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I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Identify the different external anatomy of the fish,
b. Describe form and function of different organ system,
c. Internalize how a fish structure and form affect their feeding habit and their lifestyle.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: External Anatomy of Fish
Materials: Cut-outs of the different parts of the fish, Cartolina, Modeling Clay

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Routinary Activity
Let us all stand and pray.
Students pray.
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am.
Please say “present” as I call your name. Students answer their name is called.
2. Review/Recall
Alright, what was our lesson last meeting? Ma’am, we discussed about the living organism
in aquatic environment.
Very good! Can you name what is this? Yes Ma’am it is a fish.
(Pointing the fish)
3. Motivation
Now that we have finished discussing the living
organism in aquatic environment, we are going
to play. But first, group yourselves into three. The students will group themselves into three.

(Teacher giving instruction to the class)

I am going to give each of the group a clay. Each group participate in making the fish clay.
Now, in that clay make a simple representation
of a fish.

The first group who able to do the task will be

the winner.
4. Lesson Proper
Alright, class what is that? (Pointing their work) It’s a fish Ma’am.
Okay Very good! It’s a fish, but do you know
 What is a fish?
 What body parts do fish have that people
 What do both fish and people have in
This morning we will discuss about the external
anatomy of fish. We will answer the questions
mentioned earlier. (Posting the picture of a fish)

Now can you identify class the different parts? Yes Ma’am. It has a mouth, eyes, scales, and
Very good! But do you know the functions of Yes Ma’am a little bit.
each part?
Alright, we will discuss each part but first, we Ma’am fish is one of the living organism present
should know what is a fish? Anybody who can in aquatic environment and used as food for
answer? the people.
Very good class. To be specific, fish is a cold-
blooded animals, meaning that the animals is
unable to automatically control its body
temperature. Instead, body temperature is
dependent on the temperature of its
environment. Did you get it class? Yes Ma’am.

Very good! This time we will discuss thoroughly

the different parts, the first one is the mouth
(Pointing the mouth of the fish)
Who can answer what is mouth? Mouth is used for swallowing objects,
particularly food.
Okay basically speaking mouth is the primary
part that is useful for a fish for swallowing food.
Next is the eyes. Please read and explain. Eyes is used for looking food, escaping from
predators. The eyes of fish are always open;
they don’t have an eyelid like ours.
Alright, also eyes can warn when a predator is
near, or can detect the slightest movement of
small prey.

We can easily understand the mouth and eyes

because it’s just the same with human. Am I
right class? Yes Ma’am.
But the third part is slightly hard to understand
including other parts. Next the Operculum.
Kindly read and discuss to your classmates. Operculum is a series of bones found in bony
fish that serves as a facial support structure and
a protective covering for the gills, and used for
Did you understand it class? This is the
operculum (Pointing the picture)

Behind operculum is the Gills, and it has two

main part. The Gill Rakers and Gill Filament.
Class, let me ask you first, do fishes has a nose? Yes Ma’am.
No class, they don’t have. They have their
nostrils but they don’t have a nose. But how do they breath Ma’am?

Very good question class. The Gills will be the

answer to your question. Fishes breath through
their gills. How Ma’am?
Kindly read and understand.
(Posting definition including Gill Rakers and Gill A gill is a respiratory organ found in many
filament) aquatic organisms that extracts dissolved
Gills take oxygen from the water and let water oxygen from water and excretes carbon
whisk away carbon dioxide and ammonia from dioxide.
the blood vessels in the gills.
Fish suck in water through their mouth and
breath out through the gills.

Gill Rakers and Gill filament serves as filter.

Did you understand class? That is one of the

fascinating things about fish, the uniqueness of
fish from humans.

Let us discuss the next, the Nares. Nares are paired holes located on a fish’s snout
and used for detecting odors in the water.
Class, All fish can smell, nares are similar to
nostrils but are not used for breathing.

The next one is the scales, on top of the scales Scales serves as the covering of their body. It
is the slime. (Posting definition) protects fish from injury.
Slime protects fish from bacteria and parasites
in the water, including predators.

Next is the lateral line. (Pointing the pictures) Lateral line is made up of a series of tiny holes
This organ is used to feel low vibrations in the located just under the scales of a fish.

The next one is the Vent or Anus. Anus serves as an excretory organ where the
waste matter from the body passes out.

The last one is the Fins. Fins are made of skin with tiny bones or
All fins have external appendages called fins. cartilage in.
Like human limbs, fins provide fish with
balance, steering and protection. 1.Dorsal fin-is a spiny, hard fin that helps to
keep the fish upright.
There are 5 Classification of Fins. 2. Pectoral fin- helps the fish move from
1. Dorsal fin side-to-side. They are also known as
2. Pectoral fin arm fins.
3. Pelvic fin 3.Pelvic fin- also called the leg fin. It helps
4. Anal fin the fish to move up, down and turn.
5. Caudal fin 4.Anal fin- the fins at the back of the body
stop the fish from wobbling in the
5.Caudal fin- it swings from side to side to
move forward, left and right in the
They have their own function, but all of them
has one propel, balance and move the

Did you understand class? Did you know class

that you can identify fishes that are good in
swimming by just looking at their caudal fin? Wow! How Ma’am?

Fish with continuous caudal fin are good at

swimming in and around cracks and crevices.

Can you give me an example class? Eel Ma’am.

Yes very good!

Next, Fish with lunate (moon-shaped) tail tend

to be the fastest swimmers and can swim for a
long time.

Example class? Tuna Ma’am.

Another class? (No answer)
Do you think sharks belong in this group? Yes Ma’am.
Very good! That’s why they are fast when they
attack their prey. So be careful class.

Next, Fish with forked tails swim constantly

without stopping (even when they are asleep)
Can you give an example class? Milkfish Ma’am.
Any other example class? Sardines Ma’am.
Yes Sardinella, and mackerel and so many

The next is Fish with truncated or rounded tails

are usually strong, but slow, swimmers.

Example again class? Can you give me? (No answer)

Grouper or Lapu-lapu is an example. Another
one is Puffer fish or Botete in our dialect.

Did you understand now class? Yes Ma’am.

Do you have questions? Clarification? None Ma’am.

6. Evaluation
Alright, are you ready for a quiz? Yes Ma’am.

Get 1 whole sheet of paper and answer the Test I. Matching Type
a. Caudal fin
(Posting the Assessment) b. Mouth
c. Nares
d. Pectoral fin
e. Operculum
f. Gills
g. Anal fin
h. Eyes
i. Scales
j. Pelvic fin
k. Lateral line
l. Dorsal fin

IV. Assignment
Study in advance about the Internal Anatomy of fish and we will have a recitation tomorrow
before we begin our discussion.

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