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First Quarter: Learning Episode 1

RBI Time: 2:10-2:40 P.M. (Friday)

Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ___________

School: ___________________________________ Date: __________

Competency: Identify patterns of development as Narration, Description, Definition,

Exemplification, and Classification

Directions: Read and understand carefully the paragraph in each item. Identify the patterns
of development as Narration, Description, Definition, Exemplification, and Classification.
Provide an explanation of your answer expressing a complete thought.

1. Let it be understood, accordingly, that there is a higher and a lower series of plants;
namely: Phanerogamous plants, which come from seed and bear flowers, essentially
stamens and pistils, through the co-operation of which seed is produced. For
shortness, these are commonly called phanerogams, or phænogams, or by the
equivalent English name of flowering plants. Cryptogamous plants, or cryptogams,
come from minute bodies, which answer to seeds, but are of much simpler structure,
and such plants have no stamens and pistils. Therefore they are called in English
flowerless plants. Such are ferns, mosses, algæ or seaweeds, fungi, etc. These sorts
have each to be studied separately, for each class or order has a plan of its own.
-An excerpt from The Elements of Botany by Asa Gray
Pattern: _________________________
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________
2. Last night, I was walking on my way home when it suddenly rained. I forgot to bring
my umbrella, so I ran to avoid getting completely soaked in the rain. Not seeing
where I was going, I fell into a paddle of water. Then a guy helped me stand up.
When I looked up, I recognized him. Momentarily, I forgot that I was soaking wet and
that I was very cold. He offered to walk me home, and I just nodded. The next day, he
and I saw each other at school. At last, we talked like old friends.
Pattern: _________________________
Explanation: _________________________________________________________________

3. E-mail is not something you can hold in your hand, send in the mail, and a stamp is
not needed to send it. E-mail is simply mail put into digital form and sent to its
recipients through the Internet. Because of the technological advances of society, mail
has been turned into something computer made that can be sent anyplace, anytime, as
long as there is an Internet connection.
Pattern: _________________________
Explanation: ________________________________________________________________

________________________________________ Date: _______________

Signature over Printed Name of Parent/Guardian
First Quarter: Learning Episode 1

Supplementary Learning Material

Learning Competency: Distinguishes between and among patterns of development in

writing across disciplines
Sub-task: Identify patterns of development as Narration, Description, Definition,
Exemplification, and Classification.

Pattern of Development in Writing refers to the particular strategy writers use to

develop ideas. Whether you are aware of it or not, you already use patterns of development in
expressing yourself.

Narration tells a story. It relates an incident or a series of events that lead to a

conclusion or ending. It tells the readers when, where, and what happened. A narrative
paragraph contains action verbs and transition words that indicate time or sequence.

Description gives information of what a person, an object, a place, or a situation is

like. It appeals to the reader’s senses; it makes the reader see, hear, taste, smell, or feel the

A descriptive paragraph has concrete and specific details, which are carefully chosen
by a writer to paint a picture in the mind of the reader. Literary analyses, descriptive essays,
business plans, lab reports, and research papers are some examples of writing genres that use
descriptive paragraphs.

Definition explains a concept, term, or subject. Its main purpose is to tell what
something is. It consists of three parts:
First part has the following: term, concept, or subject to be defined;
Second part is the general class to which it belongs, and
Third part has the characteristics that differentiate it from the other members of its

The starting point for a definition paragraph is a simple definition, which becomes the
topic sentence of the paragraph. It uses transitional words and phrases.

Exemplification is one of the most common and effective ways to show or explain an
idea or point (e.g., observation, opinion, belief). In this pattern of development, the main idea
is explained by giving an extended example or series of detailed examples.
Classification refers to sorting or arranging subjects (e.g., persons, places, things,
ideas) into groups or categories according to their common or shared characteristic. The
subjects can be grouped in many different ways depending on your purpose. With a purpose
in mind, you can determine how to group the subjects in your list. The group or category
should have a single basis or classification.

Instructions: Identify the pattern of development. Choices of answers would be Narration,

Description, Definition, Persuasion and Exemplification.

Text 1

This past weekend, I had the best time of my life! First, I and my best
friend made a delicious and mouth-watering pizza on the Friday night. After
we ate, we had a friendly video game competition. On Saturday, my father
took us out boating. The weather was perfect and the water was warm. It
was such a great day to go for a swim! Later that night, we went to the
movies. We saw an action packed thriller and ate a lot of cheesy popcorn.
Finally, on Sunday, we rode our bikes all over town. By the end of the day,
my legs were very tired but, I was so happy! I only hope that next weekend
can be as fun as this one.

Answer: It uses Narration. It tells when and what happened on the speaker’s life the past
weekend – during Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday. It also uses sequential order also like
First, After, Later, and finally to make the paragraph coherent and cohesive.

Text 2

The tarsier has soft, grayish fur. It has bat-like ears and a long, rat-like
tail. It only stands about 100 millimeters. It feeds on insects like crickets,
beetles, and termites; and on small animals, too, like lizards, frogs, and
small birds. Also, it is capable of turning its head 180 degrees and jumping
backward with accuracy.

Answer: The pattern of development is Description, because it provides the description of

Tarsier. Some were of specifics which include descriptive words that gave details and
information like soft, grayish fur and it has a bat-like ears and a rat-like tail.

Text 3

Déjà vu is a French word which means “already seen”. It is a feeling or

experience that one has seen or done something before. Even though
everything seems so familiar, you know there is no way that could have
happened before. There are many theories as to why and how this
phenomenon happens. One theory is that déjà vu is connected with
temporal-lobe epilepsy, but people without history of epilepsy have also
experienced déjà vu. Psychiatrists believed that it is something in your brain
that confuses an event that happened in the past with the present.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________
Text 4

Muslim women are active, assertive and engaged in society. In Qatar,

women make up the majority of graduate –school students. The Iranian
parliament has more women members than the U.S Senate. Throughout the
world, many Muslim women are educated and professionally trained; they
participate in public debates, are often catalysts for reform and champions
for their own rights.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

Text 5

The viola is a stringed instrument in the violin family. It is only slightly

larger than the violin and is tuned at a lower pitch. Like its smaller relative,
the viola is held on the shoulder under the chin and is played with a bow.
While the violin has many uses, the viola is used mainly in orchestral and
chamber music.

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________

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