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My personality type is ENTP (debater) according to the website used in class to

determine this. While I generally agree that this is an accurate description of my personality, I
would debate against some of the characteristics they have assigned to this personality type,
perhaps proving this personality type is in fact mostly accurate. I believe that many of the
strengths are authentic to me, such as enjoying learning new things, the ability to come up with
original ideas and being enthusiastic, but some of the weaknesses are not as accurate or not
prevalent to as large of an extent as stated. For example, while I can be argumentative at times, I
certainly do not enjoy arguing or debating often, especially when it reaches an intense point. I am
definitely not intolerant and am open to new ideas and opinions, whether they are backed up by
knowledge and logic that I currently possess or not as I believe being open to new things that you
might not understand is a key component of learning. I do agree with experiencing difficulty
focusing being a weakness of mine, though I think and hope I am getting better at staying
focused and dedicated to tasks for longer periods of time. I also find it difficult to identify
explicitly as either an introvert or extrovert because I really enjoy being with friends and around
large groups of people in active environments, yet I also feel shy sometimes and enjoy quiet,
peaceful nights alone in my room.

The four career possibilities stated after taking the test are not necessarily appealing to
me, other than entrepreneurship, something that I have always been intrigued by, particularly by
the independence and freedom, potential for great success, and immense passion that drives
successful entrepreneurs. However, at this point I am leaning towards a more structured and
stable career in business, probably in the fields of marketing, accounting or sales. I think that
these careers options are more realistic for me and better for my authentic personality type than
the ones provided on the website based off the more general personality type assigned to me on
the website. I think the skills and traits associated with my personality type will benefit me on
my current career path or any career path for that matter as many of these are universally useful,
like having originality, enjoying learning, and being able to take reasonable constructive

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