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Team up with a partner or work independently to investigate

these five different natural disasters. You will need to click on

links to read information or watch videos to answer the questions
in each section. Good luck scientists!

Day 1: Landslides
Visit HERE to answer the question below:
a. What is a landslide?

Visit HERE to answer the question below

b. What kind of damage can a landslide cause?

c. When and where was the largest landslide?

Watch the video What is a landslide and what causes it?|| Landslide
d. What is one way nature causes landslides?

e. What is one way humans cause landslides?

Day 2: Floods and Tsunamis
Visit HERE to answer the question below
f. What is a tsunami?

g. What can cause a tsunami?

Visit HERE to answer the question below

h. What kind of damage can a tsunami cause?

i. How might you know a tsunami is on its way?

Watch this video Why Do Floods Happen?

j. How do floods happen?

k. Why are floods dangerous?

Visit HERE
l. Name two things you should never do during a flood!
Day 3: Wildfires and Tornados
Visit HERE:
m. What can cause a wildfire?

n. How do firefighters fight wildfires?

Watch this video How Wildfires Help! | Science for Kids

o. What? Wildfires can be helpful? Tell me why:

Visit HERE
p. What is a tornado?

q. How many characteristics of a tornado are there?

Choose one and describe it.

Visit HERE
r. How long do tornados usually last?

s. What should you do before a tornado?

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