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HCI Activity 3 – Interviewing Target Client


In line with your activity on conducting interview with your target client, please present your insights
with respect to the following guide questions:

• How did you start your activity?

• What were your interview questions?
• What were the challenges you encountered during the crafting of interview questions?
• How did the team manage the challenges encountered?
• Who were the persons you interviewed? (For data privacy purposes, please do not name the
actual interviewees. Rather use their position in describing them. Example: Tempura Vendor, 2nd
Year BTLeD Student, Chairperson, etc.)
• Why did you choose to interview them?
• What were the challenges you encountered during the interview?
• How did you go about these challenges?
• What were the things you were grateful of doing?
• What were the things you wished you didn’t do?
• Present a summary of group reflection for today’s activity.

Attached here is a sample. PLEASE NOTE that this is just a SAMPLE ONLY. Your outputs may vary
depends on your answer on the guide questions provided. You’re free to be as creative also on your
presentation. You will be graded as follows:

Team Oral

Criteria Weight/Rate 4 3 2 1

1. Lessons -Lessons learned -Lessons learned -Explanation and -Lessons

learned. were explained were explained presentation of learned are
Present fully and and presented the lessons not clearly
"Lessons presented very satisfactorily learned was good explained
Learned" clearly (100%). (70%). (40-50%). and/or no
summarizing lessons
its out-of- learned
classroom presented.

2. Number of -The team -The team -The team -The team did
interviews. interviewed 5-6 interviewed 3-4 interviewed 1-2 not conduct
State how x1 potential potential potential any
many customers/users customers/users customers/users interviews.
interviews or more (100%). (70%). (40-50%).
HCI Activity 3 – Interviewing Target Client

conducted that

3. Team's -Team's work was -Team's work was -Presentation of -Presentation

work. presented presented the team's work of the team's
Present detail completely with satisfactorily but was good but half work was
on what the full details and some details were of the details unclear
team did that the BMC changes left out including were left out without any
week, were explained changes to the including changes details.
including very clearly BMC (70%). to the BMC (40-
changes to (100%). 50%).
Model canvas.

4. Real-world -Classroom -Classroom -Only half of the -Classroom

application. lessons were fully lessons were fully classroom lessons lessons were
Present how applied to the applied to the were applied to not applied to
the classroom actual customer actual customer the actual the actual
lessons applied discovery and discovery but customer customer
to actual completely some of the discovery and discovery and
customer explained details details were left most of its details no details
discovery. (100%). out (70%). were left out (40- were
50%). explained as

5. -Shows full -Shows a good -Shows a good -Does not

Presentation understanding of understanding of understanding of seem to
delivery. the topic. the topic. the parts of the understand
Prepared, -Facial -Facial topic. the topic very
spoke clearly, experssions and expressions and -Facial well.
told a story & body language body language expressions and -Very little
provided generate a strong sometimes body language are use of facial
examples, use interest and generate a strong used to try expressions
a commonly- enthusiasm about interest and generate or body
used language, the topic. enthusiasm about enthusiasm, but language. Did
related to the -Completely the topic. not genuine not generate
audience, prepared and has -Seems prepared enough. much interest
passionate obviously but might have -Somewhat in topic being
about the idea, rehearsed. needed a couple prepared, but it is presented.
and more rehearsals. clear that -Does not
enthusiastic. rehearsal was seem at all
lacking. prepared to
HCI Activity 3 – Interviewing Target Client

In addition, please be reminded to interview your target clients as you have submitted last meeting:
Team Name Section TARGET USER:
JEF Computer Group 2A Student
MSJ 2A Elderlies
Aca-Fellas 2A Teenagers
BOJEPA 2A Students
Team Survivor 2A College Student
Lucky MAG 2A College Students
Team Fighters 2A Students
team innovators 2A Vendors
Team fighters 2A Students
Trio Warriors 2A Students
brainstorming 2B STUDENTS
BeCoBa 2B Teenagers
All goodz 2B Student
Web 2B Teenagers
AniManSa 2B Female College Students
HCI 2B BSIT 2B I.T students of USTP Oroquieta
Purple 2C Students
GJL 2C Student
KJS 2C Students
Dreamers 2C Senior Citizens
Franz Group 2C Student
GEEK 2C Students
1G 2C Street food vendors
Peace 2C "Students has motorcycle parking area problem in USTP"
Jala G 2C School Officers Of OSA Staff

For those groups who wasn’t able to submit here, that means no attendance for our lecture meeting.
Please be guided. THANKS!

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