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Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

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Three-dimensional numerical analysis for the longitudinal seismic

response of tunnels under an asynchronous wave input
Peng Li, Er-xiang Song ⇑
Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The numerical analysis of the longitudinal seismic response of tunnels to the spatial variation of earth-
Received 6 April 2014 quake ground motion is an important issue that cannot be ignored in the design and safety evaluation
Received in revised form 14 September 2014 of tunnel structures. In this paper, numerical modelling techniques for the analysis of the longitudinal
Accepted 7 October 2014
response of tunnels under an asynchronous seismic wave are extensively studied. The free field wave
Available online 25 October 2014
motion is calculated using the 1D time-domain finite element method and is then extended to 3D. Based
on the theory of wave input, three-dimensional numerical simulation techniques for a site response to an
asynchronous earthquake are developed. Then, a 3-D soil–tunnel structure interaction model is estab-
Asynchronous input
Longitudinal seismic response
lished to simulate the longitudinal response of the tunnel when subjected to an asynchronous earth-
Tunnel structure quake. These numerical modelling techniques are discussed in detail, and the analysis results prove
Numerical analysis their validity. The proposed method is applied to analyse the longitudinal seismic response of a tunnel
Travelling wave effect under the oblique seismic incidence of P, SV and SH waves from a semi-infinite foundation. The influence
of the incident angle and incident direction on the longitudinal seismic response is discussed. The study
outcome will be beneficial to further research on refined nonlinear numerical analysis and seismic
response mechanisms of tunnel structures that experience asynchronous earthquake motion.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction structures are relatively mature [3–6]. In contrast, less systematic

and thorough work has been reported on the numerical analysis
Underground facilities are an integral part of the infrastructure of the longitudinal seismic response of tunnels under an asynchro-
of modern society and are used for a wide range of applications. nous earthquake input. It has been noted that appropriate consid-
During recent strong earthquakes, especially during the 1989 Loma erations should be given to travelling waves [7], especially for
Prieta, 1994 Northridge and 1995 Kobe earthquakes, a number of extended or embedded structures with a large span or size such
underground structures experienced significant damage [1], and as tunnels, because spatial variation of earthquake motion has dra-
since then, there has been a general understanding that the seismic matic effects [8]. Consequently, it is of great importance to carry
design and analysis of underground structures are of great out numerical analyses on the longitudinal seismic response of
importance. tunnels, which will greatly facilitate the evaluation of the influence
A tunnel structure is usually very long, passes through different of the wave-passage effect on the safety of tunnel structures.
soils, and may be built using multiplex construction methods, all of For the analysis of longitudinal axial and bending deformations
which make the dynamic analysis of tunnels a sophisticated prob- of tunnel structures, several simplified design approaches have
lem. Numerical methods such as the Finite Difference Method, already been proposed [9], such as the free field deformation
Finite Element Method and Boundary Element Method have been approach, the soil structure interaction approach and the mass-
widely used for soil-structure interaction problems due to their spring system model [10]. The free field deformation method is a
versatility and reliability. With the aid of these methods, the simple and effective design tool. However, in many cases, espe-
dynamic response can be solved reasonably well under realistic cially in soft soils, this method provides an overly conservative
conditions [2]. Currently, the numerical analysis and simplified design. Although the soil structure interaction approach treats
design methods for the transverse dynamic behaviours of tunnel the tunnel as a beam on an elastic foundation to account for the
interaction effects, the spring coefficients of the foundation are
not easy to determine. Both these methods depend on the selection
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62773545; fax: +86 10 62771132. of the apparent velocity of the earthquake wave.
E-mail address: (E.-x. Song).
0266-352X/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
230 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

In the mass-spring system model, the surrounding soil is divided 2. Computational modelling technique for the soil-structure
into several strips, and each strip is considered to be a lumped mass interaction
[10]. The lumped masses are connected to one another and con-
nected to the bedrock. Meanwhile, the tunnel beam is connected 2.1. Problem statement
to the lumped masses of the soil. All the connections mentioned
above are composed of a spring and a viscous damper connected This paper studies a numerical modelling technique for the
in parallel. The parameters of each strip are obtained from the basic analysis of the longitudinal response of tunnels under asynchro-
shear formation of the soil layers. The vertical shear force cannot be nous seismic waves. Several assumptions are made for the analysis.
transmitted between adjacent strips, which indicates the model’s First, the foundation is assumed to be a horizontally layered half-
imperfection in modelling the cooperative work of the foundation. space that can reflect the stiffness inhomogeneous feature in the
Moreover, the wave input from the bedrock is also difficult to vertical direction. Second, the asynchronous seismic wave field is
simulate. induced by oblique seismic incidence of body waves (P, SV or SH
Because the above simplified approaches all have their short- wave). In fact, for the near field seismic problems, the incident
comings, it is desirable and most appropriate to utilise numerical direction is never vertical when the seismic waves arrive at an
soil–tunnel structure interaction models that take into account engineering site because the earthquake wave does not experience
the wave-passage effect. Several studies have been performed on enough refractions during its propagation. As a result, the wave-
this aspect. Stamos and Beskos [11] proposed a frequency domain passage effect occurs, which is a key factor among the four distinct
boundary element method to analyse the dynamic response of phenomena that give rise to the spatial variability of earthquake-
three-dimensional large underground structures to external or induced ground motions [16]. Third, at a certain distance away
internal dynamic forces or to seismic waves. Then, assuming the from the source, the earthquake wave can be seen as a type of
underground structure to be infinitely long with a uniform plane wave because the source distance is much larger than the
cross-section, they employed a special direct BEM in the frequency scale of the source dimension [17].
domain for both the structure and the soil, which effectively Consider the idealised model drawn out for a practical engi-
reduces the three-dimensional problem to a two-dimensional neering problem in which a tunnel of infinite length is buried in
one [12]. Yang and Hung [13] proposed a 2.5D method finite/ a horizontally layered half-space foundation and the whole system
infinite element procedure in the frequency domain for dealing is set into motion by an oblique incident plane body wave propa-
with the ground vibrations induced by moving loads, which can gating from the infinite foundation. The last assumption is that
be used in computing the steady-state responses of a tunnel the material and geometric properties of the tunnel structure are
embedded in a half-space subjected to moving loads. These meth- uniform along the tunnel axis, which is similar to the assumption
ods are performed in the frequency domain; therefore, they cannot made in several previous analyses [12,13] performed in the
be used directly with time-step integration techniques in solving frequency domain.
nonlinear problems. Park et al. [14] computed the spatially When the finite element method is used to solve the wave prop-
variable ground motion displacement time histories in terms of agation problems, a finite computational area is truncated from the
the coherency function and evaluated the longitudinal tunnel unbounded media, and the proper artificial boundary designed to
response by performing a series of pseudo-static three- eliminate wave reflections is imposed on the truncated boundary.
dimensional finite element analyses. Yu et al. [2] proposed a To simulate the 3-D longitudinal response of tunnel structures
time-domain multi-scale method for the dynamic analysis of under an asynchronous seismic wave, the asynchronous free field
underground structures, which couples FEM calculations with ground motion must be properly solved and the wave input must
coarse and fine meshes. Ding et al. [15] have also performed a also be correctly modelled.
three-dimensional large-scale seismic finite element analysis for
an immersed tube tunnel in Shanghai. In these analyses, however, 2.2. Calculation of the free field motion
specific issues such as the asynchronous earthquake wave input,
tunnel boundary treatment, as well as the tunnel wave-passage There have been several approaches to calculate the free field
characteristic are not addressed systematically. motion excited by an oblique body wave incidence. The earliest
In light of this, the present study aims to develop a 3-D time- approaches were the transfer matrix method and the stiffness
domain simulation model that is based on a well-developed finite matrix method [18–20], which are performed in the frequency
element framework to provide a feasible computational modelling domain. These methods can be directly used to calculate the
technique for the longitudinal seismic response of tunnels under steady-state wave field, while for transient wave propagation prob-
an asynchronous earthquake wave input. The ground is assumed lems, Fourier transformation is needed. Several studies have also
to be a horizontally layered half-space. The procedure starts with been performed on time-domain earthquake analysis in a stratified
the computation of the free field wave motion and the realization soil foundation, such as the finite-difference method proposed by
of wave input into the finite domain to be analysed. By compiling Alterman and Karal [21], Boore [22] and Jean [23]. Note that Joyner
a FORTRAN program with the finite element software ANSYS, 3-D and Chen [24] also presented a method for calculating the seismic
numerical simulations of an elastic layered half space site response of a system of horizontal soil layers that considers the
response under oblique seismic incidence of plane body waves nonlinear stress–strain behaviour of soils. To avoid the precision
(P, SV or SH wave) are achieved. The accuracy and validity of inconsistency of the frequency-domain analysis with those
the predictions are proven by numerical examples. Based on this, obtained from the widely used time-domain method, a 1D finite
a 3-D soil–tunnel structure interaction model is established to element method in the time domain was recently proposed by Liu
simulate the longitudinal response of tunnels when subjected to [25,26] to calculate the free field wave motions excited by an
asynchronous earthquakes, which display the wave-passage effect anti-plane SH wave or in-plane P-SV wave oblique incidence in an
on the tunnel. The treatment of the tunnel boundary in the elastic layered half-space. Numerical results have demonstrated
numerical model is proposed, and its efficiency is demonstrated. that the 1D time-domain method is highly accurate and has good
Based on these numerical examples, the influences of the incident stability. Zhao [27] proposed an accurate artificial boundary for
angle and incident direction on the tunnel’s longitudinal seismic the in-plane P-SV wave oblique incidence problem to improve the
response are also discussed. method.
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 231

This improved 1-D time domain method is directly applied to 2.3. Asynchronous wave input method
solve the free field motion because of the convenience of extending
it to 3-D problems. Consider a horizontally stratified soil over an By solving the 1D equations, the displacements of nodes in any
elastic underlying half-space, and establish a Cartesian coordinate vertical line, for example at r = 0, can be obtained. Then, the 3D
system shown in Fig. 1(a), where axis r and z represent the hori- wave motions in the layered half-space can be determined based
zontal and vertical directions, respectively, and h is the incident on the characteristics of the travelling plane body wave. With
angle. The material properties are also listed in the figure. regard to 3-D numerical simulation of the asynchronous free field,
The finite element discretisation scheme shown in Fig. 1(b) is the wave input problem can be converted into a source problem
performed with rectangular grids that meets the following [28].
requirements: the vertical grid size Dz (may be varied in different
soil layers) is determined by the simulation precision criterion of 2.3.1. Extension of the free field to 3D
the 1-D method; the horizontal grids Dr are equal in size and Consider the 3D numerical model established under the Carte-
determined by the following expression sian coordinate system oxyz. The incident angle of the oblique seis-
mic plane body wave is h, and assumes that the projection of the
Dr ¼ c r Dt ð1Þ direction of incident wave on the horizontal plane has an included
angle of u with the positive x direction, as shown in Fig. 2(a). Here,
where cr is horizontal apparent velocity of the incident wave that
the angle u is called the incident direction. Element sizes along the
can be calculated through cr = c/sin h with c representing the inci-
three axes are Dx, Dy and Dz, respectively, where Dz should be the
dent body wave speed; the discrete time step Dt is chosen to satisfy
same as that in the 1D time-domain method.
the stability condition of the central difference method as given by
Assume the asynchronous free field of a line of nodes at r = 0 are
 obtained through the 1D time-domain method and is expressed as
Dt  Dz=cp ; for P-SV wave oblique incidence problem
ð2Þ u0(zk, mDt) (m = 0, 1, 2 . . ., k = 0, 1, 2 . . .), in which u0 = {u0r, u0z,
Dt  Dz=cs ; for SH wave oblique incidence problem
u0w}T. According to the propagation characteristic of the travelling
After the above discretisation both in time and space, the nodal waves, the motions on the virtual grid nodes that satisfy the dis-
wave motions in the free field can be written as cretisation rule of Dr = crDt can be expressed directly. For example,
the free field motion ur(ri, zk, mDt) of the virtual grid nodes that is
upm;n ¼ uðmDr; nDz; pDtÞ ð3Þ located at (ri, zk) can be written as:
where upm;n denotes the displacement vector of the node at location ri
ur ðr i ; zk ; mDtÞ ¼ u0 zk ; mDt  ð4Þ
(mDr, nDz) and time t = pDt with m, n and p all integers. The nodal cr
displacement has three components upm;n ¼ ður ; uz ; uw Þ, where for
Consider the horizontal plane xoy that corresponds to the plane
the SH wave incidence, only the anti-plane displacement uw exists,
z = zk as shown in Fig. 2(b). According to the propagation character-
and for the P-SV wave incidence, both the in-plane displacements ur
istic of the plane body waves, by projecting any node of the 3D
and uz are needed.
model, for example, the node with the coordinate (xi, yj, zk), to
In the 1D time-domain method, the appropriate artificial
the r axis, with the projected radius rij expressed as
boundaries are adopted to simulate the process of the wave trans-
mission towards infinity. Meanwhile, the incident waves are trans- rij ¼ xi cos u þ yj sin u ð5Þ
formed into equivalent loads applied on the truncated boundary.
and it can be deduced that the displacement of the node at time
According to Snell’s law, the characteristics of the lumped mass
t = pDt that is denoted by u(xi, yj, zk, pDt) is exactly the same as
finite element method and the central difference method, the finite
the displacement at location (rij, zk) in the roz plane at time
element equation of the oblique incidence motion can be estab-
t = pDt, which is denoted by ur(rij, zk, pDt). Particularly, for the con-
lished such that the unknown quantities are the motions of the
dition of the incident SH wave
nodes and are in one column. In this way, the 2D problem is  
reduced to a 1D problem. The details of the method can be found r
ux ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0w zk ; pDt  cijr sin u
in the literature (see [25–27]). It is noteworthy that for the in-  
r ð6Þ
plane problem, the oblique incident angle of the SV wave should uy ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0w zk ; pDt  cijr cos u
not exceed the critical incident angle hcr to avoid the generation
uz ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ 0
of reflected non-uniform waves.

Fig. 1. Schematic plot of the layered half-space and the finite element discretisation scheme.
232 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

Fig. 2. Schematic plot of the 3D expansion of the free field.

and for the condition of the incident P or SV wave tial and normal spring coefficients, respectively, that account for the
  difference between the half space and whole space theories; their
ux ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0r zk ; pDt  cijr cos u recommended values are listed in Table 1.
  Based on the conception of an isolated body, the incident waves
uy ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0r zk ; pDt  cijr sin u ð7Þ
  are transformed into equivalent loads applied on the artificial
r boundary. Take node B on the viscous-spring boundary of the 3D
uz ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0z zk ; pDt  cijr
finite element model for example (as shown in Fig. 3(a)), the free
Note that the projection of the nodes to the r axis always fall on field is assumed to be u0(xB, yB, zB, t) and the equivalent loads
the locations between two virtual grid nodes, so linear interpolation excited by the free field that are applied on the truncated boundary
is needed to calculate the motions of the nodes in the 3-D model. of the 3-D finite element model are expressed as Rf(xB, yB, zB, t). To
For example, for an incident P or SV wave, if (pDt–rij/cr)2[mDt, simulate the wave input accurately, the equivalent loads FB(xB, yB,
(m + 1) Dt), the x displacement of node (xi, yj, zk) at time t = pDt zB, t) applied on the artificial boundary should be given as
  FB ðxB ; yB ; zB ; tÞ ¼ f b ðxB ; yB ; zB ; tÞ þ Rf ðxB ; yB ; zB ; tÞ ð10Þ
ux ðxi ; yj ; zk ; pDtÞ ¼ u0r zk ; pDt  cos u where fb(xB, yB, zB, t) represents the loads produced by the viscous-
 spring boundary under the free field motion, which can be deter-
ðpDt  r ij =cr Þ  mDt mined directly through the spring-dashpot coefficients and the free
¼ u0r ðzk ; mDtÞ þ
Dt field.

Aiming to calculate the equivalent loads Rf(xB, yB, zB, t) gener-
 ½u0r ðzk ; ðm þ 1ÞDtÞ  u0r ðzk ; mDtÞ cos u ð8Þ
ated by the free field, the consistent mass finite element equilib-
rium equations for undamped media are investigated such that
Then, the oblique incidence wave motions in the 3-D free field
the inertial force and the elastic restoring force are in equilibrium.
can be determined. The nodal velocity and acceleration can be
Thus, the finite element equation of motion for node B can be writ-
obtained using the central difference method.
ten as
2.3.2. Asynchronous wave input € Bo þ Mi u
ðMo u € Bi Þ þ ðKo uBo þ Ki uBi Þ ¼ 0 ð11Þ
When the finite element method is used to solve wave propaga-
tion problems in unbounded media, a proper artificial boundary is where uBo represents the lateral elements associated with node B
imposed to eliminate the reflection of the out-going wave on the around the truncated boundary; uBi represents the medial elements
truncated boundary of the finite computational area. Based on associated with node B around the truncated boundary; Mo and Ko
the one-dimensional plane wave hypothesis, the viscous boundary represent the mass and stiffness matrixes, respectively, for the cor-
was first established by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer [29]. To avoid the responding lateral elements, while Mi and Ki represent the mass
stability problem when dealing with low frequency seismic loads, and stiffness matrixes, respectively, for the corresponding medial
the viscous-spring transmitting boundary is proposed [30] and has elements. From Eq. (11), the equivalent loads excited by the free
been widely used in numerical analysis of dynamic problems field become
because of its good performance in absorbing the out-going wave
and simulating the elastic recovery capability of the exterior infi- Rf ðxB ; yB ; zB ; tÞ ¼ Mi u
€ Bi þ Ki uBi ¼ ðMo u
€ Bo þ Ko uBo Þ ð12Þ
nite media. Here, the practical viscous-spring transmitting bound-
ary proposed by Liu et al. [31] is adopted; the coefficients of the
spring and dashpot are Table 1
( Recommended values of the correction factors for viscous-spring boundary in 3-D
K BT ¼ aT GR ; C BT ¼ qcs tangential direction problems.
K BN ¼ aN GR ; C BN ¼ qcp normal direction Correction factors 3-D problems Used in this study
aT 0.5–1.0 0.67
where R is the distance between the scatter and the artificial bound-
aN 1.0–2.0 1.33
ary; aT and aN are the correction factors introduced for the tangen-
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 233

Fig. 3. Schematic plot of the wave input method and calculation of the equivalent loads.

Eq. (12) implies the loads applied on node B due to free field soil over an elastic underlying half-space. The material properties
motion are determined by the motion of the elements associated of the soil and underlying half-space are listed in Table 2.
with it. Fig. 3(b) shows the explanation and schematic plot for cal- In both numerical examples, the displacement time history of
culating this equivalent loads. This method can be compiled easily the incident body wave is a Dirac impulse; the time history
and is more concise compared with the method in literature [32] and amplitude spectrum are shown in Fig. 4.
because a complicated derivation is avoided. Example 1: P wave oblique incidence with h = 45° and u = 30°.
In this example, the depth of the soil layer is 200 m, and the
plane P wave incidents from 350 m below the ground surface.
2.3.3. Numerical verification by simulation of an asynchronous free The size of the numerical model is 300 m  100 m  350 m
field (length  width  depth), and the element size in all three
The procedure is programmed in a FORTRAN compiler combined directions is 5 m, which meets the accuracy requirement.
with the finite element software ANSYS. Two dynamic problems Fig. 5 shows the time histories of the X displacement at observa-
corresponding to the in-plane and anti-plane wave conditions, tion point O (0, 0, 0) on the ground surface calculated using the 1D
respectively, are tested to prove the accuracy and validity of the time-domain method and 3-D numerical analyses. The theoretical
simulation method of the asynchronous free field. The horizontal solution obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of the solu-
layered half-space foundation corresponds to a horizontal layer of tion in frequency domain [18] is given as the exact solution. Clearly,

Table 2
The material properties of the soil and underlying half-space.

Layer Shear modulus (MPa) Poisson’s ratio Density (kg/m3) P wave speed (m/s) S wave speed (m/s)
Soil 40 0.25 1000 346 200
Underlying half-space 375 0.25 1500 866 500

1.0 0.8
Normalized amplitude

Amplitude (cm)



0.0 0.0
0.0 0.15 0.3 0.45 0.6 0 3.33 6.67 10 13.33 16.67
Time (s) Frequency (Hz)
( a ) ti m e h i s t o r y ( b ) a m p l i tu d e s p e c t r u m
Fig. 4. Dirac impulse displacement: (a) time history and (b) amplitude spectrum.
234 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

X displacement at O(10-2m) 1.2 1.2

X displacement at O (10-2 m)
0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

0.0 0.0

-0.4 -0.4
1D time-domain method 3D numerical analysis
exact solution exact solution
-0.8 -0.8
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) comparison between 1D time-domain method (b) comparison between 3D numerical analysis
and exact solution and exact solution
Fig. 5. X displacement time history of the incident P wave at observation point O (0, 0, 0).

(a) t=0.30s (b) t=0.70s

(c) t=1.00s (d) t=1.40s

-0.66 -0.45 -0.24 -0.03 0.18 0.39 0.60 0.81 1.02 1.23

Fig. 6. X displacement field snapshot of the 3-D numerical example 1 (unit: cm).
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 235

1.5 1.5

Y displacement at O1(10-2m)
Y displacement at O1(10-2m)
1.0 1D time-domain method 1.0 3D numerical analysis
exact solution exact solution

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0

-0.5 -0.5
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time (s) Time (s)

Fig. 7. Y displacement time history of the incident SH wave at observation point O1 (0, 0, 100).

(a) t=0.3s (b) t=0.6s

(c) t=1.00s (d) t=1.60s

-0.78 -0.42 -0.05 0.31 0.68 1.04 1.41 1.77 2.14 2.50

Fig. 8. Y displacement field snapshot of 3-D numerical example 2 (unit: cm).

the results of the 1D time-domain method and 3-D numerical anal- In this example, the depth of the soil layer is 100 m, and the
yses agree well with the theoretical solution. The displacement field plane SH wave incidents are from 250 m below the ground surface.
snapshot of the 3-D numerical model shown in Fig. 6 displays the The size of the numerical model is 300 m  60 m  250 m
reflection and refraction of the propagating waves. (length  width  depth), and the element size for all three direc-
Example 2: SH wave oblique incidence with h = 60° and u = 0°. tions is 5 m, which meets the accuracy requirement.
236 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

Viscous-spring transmitting

Tunnel structure
Viscous-spring transmitting
Incident wave

(a) global sketch of the finite element mesh (b) a quarter of the soil-structure interaction mesh
Fig. 9. The soil–tunnel structure interaction finite element model.

Fig. 7 shows the displacement time histories at observation scattered by the structure can be well absorbed by the viscous-
point O1 (0, 0, 100) for the y direction calculated using 1D time- spring transmitting boundary; meanwhile, the equivalent loads
domain method and 3-D numerical analyses and compared with generated by the free field can be treated equal to the condition
the theoretical solution. Clearly, the results are in agreement with when the structure is absent. The proposed methodology of 3-D
the exact solution. The wave propagation process can be clearly numerical simulation of the asynchronous free field could read-
observed in the y displacement field snapshot shown in Fig. 8. ily be used for the soil-structure interaction analysis. However,
The efficiency of modelling the site asynchronous earthquake for the condition of a tunnel with an infinite length, the tunnel
responses induced by body waves with different wave types and structure is also truncated from the infinite foundation; there-
various incident angles and incident directions can be illustrated fore, the outgoing wave motion as well as the incident free field
clearly and concisely using the two numerical examples. near the tunnel truncated boundary become quite complicated.
Consequently, the proposed procedure of the three-dimensional In fact, the development of accurate artificial boundary
numerical simulation technique is effective and reliable. conditions and an accurate wave input for this model is difficult
and unnecessary.
2.4. The soil–tunnel structure interaction model It is known that the seismic response of a tunnel is dominated
by the surrounding ground response, that is, the longitudinal
In the finite element analysis of the soil-structure interaction response of a tunnel structure at a location is controlled by a
problem, the proper input of an asynchronous earthquake motion certain range of neighbouring ground motions. Because the 3-D
is the key issue that influences the analysis accuracy. asynchronous free field is well simulated, directly applying the
wave input method to the infinite tunnel–soil interaction may be
2.4.1. Wave input method acceptable to simulate the longitudinal seismic response of a tun-
For a normal soil-structure interaction analysis, the truncated nel structure within the middle range of the numerical model, as
boundary is far enough from the structure, so the outgoing wave long as the model is relatively long in the longitudinal direction.

120000 15000

60000 Maximum values of Fx
Minimum values of Fx
Fz (kN)

Maximum values of Fz
Fx (kN)

5000 Minimum values of Fz

-300 -150 0 150 300 -300 -150 0 150 300
Tunnel longitudinal position (m) Tunnel longitudinal position (m)
(a) axial force Fx (b) shear force Fz
Mz (kNm)

Time (s)

0 0.4
Minimum Fx
Maximum values of Mz Maximum Fx
-5000 Minimum values of Mz Minimum Fz
0.2 Maximum Fz
Minimum Mz
10000 Maximum Mz
-300 -150 0 150 300 -300 -150 0 150 300
Tunnel longitudinal position (m) Tunnel longitudinal position (m)
(c) bending moment Mz (d) time when peak values appear
Fig. 10. Peak values of tunnel longitudinal internal forces and their appearing moments.
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 237

60000 X=-75m
Fx (kN) 5000 X=75m

Fz (kN)
0 X=150m
X=-150m 0
-60000 X=0m
X=150m -5000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) axial force Fx (b) shear force Fz



-4000 X=-75m
-8000 X=75m
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time (s)
(c) bending moment Mz
Fig. 11. Time histories of the tunnel longitudinal internal forces at different positions.

2.4.2. Numerical verification is 600 m  50 m  60 m (length  width  depth), and the ele-
The validity of this proposed method is proven by the following ment size for all three directions is 5 m, which meets the accuracy
numerical example. The material properties of the semi-infinite requirement. For simplicity, the interface between the soil and
foundation are homogeneous without material damping and non- structure is not modelled, but their nodes coincide. The soil ele-
linearity, which are the same as the underlying half-space listed in ments within the tunnel structure are removed, except for the ones
Table 2. The material properties of the tunnel structure are linear that are adjacent to the truncated boundary for convenience of the
elastic; Young’s modulus, E = 3.0  104 MPa; Poisson’s ratio, wave input. The soil–tunnel structure interaction finite element
t = 0.2; and density, q = 2600 kg/m3. The cross section of the tunnel model is illustrated in Fig. 9. The internal forces of the longitudinal
is a 10 m  10 m square, with its walls, top plate and bottom plate tunnel structure are calculated by using the weighted sum of the
all 1.0 m thick. The centre of the tunnel cross section is 15 m below nodal average stresses of the shell elements of the cross section.
the ground surface. Plane P wave incidents from 60 m below the Fig. 10(a)–(c) display the maximum and minimum values of the
ground surface with an incident angle h = 45° and u = 30° with a longitudinal axial force Fx, shear force Fz and bending moment Mz,
time history of its displacement shown in Fig. 4. respectively, along the tunnel structure during the whole analysis
The ANSYS finite element software is used to perform the soil– time. The peak internal forces are uniform along a large portion of
tunnel structure interaction analysis. The foundation is modelled the tunnel structure, although disturbance exists within a short
using 8-node solid elements, and the tunnel structure is modelled length near both boundaries of the model. Indeed, for this idealised
using 4-node shell elements. The full scale of the numerical model model, in which the tunnel is of infinite length and the oblique


uy (10-2m)
uz (10-2m)


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Time (s) Time (s)
(a) Vertical displacement uz (b) Horizontal displacement uy

Tunnel response at X=-100 Tunnel response at X=0 Tunnel response at X=100

Free field at X=-100 Free field at X=0 Free field at X=100

Fig. 12. Time histories of the tunnel displacements compared with the free field motion.
238 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

-0.03 0.13 0.28 0.44 0.59 0.75 0.90 1.06 1.22 1.37 -0.02 0.12 0.27 0.42 0.56 0.71 0.86 1.00 1.15 1.30
Soil-structure interaction model Tunnel structure

(a) t=0.20s

(b) t=0.34s

(c) t=0.47s

(d) t=0.60s
Fig. 13. Z displacement field snapshot of the 3-D soil–tunnel structure interaction numerical model (unit: cm).

incident plane wave is propagating from the infinite half-space, the

Earthquake wave type
physical processes of the problem are symmetric on the timeline.
That is, the seismic reaction processes at each location on the tun- Displacement history
nel are exactly the same, the only difference is when they occur. of input wave
Material properties
Therefore, the peak response of the tunnel should be the same, Material properties of and geometry of
which is illustrated by Fig. 10(a)–(c). Fig. 10(d) displays the the stratified soil tunnel structures
moments when the peak longitudinal internal forces of the tunnel
occur. This result implies that the peak responses are produced
successively along a wide portion of the tunnel. The projection of 1D FEM
the speeds at which the peak responses transmit along the Free field motion
longitudinal tunnel structure in the wave propagation direction in one column Soil-tunnel structure model
(r direction) is exactly equal to the horizontal apparent velocity Characteristics of
cr of the incident wave. For instance, from Fig. 10(d), the maximum traveling wave Apply the
Fz transmitting speed is (150(150))/(0.545–0.335)=1429 m/s, 3-D free field viscous-spring
motion transmitting
and its projection in the r direction, 1429  cos 30° = 1237 m/s, is
almost equal to the apparent velocity, cr = 866/sin 45 = 1225 m/s. Wave input method
Fig. 11 shows the time history of the longitudinal axial force Fx,
Boundary forces Boundary nodes
shear force Fz and bending moment Mz, at different locations in the
tunnel. Fig. 12 shows the vertical displacement and y displacement FORTRAN program compiled
histories of locations (100, 0, 10), (0, 0, 10) and (100, 0, 10), 3D FEM simulation
which are in the middle of the tunnel top plate compared with the
ANSYS modeling
displacement histories when the tunnel structure is absent. From
by means of APDL
Figs. 11 and 12, the propagation of the tunnel vibration along the
longitudinal direction can be clearly observed. Fig. 13 shows a ver- Fig. 14. Schematic flow-chart of the proposed soil–tunnel structure interaction
tical displacement field snapshot of the 3-D soil–tunnel structure analysis approach.
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 239

interaction numerical model, from which the wave-passage effect 3. Numerical applications
can be observed.
In this section, the proposed 3-D soil–tunnel structure interac-
2.4.3. Summary of the procedure tion method is used to analyse the influence of the incident angle
All numerical results coincide with the traditional explanation as well as incident direction on the tunnel longitudinal response
of the wave-passage effect and demonstrate that the proposed under an asynchronous earthquake motion. The numerical model
method is able to reproduce most of the basic features of an as well as the material properties are the same as Section 2.4.2.
underground tunnel subjected to an asynchronous earthquake Plane body waves (SH, P and SV waves) incident from 60 m below
motion and is an effective way to evaluate asynchronous the ground surface with various incident angles h and incident
earthquake engineering problems. The schematic flow-chart of directions u, and the time histories of the incident displacements
the proposed method is shown in Fig. 14. are chosen as shown in Fig. 4. The maximum and minimum values
The method can provide satisfactory results for a wide range of of longitudinal internal forces of the tunnel structure, which are
tunnel structures because the variability of the seismic response at evaluated at the location of X = 0, at the centre of the model, are
the boundary of the model is restricted within a certain distance. investigated for each case to gain a comprehensive insight into
This distance, called the boundary influence range, is needed to the seismic behaviour of the longitudinal soil-structure interaction
fully deform the tunnel structure and the surrounding soil collab- system.
oratively. In fact, from the theory of soil-structure interaction, it is
easy to deduce that the stiffer the tunnel structure is compared 3.1. Asynchronous SH wave input
with the soil, the longer the distance needed to make the tunnel
structure and soil work cooperatively. Further modification of the Fig. 15(a)–(e) shows maximum and minimum values of longitu-
tunnel boundary treatment as well as determination of the bound- dinal axial force Fx, shear force Fy and Fz, bending moment My and
ary influence range can be investigated to make the proposed Mz, respectively, during the whole analysis time. Interestingly,
method more practical and save time for analysing tunnel although there are only horizontal displacement components in
structure earthquake engineering problems. the free field motion produced by the SH oblique incident wave,

160000 50000

80000 25000
Fy (kN)
Fx (kN)

0 0

-80000 -25000

-160000 -50000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(a) peak values of Fx (b) peak values of Fy
16000 30000

My (kNm)

Fz (kN)

-8000 0


-32000 -30000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(c) peak values of Fz (d) peak values of My
Minimum value when =0°
75000 Maximum value when =0°
Minimum value when =15°
Mz (kNm)

0 Maximum value when =15°

Minimum value when =30°
-75000 Maximum value when =30°
Minimum value when =45°
-150000 Maximum value when =45°
Minimum value when =60°
Maximum value when =60°
-300000 Minimum value when =75°
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Maximum value when =75°
Incident angle (°)
(e) peak values of Mz

Fig. 15. Peak values of the tunnel longitudinal internal forces produced by the incident SH wave.
240 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

a vertical shear force and bending moment are generated when the obtained from the free-field deformation method reach their max-
incident directions u is not zero. This phenomenon is shown in imums when u is 45°, while numerical analysis Fx reaches its max-
Fig. 15(c) and (d), although Fz and My are generally much smaller imum when u is approximately 60° for each incident angle h.
than Fy and Mz. This phenomenon cannot be predicted by Moreover, the shear strain and curvature reach their maximum
traditional simplified approaches where the tunnel structures are when u is 0°, while numerical analysis Fy decreases first and then
idealised as beams; therefore it demonstrates the necessity of a increases with u, and Mz decreases with the incident direction u.
3-D meticulous structure-soil interaction analysis. Fig. 15(a) indi- These differences are important because the equation in the liter-
cates that the peak values of axial force increase with the incident ature [9] calculates the strain and curvature of the tunnel using
angle h for a given incident direction u and reach their maximum body waves. This equation is derived on the assumption that a har-
when u is approximately 60°. Fig. 15(b) shows that peak values of monic wave propagates at a given angle of incidence in a homoge-
horizontal shear force Fy increase with the incident angle h for a neous, isotropic, elastic medium, without taking the soil-structure
given u, while at a given incident angle, the peak values of Fy first interaction into account. In earthquake engineering problems, the
decrease and then increase with u, and their minimum is when u oblique incident wave is propagating from the underlying half-
is approximately 45°. Fig. 15(e) shows that the peak values of the space to the stratified soil resting on it with an arbitrary transient
bending moment Mz increase with the incident angle h for a given displacement history. The 3-D soil–tunnel structure interaction
u and decrease with the incident direction u for a given h. numerical method has an advantage in this aspect and can
In Fig. 12, the displacements of the tunnel structure are close to simulate the dynamic process much more accurately.
the free field motion, so it can be deduced that the ground is very
stiff, which is a condition where the free field deformation method 3.2. Asynchronous P wave input
is a simple and effective design tool. However, this observation is
not completely in agreement with the established results based Fig. 16(a)–(e) shows the maximum and minimum values of the
on the free-field deformation method [9,33]. For example, for the longitudinal internal forces during the whole analysis time.
incident shear wave, the longitudinal strain and normal strain Fig. 16(a) and (d) shows the peak values of the longitudinal axial

140000 18000

Fx (kN)

Fy (kN)



-210000 -18000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(a) peak values of Fx (b) peak values of Fy

My (kNm)
Fz (kN)

0 -40000

-4000 -60000

-8000 -80000
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(c) peak values of Fz (d) peak values of My

10000 Minimum value when =0°

Maximum value when =0°
5000 Minimum value when =15°
Maximum value when =15°
Mz (kNm)

0 Minimum value when =30°

Maximum value when =30°
Minimum value when =45°
-10000 Maximum value when =45°
Minimum value when =60°
-15000 Maximum value when =60°
Minimum value when =75°
-20000 Maximum value when =75°
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Incident angle (°)
(e) peak values of Mz

Fig. 16. Peak values of tunnel longitudinal internal forces produced by incident P wave.
P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243 241

force Fx. The bending moment My increases and then tends to semi-space and analyse the wave field, which is the superposition
decrease as the incident angle h increases for a given u and reaches of the incident P wave together with the reflected and refracted P-
its maximum when h is approximately 60°, while for each given SV waves, rather than the single plane P wave. The incident angle h
incident angle h, the values decrease as u increases. Fig. 16(b) can also be varied to obtain the most unfavourable conditions. The
and (e) shows the peak values of the horizontal shear force Fy. above advantages cannot be achieved by the traditional simplified
The bending moment Mz increases as the incident angle h increases approaches.
for a given u, while for a given h, the peak values first increase and
then decrease as u increases and reach their maximum when u is 3.3. Asynchronous SV wave input
approximately 45°. Fig. 16(c) shows that the peak values of the ver-
tical shear force Fz increase first and then decrease with h for a To avoid the generation of reflected non-uniform waves, the
given u. The vertical shear reaches its maximum when h is approx- incident angle of the SV wave does not exceed hcr = arcsin
imately 30° and decreases as the incident direction u for a given h (cs/cp) = 35.26°. Fig. 17(a)–(e) shows the maximum and minimum
increases. values of longitudinal internal forces during the whole analysis
The most unfavourable conditions of u obtained from these time. As shown in Fig. 17(a) and (d), the peak values of the longi-
results are generally in agreement with the established results tudinal axial force Fx and bending moment My increase as the inci-
based on the free-field deformation method. For example, for an dent angle h increases for a given incident direction, while for each
incident P wave, the shear strain and curvature reach their given incident angle, the peak values decrease as u increases.
maximum when u is 45° and 35°160 , respectively. From the Fig. 17(b) and (e) indicate that the peak values of the horizontal
numerical analysis Fy and Mz, first increase and then decrease with shear force Fy and bending moment Mz increase with the incident
the incident direction u, reaching their maximum when u is angle h for a given incident direction u, while for a given h, the
approximately 45°. However, the proposed method can simulate peak values first increase and then decrease with u, reaching their
the process of the oblique incident wave propagating into the maximum when u is approximately 45°. Fig. 17(c) shows that the

300000 36000

Fx (kN)

Fy (kN)

0 0


-300000 -36000
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(a) peak values of Fx (b) peak values of Fy
20000 80000

My (kNm)

Fz (kN)


-30000 -80000
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Incident angle (°) Incident angle (°)
(c) peak values of Fz (d) peak values of My
Minimum value when =0°
Maximum value when =0°
30000 Minimum value when =15°
Maximum value when =15°
Mz (kNm)

15000 Minimum value when =30°

Maximum value when =30°
0 Minimum value when =45°
Maximum value when =45°
Minimum value when =60°
Maximum value when =60°
Minimum value when =75°
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Maximum value when =75°
Incident angle (°)
(e) peak values of Mz
Fig. 17. Peak values of the tunnel longitudinal internal forces produced by an incident SV wave.
242 P. Li, E.-x. Song / Computers and Geotechnics 63 (2015) 229–243

peak values of vertical shear force Fz generally decrease as h traditional approaches. Further improvements of the tunnel
increases for a given u and decrease with the incident direction boundary treatment method can also be investigated. The study
u for a given h. may facilitate further refined nonlinear numerical analysis as well
as a simplified analysis of the longitudinal seismic response of
3.4. Comparison and discussion

A number of factors contribute to the soil-structure interaction

effect, including the relative stiffness between the soil and struc-
ture, structure geometry, input earthquake motions and tunnel
The work reported in this paper is financially supported by the
embedment depth. From the above analyses, the capability of the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project Nos.
proposed 3-D numerical modelling technique in simulating the
51038007, 51408331) and the Self Initiative Research Program of
seismic response of tunnels under an asynchronous earthquake
Tsinghua University (Project No. 2012THZ02-2). Useful suggestions
wave input is examined. It is observed by comparison that for
from the reviewers and the editor are also gratefully acknowledged.
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