EDU 054 Syllabus, Day 1 - 12

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PHINMA Education


PEN Code: EDU 054 Credit: 1 unit

PEN Subject Title: Field Study 5 Prerequisite: None

A. Subject Description:
This subject allows the students to have hands on experiences in selecting, constructing and evaluating
convectional, authentic and alternative assessment tools used in the learning environment based on the principles of

B. Objectives:
At the end of the course, you should be able to:
 Select, construct and evaluate assessment tools used in the learning environment.
 Reflect on the importance of the teacher’s knowledge and skills in the use of different assessment
 Express one’s view on the use of the different forms of assessment.

C. Subject Outline and Time Allotment:

Unit Topics/Activities Schedule

Orientation Day 1
 Finding out the assessment tools used by the teachers.
Day 2
1  Identifying assessment tools used in class.
Assessment  Classifying the assessment tools in your list as to conventional, alternative
tools in the or authentic. Day 3
Environment  Determining the importance of evaluation part in the lesson. Day 4

Day 5


 Identifying the different types of authentic assessment. Day 6

Authentic  Discussing the benefits and challenges the teachers experienced on the
Assessment use of authentic assessment. Day 7

Process-  Identifying performance-based activities. Day 8
Day 9


Process-  Developing a process-oriented rubric for the activity.
Day 10
 Identifying performance-based activities conducted.
6 Day 11

Product-  Developing a product-oriented rubric for the activity.
Oriented Day 12


D. Textbook: Student’s Activity Sheets/ Student’s Module

E. Other References:
[1] Field Study 5 “Learning Assessment”, June P. Salana, 2013

Suggested Requirements Due Date
Comprehensive Portfolio (Compilation of Student’s Activity Sheets)

G. Grading System:

Experiential BSED - SCIENCE
Assessment Professional Learning
Component Education Courses (Field BEED BSED - Laboratory Non-
Study & ENGLISH Subject Laboratory
Internship) Subject

Periodic 40% 20% 40% 40% 40% 40%


Performance 30% 60% 30% 30% 40% 30%


Written Works 30% 20% 30% 30% 30%

Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

H. Contact Information

______________________ ______________________
Instructor’s Name Contact Number

______________________ ______________________
Email Address Consultation Hours

Dean’s Name and Signature

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #1

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Class Orientation Materials:

Activity Sheet
Lesson Objectives:
1. At the end of this module, I can explain the definition and Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
importance of flexible learning Lorimar Publishing (2013)
2. At the end of this module, I can identify the classroom or school

Productivity Tip:
Welcome to a new Academic Year! Another year has passed but you are doing good for continuing.
Remember this: Be kind to yourself and your mistakes. You are surely making a progress! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Today, you will learn the concept of flexible learning, know the school or classroom rules.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is Flexible Learning?

2. How’s the process of flexible learning?

3. What are the classroom rules?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #1


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

What is Flexible Learning?

Flexible Learning is the design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions that address
learners’ unique needs in terms of place, pace, process, and products of learning. It involves the use of digital
and non-digital technology, and covers both face-to-face/in-person learning and out-of-classroom learning
modes of delivery or a combination of modes of delivery. It ensures the continuity of inclusive and accessible
education when the use of traditional modes of teaching is not feasible, as in the occurrence of national
emergencies. Flexible Learning is a pedagogical approach allowing flexibility of time, place and audience
including, but not solely focused on, the use of technology. Although it commonly uses the delivery methods of
distance education and facilities of education technology, this may vary depending on the levels of technology,
availability of devices, internet connectivity, level of digital literacy and approaches. (SEAMEO)

Let’s take a look how we will implement this method:

1. Face-to-face or in-class sessions are limited to 4 meetings per subject in a two-week period; the
remaining 10 days is home sessions.
2. A flexible learning module will be our main material.
3. These modules will be collected during the in-class sessions. Performance tasks will be more on written
production (example, quizzes, essays, research).
4. Supplementary tasks, for example, video watching, relevant lectures, will be had during the in-class
5. During the home sessions, communication and interaction between you and your classmates, and your
teacher will be open for questions, clarifications, mentoring, and other concerns.

Classroom Rules
Students are expected to abide by the school policies as mentioned in the PHINMA Araullo University.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You are being familiarized to what Flexible Learning is! Now, you may proceed to the next activity.

1. What are your thoughts about flexible learning?

 ____________________________________________________________________________



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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #1

2. How are you going to cope with this new method?

 ____________________________________________________________________________



3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is Flexible Learning?

2. How’s the process of flexible learning?

3. What are the classroom rules?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Answer the following questions below.

1. How will you now define flexible learning in your own perspective?

 _________________________________________________________________________



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #1


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Describe and summarize your experience today.

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. When will we go back to the traditional face-to-face set-up?

 The school follows the government’s programs on the health, safety and education of everyone. We will
transition as advised.
2. Will I learn through this new setup?
 All modules are carefully planned to ensure quality in education. With proper partnership between
educators and students, students will learn.

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #1

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Assessment tools in the learning Environment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can find out the assessment tools References:
used by the teachers. Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
2. At the end of this module, I can identify the assessment tools used Lorimar Publishing (2013)
in class

Productivity Tip:
It’s time to refresh your mind and go back to your productive habits. Make sure to motivate yourself, as you
begin to take the responsibilities of a student. Get ready to learn and enjoy! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
A perfect day to start this session, I am sure that you are excited to learn after a long time of resting.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Take this beautiful reminder as you start! 

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What does the subject, Field Study 5

all about?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

2. What does assessment all about?

3. What is the importance of assessment

tools in class?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Field Study 5

This subject allows the students to have hands on experiences in selecting, constructing and
evaluating convectional, authentic and alternative assessment tools used in the learning environment
based on the principles of teaching.

What is Assessment?
Various definitions of assessment and the role it plays in teaching and learning:

 Assessment involves the use of empirical data on student learning to refine programs and improve
student learning. (Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education by Allen 2004)
 Assessment is the process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources
in order to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their
knowledge as a result of their educational experiences; the process culminates when assessment
results are used to improve subsequent learning. (Learner-Centered Assessment on College
Campuses: shifting the focus from teaching to learning by Huba and Freed 2000)
 Assessment is the systematic basis for making inferences about the learning and development of
students. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using
information to increase students' learning and development. (Assessing Student Learning and
Development: A Guide to the Principles, Goals, and Methods of Determining College Outcomes by
Erwin 1991)
 Assessment is the systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development. (Assessment Essentials:
planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education by Palomba and Banta 1999)

Assessment Tools
o Concept Maps - A diagramming technique for assessing how well students see the "big
o Concept Tests - Conceptual multiple-choice questions that are useful in large classes.
o Knowledge Survey - Students answer whether they could answer a survey of course content
o Exams - Find tips on how to make exams better assessment instruments.
o Oral Presentations - Tips for evaluating student presentations.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

o Poster Presentations - Tips for evaluating poster presentations.

o Peer Review - Having students assess themselves and each other.
o Portfolios - A collection of evidence to demonstrate mastery of a given set of concepts.
o Rubrics - A set of evaluation criteria based on learning goals and student performance.
o Written Reports - Tips for assessing written reports.
o Other Assessment Types Includes concept sketches, case studies, seminar-style courses,
mathematical thinking and performance assessments.

Review your syllabus for better understanding of the subject and its included topics.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You seem so focused and excited for the activities. Since, you are done with reading your notes, I’m
sure you can answer the next activity.

I. Complete the diagram.

Purposes of Assessment

II. Identify which assessment tool that is being described.

__________1. Conceptual multiple-choice questions that are useful in large classes

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

__________2. Includes concept sketches, case studies, seminar-style courses, mathematical thinking
and performance assessments
__________3. Tips for evaluating poster presentations.
__________4. Find tips on how to make exams better assessment instruments
__________5. Having students assess themselves and each other
__________6. A diagramming technique for assessing how well students see the "big picture"
__________7. A set of evaluation criteria based on learning goals and student performance
__________8. Students answer whether they could answer a survey of course content questions
__________9. Tips for evaluating student presentations
__________10. A collection of evidence to demonstrate mastery of a given set of concepts

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What does the subject, Field Study 5

all about?

2. What does assessment all about?

3. What is the importance of assessment

tools in class?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

Very good!  It’s obvious that you are enjoying the session. You may answer the next activity, as soon
as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. How will you know if the assessment method is appropriate?

 _________________________________________________________________________



2. Give an example of traditional assessment.

 _________________________________________________________________________



Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

1. How was your experience in today’s session?

 ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What specific concept is difficult for you?

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. What are the possible requirements that I need to accomplish in this subject?
 You may refer to the syllabus, but the primary requirement for this subject is case study.
2. What is the importance of the subject for my future career?
 Field Study 5 will help you to have hands on experiences in selecting, constructing and
evaluating convectional, authentic and alternative assessment tools used in the learning
environment based on the principles of teaching


Activity 3: Possible answers

I. Complete the Diagram
1. Assessment of Learning
2. Assessment for Learning
3. Assessment as Learning
1. Concept Tests
2. Other Assessment Types
3. Poster Presentations
4. Exams
5. Peer Review
6. Concept Maps
7, Rubrics
8. Knowledge Survey
9. Oral Presentations
10. Portfolios
Activity 5: Check for Understanding
1. The appropriateness of assessment method is depending in the learning objectives the attainment of
which is what you are assessing.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #2

2. teachers used pen-and-paper objective test to assess students’ mastery of a given concept,
substantive subject matter. This assessment strategy it either teacher-made test or standardized test
and it has a specific correct answer or response.

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Assessment tools in the learning Environment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can the assessment tools in your list References:
as to conventional, alternative or authentic. Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
2. At the end of this module, I can identify the conventional, Lorimar Publishing (2013)
alternative, and authentic assessment tools used in class

Productivity Tip:
Let us get motivated! Make sure you eat healthy food, organize your materials and fix yourself. Once you get
started, avoid using any gadget; it may distract you. Make sure you will be happy yet productive! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Here we go again, future teachers! Prepare yourself for another meaningful learning today.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Before you proceed to the next topic, let us make sure if you have an idea about it.
Define the following terminologies:

1. Conventional __________________________________________________________


2. Alternative  ____________________________________________________________


3. Authentic  ____________________________________________________________


2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is conventional assessment?

2. What is alternative assessment?

3. What are the importance of knowing

both of them in learning?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 
 Conventional, more traditional, assessment tools evaluate what skills students can perform with
success. They are generally knowledge-based, versus hands-on or performance-based. They
include traditional types of tests like multiple-choice, short answer essays or constructed
responses, and standardized tests such as those districts administer to all students.
 Multiple-Choice Tests
 Short-Answer Essay Tests
 Constructed-Response Tests
 Standardized Tests
 Alternative assessments, also referred to as performance tests or authentic assessments, are
used to determine what students can and cannot do, in contrast to what they do or do not know.
In other words, an alternative assessment measures applied proficiency more than it measures
knowledge. Typical examples of alternative assessments include portfolios, project work, and
other activities requiring some type of rubric.

The essence of a performance assessment is that students are given the opportunity to do one
or more of the following:
 Demonstrate their ability
 Perform a meaningful task
 Receive feedback by a qualified person in terms of relevant and defensible criteria

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

After reading the concept notes, answer the following activities to help you understand more the lesson.

I. Complete the diagram below.

Conventional Alternative
Assessment Assessment

Your explanation here

 _________________________________________________________________________



II. Identify the appropriate assessment for the given lesson

Lesson Type of Assessment Explanation

1. Parts of the Human Heart

2. Different Types of Folk Dance

3. Spelling Word correctly

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is conventional assessment?

2. What is alternative assessment?

3. What are the importance of knowing

both of them in learning?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

It seems everything is good with you. You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. How do you balance using the conventional and alternative assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3



2. What are the essence of a performance assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________



Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. How was your experience in today’s session?

 ____________________________________________________________________________



2. What specific concept is difficult for you?

 ____________________________________________________________________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. How will you know the appropriate assessment tools for your students?
Appropriate assessment tools have the following characteristics:
 Will they measure achievement of your outcomes?
Shows if targets – the desired level of performance (level of satisfaction, productivity,
efficiency, student performance) for each outcome – were achieved'
 Cost-Effective in time and money
 Useful = will produce results that provide information that can be used in making
decisions to improve student learning
 Reasonably-accurate and truthful – NOT Perfect = yields dependable, consistent
responses over time
 Evidence of being on-going, not once and done


Activity 3: Possible answers

I. Complete the Diagram
1.Conventional - They include traditional types of tests like multiple-choice, short answer essays or
constructed responses, and standardized tests such as those districts administer to all students.
2. Alternative – It measures applied proficiency more than it measures knowledge. Typical examples of
alternative assessments include portfolios, project work, and other activities requiring some type of

{The assessment tool should support the lesson and will help to achieve the objectives}
Activity 5: Check for Understanding
1. You can balance the two approaches by using both traditional and alternative by knowing the
principle is to utilize a wide variety of methods in order to make sure that all aspects of learning are
being addressed.
2. The essence are: demonstrate their ability, perform a meaningful task, and receive feedback by a
qualified person in terms of relevant and defensible criteria

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #3

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Assessment tools in the learning Environment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can determine the importance of References:
evaluation. Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
2. At the end of this module, I can define what evaluation is. Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
It’s a wonderful day, today! I hope you are ready for another opportunity to widen your knowledge while
enjoying the activities.


1) Introduction (2 mins)
This day is going to be productive for sure! Let us be excited to learn and have fun. 
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today (Written in the header)

Before you proceed to the next topic, let us make sure if you have an idea about it.
Define the following terminologies:

1.Assesment __________________________________________________________


2. Evaluation  ____________________________________________________________


2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4

1. What is evaluation?

2. What is the importance of evaluation?

3. What is the connection of evaluation

and assessment?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Meaning of Evaluation
 Evaluation is a broader term than the Measurement. It is more comprehensive than
mere inclusive than the term Measurement. It goes ahead of measurement which simply
indicates the numerical value. It gives the value judgement to the numerical value. It
includes both tangible and intangible qualities.

Assessment of Learning

Test Measurement Evaluation

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4

Type of Evaluation:
Formative  The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback
that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning
Summative  The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an
instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

After reading the concept notes, answer the following activities to help you understand more the lesson.

I. Identify if it is FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE

__________1. turn in a research proposal for early feedback

__________2. a midterm exam

__________3. a seatwork

__________4. submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture

__________5. a final project

II. Answer the following question.

Cite a classroom scenario where a teacher is effectively using formative assessment and summative

Write your answer here







Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is evaluation?

2. What is the importance of evaluation?

3. What is the connection of evaluation

and assessment?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are almost there! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. How does formative evaluation help students to improve?

 _________________________________________________________________________



2. How does information from summative evaluation can be used formatively?

 _________________________________________________________________________



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. What is the main purpose of evaluation?

 The main purpose of the evaluation was to focus on the process of implementation rather than on its
impact, since this would be minimal after such a short time, accessing in particular the participatory
approaches used to identify project beneficiaries and the communities’ role in implementing and
monitoring the project. Evidence of being on-going, not once and done
2. What makes a good evaluation?
 Good evaluation is tailored to your program and builds on existing evaluation knowledge and
 Good evaluation is inclusive.
 Good evaluation is honest.
 Good evaluation is replicable and its methods are as rigorous as circumstances allow.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #4


Activity 3: Possible answers

I. Complete the Diagram
2. Summative
3. Formative
4. Formative
5. Summative
{Answers may vary}
Activity 5: Check for Understanding
1. It helps students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work. It helps
faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately.
2. Information from summative assessments can be used formatively when students or faculty use it to
guide their efforts and activities in subsequent courses.

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Authentic Assessment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can identify the different types of References:
authentic assessment Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
2. At the end of this module, I can define what authentic assessment Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
Let us be motivated and excited to learn something new today. Once you get started, make sure you avoid
using gadgets so that you can focus on your activity! You can do it! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Another topic to learn today, future teachers! Make sure you are prepared for another session today. As
we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Take this beautiful reminder as you start! 

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

1. What is authentic assessment?

2. What are the different types of

authentic assessment?

3. How does authentic assessment

become important in learning?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

What is Authentic Assessment?

 A form of assessment in which students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate
meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills -- Jon Mueller
 "...Engaging and worthy problems or questions of importance, in which students must use knowledge to
fashion performances effectively and creatively. The tasks are either replicas of or analogous to the
kinds of problems faced by adult citizens and consumers or professionals in the field." -- Grant Wiggins
-- (Wiggins, 1993, p. 229).
 "Performance assessments call upon the examinee to demonstrate specific skills and competencies,
that is, to apply the skills and knowledge they have mastered." -- Richard J. Stiggins -- (Stiggins, 1987,
p. 34).
What does Authentic Assessment look like?
 An authentic assessment usually includes a task for students to perform and a rubric by which their
performance on the task will be evaluated. Click the following links to see many examples of authentic
tasks and rubrics.

Types of Authentic Assessment

o Oral Interviews  Teacher asks students questions about personal background, activities, readings,
and interests
o Story or Test Retelling  Students retell main ideas or selected details of text experienced through
listening or reading
o Writing Samples  Students generate narrative, expository, persuasive, or reference paper
o Projects/ Exhibitions  Students complete project in content area, working individually or in pairs
o Experiments/ Demonstrations  Students complete experiment or demonstrate use of materials
o Teacher Observations  Teacher observes student attention, response to instructional materials, or
interactions with other students
o Portfolios  Focused collection of student work to show progress over time

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

It seems that everything is east for you. Now, you may proceed answering the next activities! You can
do this! 

I. Answer the following question.

1. How is Authentic Assessment similar to/different from Traditional Assessment?





II. The following below are situations of traditional assessment. Now, convert it to authentic

Traditional Authentic

1. Selecting a Response

2. Contrived

3. Recall / Recognition

4. Teacher-structured

5. Indirect Evidence

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is authentic assessment?

2. What are the different types of

authentic assessment?

3. How does authentic assessment

become important in learning?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You’re doing good! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. What are the types of authentic assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________



2. How does authentic assessment important?

 _________________________________________________________________________



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Here’s your takeaway!

If you have questions that you cannot ask to your teacher, this may help you clarify things out.

1. What are the advantages of authentic assessment?

 It is realistic.
 It requires judgment and innovation.
 It asks the student to “do” the subject.
 It replicates or simulates the contexts in which adults are “tested” in the workplace or in civic or
personal life.
 It assesses the student’s ability to efficiently and effectively use a repertoire of knowledge and skills to
negotiate a complex task.
 It allows appropriate opportunities to rehearse, practice, consult resources, and get feedback on and
refine performances and products.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

2. What are the disadvantages?

 Harder to evaluate
 Time consuming; labor intensive
 Sometimes, time and effort spent exceed the benefits.
 Susceptible to unfairness, subjectivity, lacking objectivity, reliability, and validity if not properly guided
by well-defined/clear criteria or rubrics/standards


Activity 3: Possible answers

1. Traditional assessment measures paper and pencil test; its teacher -made test while alternative
assessment is a substitute for paper and pencil test such as portfolios, performance-based and
affective assessment. An authentic assessment is the original student's output where ownership of
his/her work is an indicator. Its authenticity lies on student's original output, not copied from somebody
1. Performing a Task
2. Real-life / realia
3. Construction/Application
4. Student-structured
5. Direct Evidence
Activity 5: Check for Understanding

1. Some types are Oral Interviews, Story or Test Retelling, Writing Samples, Projects/ Exhibitions,
Experiments/ Demonstrations, and Portfolios. {Students may have different answer}
2. Authentic assessment helps students see themselves as active participants, who are working on a
task of relevance, rather than passive recipients of obscure facts. It helps teachers by encouraging
them to reflect on the relevance of what they teach and provides results that are useful for improving

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #6

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Authentic Assessment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can discuss the benefits and References:
challenges the teachers experienced on the use of authentic Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
assessment. Lorimar Publishing (2013)
2. At the end of this module, I can identify the appropriate time to use
authentic assessment

Productivity Tip:
Another opportunity to learn today! Make sure to motivate yourself, as you begin to take the responsibilities of
a student. Get ready to learn and enjoy! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
You are making a good progress, future teacher! Make sure you are prepared for another session
today. As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Take a look at the picture below as we continue our topic! 

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

1. What the benefits the teachers

experienced on the use of authentic

2. What are the challenges the teachers

experienced on the use of authentic

3. How will I know the appropriate time to

use authentic assessment?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Authentic Assessment
 refers to assessments wherein students are asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate
meaningful application of what they have learned.
Purpose: to measure students’ proficiency by asking them to perform real life-tasks; to provide
students many avenues to learn and demonstrate best what they have learned; to guide instruction; to
provide feedback and help students manage their own learning; to also evaluate students’ competency.

Advantages Disadvantages

1. Provides teachers with the true picture of how 1. Harder to evaluate

and where their students are in their learning;
gives more information about their students’ 2. Time consuming; labor intensive
strengths, weaknesses, needs and preferences
that aid them in adjusting instruction towards 3. Sometimes, time and effort spent exceed the
enhanced teaching and learning benefits.
2. Provides students many alternatives/ways to
demonstrate best what they have learned; offers 4. Susceptible to unfairness, subjectivity, lacking
a wide array of interesting and challenging objectivity, reliability, and validity if not properly
assessment activities guided by well-defined/clear criteria or
3. Assessment is integrated with instruction. rubrics/standards
4. Reveals and enriches the students’ high level
cognitive skills: from knowledge and 5. Less economical
comprehension to analysis, synthesis, application
and evaluation
5. Enhances students’ ability to apply skills and
knowledge to real lie situations; taps high order
cognitive and problem solving skills

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

It seems that everything is east for you. Now, you may proceed answering the next activities! You can
do this! 

I. Answer the question below

1. In your own perspective, as a student and future teacher, what are the advantages of authentic
assessment? Elaborate your answer.






Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

1. What the benefits the teachers

experienced on the use of authentic

2. What are the challenges the teachers

experienced on the use of authentic

3. How will I know the appropriate time to

use authentic assessment?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are doing well! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. In your personal experience, what are the challenges your teacher does experience in using
authentic assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________



2. How does authentic assessment important for students?

 _________________________________________________________________________



Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Activity 3: Possible answers

 Improved self-evaluation
In addition to receiving feedback from an instructor, the portfolio evaluation encourages students to
critically assess their own work. While the instructor provides insight into what the admissions
committee may be looking for and offer suggestions regarding how the student might improve, this
process also encourages the student to take a critically objective view of their own work.

 One-on-one feedback
Unlike a class or critique group, a portfolio assessment offers the advantage of providing one-on-one
feedback. A private lesson offers the best chance of accurately determining the artist’s individual
strengths and weaknesses, providing a plan of action for improving their art. Some students also find
that a private lesson encourages them to bring pieces they are less sure of, which promotes creative

 Promoting positive student – teacher dynamics

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

The portfolio assessment simulates the kinds of scenarios students will experience in a post-secondary
art program. In mimicking the classroom environment on a smaller scale, the portfolio assessment
presents students with the opportunity to ask questions and make comments in an open and relaxed
space while receiving criticism. This one-on-one session gives students added experience in an
academic environment and may help build confidence in their work and abilities.

 Artist accountability
It is not uncommon for students to lack a sense of accountability is their artwork. Accountability is
similar to responsibility – it might be described as the “why?” behind a piece, or a thoughtful explanation
(account) of certain artistic choices. In encouraging students to critically reflect on their work, the
portfolio assessment fosters the development of artistic accountability.

Activity 5: Check for Understanding

1. {Answers may vary}

2. Authentic assessment helps students see themselves as active participants, who are working on a
task of relevance, rather than passive recipients of obscure facts. It helps teachers by encouraging
them to reflect on the relevance of what they teach and provides results that are useful for improving

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #7

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Process Oriented Assessment Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can define what performance-based is References:
2. At the end of this module, I can Identify performance-based Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
activities Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
So many learning activities are for you today! Make sure to be comfortable, so that you will understand the
lesson more. Have a good day! 


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Be excited to what’s ahead of you! There is always something to be learned from.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Take a look at the picture below as we continue our topic! 

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is performance-based

2. What are those performance-based


3. How does performance-based work in

student’s progress?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Performance-based learning
 is when students participate in performing tasks or activities that are meaningful and engaging.
The purpose of this kind of learning is to help students acquire and apply knowledge, practice
skills, and develop independent and collaborative work habits. The culminating activity or
product for performance-based learning is one that lets a student demonstrate evidence of
understanding through a transfer of skills.
 is open-ended and without a single, correct answer, and it should demonstrate authentic
learning. The benefit of performance-based assessments is that students who are more
actively involved in the learning process absorb and understand the material at a much deeper

Performance-based Activities
 Portfolios
 Dramatic Performances
 Projects
 Exhibits and Fairs
 Debates

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You are doing good in understanding our topic today. Now, you may proceed answering the next
activities! You can do this! 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8

I. Answer the question below

Give the advantages and disadvantages of using each performance-based activities


Advantages Disadvantages

Dramatic Performances

Advantages Disadvantages

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8


Advantages Disadvantages

Exhibits and Fairs

Advantages Disadvantages

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8


Advantages Disadvantages

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is performance-based

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8

2. What are those performance-based


3. How does performance-based work in

student’s progress?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are doing well! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Answer the following questions below.

1. What is your perspective about Performance-based assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________



2. How do you think does performance-based help the students in learning process?
 _________________________________________________________________________



Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________




Here’s your takeaway!

1. What is the connection of balance approach in performance-based?

Performance-based learning and assessment achieve a balanced approach by extending traditional fact-and-
skill instruction. Performance-based learning and assessment are not a curriculum design. Whereas you
decide what to teach, performance-based learning and assessment constitute a better way to deliver your
curriculum. Teachers do not have to “give up” units of study or favorite activities in a performance-based
classroom. Because authentic tasks are rooted in curriculum, teachers can develop tasks based on what
already works for them. Through this process, assignments become more authentic and more meaningful to


Activity 3: Possible answers

{Advantages and disadvantages should be appropriate and realistic to each performance-based
Activity 5: Check for Understanding
{Answers may vary}

Content (50%), Organization of thoughts (30%), Grammar (20%)

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #8

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Process Oriented Assessment Materials:

Activity Sheet
1. At the end of this module, I can define what performance-based is
2. At the end of this module, I can develop a process-oriented rubric References:
for the activity Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
Always prepare yourself as you start another session today! Stay healthy, eat healthy and live healthy.
Learning is always fun!


1) Introduction (2 mins)
This session is the continuation of Day 8. Performance-based assessment measures students' ability
to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. Today, we will tackle about
developing a process-oriented rubric.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Take a look at the picture below as we continue our topic! 



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is performance-based

2. How to develop a process-oriented

rubric for the activity?

3. What’s the importance of rubric in

process-oriented assessment?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 

Performance-based learning
 is when students participate in performing tasks or activities that are meaningful and engaging.
The purpose of this kind of learning is to help students acquire and apply knowledge, practice
skills, and develop independent and collaborative work habits. The culminating activity or
product for performance-based learning is one that lets a student demonstrate evidence of
understanding through a transfer of skills.

Performance-based Activities
 Portfolios
 Dramatic Performances
 Projects
 Exhibits and Fairs
 Debates

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10

How to create a rubric?

Step 1: Define Your Goal
Step 2: Choose a Rubric Type

Step 3: Determine Your Criteria

Step 4: Create Your Performance Levels
Step 5: Write Descriptors for Each Level of Your Rubric
Step 6: Revise Your Rubric

2) Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You are doing good in understanding our topic today. Now, you may proceed answering the next

I. Make your own tips in creating a rubric.




This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10








Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is performance-based

2. How to develop a process-oriented

rubric for the activity?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10

3. What’s the importance of rubric in

process-oriented assessment?

4) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are doing well! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Make your own rubric regarding an oral presentation.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #10


1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________



Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #11

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Product Oriented Assessment Materials:

Activity Sheet

1. At the end of this module, I can identify performance-based References:

activities conducted Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
2. At the end of this module, I can apply product-oriented activities Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
Another day to learn today! I bet you are excited for more learning. Do not forget to eat healthily and drink
water. It will help you to refresh your mind. Focus as you start doing the activities. You will do good today!


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Are you excited for today?
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Before we proceed to our topic, take a look at the picture first. 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #11

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is performance-based activities


2. How to develop a product-oriented?

3. What’s the importance of product-

oriented assessment?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 


 product oriented assessment is a kind of assessment where in the assessor views and scores the final
product made and not on the actual performance of making that product.
 It is concern on the product alone and not on the process.
 It is more concern to the outcome or the performance of the learner. It also focuses on achievement of
the learner.
 Product assessment focuses on evaluating the result or outcome of a process.
 It seeks to assess performance through a finalized product that should meet specific requirements.
The teacher may or may not choose to engage in the process that will bring about the final product,
because that is not what is being considered. Rather than through interaction.
 The product-oriented evaluation is often accompanied by a rubric that the student evaluates himself to
see if the expectations of the final product are being met.
 It is a summative, and not a formative type of evaluation that could work as a short-term solution, for
specific projects. An example of a product-oriented evaluation is, for instance, a writing homework due

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #11

the next day that must include certain things to achieve a good score.


The product desired is a scrapbook illustrating the historical event called EDSA I People Power.

Learning Competencies: The scrapbook presented by the students must:

1. Contain pictures, newspaper clippings, and other illustrations of the main characters od EDSA I
2. Contain remarks and captions for the illustrations made by the student himself for the roles played by
the characters of EDSA I People Power
3. Be presentable, complete, informative and pleasing to the reader of scrapbook

Scoring Rubrics – these are descriptive scoring schemes that are developed by teachers to guide the analysis
of the products.

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You are doing good in understanding our topic today. Now, you may proceed answering the next

Give another 3 examples of product-oriented assessment.




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Student’s Module #11

Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

2) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is performance-based activities


2. How to develop a product-oriented?

3. What’s the importance of product-

oriented assessment?

3) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are doing well! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Make your own rubric regarding you examples in Activity 3.


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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #11




1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________



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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #11

Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

Name: __________________________________________________________ Class number: ______

Section: ____________ Schedule: ___________________________________ Date: _____________

Lesson title: Product Oriented Assessment Materials:

Activity Sheet

1. At the end of this module, I can define what product-oriented is References:

2. At the end of this module, I can develop product-oriented rubric for Field Study Handbooks – Printed by
the activity Lorimar Publishing (2013)

Productivity Tip:
It’s a wonderful day to learn today! Keep in your mind that learning is continuous process. You never stop
learning things. Always have an open mind and keep yourself prepared. You’re making a progress!


1) Introduction (2 mins)
Today is the continuation topic of Day 12. You may read it first so that you will easily understand
today’s session.
As we begin, be familiarized with the learning objectives for today. (Written in the header)

Before we proceed to our topic, let’s have this beautiful reminder! 

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, Part 1 (3 mins)

Let’s check your background knowledge about the topic.
Complete the column by answering the given questions.

What I Know Questions: What I want to know

1. What is the relationship of

performance-based to product-oriented

2. How to develop a product-oriented

rubric for the activity?

3. What’s the importance of rubric in

product-oriented assessment?


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Make sure to read it carefully. 


Performance-based education - poses a challenge for teachers to design instruction that is task-oriented.
The trend is based on the premise that learning needs to be connected to the lives of the students through
relevant tasks that focus on students’ ability to use their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways. In this case,
performance-based tasks require performance-based assessment in which the actual student performance is
assessed through a product, such as a completed project or work that demonstrates levels of task

Product-Oriented Leaning Competencies Student performances can be defined as targeted tasks that lead
to a product or overall learning outcomes. Product can include a wide range of student works that target
specific skills. Examples: Communication Skill, Reading Writing, Speaking Listening

PSYCHOMOTOR SKILLS (requiring physical abilities to perform a given task). Using rubrics is one way that
teachers can evaluate or assess student performance or proficiency in any given task as it relates to a final
product or leaning outcomes. The leaning competencies associated with products or outputs are linked with an
assessment of the level of “expertise” manifested by the product. Thus, product oriented learning
competencies target at least three (3) levels: novice or beginner’s level, skilled level, and expert level.

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

There are other ways to state product- oriented learning competencies. For instance, we can define learning
competencies for products or outputs in the following way:

 Level 1: Does the finished product or project illustrate the minimum expected parts or functions?
 Level 2: Does the finished product or project contain additional parts and functions on top of the
minimum requirements which tend to enhance the final output? (Skilled level)
 Level 3: Does the finished product contain the basic minimum parts and functions, have additional
features on top of the minimum, and us aesthetically pleasing? (Expert level) Example: The desired
product is a representation of a cubic prism made out of cardboard in an elementary geometry class.

Product oriented performance based learning competencies should be evidence-based. The teacher needs
concrete evidence that the student has achieved a certain level of competence based on submitted products
and projects.

Task Designing How should a teacher design a task for product-oriented performance based assessment?

 The design of the task in this context depends on what the teacher desires to observe as output of the
students. The concepts that may be associated with task designing include:
 Complexity. The level of complexity of the project needs to be within the range of ability of the
students. Projects that are too simple tend to be uninteresting for the students while projects
that are too complicated will most likely frustrate them.
 Appeal. The project or activity must be appealing to the students. It should be interesting
enough so that students are encouraged to pursue the task to completion. It should lead self-
discovery of information by the students.
 Creativity. The projects need to encourage students to exercise creativity and divergent
thinking. Given the same set of materials and project inputs, how does one best present the
project? It should lead the students into exploring the various possible ways of presenting the
final output.
 Goal-Based. Finally, the teacher must bear in mind that the project is produced in order to attain
a learning objective. Thus, projects are assigned to students not just for the sake of producing
something but for the purpose of reinforcing learning. Example: Paper folding is a traditional
Japanese art. However, it can be used as an activity to teach concept of plane and solid figures
in geometry. Provide students with a given number of colored papers and ask them to construct
as many plane and solid figures from these papers without cutting them (by paper folding only)

How to create a rubric?

Step 1: Define Your Goal
Step 2: Choose a Rubric Type
Step 3: Determine Your Criteria
Step 4: Create Your Performance Levels
Step 5: Write Descriptors for Each Level of Your Rubric
Step 6: Revise Your Rubric

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

Activity 3: Skill-building Activities (20 mins)

You are doing good in understanding our topic today. Now, you may proceed answering the next

Make your own “How should a teacher design a task for product-oriented performance based











Check your answers using Key to Corrections at the last page.

Write your score here:

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EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

2) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, Part 2 (2 mins)

Nice one! Share your acquired knowledge from today’s discussion (Concept Notes) by completing the
table below.

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

1. What is the relationship of

performance-based to product-oriented

2. How to develop a product-oriented

rubric for the activity?

3. What’s the importance of rubric in

product-oriented assessment?

3) Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

You are doing well! You may answer the next activity, as soon as you’re ready.

Explain the relationship of performance-based to product-oriented assessment?

 _________________________________________________________________________





1) Activity 6: Thinking about Learning (5 mins)

I’m sure you enjoyed the session today. Look at the tracker below, it will help you monitor your progress
in this subject. 

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

EDU054: Field Study 5
Student’s Module #12

Before we end this session, let’s check how far you went by answering the following questions.

1. Sum up your learning from today’s session

 ____________________________________________________________________________



Congratulate yourself as you finish this session.

Good job, future teacher! 

{These are standard instructions for teachers.}

A. If this session happens to be a face-to-face, in-classroom learning session:

1) Collect completed work in the SAS.
2) Allocate your contact time with students to individual or small group mentoring, monitoring, and
student consultations.
3) You may administer summative assessments (quizzes, demonstrations, graded recitation,
presentations, performance tasks) during face-to-face sessions.
4) You may also explore supplementary activities that foster collaboration, provided that social
distancing is observed.
5) You may provide supplementary content via videos, etc.

It is important to remember that students, who cannot make it to face-to-face, in-classroom sessions for
health and safety reasons, should not be given lower grades for missing in-class activities and should
be given alternative summative tests.

B. If this session happens to be an at-home learning session for the students:

1) Check and grade collected SAS and other input from students.
2) Schedule phone calls/virtual calls/virtual chats to individual students or small groups of students to
monitor work, provide guidance, answer questions, and check understanding.

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