CHAPTER I Revision

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A. Background of the Study

Literary work has two functions, namely entertaining and educating, Bressler

(1992 : 12). The entertaining side enriches human understanding of life, it also able to

provide satisfaction, pleasure, move the emotions of the reader, and give joy or sadness at

the end of the story. Literary work is classified as a medium of communication, expressed

to express about something related to a problem.The educational thing is useful to teach

someone about life, and life experiences where literary works cannot be separated from

the reality of life. In Theory of Literature, Wellek and Warren 1989 stated "Literature

represents life in large measure, social reality and the real world are also an object of

imitation literature." This means that Literature represents life in large measure, a social

reality, and the real world also an object of imitation of literature.

Novel is a narrative prose that tells an extraordinary event from the lives of

extraordinary people (characters) because of this event born of conflict, a dispute, which

leads to their ultimate goal or destiny. According to Dr. Nurhadi novel is a form of

literary work in which there are cultural, social, educational, and moral values. So, in fact,

novel do not only provide entertainment to the readers but also serve as human learning

about the values of life.

Character is one of essential element in fiction or novel.In making and developing

the character, an author cannot be separated from creativity freedom. The author is freely

creating character according to his creativity. Even though the character is just imaginary

character, he has to represent someone in the real life or lifelike, because the real life is a
reference for the reader to understand the character.Character refers to two things: the

form of being and the nature or characteristics of a person (Sylviani, 2016) . The

characters and actions of the characters in the novel both have a very important element.

In the novel Anne of Green Gables, there are several characters namely, Anne Shirley

(main character), Marilla Cuthbert (Matthew's sister / adoptive parents), Matthew

Cuthbert (Marilla's brother / adoptive parents), Diana Barry, Gilbert Blythe, Ruby Gillis,

Jane Andrews , Josie Pye, Mrs. Rachel Lynde, Mr. Phillips.Anne as the main character is

able to influence the reader to enter into his life and feelwhat she feels. This is a very

inspiring story. This novel is about affection, friendship and imagination. The Setting of

the novel was place in Canada, as the author's home country.

Characterization is the process of conveying information about characters in a

fictional work. The information may be such as personality, appearance, age, gender, social

status, sexual orientation, beliefs, motivation, etc. Through the characterization, the reader

can understand each character and therefore be able to understand the whole story. According

to Martin in “An Introductory Guide to English Literature”. Statement (1994:95)

Characterization means how the writer tells the readers about the physical and non-physical

characteristics of the person in the story.

Anne of Green Gables is a novel by Lucy Maud Montgomery published in 1908 and

the first novel she wrote. Lucy M.G. gave the title Anne of Green Gables to make the

reader wonder about what would happen to Anne's next life in Green Gables, whether she

would live her normal life like other children or instead she had to suffer with everything

that happened to her. In this study the researcher wants to discuss more about the main

character, Anne Shierly.

Anne, a red-haired 11-year-old girl,she was an orphan girl but she was not an ordinary

little girl, she was cheerful, loved to talk and deeply into imagination. Anne instantly felt in
love with the beauty of Green Gables and Avonlea village. Although not a boy as expected,

Matthew turned out to immediately like Anne, whose presence made him feel comfortable

and made Green Gables very lively and cheerful. But not so with his sister Marilla, She

objected and intends to return Anne, but somehow Marilla finally also felt unbearable to

surrender to an innocent Anne and finally decided to continue to adopt Anne.

The presence of Anne brought a new nuance to Green Gables, Matthew who has liked

Anne from the start, enjoyed listening to Anne's imaginative chatter and gave unique names

to everything she thought beautifully like the Canopy of Lover, the Violet Rug, the Haunted

Forest, etc. Whereas Marilla, who decided to take care of Anne and taughther various things

such as manners and courtesy, slowly began liking Anne.

As for Anne herself, Green Gables was her new home that she loved best, here Anne

also lived her normal life as the other children, (where she had to experience an uncertain life

as a result of sedentary movements) and she became acquainted with Diana Barry who

immediately became his best friend and also attended the Avonlea village and made him get

many friends like Ruby and Jane. One important thing, was never to call Anne a carrot, as

Gilbert Blythe did, which instantly angers Anne and makes her enemies. Anne was also an

intelligent child, immediately she became popular among other schoolchildren and her

pleasant attitude made even the stiffest person become melted to her. (Montgomery,Anne of

Green Gables . Canada, Bestseller. Books)

The story of Anne of Green Gables is an interesting story because it tells about love,

friendship and imagination. Researchers want to get moral value after reading a novel which

can be used to change the attitude of the writer to develop the knowledge and experience of

the writer.
The reason why researcher chose the novel Anne of Green Gables because this is a

popular and best-selling classic novel whose sales beat Harry Potter, To kill a Mockingbird,

and Gone with the wind. And also the main character in this Novel is very inspiring. At first

reading this novel, the author is very interested in the main character, Anne Shierly. She has

a very interesting character. She is able to bring the reader into the world of her

imagination.Based on the above reasons, interested in conducting research entitled: Analysis

of the Main Characters from Lucy M.Montgomery's novel: Anne of Green Gables

B. Problems of Study

Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problem of the study, as

follow :

1. How Anne’s character is depicted in Anne of Green Gables novel?

2. How is the characterization method applied in Anne of Green Gables? (Anne)

C. Objective of the Study

1. To identify and analyze the character of Anne Shierly as depicted in the Anne of Green

Gables novel

2. To analyze characterization method that applied in Anne of Green Gables novel. (Anne)

D. Limitation of the Study

Based on the formulation of issues raised by the researcher, the researcher will focus

on some things that are closely related to the topics to be discussed in this thesis. Restrictions

on issues that limit the scope of the thesis include character, and method of characterization.
E. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is; this study can give knowledge and deeper

understanding to the readers about character and characterization of the main character in

Anne of Green Gables novel.

F. The previous study

The writer personally thinks that Anne of Green Gables is unique novel to read and also to be

a research object. It is shown with the previous studied by other researcher before. The

previous studies are different with the research created by the writer. The first research was

written by Pandu Wijoyo Situmorang in 2012 from Pamulang University with title “An

Analysis of Main Character, Characterization, and Moral Messages in the Novel Anne of

Green Gables”. on that research Pandu Wijoyo Situmorang corcerned about the main

character, characterization, and moral messages.

The second research was written by Cecillia Whenny Kusumaningtyas in 2013 from Jember

University with title “The Analysis of Formal and Informal Education on the Development of

Attitude and Bahaviour of the Main Female Character in Lucy Maud Montgomerys Anne of

Green Gables”. this research describes the development of main female character;s attitude

and behavior through formal and informal education in the novel Anne of Green Gables.

The third research was written by Nur Afni Finansia in – from Surabaya State University

(UNESA) with tite “Anne’s Extraversion and Its Major Cause in Laud Maud Montgomery’s

Anne of Green Gables”. this research focused on extraversion as seen from the novel Lucy

Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables.

The fourth research was written by Rizky Hanifah in 2016 from Muhammadiyah University

of Surakarta with title “Imagination in Lucy Maud Montgomerys novel Anne of Green

Gables (1908) :A Psychoanalitic approach. The researcher wants to use Psychoanalytic

approach as the literary approach. the researcher that uses psychoanalytic approach and the Anne

of Green Gables novel as the focus of analysis.

G. Definition of Key Term

The researcher gives definition of key term which help readers in order to dissociate

from misunderstanding when reading this research study, they are :

1. Character is an inner nature that affects all thoughts, behaviors, manners, and character

possessed by humans or other living beings.

2. Characterization in literature refers to the step by step process wherein an author

introduces and then describes a character. The character can be described directly by the

author or indirectly through the actions, thoughts, and speech of the character. In this research

I will use the indirect method in analyzing the characterization of the main characters in the

novel Anne of Green Gables

3. Main character is a character who has an important role in a story and is most often told.

He/she is the perpetrator of the incident, as well as those subject to the incident. Always in

contact with other figures both visually and narratively, so it will determine the overall

development of the plot.

4.Anne of Green Gables Novel is a 1908 novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud

Montgomery (published as L.M. Montgomery). Written for all ages, it has been considered a

classic children's novel since the mid-twentieth century. Set in the late 19th century, the novel

recounts the adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan girl, who is mistakenly sent
to two middle-aged siblings, Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert, who had originally intended to

adopt a boy to help them on their farm in the fictional town of Avonlea on Prince Edward

Island. The novel recounts how Anne makes her way through life with the Cuthberts, in

school, and within the town.

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