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Hello everyone, when I think about time management it actually caused me to stop and think

about how I run my entire life. How can we really manage time to make our life meaningful and
purposeful? How precious time is exactly, for the working professionals they same that time is
money, for us a student how do we value determines our future.

Let me share to you what Seneca, a major philosophical figure of the Roman Imperial Period and
one of the wealthiest men in Rome during his lifetime wrote about time. He made a point of
periodically depriving himself of the luxuries he had available so that his peace of mind would
never come to depend on possessing them. By stripping away all the externals as often as he
could, he made sure that he most valued the only thing he could truly lose and would never
return, his time. Because Seneca knew that if he spent his time on the things that truly mattered;
like reflection, bonding with friends and loved ones, important work, then the rest of his life
would fall into place.

Here’s one of the most relevant metaphor about time management

Imagine that on a table before you, you have an empty jar, some rocks, some pebbles, and some
The jar represents your time.
The rocks represent the important tasks.
The pebbles are less important tasks.
The grains of sand are the unimportant tasks that pop up throughout your day, such as sending a
text message, checking your email, or answering a phone call

Ideally, the first thing that we will put in the jar is the large rocks. We will put as many as we
possibly can.  Next is we put some pebbles in, as many as we can possibly fit, lastly we will add
the sand until we can’t possibly fit anymore in

Each of us has many large priorities in our life such for us a student it is our school works or our
homework, represented by the large rocks. We also have things which we enjoy doing reading
books, such as the pebbles. We also have other things we have to do such as exercising,
represented by the sand.

None of these are bad things. After all, we need these things in order to feel truly fulfilled. Time
Management is all about balance and the Pickle Jar theory is also about balance. You make time
for everything, and everything simply fits well where it is supposed to fit.
Now, there are only 168 hours in your week and 8760 hours in a year. So, how do you want to
allocate those hours to create your routine?

Now here is my tip for the effective time management

First create a daily planner. Using a planner or checklist will make us the see bigger view of
all things we need to do
Second is we need to Set Goals or deadline and make sure to sure to follow the deadline.
Prioritize wisely. Establishing priorities is necessary in order to complete everything that
needs to be done.
Group similar tasks together. This enables you to complete task quickly; without time wasted
with interruptions or switching to other tasks.

Block out distractions. Use Breaks Wisely.

Leverage Technology. We make use of the technology to finish our task quickly such as
using the app calendar for as our planner or to remind us of deadline.

Establish routine. If you have already develop a regular routine that works for you make sure
to continue it.

Remember to keep balance in your life. Prioritise what’s important to you, and above all be
realistic in the goals you set, and create separation: when you are studying, study, when you are
relaxing – do that, relax!
My parting words for you is Value Your Time More Than Your Possessions, Time is free to all,
but none can buy or sell time. Never waste time without purpose and meaning at any stage of

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