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1. Grandmother in Indonesia is ……. *
a. Ibu
b. Tante
c. Nenek
d. Kakak perempuan
2. Kakak laki-laki in English is …. *
a. Elder sister
b. Little sister
c.. Little brother
d. Elder brother
3. Mr. Budi has a son. His name is Muhammad Laksana ~ A : “Who Mr. Budi for Muhammad Laksana?” ~ B : “Mr. Budi is
Muhammad Laksana’s ….” *
a. Mother
b. Brother
c. Father
d. Sister
4. Sinta is my little sisterThe Indonesian sentence is …. *
a. Sinta adalah ibuku
b. Sinta adalah bibiku
c. Sinta adalah kakak perempuanku
d. Sinta adalah adik perempuanku
5. This is a bag The indonesian sentece is .... *
a. Ini adalah sebuah keranjang
b. Itu adalah sebuah bola
c. Ini adalah sebuah bendera
d. Ini adalah sebuah tas
6. is – this – fingers – my ~~ The correct order is …. *
a. Is this my fingers
b. This is fingers my
c. This is my fingers
d. Fingers my is this
7. Rudi : “Is that a table?” >> Rina : “No, that is not.” >> Rudi : “What is that?” >> Rina : “….”  *

a. That is chair
b. That is whiteboard
c. That is bag
d. That is Clock
8. We Have …… nose *

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
9. We use our nose for …… *

a. Tasting
b. Speaking
c. Smelling
d. Long
10. We can ….. the flowers with our nose *

a. Hear
b. Smell
c. Taste
d. Sad
11. The text is about a .... *

a. wolf
b. tiger
c. snake
e. Tiger
12. Rattle snake can .... fast. *

a. run
b. eat
c. fly
d. wolk
13. We can find a rattle snake in the .... *

a. market
b. dessert
c. zoo
d. mall
14. Reno .... television in the livingroom. *
a. reads
b. listens
c. watches
d. plays
15. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n ~~ The correct word is …. *
a. Twenty two
b. Thirty one
c. Twenty one
d. Thirty nine
16. There is a car in the …. *
a. Verandah
b. Kitchen
c. Living room
d. Garage
17. We should meet our guest in the …. *
a. Bedroom
b. Dining room
c. Living room
d. Ware house
18. Mother cooks in the …. *
a. Bathroom
b. Bedroom
c. Living room
d. Kitchen
19. Mr. Danang is a seller He works in the …. *
5 points

a. Market
b. School
c. Hospital
d. Office
20. We use eyes for … *
5 points

a. Seeing
b. Speaking
c. Eating
d. Walking

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