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Have to
A. Mention activities that you have to do:

1. Tomorrow: I have to wake up early tomorrow.

2. After this homework: I have to eat after this homework.
3. On the weekend: I have to go out with friends on the weekend.
4. Next week: I have to clean my room next week.
5. Next vacations: I have to look for a job next vacation.
6. Next semester: I have to improve my grade next semester.

B. Mention If you have to or don’t have to do these activities:

1. Clean your room tomorrow: don't have to clean my room tomorrow

because I have to clean my room on Saturday.
2. water the plants tonight: I don't have to water the plants tonight because
I have to water the plants early tomorrow.
3. set the table every day: I don't have to go set the table every day because
I never have to set the table.
4. walk the dog once a week: I have to walk the dog once a week because it
is my responsibility.
5. sweep the floor every week: I don't have to sweep the floor every week
because I have to sweep it once a week.
6. wash your dishes every day: I don't have to wash the dishes every day
because I just have to cook.

C. Mention If a friend has to or doesn’t have to do these activities:

1. Take English class tomorrow: Alfonso doesn't have to take English

classes tomorrow because he's already out of school.
2. wash the car tonight: Alfonso doesn't have to wash the car tonight
because he already washed the car yesterday.
3. Do the laundry once a week: Mayra has to do the laundry once a week

4. Cook: Mayra has to cook spaghetti once a month for her family.
5. Do the shopping every week: Alfonso doesn't have to do the shopping
every week because he doesn't know how to shop.

D. Ask 4 questions for teacher Grecia using “have to”:

1. What do you have to do on your weekend?
2. How do you have to dress to teach?
3. When do you have to go shopping?
4. Which celebrity do you have to be friends with?


A. Answer the following questions using your own information. Write as

many details as you can ;)

1. Do you like to watch tv? Why? No, I don't watch TV.

2. How many hours a day do you usually watch TV? I don't like to
watch TV, it's very rare that I watch TV.
3. Who is your favorite movie star? Johnny Depp is my favorite actor.
4. What is your favorite tv show? Why? My favorite series is Game of
Thrones and the Simpsons but I don't see it on TV.
5. What is your favorite kind of movie (for example, action movies,
comedies, etc.)? I love comedy, science fiction and suspense movies.
6. What movies will you watch this year? I will see predator its
beginnings, and only that movie I am waiting for now. I will see
predator its beginnings, and only that movie I am waiting for now.

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