specified level of performance
expected by the clients or consumers from the staff is not met.
3. Higher than the expected price . Or in other words, the customer did not expect the price of
the product or service. But sometimes they just argue with it hoping to negotiate it down a bit.
Hence, some people take complaints in a negative way and thought of it as bad in business.
However, it is actually quite the opposite.
Complaints are actually good because it can improve business reputation and process and
enhance relationship with the customer by managing and resolving customer complaints effectively
and quickly.
There are set out series of scenarios relating to customer complaints.
 The organization know what has gone wrong and it is the organization’s fault. In other
words, the organization is aware of what went wrong and they are to be blame.
 The organization knows what has gone wrong and does not think of it as the organization’s
fault but the fault of the supplier. It means that the organization is aware of the problem but
they do not acknowledge it as their own and rather blame the supplier.
 The organization knows that the fault is beyond the organization’s control. The
circumstances causing the problem is beyond the management’s control and they cant do
anything about it.
 The organization does not know whose fault it is. Simply, they don't know whose fault is it
between the customer and them.
 The organization cannot believe the customers expected that particular service. In other
words the clients have too high expectations when it comes to the level of performance and
the organization was not able to meet this level.
 The organization has no idea that there is a complaint as the customers walk away and
never use the organization again.
= Various Types of Complainers =
These are the following:
1. Professional Complainers
2. Reluctant Complainers
3. Non-complainers
1. Professional Complainers
These are the individuals who decided to complain even before the product or service has
delivered with the hope of financial gain or some enhancement to the product or service.
2. Reluctant Complainers
They are the calm complainers who have no wished to make a fuss and may even feel
embarrassed about having to complain. They may not know how to complain effectively and even do
a complaint reluctantly.
3. Non-complainers
Non-complainers do not mean they don’t have a complain. They do but, for some reason they
don’t see it fit to make a complaint directly to the organization and they would rather complain to
their friends and relatives.
 What is recovery?
Recovery is all about righting your wrongs. It's the process of recovering from a poor
customer service experience and regaining customer loyalty. This makes it essential that you
develop a general customer service recovery framework that can be used for those times when the
situation hits the fan, and the customer hits the roof.
If your organization hasn’t already committed to a different service recovery system, let
me offer you the four-step MAMA service recovery framework.
= The MAMA Framework for Customer Service Recovery =
Four steps to take when responding to a service failure:
I. Make time to listen
II. Acknowledge and apologize
III. (Have a) Meeting of minds
IV. Act! and follow up.
I. Make Time To Listen
• Immediately stop whatever you’re doing.
• Listen with your ears, your eyes, and your body.
• Only after listening quietly, strive to learn more about the situation by probing for
what the customer is specifically upset about.
II. Acknowledge and Apologize
• Acknowledge the situation and apologize sincerely.
• Even if you have no reason to feel that you’re at fault, you should convey to the
customer that you recognize and regret what they’ve gone through.
• Be sure to make it a real apology and not a fakey-fake apology, like “I’m sorry if you
feel that way.”
III. (Have a) Meeting of Minds
• Align yourself with the customer’s expectations for what a solution would look like.
• Once you have a match, spell out the agreed-on solution, as you understand it.
• Commit to exactly what you will do to resolve the issue and by when.
IV. Act! and Follow Up
• Take care of the issue as promised.
• Follow up with anyone to whom you’ve assigned all or part of the resolution.
• Follow up with the customer to ensure all is well.
• Later on, examine what went wrong with an eye toward identifying negative
patterns, systemic issues, and choke- points.
The concept of complaint recover involves the organization taking responsive measures to recover
lost or dissatisfied customers and convert them into satisfied ones.
And these are also the 4 steps that involves in complaints recovery process.
In creating strategy, the accommodation is the best strategy. You have to figure out the problem and
give what the customer wants or the possible alternative to resolve the issue. Indeed it is an
excellent customer service that will provide and improve the relationship between your guest and
your company.
Since employees represent the company and the first person to meet the clients, they must be
trained on how to handle complaints effectively.
Properly executing strategy will be easy if employees know what they are supposed to do. It
involves taking action instead of simply brainstorming ideas. It helps show the team that the
strategies discussed are viable. It is also a great tool for team development because everyone can
We have to know that strategy will not always work. We must focus attention to those who are
not affected by strategy and learn through surveys, letters, etc.
In general, complaints helps the organization improves. It helps them to know more about
their customers and what to do and how to deal with them. Through complaints the organization
learn from it and make ways to meet the satisfaction of their customers. Complaints and recovery
helps the organization to strive in the market. And it also makes their organization have a good
reputation and profitable.
 Daniel, Rebecca
 Dela Cruz, Maribeth
 Dosdos, Ella Marie
 Dua, Jollyjoy
 Fernando, Lyca

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