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was to destroy



made hadnt found

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were all full couldnt stop buying new clothes

was always throwing things away had thrown out an antique vase by mistake

were in debt had spent too much money on stuff for their apartment

had a huge collection of comic books that he just didnt have room for.

would have to have a yard sale to get rid of all the junk they had been buying at sales.

never threw things away. he just left things in the garage.

i have an allowance for special treats i dont keep track of how much i spend

i pay my bills on time i dont set aside money

i pay back right away i dont have a bank account that pays good interest

i pay it off my loans i dont put enought money away for a rainy day
she asked me if i was relaxed about spending money

she asked me if i usually paid in cash, or i often charged things to a credit card

she asked if i could stick to a monthly budget

she asked me if i had taked anything back to store recently

she aske me how many times i had borrowed money from friends or familuy.
she asked me how much money could i spend on treats each month

she asked me if i had any loans? and i was paying them off as soon as i could
A friend of mine,was telling me that his fiancee and he are going to have a samll wedding. They decided big weddings are a waste of money.
They`d rather have a nice honeymoon, so they set aside somen money for a trip to sydney.

A firned of mine was telling me that they want to put in a new kitchen, but they are going to have to take out a loaan to pay
for it. its expensive.

a friend of mine was telling me that he is thinking of leaving his job and going back to school. he wants to become a teacher. he thinks he will be. happier in
that kind of job than he is now.
Jeff Bezos

Real state

trust fund

the lottery

oxxo, restaurants

A house
a limit in your credit

influencers, engineers, dentist, plastic surgeons, the worst: employees of factories, cashiers, waitress

currency exchange, as a cashier,secretary in a office.

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crammed is to put everytihng in one place, overflowing mens
set aside money
pay good interest

had a budget kept track of

paid in cash

invest money in

applied for a credit card

took out a loan

gotten out of debt


he shouldnt have spending all the money




intelligence agressive intelligent


depression guilt jealously depressed guilty jealous

flexibility motivation sensitivity flexible motivated sensitive

determination confidence sadness determined confident sad

leaking to be fix

to do

spot cleaned

make a funny changed

to be replace, or replacing












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