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Please keep the article to the point and avoid adding

unnecessary/unrelated fluff.
2. Keep the introduction brief (3-5 lines)
3. Keep the content about the topic. Don’t explain things that
are obvious or not expected as a part of the article. For
example, if the article is about “Do German Shepherd like to
swim?”, don’t explain what German Shepherd breed is. Get to
the point and make sure all the content is relevant to the topic.
4. If the topic is a question, first answer the question (either as
a paragraph, or as the first header in the article that addresses
the question).
5. Get to the point faster (preferably right after the introduction)
6. Keep the sentences short (10-15 words)
7. Keep the paragraphs short (a maximum of 2 lines). Instead
of having chunks of text, please break these into separate
8. The headers should be H2 (Heading 2) and if there are
subheaders within it, these should be H3 (and if there are
more subheaders in each H3, these should be H4).
9. Don’t add any formatting to the headers (such as making it
bold or italics)
10. In case you’re referring to sources/studies, please link to
it. It’s preferred to have at least one outgoing link to some high
authority site.
Choose one from three of the following topics:
1. What is a Statutory Conversion?
2. Coaxial vs Component Speakers: What Are
The Differences?
3. Why You Shouldn’t Rely On Google Discover

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