Jayvee Pre Demo (AutoRecovered)

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At the end of the 60 minutes, 100 % of the students are expected to get at least 75%
proficiency level and will be able to:
a. Distinguish 4 various types of communicative strategies namely; nomination, turn-
taking, topic shifting, and repair.
b. Demonstrate effective use of these 4 communicative strategies.
c. Discover the importance of communicative strategy in making civil and polite

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Types of Communicative Strategies
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, videos, cartolina Visual Aids, Quiz Worksheets,
Reading Materials
References: Oral Communication in Context for Senior High School
Values: To have successful communication and to make our conversation meaningful.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activity
A. Prayer
__________, please lead the prayer.
Let us bow our heads and feel the presence of the
Lord. In the name of the father…(Students
prayer…) ….Amen
Good Morning everyone!
Good Morning Sir.

B. Checking of Attendance
Class monitor, kindly check the attendance of your
classmates. (the class monitor will check the attendance.)

C. Drill
Once again, Good Morning students. Before the
initiation of our lesson this morning, let us play first a
game. It is a vocabulary game. Because to be an
effective communicator we must have sufficient
vocabulary knowledge. Do you agree class?
I will group you into 4 groups by counting off 1 to 4. Yes Sir!
This game is called “WHAT KIND OF ANT AM I?”
Here is what you are going to do. The word “ANT” is
not an insect, rather these are the last three letters of
the word that you are going to guess. I have here an
“I am an Ant which means empty, what kind of Ant
am I? “
Answer: vacANT
Did you get it?? Yes Sir.
Ready, set, go!

1. I am an ant that is good at numbers. What am I? 1. Ans. AccountANT

2. I am an ant which means too generous. What am I? 2. Ans. ExtravagANT
3. I am an ant that is very huge and lives in the forest. 3. Ans. ElephANT
What am I?
4. Ans. FragrANT
4. I am an ant that smells good. What am I?
5. Ans. ApplicANT
5. I am an ant that requests or seeks something such as
assistance or employment or admission. What am I?

Very good. Give yourselves a hand.

D. Review
Okay students, what was our lesson yesterday?

Good. What are the 3 types of speech acts? Our lesson yesterday was about the 3 types of
speech act.

Sir, the 3 types of speech acts are locution

(utterance), illocution (intention), and perlocution
Now, who will define the 3 types of speech acts? (response).

1. Locutionary Speech Act • This act happens

with the utterance of a sound, a word, or
even a phrase as a natural unit of speech.
2. Illocutionary Speech Act • In an
illocutionary speech act, it is not just saying
something itself, but the act of saying
something with the intention of • stating an
opinion, confirming, or denying something •
making a prediction, a promise, a request •
issuing an order or a decision • giving a
piece of advice or permission •
3. Perlocutionary Speech Act • This is seen
when a particular effect is sought from
either the speaker, the listener, or both. •
The response may not necessarily be
Excellent. physical or verbal and elicited by 
Inspiring or insulting  Persuading or
E. Motivation
convincing  Deterring or scaring
Students I have here a picture. I want you to look at it
and tell me what can you say about the said photo.

Okay, Sir.

(Expected Answers)
What can you say about this picture?

The picture shows a tutorial class sir.

Good. What else?

There is a group of women having chit-chats.

What do you think they are discussing?

Nice observation. Do you think that this is a good Based on the picture sir, I think they are discussing
way to discuss the modules with the students despite the modules.
this pestilence we are facing?

Very good answer. Class, I think we could all agree

that learning and communicating are easier in a face- I agree sir, I hope the pandemic will be over soon so
to-face setting. Good communication will occur if we we can have face-to-face classes again.
will in a civilly and politely way and also with the use
of communicative strategy.

F. Lesson Proper

Our lesson for today is all about the 4 types of

communicative strategies. But before we proceed to
our discussion, let's read first our objectives.
A. Distinguish 4 various types of
communicative strategies namely;
nomination, turn-taking, topic shifting,
and repair.

B. Demonstrate effective use of these 4

communicative strategies.

C. Discover the importance of

communicative strategy in making a civil
and polite communication
Very good. Students, do you know that there are 7
types of communicative strategy? But for now, I am
going to discuss with you 4 of them, okay?
Good, I have here a video clip. They are having a
conversation. Let us watch and listen to their

Okay, sir.
G. Analysis
Okay, class, the video is all about what? (Expected Answers)
The video is all about the communicative strategy
Based on the video, what is a communicative strategy?

Sir, a communicative strategy is a device for

communicating information linked to a particular
What are the communicative strategies that are concern, occurrence, circumstances, and audience.
presented by the different cast?

The communicative strategies that are presented by

casts are nominative, turn-taking, topic-shifting, and
Good. In watching the video, how does the
nomination strategy acted by cast?
The nomination strategy is acted by casts like
opening a conversation or a topic sir.

How about the turn-taking, how casts apply this

strategy? In turn-taking sir, an actor is acknowledged by
someone to speak and share her ideas.

Okay. How about topic-shifting?

In the video sir, topic-shifting is like changing the
topic or jumping into another topic.
Very good. And lastly, the repair strategy, how does it
Sir, the repair strategy from the name itself is to fix
the conversation using the hearing sense and
comprehension of both speakers.


Successful communication requires an understanding

of the relationship between words and sentences and Yes, Sir.
the speech acts they represent.
However, a conversation may be complex at times;
that is why some people get lost along the way and
misunderstand each other.
Do you agree class?

Cohen (1990) states that strategies must be used to

start and maintain a conversation. Knowing and
applying grammar appropriately is one of the most
basic strategies to maintain a conversation.
The following are some strategies that people use
when communicating.

Please read. - A speaker carried out a nomination to
collaboratively and productively establish a
topic. When you employ this strategy, you
try to open a topic with the people you are
talking to.

- Turn-taking pertains to the process by
Please read.
which people decide who takes the
conversational floor.

Sometimes people are given unequal opportunities to

talk because others take much time during the
conversation. But the primary idea is to give all
communicators a chance to speak.

Topic Shifting
Please read - Topic shifting, as the name suggests,
involves moving from one topic to another.

In other words, it is where one part of a conversation

ends and where another begins.
Make sure that the previous topic was nurtured
enough to generate adequate views.
Please read

- Repair refers to how speakers address the

problems in speaking, listening, and
comprehending that they may encounter in a
For example, if everybody in the conversation seems conversation.
to talk at the same time, give way, and appreciate
others’ initiative to set the conversation back to its
What is the importance of these communicative
strategies to us?

(Various answers)
Very well said. How about you?
Very good.

(Various answers)
H. Comparison and Abstraction
Activity No. 1 ”Think of Me”
Direction: Identify the following verbal cues whether
it is Turn-taking or Topic Shifting.
1. Turn-taking
1. Let me finish first…..
2. Topic shifting
2. By the way….
3. Turn-taking
3. I want to hear from you first….
4. Topic shifting
4. Which reminds me of….
5. Turn-taking
5. You wanted to say something?
6. Topic-shifting
6. Since you mentioned that…..
7. Turn-taking
7. Yes? You are acknowledged….
8. Topic shifting
8. Speaking of…..
9. Topic-shifting
9. In addition to what you said…
10. Turn-taking
10. Tell me. I am listening.

Activity No. 2 “Scribble Your Thoughts”

Direction: Create a response that will repair the
following conversations or scenarios.
1. Teacher: (Mispronounces your name) KAY-la,
please come forward. You:
2. Boss: (Blames you for something you did not do)
Why did you not finish the report I asked you to do?
3. Teacher: (Misused a pronoun to your classmate (It varies on the student’s answers)
Mark) Okay! Very good, clap for HER. You:
4. (When your teacher asks a question and your
classmate’s answer in chorus) You:
5. (You want to contribute an idea to your group
project, but your leader is talking relentlessly..)

Very good class.

I. Generalization
Now students always remember that communicative
strategies are devices for communicating information
linked to a particular concern, occurrence,
circumstances, and audience. There 4 types of
communicative strategies namely; nomination, turn-
taking, topic-shifting, and repair. Nomination is a type
of strategy where the speaker carried out a nomination
to collaboratively and productively establish a topic.
When you employ this strategy, you try to open a
topic with the people you are talking to. Turn-taking
pertains to the process by which people decide who
takes the conversational floor. Topic shifting, as the
name suggests, involves moving from one topic to
another. Repair refers to how speakers address the
problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending
that they may encounter in a conversation.

J. Application
We will have our activity, I will let you create your
sequence dialoogue with the use of 4 communicative
strategies sure to assign people to play the characters
and memorize the dialogues you’ve created.
Please group yourselves into four; brainstorm and
share your ideas to create a dialogue and perform it.

Rubrics 5 3 1
There are only
All 0-1
communicative communicative
Content strategies are
strategies are
applied. used.

There are
There are no
minimal Errors are
Grammar errors in the
grammatical observed in the
errors in the communication.

There is fluency There are fillers

The dialogues
Delivery in delivering in delivering
are forgotten.
the dialogues. the dialogues.

Are you ready students?

------------P R E S E N T A T I O N--------

Let’s clap our hands for a job well done

Please go back to your seats and prepare ¼ sheet of

paper and answer the following:
Yes Sir.
K. Evaluation
Identification: Identify the type of communicative
strategy in each statement.
1. “What can say about the DDS administration? “I
prefer not to talk about it. How is your homework?” (Students clap their hands)
2. “One of the essential lessons I gained from the
discussion is the importance of sports and wellness to
a healthy lifestyle.”
3. “Excuse me? I think we should speak one at a time,
so we can clearly understand what we want to say
about the issue.”
4. “Go on with your ideas. I’ll let you finish first
before I say something.”
5. “Have you heard the news about the latest 1. Topic-Shifting
achievement of our government?”
6. “Hey, how are you? I missed you!” 2. Nomination
7. “I like him, he’s kinda cute! Duh! Love sicks me.
There is a new open store, I think we should go there
so we can avail their freebies.” 3. Repair

8. “Good to see you. Anyway, I came to visit you

because I want to personally offer apologies for what I 4. Turn-Taking
did yesterday.”
9. “How can you say that? Like, your still a virgin? I
5. Nomination
know it already Samantha so don’t pretend like you’re
a nun. ”
10. “Now, it’s your turn to ask questions.” 6. Nomination

7. Topic-Shifting
Let’s check your paper. Clockwise

L. Assignment 8. Repair

Reflect on the learning that you gained after taking up

the lesson on 1 whole piece of paper.
1. What were your thoughts or ideas about the 9. C. Turn-Taking
topic before taking up a lesson on the type of
communication strategy?

2. What new additional ideas have you had after 10. B. Turn-Taking
taking this lesson?

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