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2.5 Function transformations

1 For each function below, sketch the graphs of y  f (x) and y  f  x  .

a y  2  x 2  4x

b y  2x  2

2 Given the graph of y  g(x) below, sketch y  g(x) and y  g  x  .

3 On the same set of axes, draw the graphs of y  x2  9 and y  . Label any y -intercepts
x2  9
and asymptotes.

4 Given the graph of g(x) below, sketch the graph of .
g(x )

5 If f (x)  2(x  2)2  6 :

a Sketch the graph of f (x) .

b Sketch the graph of f (x) reflected over the x -axis.

c i Sketch the graph of f (x) reflected over the y -axis.

ii Write the equation of the function after the reflection over the y -axis.

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Additional exercise

6 Given the graph of y  f (x) below, sketch the graph of

a y  2f (x) b y  f (x)  3 c y  2
f (x)

7 The point (6,8) is on the graph of y  f (3x)  1 . State the coordinates of the corresponding
point on the graph of y  f (x) .

8 The graphs of g(x) and f (x) are shown below.

a Identify the transformations performed on f (x) to obtain g(x) .

b Write g(x) in terms of f (x) .

1 3
9 Consider the functions f (x)  and g(x)   1 . Describe the transformations needed to
x 2x  4
produce g(x) from f (x) .

1 3
10 Describe the transformations needed to transform f (x)  to g(x)  1.
x 2x  4

11 Rewrite the equation of y  x  2 after each of the following transformations.

a A translation of 2 units down and 3 units to the left.

b A reflection in the y -axis and a vertical compression of .

c A reflection in the x -axis and a horizontal compression by a factor of .

1 3
12 The point (2, 4) lies on the graph of y   x . What are the coordinates of the corresponding
point on the graph of y  1   (2(x  3))3  1 ?

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Additional exercise


1 a y  f (x ) :

y  f x:

b y  f (x ) :

y  f x:

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2 y  g(x) :

y  f x:

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5 a

c i

ii y  2((x  2))2  6

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6 a

7 There was a vertical translation one unit down, so to reverse it, add 1 to the y -coordinate:

(6, 8)  (6, 9)

There was a vertical compression by a factor of , so to reverse it, multiply the y -coordinate
by 2: (6,9)  (6,18)

There was a horizontal compression by a factor of , so to reverse it, multiply the x -
coordinate by 3: (6,18)  (18,18)

The coordinates of the point on f (x) are (18,18) .

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Additional exercise

8 a Vertical reflection: (x, y)  (x, y)

Vertical stretch with a factor of 2: (x, y)  (x,2y)

Horizontal translation three units to the left: (x, y)  (x  3, y)

Vertical translation two units up: (x, y)  (x, y  2)

b g(x)  2f (x  3)  2

3 3
9 g(x)  1  1
2x  4 2(x  2)

Vertical reflection: (x, y)  (x, y)

Vertical stretch with a factor of 3: (x, y)  (x,3y)

1 1 
Horizontal compression with a factor of : ( x, y )   x, y 
2  2 

Horizontal translation two units to the right: (x, y)  (x  2, y)

Vertical translation one unit down: (x, y)  (x, y  1)

x  2 (x  4)  2  4 6
10 g(x)    1
x4 x4 x4

Vertical reflection: (x, y)  (x, y)

Vertical stretch with a factor of 6: (x, y)  (x,6y)

Horizontal translation 4 units to the left: (x, y)  (x  4, y)

Vertical translation one unit up: (x, y)  (x, y  1)

11 a y  x 1 2

b y  (x  2)

c y  (x  2)

1 1 
12 Horizontal compression with a factor of : (x, y )   x, y  , (2, 4)  (1, 4)
2 2 

Horizontal translation 3 units to the right: (x, y)  (x  3, y) , (1, 4)  (2, 4)

Vertical translation one unit up: (x, y)  (x, y  1) , (2, 4)  (2, 3)

The coordinates of the corresponding point are (2, 3) .

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