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MtE-321L Mechanical Vibrations Lab, 5th Semester
Student Name: Muhammad Shaheer
Reg No: 19PWMCT0706
Lab No: 02
Lab Title: To Determine the Natural Frequency, Time Period, Radius of
gyration, and Moment of inertia of Bifilar Suspension System
Course Instructor: Sir Wahad Ur Rahman


Below Basic Student’

Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2)
(1) s Score
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were performed Calculations
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MtE-321L Mechanical Vibrations Lab, 5th Semester
 To Study the Detailed Theory of Bifilar Suspension system
 To find the Time period and Natural Frequency of Bifilar suspension
 To find the radius of gyration of Bifilar Suspension System
 To find the Moment of inertia of Bifilar Suspension System

 Apparatus Used:
 Bifilar Suspension system

Figure 1: Bifilar Suspension system

 Theory:
 The bifilar suspension is a technique used to determine the moment of inertia of
any type of object about any point on the object. This is done by suspending two
parallel cords of equal length through the object examined. However, the
approach taken for this experiment is to determine the moment of inertia of a
drop by suspending the cords through the mass centre of bodies, obtaining an
angular displacement about the vertical axis through the centre of mass by a
sensibly small angle. The aim of the experiment is to investigate the behaviour
of a rod suspended by two threads and to suggest an equation for the motion
 Formula: T = 2π[4IL/mgd2]1/2

 Radius of Gyration:
 length that represents the distance in a rotating system between the point about
which it is rotating and the point to or from which a transfer of energy has the
maximum effect. Symbol: k or r 

 Working:
 A rectangular metal or wooden block having a pair of chucks or hooks on each
of its three planes (bifilar pendulum). When the body is twisted through a small
angle in the horizontal plane and released, it executes simple angular oscillations
about the vertical axis passing through its centre of gravity.
 Procedure:
 With the bar suspended by the wires, the length L was adjusted to a convenient
extent and then distance, b, between the wires was measured.
 The bar was then tilted through a very small angle about the vertical axis and
time taken for 8 oscillations of the bar, was recorded. From this, the periodic
time was also calculated.
 he length L was further adjusted and the time taken for another 8 oscillations
was recorded.
  Then step 3 was repeated for three different cases as mention bellow
 Case No. 1: Back and Forth Motion
 Case No. 2: Side Way Vibration Motion of a System

 Case No. 3: Rotate about the Center of Axis

 All the calculations and measurements for all the three cases is shown below

 Case No. 1: Back and Forth Motion

Figure 2: Calculations for Case#1

 Case No. 2: Sideways Vibration Motion of a System

Figure 3: Calculations for Case#2

 Case No. 3: Rotate about the Center of Axis

Figure 4: Calculations for Case#3

 Plots:

Figure 5: Time Period Vs Length of a Wire

Figure 6: Time Period Vs Distance Between the Wires

Figure 7: Moment of inertia Vs Time Period

Figure 8: Radius of Gyration Vs Time Period

 Reference:

[1] "The Constructor Building Ideas," [Online]. Available:

testing-machine-components-functions/2449/. [Accessed 10 7 20201].

The End

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