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1. Old media, 1700 media (1900 media), or legacy media are the mass media institutions
that predominated prior to the information age; particularly print media, film studios, music
studios, radio broadcasting and television.
2. Literacy (Information) is a broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived
from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
3. In 20th century, Digital Media (Radio) allowed advertisers to reach a mass audience and
helped spur the consumerism of the 1920s - and the Great Depression of the 1930s.
4. The sheer amount and variety of information available to us makes information literacy
competencies important to master
5. The Culture industry in short can be represented as the ”Enlightenment” or knowledge as
mass trickery or fraud.
6. Formal norms (Informal norms), also called folkways and customs, refer to standards of
behavior that are considered less important but still influence how we behave.
7. Informal norms (Formal norms), also called mores and laws refer to the standards of
behavior considered the most important in any society.
8. The aim of mass production is to ensures that the whole processes of manufacturing
remains at the expensive cost (Lowest cost) possible while turning out the highest
9. Cultures differ widely in their norms, or standards and expectations for behaving.
10. Advertising that have been around for years are not successful (have successful) with
traditional media campaigns.
11. Reposting old news stories means (Doesn’t mean) they’re relevant to current events.
12. Technology literacy is a term used to describe an individual's ability to assess, acquire
and communicate information in a fully digital environment.
13. Values are the culture standard for discerning what is not good and just in society.
14. Television advertisement or considered to be the most expensive form of marketing and
have the ability to reach a huge audience
15. Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's beliefs, values and practices should be
understood based on the person's own culture rather than be judged against the criteria of
16. Monopolies can dictate price changes and create barriers to competitors to enter the
17. Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of
18. Emoji are secondarily used (Primarily used) to add emotion to digital communication.
19. Emoji became mainstream throughout the globe only when google included them in their
gmail and gchat.
20. Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people
encompassing language, religion, cuisine , social habits, music and arts.
21. Before the emoji one could express himself on digital communication mediums only
through words.
22. Ethnocentrism is the belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others and
should therefore serve as the standard frame for reference.
23. The heart symbol became popular as people said they thought it cute and we're able to
express love over a text message even more effectively.
24. The ability to make technology expensive is an important aspect of the popularization of
new technologies.
25. Filipinos are very resilient.
26. Popular culture is generally recognized by members of a society as a set of the practices,
beliefs and objects that are dominant in a society at a given point in time.
27. Media outlets have responded to the increasing reliance of Americans and television and
the internet by making the news even more readily available to people.
28. Friedrich Koenig’s (Johannes Gutternberg) invention of the printing press enabled the
mass production of media which was then industrialized by Johannes Gutenburg’s
(Friedrich Koenig) Friedrich Koenig in the early 1800s.
29. A Symbol is a specific thing that is used to stand for something else.
30. Folkways (Mores) are the most specific, clearly stated and strictly enforce norms that
carry corresponding punishment for those that break them or fail to follow it.
31. The digital age has made it difficult for anyone to create media.
32. Media literacy (Information literacy) describes a set of abilities that enables an individual
to acquire, evaluate and use information.
33. Our ways of communicating are different because we have different purpose.
34. It is the advertisement that attracts the consumer to buy a product and ascribe the
connotation of “coolness” to it.
35. Language is a system of words and symbols used to communicate with other people.
36. Emojis literally meaning picture characters are images that one can select to accompany
or replace a text in instant messaging social media in emails.
37. Information (Literacy) is the ability to understand, interpret, create and communicate
using printed and written materials.
38. Mores (Folkways) are patterns of repetitive behavior which become habitual and
conventional part of living but these norms may be easily broken and don't have serious
39. Technological advances in communication have fundamentally transformed opportunities
for the culture industry to influence and manipulate masses.
40. Emoticons can be called text based precursors to emojis which came about much later in
the 1990 s in korea (Japan)
41. The study of agenda-setting describes the way media attempts to influence viewers and
establish a hierarchy of news prevalence.
42. Filipinos take pride in their families.
43. Advertising plays a not so important role in our everyday lives.
44. New media cannot best be described as digital channels that have gained popularity in
the advertising space in the last decade or so.
45. Tattoos are very strong negative norms.
46. Culture industry refers to commercial and state-owned organizations in the arts and
media committed to the direct production, sponsorship, display and distribution of cultural
goods and services. - TRUE
47. Students who possess technology literacy are able to easily utilize a variety of digital
devices and interfaces to communicate troubleshooting and problem solving in both
academic and non-academic surroundings. - TRUE
48. Semiotic was defined by the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure as the study of “the life
of a signs within society”. - TRUE
49. The target audience of traditional media is a largely anonymous must audience and such
kind of marketing can be described as one way communication. - TRUE
50. Technology literacy is a term used to describe an individual's ability to assess, acquire
and communicate information in a fully digital environment. - TRUE

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