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Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Nursing Responsibility

Midazolam The indirect Indicated for ● Check doctor’s order to avoid

mechanism of promoting mistake
midazolam's effect preoperative ● Observe the 10 right in
and its sensitivity for sedation, administering the drug
benzodiazepine anxiolysis, ● Assess level of sedation and level
receptors are anesthesia of consciousness throughout and
connected to GABA induction, or for 2-6 hours following
buildup. Two distinct amnesia. administration
GABA and Indicated for the ● Monitor BP, pulse rate and
benzodiazepine treatment of respiratory continuously during IV
receptors connect to a status administration
single chloride epilepticus in ● If overdose occurs, monitor pulse,
channel. The adults. respiration, and BP continuously
frequency of chloride
channel openings
rises as a result.

Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Nursing Responsibility

Ketorolac The major mechanism indicated for the ● Check doctor’s order to avoid
of action for the short-term (≤5 mistake
analgesic, antipyretic, days) management
and anti-inflammatory of moderately ● Observe the 10 right in
properties of ketorolac severe acute pain administering the drug
is the competitive that requires
blockage of the analgesia at the ● Before providing this drug,
enzyme opioid level, remember to check the patient's
cyclooxygenase, usually in a medical history (allergies, renal
which prevents postoperative impairment, etc.) and physical
prostaglandin setting. condition (reflexes, ophthalmologic
formation (COX). A and audiometric evaluation,
non-selective COX orientation, clotting times, serum
inhibitor is ketorolac. It electrolytes, etc.)
is classified as an
NSAID of the first ● Abdominal discomfort, blood within
generation. vomit, blood within stools, tarry
stools are all indicators of GI
bleeding to keep an eye on.Then
immediately notify your doctor
about these symptoms.

● Carefully consider the potential

benefits and risks of TORADOL and
other treatment options before
deciding to use TORADOL. Use the
lowest effective dose for the
shortest duration consistent with
individual patient treatment goals.

● Ketorolac comes as a tablet to take

by mouth. It is usually taken every 4
to 6 hours on a schedule or as
needed for pain. If you are taking
ketorolac on a schedule, take it at
around the same times every day.
Follow the directions on your
prescription label carefully, and ask
your doctor or pharmacist to explain
any part you do not understand.

Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Nursing Responsibility

Phytomenadion Phytonadione has It is indicated in ● Monitor for any bleeding(usually

e identical activity to the the following occurs on the second or third day).
natural K vitamins, coagulation ● Monitor for side effects (pain, and
Vitamin K functions as disorders which erythema at the infection site, skin
a co- functions as a are due to faulty rash or urticaria
co- factor for gamma- formation of ● Apply pressure to the injection site
glutamyl carboxylase, factors II, VII, IX to prevent further bleeding
which is involved in and X when ● Provide comfort during and after
the post- translational caused by administration
carboxylation of vitamin K ● Teach patient necessary foods high
glutamate residues deficiency or in vitamin K to be included in their
into gamma- interference with diet.
carboxyglutamate. vitamin K

● Anticoag
y in
● Hypoprot
mia due
to other
causes in

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