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Name: ____________________________________

Date: ___________________


Questions on this test will evaluate your ability to operate with Maths. Use an HB pencil for any operation,
diagram or graphs. Answer all questions on additional sheets. Maths operations are required for each
question of the test. Each question is worth 5.

For questions 7-10, use the conversion factors
1. 500 − {100 ÷ [4(10 + 2) − 2(8 ÷ 4)]} = in the metric system to convert:

[100−(10÷2)] 200 7. 600 cm to mm

2. + =
6+8×3 (−2)(25÷5)
8. 5.26 cm to Dm

GEOMETRY 9. 98.04 Km to m

3. How many square yards of grass are needed 10. 0.0056 Km to mm

to replace the rectangular soccer field of the
Stadium of Patacones F.C. if it is 120.3 yd long
and 98.4 yd wide? Draw a picture. ALGEBRA

4. Find the perimeter of the soccer field of the In questions 11-14, solve for x. Give your
previous problem but in centimeters. answer in the simplest form.

5. Find the perimeter of the following polygon: 11. 2 x  6  20

2m 12. 40  3b  5

2m x
13. 50  1
6m 5m 3

4 6
14. =
20 𝑥

6. Divide the figure into squares and rectangles
to find the area of the following polygon:

B 6 cm C
1 cm

4 cm I H D E

2 cm

A 2 cm F
2 cm J G

15. Hasdrubal has been working delivering

newspapers and has got a check for
$110,000. The bank charges him $10,000 for
cashing his check. He wants to spend all the
money in stickers for an album. If each
envelop costs $500 and has 4 stickers, how
many stickers can he buy?

16. Eduardo spent of his money the first
1 4
day, the second day and the last day.
5 10
How much of his money did he spend?

17. Anna and Hasdrubal received each one a

poster. Anna’s poster is 2 meters tall. If
Hasdrubal’s is of hers. How tall is his

18. Eduardo has US$40.58. If he wants to

give half of it to his friend Francia, how much
money is he supposed to give her?

19. A 5-foot-tall person is standing near a tree.

If the person’s shadow is 20-foot long and the
tree’s shadow is 60-foot long, what is the
height of the tree? Draw a picture and solve
using proportions.

20. Ananias is 1,685 mm tall and his

girlfriend Zulmita is 1.75 meters tall. Who is
taller? Explain. (20 points): 2

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