The Modern Family

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The Modern Family

a short story

“Wake up now! you idiots! It’s almost noon time! *$@$#!!”

I was woke by the words imposing errands and declaring urgent response. I immediately lift myself off
the bed, quickly run downstairs. Took a glimpse to the mirror-

“What time is it? Huh?? You all woke up again at this ******time! You all got a lots of stuff you need to
do! Keep this in your silly minds huh! You all are not a prince, you’re not in a royalty! Now! Move!”

I and my two brother goes to our destined areas. We never had the chance to feed our starving
stomach, it’s demanding. At least, we all wash our faces with water, that’s the first thing we does in
this constant morning. I’m the in-charge here in the living room, the second to me was the in-charge
in the backyard, and the youngest was the one in the comfort room. This is our daily routine, wake up,
clean the house and left no crumbs, do the tasks we’re assigned to fulfil so that we won’t give them
disappointments and headache, study, eat, and rest, and oh, I forgot, we’re the responsible to their
problems and hard situations, why? Because we are the ones who made them suffer, and bring
cruelty to their lives, and in fact, they regretted raising us and they always wonder why we even
existed, when we’re literally useless. It all came out literally from their ruthless, violent, massive,
offensive, uncertain mouths. I sighed as I do persistently sweep the floor. During the task, I heard a
voice whispering.

“Kuya! Kuya!” he whispered in a higher tone. I responded with a glimpse, and an eyes wondering,
eyes wide open showing gestures of “What?”

My brother did not mumble anymore but he does an expression, stating that he’s hungry by touching
her abdomen and showing his worried and desperate face.

I could not take this, my youngers was always like this, and I can’t bare it. I don’t wanna see them
again like this. It hurts.

I dropped the broom gently on the floor. I run into the kitchen in a pace. Quickly find something edible,
anything that my siblings can take. My body began trembling as I open every cabinet and the sorts of
it. There’s no such food that the cabinets contains, in all of a sudden, I feel myself uncomfortable and
frustrating, the breathing of mine rapidly and quickly racing, my heart palpitates and burns. I must
calm down, and shall be firm, I have to look a food, there’s my family outside who are longing for me.
Without a doubt, I accomplished to come in front of the fridge. I look around, I have to be cautious. I
clenched my jaw and at the same time I sighed, grabbed the handle and leisurely open it. I felt bliss
and right now I am in tears. Well, at least, this was extenuating. I have to be quick.

A minutes ago since I went in the kitchen, now they’re seemed energized. I smirked, and continuously
doing the deed I have to finish.

This day has been exhausting and it’s very usual to us, normal, a habit indeed. We got no time for
diversions. It’s almost dark, nocturne will occur sooner. My loved ones were right there inside our
congested room. Doing there studies, and so I am but not there, I’m in here, in the kitchen, waiting
the rice to be cooked. Hoo…sighs. I wipe my head with my palm, it was drained and sweaty and tired.
My eyes linger around every corner of this room. I finally managed to finished the assignments, now
I’m just gonna wait for the mill turned into rice.
I walk slowly, intend to go the sala. This house was gone pleasant and maybe peaceful.
I sat on the rusty and almost decayed couch right in front of TV. I put myself on the back of it, I feel
relieved, feels like I’ve never been experienced in my entire existence. I gently closed my eyes, and
freed a deep drained breathe. I smirked, opened my eyes, and gaze at the rough ceiling. Moving my
eyes above the TV, I saw the portraits of the greatest couple of all time, it was aligned, a row of their
beautiful moments. I have to admit, everyday I am dying waiting for them to put us in the alignments.
Now I shall cry, for these anchor of pain I am suffering. The anxiety now was the in-control of my
mind, soon enough, it will devour my body, my feelings, and emotions. Tears constantly falling and
never stopped.

In the midst of the moments of drama, door in the entrance offered a noise, repetitively knocking.
They’re here, our greatest parents. I stood up, then hearing my brothers initiating themselves off
down here. It was night.

Silence predominate our dinner. They bought a very tasty and delicious meal. A great tandem indeed,
a rice and a roasted chicken.

“Mom! My teacher just said to me that I did a great job, I got a line of 9 this quarter!” my brother broke
the silence, he must be proud, and I’m so happy for him.

Mother stopped eating so as Dad, she stared at my youngest brother. “And so what? What now? Was
it profitable? Can it give me a money?”

An hour passed after the dinner, now I am right here in the sink, washing plates. My brothers fell
asleep in deep of sorrow and sadness. I can’t manage myself to look at them, and even until right
now, I am crying. It never stopped. I ceased washing in the middle of thinking. My mind was a blank
canvas, eyes were now a fall, and my mind has been lost. Why is it to be like this? We are so young
to be this way. Why?

Without being skeptical, my head felled to the overflowing large sink. Every night are the same. Now
it has to be done, and get rid of this. Everything was dark, bubbles around I heard. I am drowning in
the sink. I felt my massive head fell like an anchor full of unsaid thoughts, resentments and grievance.
I can’t believe I’m dying, but oh I already died everyday in blue, despair and hopelessness. Amid of
the drowning, I realized. This is the modern family, when money is the superior and the greatest
triumph for everyone. Where if you have nothing, you are muted, no rights to speak, and not allowed
to voice out. This is the modern family where depression is a hoax, and the children’s feelings are no
interesting and valid, where there is no appreciation but only contribution. After all they’re my parents,
and I am really sorry for my brothers, I became egoistic.

Is it better to speak or to die?

A short story written by Siegfred Salud.

Based on real life experiences.

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