Theology 3

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Jewel Leigh Buenrostro

12-St. Frideswida (HUMSS)

1. “Banta sa isang magandang Samahan ang paghahari-harian” (Imperium threatens authentic

The desire for position and power imposes a threat to a genuine samahan as it promotes social
inequality in the Church. In fact, genuine samahan should be bound to sharing, partnership, and
communion rather than competition and a battle towards greatness. Moreover, in Ephesians 5:21,
it narrates, “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. ... There is neither Jew nor
Greek, male nor female, slave nor free, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” It stresses that
regardless of our gender, social status, or race, we are all deemed as a disciple of God. Also,
Jesus himself says that regarding the matter of greatness, it should be measured in terms of
service. It emphasizes that we can be a great and genuine kasama not by being a dictator or a
king, but by being a servant who has a heart for his/her kasama as part of the Church. If we allow
inequality, injustice, and indifference to rule in our samahan, we are simple erasing its essence
and purpose. Moreover, it invalidates the contribution and capabilities of the ones being ruled
upon instead of having the same freedom to take part. Jesus’ discipleship is already a
manifestation of a genuine samahan that we must look up to because though he was like “the
leader of the pack”, he did not act like it and rather chose to serve his disciples such as washing
their feet. And of course, he never acted like he was a superior because his love and empathy
prevailed over all.

2. The development of the church into clergy-laity is part of God’s webbed plan and this
contributes to the beauty and harmony of the Church throughout the world.
The Church has been distinguished in two parts: the clergy and the laity. We Christians were
accustomed to think that the clergy is meant to be leaders who decide and govern activities of the
Church, while the laity simply listens and are expected to simply participate. With that, the laity
are regarded as “second class citizens” and often do not attain the privileges that the clergy
commonly has. Nonetheless, over time, the laity was treated better for the clergy had something
to listen and learn from them always. Rather than mere leaders, the clergy has served the people
just like Jesus did. They regarded the contributions and knowledge of the laity valid as well,
which leads to the beauty and harmony of the Church throughout the world. It became a “truly
world church” wherein there is no superiority over the other and no one is considered solely a
passive member. An example that can be related to this is the inculturation of the Church. With
this new development, the Church is no longer considered the only great one, but rather it wishes
to connect and be grounded to the laity, the majority of members of the Church. In that way, the
clergy has acknowledged people’s differences and developed a means that it is inclusive to
everyone around the world. The beauty of the Church comes from its purpose which is to be
from the people, to the people.
Bonus: What do you think is the implication for Christian living of the fact the Jesus Christ was
historically a lay person and not a priest?
Jesus being a lay person and not a priest stresses that He is not merely a divine being, but also an
ordinary person like us. He is a manifestation of the purpose he wishes to share to us, which is to
be a servant leader for the people. Similar to what I mentioned earlier, Jesus mentioned that in
order to be great, one must be in service, rather than acting like a king or a superior. In short, to
be like Him and to follow His path is nothing but to serve the Church, His people, even as an
ordinary individual.

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