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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ALEXANDRA H. DE VEGA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates: OCTOBER 10-14, 2022 Quarter: FIRST (WEEK 8)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce 10:40-11:30-M. Ponce
1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio 1:00-1:50-A. Bonifacio
1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal 1:50-2:40- J.P. Rizal
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be meet over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be
followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies.
These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to
find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

B. Performance Standards: The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various
text types of materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Most Essential Learning Make connections between Make connections Make connections Make connections
Competencies/Objectives: information viewed and between information between information between information
Write the LC Code for each personal experiences; viewed and personal viewed and personal viewed and personal
likewise, the following sub experiences; likewise, the experiences; likewise, the experiences; likewise,
and support learning following sub and following sub and the following sub and
competencies: support learning support learning support learning
competencies: competencies: competencies:

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Identifying Verb
II. CONTENT Noting Details
Identifying Verb Tenses: Identifying Verb Tenses:
Tenses: QUIZ DAY
Past Tense Present Tense
Future Tense
III. LEARNING Lists the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that
RESOURCES there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/a
2. Learner’s Materials
Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6 Activity Sheets Week 6
3. Textbook Pages Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English Joy in English
4. Additional Materials N/A N/A N/A N/A
from Learning
Resource (LR) portal
PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, Laptop PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk, PPT, Powepoint, Chalk,

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B. Other Learning Resources
Laptop Laptop Laptop Laptop

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and
previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will have a 5-item The teacher will ask
Lesson or Presenting the spelling drill. Afterwards the spelling drill. Afterwards the spelling drill. Afterwards the her students about
New Lesson teacher will review the lesson they teacher will review the lesson teacher will review the lesson the lesson yesterday.
had tackled last week. they had yesterday they had yesterday.

heroes Hyphen
history ignore instead
honorable imagination independence
horizon immediate ingredient intermission
hunger importance injury interview
inquire invisible

B. Establishing a Purpose for Read and draw a line to connect My name is Pedro Cruz. I am a
the Lesson the information in the small grade six pupil at
circles to the big circle. Mahalimuyak Elementary
School. I love to learn English
and Science. My mother helps
me answer my assignments
and my father helps me make
my outputs.

1. What is Pedro’s family

2. What is the name of
Pedro’s school?
3. What are the two
subjects does Pedro love
to learn?
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4. Who helps Pedro in his
5. Who helps Pedro in his
C. Presenting This lesson includes various The simple present is a verb 1. The pupil ___________ to 1. We will go out with our
Examples/Instances of selections, passages and tense with two main uses. We find the answer. (to try) friends as soon as
the Lesson use the simple present tense 2. Sarah ___________ we____________________
stories. Let the learners read (finish) this.
when an action is happening enjoyed the new film. (to
and note details for them to 2. By the time we get
right now, or when it happens enjoy)
answer the activities. After regularly (or unceasingly,
there, the film
3. The team ___________ _________________________
doing the given tasks they which is why it’s sometimes yesterday in London. (to __ (begin).
will develop their skills in called present indefinite). play) 3. Look at those clouds. It
Noting Details. Depending on the person, the 4. My uncle ___________ _____________
Miss Reyes teaches English, simple present tense is formed stayed in America. (to stay) _______________________
Mr. Cruz teaches Math, Mr. by using the root form or by 5. The car ___________ in (rain).
Pedro adding -s or -es to the end. front of the traffic lights. (to 4. I ____________________
(meet) her this
teaches Araling Panlipunan, stop)
I feel great! evening.
and Mrs. Santos teaches 6. Ann ___________ her visit 5. Don’t call at 6.00. I
Pauline loves pie. in Denmark. (to plan)
Science. They are friends ______________
I’m sorry to hear that you’re 7. They ___________ to Paris. ___________ (do) my
since college and are working
sick (to travel) homework then.
in the same school- Rizal 18. The boys ___________ to 6. Perhaps I
Elementary School. They are the city centre. (to hurry) ________________ (see) you
teaching Grade 6 pupils. The tomorrow.
teachers have their 7. I forgot the car keys. –
individual skills and talents. Don’t worry, I
______________ (get) them
Miss Reyes is good in for you.
dancing, Mr. Cruz is good in 8. What time
singing, Mr. Pedro is good in _____________ the next bus
painting, while Mrs. Santos ____________ (arrive)?
9. He __________________
is good in cooking. The (spend) all his
Grade 6 pupils love their money by the end of the
teachers dearly. week.
Read this selection 10. I
You can note the names of the _____________________
(pay) all my
teachers, the subjects they are
teaching and the different
talents they have because these
are the details given in the story.
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debts in a week’s time.

D. Discussing New Concepts Noting Details is a reading

and Practicing New Skills comprehension skill that
#1 involves picking out, from a
text, a particular piece or
pieces of information to
achieve a given purpose such
as answering a question in a
test. When one notes details,
he keeps a brief record of
something on a piece of
Read the short story and
note important details
Pedro went for a bike ride.
He rode around the
barangay. He met some girls
he knew from school. They
all headed to the farm to
play. Pedro had a great time
playing games with his
Circle the correct word in
each sentence.
1. Pedro went for a (bike, car)
2. He rode around the (block,
3. Then he met some (boys,
Page 4 of 13
girls) he knew from school.
Answer: 1. bike
2. barangay
3. girls
These are the details given in
the story.
What is the importance of
Noting Details?
Whenever you are reading,
you should be constantly
noting the important details.
When discussing reading
comprehension, think of
details as the individual
features, facts or particulars
in text. These details are
essential to develop reading
What is noting details?
(Noting details is a brief
record of something that one
has written down on paper)
What is the importance of
Noting Details?
(Noting details will lead to easy
understanding of the text or
story read)

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
IV. PROCEDURES learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to
learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences
and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.

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E. Discussing New Concepts he other is to talk about The simple past is a verb tense that is used The simple future is a verb
and Practicing New Skills habitual actions or to talk about things that happened or tense that’s used to talk
#2 occurrences. existed before now. Imagine someone about things that haven’t
asks what your brother Wolfgang did happened yet.
while he was in town last weekend.
Pauline practices the piano
every day. This year, Jen will read War
Ms. Jackson travels during Wolfgang entered a hula hoop contest. and Peace.
It will be hard, but she’s
the summer.
determined to do it.
He won the silver medal.
Hamsters run all night. Use the simple future to talk
Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your about an action or condition
Typically, when we want to writing shines? Grammarly can check your that will begin and end in the
1. When does Blacky see describe a temporary action spelling and save you from grammar and future.
and hear many things? that is currently in progress, punctuation mistakes. It even proofreads
we use the present your text, so your work is extra polished
continuous: Pauline can’t wherever you write.
2. What does Blacky see in Here’s a tip: Want to make
the sky? come to the phone right sure your writing shines?
now because she is Your writing, at its best Grammarly can check your
brushing her teeth. Grammarly helps you communicate spelling and save you from
3. What makes noise in confidently grammar and punctuation
the wind? WRITE WITH GRAMMARLY mistakes. It even proofreads
How to form the simple
present The simple past tense shows that you are your text, so your work is
4. What color is the talking about something that has already extra polished wherever you
In the simple present, most
cricket? happened. Unlike the past continuous write.
regular verbs use the root
tense, which is used to talk about past
form, except in the third-
5. What howls at the events that happened over a period of Your writing, at its best
person singular (which ends
moon? time, the simple past tense emphasizes Grammarly helps you
in -s). communicate confidently
that the action is finished.
First-person singular: I write How to form the simple
Wolfgang admired the way the light future
Second-person singular: The formula for the simple
glinted off his silver medal.
You write future is will + [root form of
You can also use the simple past to talk
about a past state of being, such as the
Third-person singular: way someone felt about something. This is
He/she/it writes (note the -s) often expressed with the simple past
tense of the verb to be and an adjective, I will learn a new language.
First-person plural: We write Jen will read that book.
noun, or prepositional phrase.

Second-person plural: You My brothers will sleep till

Page 6 of 13
write Wolfgang was proud of his hula hoop noon if no one wakes them
victory. up.
Third-person plural: They
write The contest was the highlight of his week. You will see what I mean.
How to formulate the simple past
For a few verbs, the third- For regular verbs, add -ed to the root form It doesn’t matter if the
person singular ends with - of the verb (or just -d if the root form subject is singular or plural;
es instead of -s. Typically, already ends in an e): the formula for the simple
future doesn’t change.
these are verbs whose root
form ends in o, ch, sh, th, Play→Played
ss, gh, or z.
There is another way to show
First-person singular: I go that something will happen
in the future. It follows the
Second-person singular: formula [am/is/are] + going
You go Push→Pushed to + [root form verb].

Third-person singular: Love→Loved

He/she/it goes (note the I am going to learn a new
-es) For irregular verbs, things get more language.
complicated. The simple past tense of Jen is going to read that
First-person plural: We go some irregular verbs looks exactly like the book.
root form:
Second-person plural: You My brothers are going to
go Put→Put sleep till noon if no one
wakes them up.
Third-person plural: They Cut→Cut
go You are going to see what I
Set→Set mean.
For most regular verbs, you
The going to construction is
put the negation of the verb Cost→Cost
common in speech and
before the verb, e.g. “She casual writing. Keep in mind
won’t go” or “I don’t smell Hit→Hit though that it’s on the
anything.” informal side, so it’s a good
For other irregular verbs, including the idea to stick to the will +
The verb to be is irregular: verb to be, the simple past forms are [root form] construction in
more erratic: formal writing.
First-person singular: I am
See→Saw How to make the simple
Second-person singular: future negative

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You are Build→Built To make the simple future
negative, the formula is will +
Third-person singular: Go→Went not + [root form].
He/she/it is
First-person plural: We are Jen will not quit before she
Rise→Rose reaches her goal.
Second-person plural: You Make sure you arrive on time
tomorrow because the bus
are Am/Is/Are→Was/Were
will not wait for you.
Third-person plural: They The good news is that verbs in the simple He will not say anything bad
are past tense (except for the verb to be) about his boss.
don’t need to agree in number with their
How to make the simple subjects. I will not finish my
present negative homework in time for class.
The formula for making a
simple present verb Wolfgang polished his medal. The other Using the “going to”
negative is do/does + not + winners polished their medals too. construction, the formula is
[root form of verb]. You can [am/is/are] + not + going to
also use the contraction + [root form].
don’t or doesn’t instead of
do not or does not.
Jen is not going to quit
before she reaches her goal.
Pauline does not want to Make sure you arrive on time
share the pie. tomorrow because the bus is
She doesn’t think there is not going to wait for you.
enough to go around.
He is not going to say
anything bad about his boss.
Her friends do not agree.
I am not going to finish my
I don’t want pie anyway. homework in time for class.

To make the verb to be How to ask a question

negative, the formula is [to To ask a question in the
be] + not. simple future, the formula is
will + [subject] + [root form].

I am not a pie lover, but

Pauline sure is. Will Jen finish War and

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You aren’t ready for such Peace over the summer?
delicious pie. Will I have the discipline to
study Spanish every day?
How to ask a question
The formula for asking a What will you buy with the
question in the simple money you found?
present is do/does +
[subject] + [root form of The formula for the “going to”
construction is [am/is/are] +
[subject] +going to + [root

Do you know how to bake a

pie? Is Jen going to finish War
How much does Pauline and Peace over the summer?
love pie? Am I going to have the
discipline to study Spanish
every day?

What are you going to buy

with the money you found?
F. Developing Mastery I View and I Read 1. Fill in the Simple Past. 1. We will go out with our friends as
(Leads to Formative Example: John married Emily last soon as
We, the Grade 6 class we____________________ (finish)
Assessment 3) year. (to marry)
went to see the movie last this.
1. She ___________ her suitcase to
Saturday. We got the bus. (to carry)
2. By the time we get there, the film
permission slips signed ___________________________
2. They ___________ in the park to (begin).
before we go. We watched play football. (to stop) 3. Look at those clouds. It
a movie that told the story 3. The children ___________ to the _____________
from a book we read. We playground. (to hurry) _______________________ (rain).
love it when movies were 4. John ___________ to win a 4. I ____________________ (meet)
her this
made from books. medal. (to try)
We got to the movie early 5. Peter ___________ his trip to 5. Don’t call at 6.00. I
so we can buy popcorn. France. (to plan) ______________
6. The thieves ___________ the old ___________ (do) my homework
Some of us bought curls
lady. (to rob) then.
and fries, too. We all 7. Grandma ___________ the cup. 6. Perhaps I ________________
enjoyed watching the (to drop) (see) you
movie. 8. The family ___________ to Spain. tomorrow.
When we returned to school, 7. I forgot the car keys. – Don’t
(to travel) worry, I
we talked about things that 9. The baby ___________ because he ______________ (get) them for
were in the movie and the was hungry. (to cry) you.
book. We all agreed that we 10. She ___________ a bag. (to 8. What time _____________ the
Page 9 of 13
like the book better. Books let carry) next bus
you picture out the characters ____________ (arrive)?
9. He __________________
in any way you want to (spend) all his
picture them. It was fun to money by the end of the week.
compare the movie to the 10. I _____________________
book. (pay) all my
debts in a week’s time.

Answer the Questions:

1. Who watched the

2. Where did the

students go?

3. What did the students

need to do before going to
the movie?

4. When did the students

watch movie?

5. Why are books better

than movies?

A. Finding Practical ______________is vital to Give 5 examples of sentence Give 5 examples of sentence of Give 5 examples of sentence of
Applications of Concepts reading comprehension. In of present tense present tense present tense
and Skills in Daily Living fact, it can be said that
the foundation of literal
comprehension and
comprehension as a whole
is noting details.
The meaning of noting
details is a
something that one has
written down on paper.
This may be a statement,

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a quote, a definition or a
phrase one may have
written down in order to
Noting Details in the story
or selection read is
 Who
 What
 Where
 When
 Why

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
V. PROCEDURES the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
B. Making What have you leaned in our new What have you leaned in our new What have you leaned in our new What have you leaned in our
Generalizations and lesson for today? lesson for today? lesson for today? new lesson for today?
Abstractions about
the Lesson

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C. Evaluating Learning This is Maria. She is ten Write the present tense of Write the past tense of the verb. Write the future tense of
years old. the verb. the verb.
She is short and jolly. She
got long black hair.
She got small black eyes.
She can dance. She can sing.
She can’t swim. She can’t
Her favorite toy is a doll. It is
She got two pink yoyos. She got
a red yoyo too.

1. What’s her name?

2. How old is she?

3. Can she swim?

4. Does she have short hair?

5. Is she short?

6. Is her doll blue?

7. Does she have big eyes?

8. Can she sing?

9. Does she have three

10.Is she jolly?
D. Additional Activities
for Application or

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Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to
VII. REFLECTION help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce- M. Ponce-
A. No. of learners who earned A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio- A. Bonifacio-
80% in the evaluation J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal- J.P. Rizal

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me

G. What innovations or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Principal III

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