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Functional group identification

For Class XIIth

Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

1 Taken organic sample and added Red colour appeared Alcoholic group confirmed
few drops of ceric ammonium
nitrate (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6
2 Taken organic sample then added Yellow ppt formed Alcohol contained CH3-CH-OH group
solid iodine and NaOH and heated. confirmed

reaction involved

2 ROH + (NH4)2Ce(NO3)6 (ROH)2 Ce(NO3)4 + 2NH4NO3

Red colour

CH3-CH2-OH + 4I2 + 6NaOH CHI3 + HCOONa + 5NaI + 5H2O

Results: This given organic sample contains Alcohol (CH3-CH-OH) as a functional group

Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

1 Taken organic sample and added Blue litmus changed Phenolic group may be
few drops of blue litmus solution to red
2 Taken organic sample and added Violet colour Phenolic group confirmed
few drops of FeCl3 solution. appeared
reaction involved

6C6H5OH + FeCl3 [(C6H5O)6Fe]3- + 3HCl + 3H+

Violet colour

Results: This given organic sample contains Phenol as a functional group

Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

1 Taken organic sample and added Red ppt Aldehydic (-CHO) group confirmed
Fehling solution then heated.
2 Taken organic sample and added Silver mirror Aldehydic (-CHO) group confirmed
Tollen’s solution then heated. appeared
reaction involved

R-CHO + Cu2+ + 5OH -Δ RCOO- + Cu2O + 3H2O

Red ppt

R-CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]+ Δ RCOO- + 4NH3 +2Ag (silver mirror) + 2H2O

Results: This given organic sample contains aldehyde as a functional group.

Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

1 Taken organic sample and added Red wine colour Ketonic group confirmed
Sodium nitroprusside solution and appeared
2 Taken organic sample then added Yellow ppt Ketonic group confirmed
solid iodine and NaOH and heated
reaction involved


[Fe(CN)5NO]2- + CH3COCH2 - [Fe(CN)5NO.CH3COCH2]3- (Red wine colour)

CH3-CO-CH3 + 4I2 + 6NaOH HEAT CHI3(Yellow ppt ) + CH3COONa + 5NaI + 5H2O

Results: This given organic sample contains ketone as a functional group.

Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

2 Taken organic sample and added Blue litmus changed Carboxylic (-COOH) group may be
few drops of blue litmus solution to red
1 Taken organic sample and added CO2 gas evolved Carboxylic (-COOH) group confirmed
NaHCO3 .
reaction involved


Results: This given organic sample contains Carboxylic (-COOH) as a functional group
Experiment No ________

AIM: To identify the functional group present in given organic sample.

S.No Experiment Observation Inference

1 Taken organic sample and added Unpleasant foul smell Primary amine
chloroform and after this added observed confirmed
alcoholic KOH then heated.
reaction involved

Ar/R-NH2 + CHCl3 + 3KOH (alcoholic) Ar/R-NC + 3KCl + 2H2O

Results: This given organic sample contains Primary amine as a functional group.

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