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*Belief Creates Physical Reality* B: You! Q: Yes, back here.

You know, it's very difficult to get your attention as a first-time attendee. There's someone back here who was eager to get a question in, and I think they gave up because of the competition. Could she ask a question? And if it isn't taking unfair advantage, could I ask one after that? B: Absolutely. But do recognize, first of all, that everything occurs in perfect timing. Proceed. Q: My question was that some material has come to me lately about - and it sounds morbid, so excuse me - about what happens to beings that are atomically disintegrated. And that it's much harder on them because that body is totally disintegrated. And I wondered if this is true. B: There can be some relevance to this idea within certain belief systems. There can be energies that may bridge what you call the physical/nonphysical barriers, in this way, and cause some sense of disruption. But also, is there some specific reason why you are over concerned about the idea of atomic disintegration? Q: Yes. Because of something that was said to me about my energies and my inability to... my energies can get extremely scattered, and there is very much difficulty in bringing them back together. And someone told me unasked by me - oh, I hate saying this in front of a group of people... B: Oh, it's all right. Q: ... that I'd been atomically blown up, and that my energy field was scattered, and it's very difficult for me to bring it back together. B: In what era were you atomically blown up? Q: I'll tell you, I was so blown away, I didn't even ask! So I don't know. B: All right, one moment. May I ask you a few questions myself? Q: Yes. B: Do you believe you are here for a reason - I mean on earth? Q: On earth? B: Yes. Q: Yeees. B: You say that hesitantly. Q: No, I just... I think that anybody that's here has to believe they're

here for a reason. B: All right. Do you believe you are here for a reason of your own choosing? Q: Yes. B: All right. Do you, or can you, therefore, recognize that even if this idea of the atomic disintegration were so, that therefore, by having chosen to be in the physical life you are in now, this is representative of your ability to reintegrate yourself? That is, perhaps one of the ideas you are learning. Q: Yes. I'm having a tough time. B: That's all right. The only reason you are having a tough time, per se, is because you have been taught to treat the time you are having /as/ tough to think of it as a negative experience. The second you can begin to realize the ideas in your life, the situations in your life, the occurrences in your life, are there for a positive reason, you will allow yourself to accelerate into the integration. And therefore, not experience the reality as tough. It is only the definition you have been taught that creates what you are perceiving to be toughness - only the definition. That is it! Only the definition! You follow me? Q: I do. I don't know to change that. B: Oh! 'Tis very simple, very simple. Q: Oh, good. B: Now, first of all, recognize this idea: do you understand that what you call your imagination reality, and your physical reality, are both real? Q: Yes. B: All right. Then you can very simply recognize that ability to conceive of something you prefer to be, you vibration. And all you have to do is begin to /act/ as to allow your physical reality to reflect that in your if you have the are already /of/ that if it is true for you, life.

It is only because you continue to assume what you have been taught - that, "well, if I have imagined it, now what - do - I have - to - do - to - be come - this - idea? What long - involved - process - is - nec - es - sary in - or - der - to - achieve - this - thing - out here?" That is what makes it tough. Q: That's not it; it is that I have consistent evidence that I'm not doing... B: Evidence! Evidence! What you are calling evidence is only what the physical reality reflects what you believe to be true. Do not forget: your belief of what you believe to be true is what creates physical evidence not the other way around. Belief creates physical reality, which then may /reinforce/ the original belief. And that is what you think of as evidence. "Well, yes. Well, look, this is happening; therefore it obviously is tough." But it is only happening in a tough way because you believe it has to be tough. The evidence is only a result of the fact that you contain a belief that it has to be tough.

Now recognize, therefore, that the evidence you are seeing is not representative of the idea that you are /stuck/ in that belief; it is representative of the idea that you /have/ the belief. Because you are /seeing/ that reflection in your life - that so-called evidence that is there - to let you know you /have/ the belief that things are tough. And then it puts you squarely in touch with the fact that you have that belief. Now that you /know/ you have that belief, if you don't /prefer/ that belief, all you have to do is /redefine/ that belief. And then the only other thing that is necessary is to act like you have redefined that belief and not act as if you haven't, then your physical reality is only the shadow of the idea you believe you are. When you change the idea that you are, and start acting like you truly believe you have changed, then your physical reality, being the shadow of your soul, has no choice but to give you new evidence. Is any of this making some sense? Q: Oh, very much. B: It is only simple physics, it is only simple mechanics. AND I can remind you of a very important foundational idea that in many ways contradicts many of the beliefs you have in your society - but nonetheless can work if you let it. It /is/ that simple. (Said by Bashar): "Are you sure it's not any more complex than that, Bashar?" Yes, I'm sure. I'm sure it can be made more complex than that. But I am equally sure that it can be that simple, if you will allow it to be. That is all it takes: willingness to believe it /is/ that simple. Then the physical reality, in a very short period of time, will begin to change and transform into the type of reinforcing feedback /evidence/ that then reinforces the new belief you have now made a conscious choice to /become/. Is any of this making sense? Q: Yes. B: Now: the idea of what you refer to as the atomic disintegration is representational of a system - a planetary system - that no longer exists physically, as you know it. It is what you call, "Maldek." It occupied what you now refer to as the asteroid belt in your solar system. You follow me? Q: Yes. B: Does this assist you? Q: Yes it does. B: Thank you. Brave soul. Q: Thank you.

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