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Policy Forum

Harnessing Poverty Alleviation to Reduce the Stigma of

HIV in Sub-Saharan Africa
Alexander C. Tsai1,2,3*, David R. Bangsberg2,3,4,5, Sheri D. Weiser6
1 Chester M. Pierce, MD Division of Global Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 2 Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States of America, 3 Center for Global Health, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 4 Department of
Global Health and Population, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America, 5 Mbarara University of Science and Technology,
Mbarara, Uganda, 6 Division of HIV/AIDS, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States of America

Summary Points
HIV is highly stigmatized throughout
sub-Saharan Africa [1,2]. In studies con-
ducted among general population samples,
N Poverty is an important driver of HIV stigma.

stigma has been shown to impede uptake

N HIV-related morbidity undermines HIV-infected persons’ ability to maintain their
full economic contributions to family and community life.
of HIV testing and increase sexual risk-
taking behavior [3,4]. Among HIV-infect- N Stigmatization and exclusion from local solidarity networks erode food and
livelihood security, which undermine adherence to HIV treatment, further
ed persons, stigma has also been associated perpetuating this cycle.
with inhibited serostatus disclosure to
sexual partners and potential treatment N HIV treatment can improve the economic, mental, and social health of HIV-
infected persons, but it may not be sufficient to reduce the stigma of HIV.
supporters, delays in HIV antiretroviral
therapy (ART) initiation, and ART non- N Livelihood interventions can reduce the stigma of HIV by directly targeting
adherence [5,6,7]. The stigma of HIV also poverty.
intensifies the poverty, stress, and insecu-
rity endemic to many resource-limited
settings [8], resulting in worsened mental on other stigmatized conditions, such as displacing already-marginalized groups
health [9], itself an important determinant epilepsy and schizophrenia; and literature even further downward in the status
of AIDS-related mortality [10]. Until we from other fields, including anthropology, hierarchy (Box 1). For example, during
can better understand how to effectively economics, psychology, and sociology. the first decade of widespread awareness
intervene to reduce the stigma of HIV, it about the epidemic in the US, HIV was
will continue to adversely affect the well- The Stigma of HIV in Sub- associated with marginalized groups per-
ceived to be deviant or engaged in deviant
being of HIV-infected persons and under- Saharan Africa
mine both treatment and prevention behavior, such as injection drug users and
efforts throughout sub-Saharan Africa. In many cultural contexts, the stigma of men who have sex with men.
Given the pressing need for effective HIV is largely driven by concerns about its Although in some sub-Saharan African
intervention, in this Policy Forum article symbolic meanings [11]. Gilmore and countries the stigma of HIV may be partly
we argue that poverty alleviation should Somerville [12] argue that stigma is best rooted in its association with perceived
be conceptualized as a potentially power- understood as a social process which deviance, others have argued that such an
ful yet understudied tool for confronting involves the exercise of power, along the account insufficiently explains persisting
the stigma of HIV. Beginning with a fault lines of these symbolic meanings, by negative attitudes toward HIV-infected
conceptual discussion of stigma, we draw one group over another. Consistent with persons [13,14,15]. We hypothesize that
on qualitative and epidemiological studies their argument, stigma has historically an overlooked—and under-targeted—driv-
to focus our attention on the perceived been deployed in a manner that serves to er of HIV stigma is its powerful association
disability, economic incapacity, and death reproduce inequalities that existed even with disability, economic incapacity, and
associated with HIV as key determinants prior to the HIV epidemic, thereby death. Our hypothesis is grounded in the
of stigma in numerous sub-Saharan Afri-
can countries. We then explain how Citation: Tsai AC, Bangsberg DR, Weiser SD (2013) Harnessing Poverty Alleviation to Reduce the Stigma of HIV
poverty alleviation may help reduce the in Sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS Med 10(11): e1001557. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001557
stigma of HIV. In doing so we borrow Published November 26, 2013
from disparate lines of inquiry, including Copyright: ß 2013 Tsai et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
HIV research and programmatic work in Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and source are credited.
sub-Saharan Africa; the medical literature
Funding: U.S. National Institutes of Health K23MH096620 (ACT), K24MH087227 (DRB), and K23MH079713
(SDW). The funders had no role in the decision to publish or in preparation of the manuscript.
The Policy Forum allows health policy makers Competing Interests: DRB and SDW are members of the PLOS Medicine Editorial Board. ACT is a member of
around the world to discuss challenges and the PLOS ONE Editorial Board.
opportunities for improving health care in their
societies. * E-mail:
Provenance: Commissioned; peer reviewed.

PLOS Medicine | 1 November 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 11 | e1001557

the corroded social status of HIV-infected
persons in different settings throughout
sub-Saharan Africa [19]. Table S1 pro-
vides examples of qualitative studies from
sub-Saharan Africa in which poverty and
inability to engage in reciprocal exchange
were cited as drivers of stigma. For
example, a young man from a community
sample in Zimbabwe portrayed HIV-
infected persons as a drain on their
communities: ‘‘Right now those who are
infected are not treated as fellow human
beings. They are already declared dead,
and regarded as useless as a grave… They
mean that these people are no longer able
to do anything useful. They say they are
just waiting for the day of their death’’
[20] (p. 2275). These attitudes are embed-
ded in local descriptions of HIV-infected
persons who have been labeled ‘‘corpses
that live’’ [13] (p. 848). Table S2 lists other
dysphemisms that have been applied to
HIV-infected persons in countries
throughout sub-Saharan Africa.
The conceptual discussion above de-
scribes both symbolic and instrumental
drivers of stigma [11]. On the one hand,
its symbolic component is derived from
Figure 1. Relationships between HIV, disability, and stigma. HIV infection has adverse
health and economic impacts, undermining HIV-infected persons’ abilities to maintain their full what HIV symbolizes in specific cultural
economic contributions to family and community life and engage in reciprocal exchange. contexts: disability, economic incapacity,
Stigmatization and exclusion from local solidarity networks erodes their food and livelihood and death. On the other hand, the
security, which in turn undermine their adherence to ART. Non-adherence to ART perpetuates this exclusion of economically inadequate per-
cycle by further compromising health and economic viability. sons from participation in local solidarity
networks can be viewed as instrumental,
i.e., serving a utilitarian function. This
observation that, in settings of generalized morbidity, and the specter of impending view of stigma emphasizes the instrumen-
poverty where subsistence agriculture is the premature mortality, call into question tal, rather than the symbolic, value of
norm and where social protection schemes HIV-infected persons’ abilities to support stigma to groups who are in a position to
are limited, it is a critical aspect of human their households via productive labor or to engage in the type of exercise of power
sociality to be perceived as sufficiently fit to engage in reciprocal exchange, thereby described above. The instrumental basis
engage in physical labor [16,17] and to be singling them out for social exclusion for stigmatization has been elaborated
perceived as actively contributing to net- (Figure 1). from an evolutionary perspective by social
works of mutual aid [18]. Economic The mechanism we describe here has psychologists who treat stigma as a
incapacity resulting from HIV-associated been identified as a key culprit explaining behavioral adaptation designed to solve
one of the central problems of human
sociality: the need for long-term, cooper-
Box 1. The Stigma Process ative, reciprocal exchange [21,22]. Per-
sons targeted for stigmatization are simply
N Goffman [70] described stigma as an attribute that is ‘‘deeply discrediting’’ and those who are perceived to violate the
that, in the eyes of society, reduces someone ‘‘from a whole and usual person norm of reciprocity.
to a tainted, discounted one’’ (p. 3). The stigma of HIV can also be
N Persons with and without the stigmatized attribute are separated into two understood using concepts borrowed from
categories: ‘‘them’’ vs. ‘‘us’’ [71,72]. social capital theory. Persons living in
N Internalized stigma results when stigmatized persons come to accept these settings of generalized poverty rely heavily
inhospitable attitudes as valid, thereby developing self-defacing beliefs and on social capital (specifically, bonding and
perceptions about themselves [73]. bridging social capital [23]) to access
N Enacted stigma results when clandestine hostility and/or overt acts of material resources needed for survival.
These themes are prominently described
discrimination are directed towards persons specifically because they possess
the stigmatized attribute [71]. in numerous qualitative studies from sub-
N In such an environment, even stigmatized persons who are not directly Saharan Africa [24,25,26,27,28]. The
motivating forces behind social capital
victimized may experience fear in anticipation of being targeted (felt stigma)
[74]. are not always altruistic, however, as
N These processes are contingent on differentials in power [12,75]. Portes and Sensenbrenner [29] argued.
When social capital is rooted in instru-

PLOS Medicine | 2 November 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 11 | e1001557

mental rather than altruistic concerns, sons in Botswana [2]. In fact, an early working at full capacity have nonetheless
persons who do not fulfill reciprocity argument advanced in support of ART voiced difficulties in rebounding to the
expectations can be excluded. According- scale-up was that doing so would reduce same overall level of economic well-being.
ly, in some communities, fear of the stigma and enhance prevention efforts While trying to cope with HIV-associated
‘‘social death’’ and exclusion resulting [36]. morbidity before treatment initiation, they
from an HIV diagnosis is more intense For HIV-infected persons, the past may have had to adopt coping strategies
than the fear of the disease itself [30]. decade of ART expansions has vindicated such as selling off productive assets or
To date, a number of different ap- these claims. Program implementers at the shifting from high-return to low-return
proaches to stigma reduction have been non-governmental organization Partners activities, while ultimately undermining
attempted. These have largely consisted of in Health, for example, reported that after their own financial viability in the long
educational interventions, aimed at the the introduction of ART in Haiti, they term. These themes are prominent in
general population to correct overblown observed greater demand for HIV testing qualitative studies [16,17,19,27,49] and
fears about casual transmission risks, or and counseling, and their patients report- have been confirmed in larger-scale epide-
contact interventions in which study ed fewer HIV-related discriminatory miological studies [50].
participants experience scripted interac- events and increased social integration
tions with HIV-infected persons in order [36,37]. As shown in Table S1, in ‘‘ART-Plus’’: Harnessing Poverty
to increase tolerance and acceptance [31]. qualitative studies conducted in countries Alleviation to Reduce the
Under the framework described above, throughout sub-Saharan Africa, HIV-in- Stigma of HIV
these approaches can be thought of as fected persons initiating ART have simi-
addressing either symbolic or instrumental larly described a constellation of benefits, Considering the important limitations
aspects of HIV stigma. Persons who are including improved economic productivi- in our current portfolio of anti-stigma
exposed to an educational intervention ty, greater self-efficacy, and reduced inter- interventions [31], we believe poverty
(that demonstrates how the risks of casual nalized stigma [38]. These findings have alleviation—and, specifically, livelihood
transmission are much lower than they been confirmed in larger-scale epidemio- interventions—should also be considered
previously thought) might be expected to logical studies as well [9,39,40,41,42, in conjunction with ART to help further
revise their instrumental concerns about 43,44]. reduce the stigma of HIV. We recognize
HIV. Similarly, persons who are exposed Yet, while ART has undeniably im- that the idea of ‘‘ART-plus’’ does not, at
to HIV-infected persons through a contact proved the economic, mental, and social present, have widespread adherents. For
intervention might be inclined to revise health of HIV-infected persons, two fac- example, a recently published Cochrane
their symbolically grounded views about tors may hinder its ability to level Collaboration protocol for a planned
the humanity of HIV-infected persons (a stigmatizing beliefs in the general popula- systematic review of interventions to
process termed ‘‘recategorization’’ [32]). tion. First, accurate knowledge about reduce HIV stigma lists an exhaustive
These approaches, however, do not nec- ART efficacy may not evenly follow the catalogue of educational anti-stigma
essarily consider the underlying functional contours of treatment expansion. Over the interventions, including ‘‘lectures, group
aspects of HIV stigma. past decade, with substantial investments discussions, individual education, radio,
in educational HIV-related messages pro- television, print (newspapers, magazines,
ART Scale-Up as a Necessary moted through radio, television, and/or booklets, leaflets, posters, pamphlets),
but Not Sufficient Stigma print media, overall levels of accurate films, documentaries, billboards, folk me-
HIV-specific knowledge have improved dia (such as street dramas), or a combina-
Reduction Strategy
slightly but remain low in general popu- tion of these’’ [51] (p. 4) but does not
If an important driver of HIV stigma is lation surveys conducted throughout sub- provide any indication that livelihood
its powerful association with disability, Saharan Africa [45]. Similarly, local interventions will be examined.
economic incapacity, and death, then beliefs about ART availability or ART The hypotheses we describe in this
ART might receive an alternative reading efficacy may also lag, thereby perpetuating article are consistent with an argument
as an anti-stigma intervention. Although the assumed association between HIV and advanced by Castro and Farmer [37], who
ART is deployed at the level of the disability, economic incapacity, and death. prominently called attention to the ways in
individual, it should also be regarded as a This could potentially explain why uptake which the stigma of HIV is mainly
structural intervention aimed at altering of HIV testing throughout sub-Saharan determined by large-scale social forces
the context in which HIV-infected persons Africa, while increasing over time, has such as poverty and racial and gender
interact with their HIV-uninfected peers remained persistently low despite large- inequality. Drawing on their programmat-
[33]. We conceptualize HIV treatment as scale expansions in access to ART [46]. ic and research experience with HIV-
increasing the perceived social value of Refusal of treatment despite eligibility has infected persons in Haiti, they write,
HIV-infected persons, by detaching the also been described [47]. ‘‘poverty, already representing an almost
perceived inevitability of death from HIV Second, ART alone may not be suffi- universal stigma, will be the primary
infection and by directly addressing soci- cient to decrease the stigma of HIV. reason that poor people living with HIV
etal assessments about one’s ability to Despite expansions in access to ART at suffer from greater AIDS-related stigma’’
adhere to norms of reciprocity. Consistent no charge, many patients present for (p. 55). Conceptually, this line of argu-
with this hypothesis, epidemiologic and treatment initiation late in the disease stage. ment suggests that HIV-related stigmati-
econometric studies have demonstrated As a result, even when they experience zation may at least be partially condi-
that the availability of and perceived dramatic recovery of physical function, tioned on poverty, extending the cognitive
access to ART have altered general they may return to work at a lower intensity and psychological models described above
population expectancies about longevity compared to their pre-disease state to emphasize how power relations and
in Malawi [34,35] and diminished nega- [17,18,48,49]. In addition, even HIV- economic and other structural factors
tive attitudes towards HIV-infected per- infected persons who are able to resume influence community responses to HIV.

PLOS Medicine | 3 November 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 11 | e1001557

to the effects shown by Muñoz and
colleagues [59].
A simplified diagram summarizing our
hypotheses about how ART-plus revises
HIV-stigmatizing beliefs is shown in
Figure 2. In our account, ART-plus
addresses internalized stigma, by enhanc-
ing the HIV-infected person’s self-efficacy
and self-esteem. This aspect of our frame-
work is most closely related to the concep-
tual model and empirical study by Rosen-
field [63], who identified links between
economic rehabilitation, self-efficacy, social
status, and subjective quality of life among
functionally impaired persons with mental
illness in the US. Further, if the objective is
‘‘recategorization’’ (as described above in
the context of contact interventions), ART-
plus also offers a different type of recate-
gorization to address enacted stigma, by
encouraging a view of HIV-infected per-
sons not as a net drain on their communi-
Figure 2. Transforming HIV-stigmatizing beliefs through ART-plus. ART manages the ties but rather as productive members of
disability incurred through HIV infection, undermining the view of HIV-infected persons as society who are ‘‘managing their own
economically inadequate members of the community and permitting them to re-engage in issues’’ [58] (p.e26117).
productive activity. Livelihood interventions, such as combined financial literacy and
microenterprise management programs, may additionally create new modes of engaging in
productive activity, such as new trades or new enterprise development. These financial Limitations of the ART-Plus
contributions are welcomed within local solidarity networks, and the norm of reciprocity is Approach
doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001557.g002 We recognize several potential pitfalls
with this proposed ART-plus approach to
stigma reduction. First, while we believe that
Qualitative studies from Brazil [52], Zam- communities, in churches, in schools, on the perceived association between HIV and
bia [53], and Zimbabwe [54] have gener- boards…they are now getting less stigma- disability, economic incapacity, and death is
ated similar conclusions. tized in a sense… [the community] can see a primary driver of stigma, we also recognize
Non-governmental organizations have them managing their own issues, managing that stigma is complex and may be driven by
already moved forward with programs to themselves, surviving…’’ [58] (p.e26117). many other factors depending on the
address these issues [41,55,56,57,58]. In- In other words, by availing themselves of cultural context. Despite dramatic expan-
deed, the summary term we have adopted economic opportunities brought about sions in access to ART in urban South
here, ‘‘ART-plus,’’ is borrowed from a through these interventions, HIV-infected Africa, for example, a longitudinal study by
Peruvian non-governmental organization’s persons were able to construct ‘‘positive Maughan-
pilot program that employed a compre- identities’’ for themselves in much the same Brown [64] showed continued increases in
hensive HIV treatment strategy with both fashion as when they were first restored to symbolic stigma centered around the asso-
ART and socioeconomic support [55]. Yet health after initiating ART [54] (p. 1008). ciation of HIV with promiscuity. Similarly, a
although the multiple lines of inquiry Additional evidence comes from a longi- common prominent theme in several qual-
described in this article provide sufficient tudinal study with matched controls, in itative studies from Tanzania was a negative
groundwork to justify the implementa- which Muñoz and colleagues [59] studied perception of HIV-infected persons that
tion of experimental or quasi-experimental the psychosocial impacts of a comprehensive persisted specifically because of ART’s effects
studies, to date the available evidence in social support intervention among 120 HIV- on prolonging life [65,66]. Study partici-
this area has been exclusively observational. infected persons receiving ART in Peru. At pants voiced concerns that ART changed
In qualitative studies of HIV-infected 24-month follow-up, participants in the HIV-infected persons from diseased but
persons participating in integrated liveli- intervention group reported less stigma and visibly ill and incapable of sexual risk-taking
hood intervention programs in different perceived greater social support. Because behavior, to diseased but healthy-appearing
sub-Saharan African settings, study partic- only ten of these actually received individ- potential vectors of sexual transmission. In
ipants reported less stigma, increased social ually tailored microfinance assistance, there settings where such symbolism is a second-
integration, and improved status in the was limited ability to draw inferences about ary but nonetheless substantial driver of
community (Table S1). These changes were the incremental stigma-reducing effects of stigma, even if a combined ART-plus
explicitly linked to their improved econom- the microfinance assistance component of intervention could undo the association
ic standing, as one program staff member the intervention. However, studies of similar between HIV, disability, and economic
observed: ‘‘Some participants…have gained types of interventions based on participant incapacity, it would still ‘‘leave the spectre
[a] reputation within their communities… samples unselected for HIV seropositivity of illicit sex untouched’’ [67] (p. 643).
Because of the cow, because of the income have shown statistically significant impacts A second issue that poses a dilemma for
they are getting, they have been taking on mental health [60,61] and social integra- the implementation of our proposed
on positions of responsibility in their tion [62], thereby lending further plausibility strategy, without undermining the strategy

PLOS Medicine | 4 November 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 11 | e1001557

itself, is that precisely targeting this type of sustainable than interventions that provide target both the stigmatized (through
intervention may be politically difficult. direct food or cash transfers and therefore livelihood interventions) as well as the
Making economic resources available spe- engender less resentment [58]. stigmatizers (through educational or con-
cifically to HIV-infected persons in the tact interventions).
context of widespread poverty may gener- Conclusion
ate resentment not unlike the antipathy Supporting Information
directed towards welfare recipients in the Taken together, these related strands of
US beginning in the 1970s and continuing inquiry build a strong case for consider- Table S1 Poverty and lack of reciprocal
to the present day. For example, partici- ing livelihood interventions as a compel- exchange as important drivers of stigma,
pants in a qualitative study from South ling stigma reduction strategy with the described in qualitative studies conducted
Africa intimated that welfare fraud was potential to improve the well-being of in sub-Saharan Africa.
widespread among HIV-infected persons HIV-infected persons throughout sub- (DOCX)
receiving disability grants [68]. Because of Saharan Africa. Although our framework
Table S2 Local dysphemisms for HIV-
these reasons, there is a consensus that has not been rigorously tested in an
infected persons.
broad-based targeting schemes (e.g., based experimental context, we believe the
on poverty and multiple vulnerability corroborating evidence from anthropolo-
criteria) for cash transfer interventions gy, economics, psychology, and sociology
should be used rather than procedures is strongly suggestive. It would be impru- Author Contributions
focused on HIV-affected status or orphan- dent for us to suggest that prevailing Wrote the first draft of the manuscript: ACT.
hood alone [69]. However, interventions approaches to stigma should be aban- Contributed to the writing of the manuscript:
that focus on livelihoods, such as animal doned despite their uneven effectiveness ACT DRB SDW. ICMJE criteria for author-
husbandry training or microfinance assis- to date. Future studies may find that the ship read and met: ACT DRB SDW. Agree
with manuscript results and conclusions: ACT
tance for small enterprises, may be per- most effective approaches to stigma
ceived in the community to be more reduction adopt synergistic strategies that

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PLOS Medicine | 6 November 2013 | Volume 10 | Issue 11 | e1001557

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