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New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1 10. ‘cook 1: to make food using he He cooks for many different peopl. bake ‘to make bread in the ove serve oor fod to someon inneed ‘not being able to look after yours set the table to put knives, forks, and plates onthe abl every a.allof ther delicious «tasting very 0 bring to cary somewher dining toom 1a room used for eatin help yourself 1: to eat fr onese! entence Make up in the blanks with the words in order. Kevin people in need. Tel ies to) Today, Kids" Kitchen to old people. (Gerves meals hod _ Some old people cook for themselves (able. are, not. to) anymore, . Joy in the dining room. table, sets, the) __ Kevin tells the old people, * ready, Lunch, Help yourselves.” ead Linch, ford Make up sscramble the words. _ foduciels (ESB SESSS88 = . gbine = esver sSHEna namog Une Inthe tehen 5 Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Kevin likes to help people (1) He isin a group called “Kids? Kitchen.” He (2) s for many different people. Kids’ Kitchen works (3) Sunday. Today, Kids’ Kitchen (4) s hot meals to old people. This is because some old people are not able to cook for themselves anymore. Kids’ Kitchen (5) ssa nursing home to make lunch for the old peoph kids’ Kitchen members, Joy, Brenda and George come to help, Kevin makes spaghetti and soup. joy (6) s fresh salad. Brenda (7) some bread. George makes a fruit cocktail for dessert Joy 8) sthe table in the (9), Brenda and George bring the food tu de table Kevin tells the old people, “Lunch is ready. (10) ‘An old man says, “This all looks very (11), r ‘An old lady says, “This is very (12), of you." ‘They are very happy. Kevin and his fiends are happy too! »w Words te the sentences from the story that use the new words. piece apart of something Cut the apple into small pieces. bow! 1 adeep, round dsh with sides prepare 1s to make ready peel to tear or ut the outer covering of of something = toss to mix oti E & salad 1a mixture of cold vegetables or fruit with a dresing = almost ‘ad, neatly = mix »: to put ingredients together dressing something put on a salad to ad favor : show +: t0 make clear by example expain Unt nthe Kitchen 7 Sentence Make up Fill n the blanks withthe words in order. 1. Today, a fru salad with his Grand, making, i, Tommy) é dressing for the salad, (also, We, need) 3. “Then, small pieces.” says Grandma. (einen, thar) 4 She shows Tommy the fruits, thon, cut to) 5. “It fooks very delicious © says Tomm ‘almost, we, Are, done) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. peeet p 2 repepra p 3. aolstm a 4. dsniegrs d ictation sten to the story and fil in the blanks. day, Tommy is making. fruitsalad with his grandma, Vat are we making the (1) with?” asks Tommy. ve need an apple, two bananas, an orange, and some grapes.” says Grandma. 0 we need anything (2) forthe salad?” asks Tommy. ye ako need crossing forthe salad. Here isthe (3) 2 Grandma says. ts 4). the salad™ cut the apple into small (9, sand put them in a with the grapes. xt, (7) the orange and bananas, en, cut them into small pieces,” says Grandma, ©) Tommy how to cut the fruits. )K" says Tommy. peels the fruits and cuts them into small pieces like Grandma does. nd finally, put all the fruits into the bowl and (9) them up ith the dressing” says Grandma, nt C10), the salad! It’s really fun,” says Tommy. >u are doing a good job," says Grandma. looks very (11), ‘Aro we (12) done?” says me. 2s, it's ready. Let’s eat the fruit salad,” says Grandma, Une nt hen 9 New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1. garden 1a small area of land used for growing pla ‘She has a pretty garden. 2. plant 1 puta pant into the grour 3. hive rm abee's hou 4. shelter 1 a place that gives safe 5. breathe ¥ to move air into and out of your lun 6. water vo give water toa plant to help it gro 7. root the bottom par of a plant that grows undergo air nthe suff we breath 9 nest 1 home for bre 10. safe ‘notin dang 10 entence Make up In the blanks with the words in order. She to help the tees grow wll (the, garden, leans) she her garden. (are of takes, good . Trees make clean air : (for, to, everyone, breathe) . The trees, Emma too! (Give. 10, shelter) They strong winds and give shade on (rom, her, protec hot sunny days. ford Make up nscramble the words. . rednga . sterhel sZae . atreheb be BREEEs . tetpero pa eaamn Uae2 our Earth, Our Reseweas 11 Teachers es Dictation Listen to the story and fil in the blanks. Emma loves trees, She hasa prety (1 Emma (2) s trees in her garden. She (3) s the trees every week. She cleans the garden to help the trees grow wel She takes good (4) of her garden. ‘Trees give us many good things “Trees make clean (5) for everyone to (0) Troes are (7) places for birds, insects, and animals to make their homes Trees give (3) and protection for them. In Emma's trees, birds build (9) $, bees make (10), dnd ani live under the (11), The tees give shelter fo Emma, too! They protect her from strong (12) sand give shade on hot, sunny days, The trees help Earth. The trees give life, too! 12 ew Words rite the sentences from the story that use the new words. - both 4 the two together Use both sides! . save 1: to keep something rom being use a ot | tum off stock a switch oft - bottle 1a glas or plastic container for holding quids clectrcity ‘energy that can be cartied by wires and produces heat and light - leave 1 to.go away from a place - empty 1: to completely remove whats inside of a container . recycling center n.2 place where paper, plstic and gs are cleaned for use again everything ron every thing that there environment na natural area where people live a2 Our Et, Our Resauces 13 , 3 e Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words in order. 1. AtGreenpeace we (Earth, make, betten 2. Recycled glass bots, tomake new bott (down, melted, are) 3, Some old clothes can be recycled (leaning, 35 clothe) 4 When you leave rooms, (igh off, the, tun) 5. When you use paper, (use, sides, both) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. btlote b 2lecteycirit =e 2. evela | k meovinentei = @ 1% ctation ten to the story and fill in the blanks. ETTER EARTH ~ GREENPEACE I?m Tom from Greenpeace. Sreenpeace we make Earth better; we work to (1). Earth and @ - Here are three (3) s you can help us protect th Recycle: Use old things to make neve things! Take things to (4), center. 1. Recycled glas (5), sand aluminum cans are melted down to = ‘make new botties and cans. = 2. Some old clathes can be recycled as cleaning cloths to wash dishes or clean tables. Reduce: Use less uf (6) 1 1. When you brush your teeth, (7) off the water and use a cup. This () s water. = 2.When you (9) rooms, turn off the lights! This saves (10). Rouse: Use things again! 1. When you (1), plastic bottles, use them again for juice or water. 2. When you use paper, use (12) sides! This saves tres. uk? Our Earth, Our Resources 15) New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1 5. 6 7 2 10. 16 appointment na mest Lizzie has an appeintment. dentist 1a doctor forte ewity a ole in a too noodle ‘a sharp, thin metal use to give injection hurt ¥: to ease pai sharp ‘having the qualty which ean puton +: wear clothe scary «frightening or trib shine 1. to died a ight somewhe ei 1. altool for making hol =ntence Make up | in the blanks with the words in ordé | don’t like the smell of, (dentist's the, ofce) _ The dentist isnice. He (wll hurt, not, you) _ Lizzie says, “Ah!” She “her. mouth. opens. widel there in your teeth, “0, are, cavities) - lizzie ‘of the dentist anymore. (5 scared, nod) lord Make up \scramble the words. .tipomectnaop ali RS REE EE _viayet gf enceld ng Saez syera saEBE sit Hoot Toth 17 Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Lizzie has an (1), ‘Mom says, “Let's go to the (2) says Lizzie. “The dentist (3) He has a loud (4), bezz bzzz, and a (5) ©, | don’t lke the smell of the dentist's office!” cries Lizzie. Mom says, “Oh, dear, The dentist is nice. He will nat (7), you.” “Lam not going,” says Lizzie Dad has an idea, He says, “Lizzie, let's play a game.” “Oh, yes! That sounds good!” says Lizzie, Dad says, “First, | will), a white coat. And ther you will sit on my lap.” “Now, Iwill) your (10) Say Aht" says Dad. Lizzie says, “Ant” She opens her mouth wide “twill (1), a.lightin your mouth There are no (12) in your teeth, You have very good teeth,” says Dad. “No cavities? Phew! Now, I can go to the dentist! says Lizzie. Lizzie is not scared of the dentist anymore. 8 ew Words ite the sentences from the story that use the new words. - plaque 1. the dity germs that fr on teeth Plague comes from eating Food. - meal n-attime when food i eaten spit 1 force liquid out ofthe mouth rinse ¥: to wash off with clean water afterwards ‘ad, sometime later than now teeth inthe hard, white things in your mouth used for chewing food - dean’ 1: to take away dt with water or soap, breakfast inthe fist meal of the day lunch ithe meal ater breakfast - dinner the meal after lunch Unita Hest Teeth 19 Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words in order. 1. Plaque is lke dirt «your, on, teeth) 2. Brush your teeth with toothpaste (a. for, time, long) 3. Spit it outin the sink and (with, rinse, mouthwash) 4. Doyou want your teeth away? (plaque, ext =) 5. . brush your teeth after every meal! ‘@, smile, For, beautiful) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. pqluea Pp 2. rrtseafawd a 3. ehett t 4 lerndn d ctation ten to the story and fill in the blanks. ‘comes from eating food. que eats away at your (2) que is like drt on your teeth que is really bad for your teeth, you need to (3) ‘your teeth after every (4), sh your teeth with toothpaste for along time. itout in the sink and (6) swith mouthwash! seat (7) -Yum! eis food between your teth. ‘at co you do (8 2 1 brush, brush brush your teeth! seat (9) Yum! 0 is food on your teeth, sat do you do afterward? 1 brush, brush, brush your teeth! seat (10) Yum! ur mouth isnot (11), es jt do you do afterwards? s brush, brush, brush your teeth! shave a bedtime (12), Yummy! you want plaque to eat your teeth away? No! Not No! =n what should you do afterwardst 1 know now! You brush, brush, brush your teeth! -s beautiful smile, brush your teeth after every meal! Units Heat Toth 21 New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 4. alien 1 living being fom another plane Say hello to Alex the alien! 2. important 4, having great va 3. last «being the only one le 4 earth nthe planet we live o 5. shout 1: to say something loud 6. score points ina gam 7. excitedly ad. to do something in an excited wa 8. wrong, 4. nok corte 9. answer 110 respond to a questo 10. classmate. 1. Someone inthe same dass as yo 2 ntence Make up in the blanks withthe words in order. Alex wants to meet (on, the, Earth, people) thigh score, he can go to Earth! (get, fhe) ‘Alex and Tony answer the first question the ime, same, a ‘Alex's other classmates, (know, don’t the, answer) ‘Alex isthe only one (knows, answer, who, the) ord Make up scramble the words. ottripamn iB EReee ecldtxiey eBSSE828 semaetas! cBEaaa trahe Unt Exams 23 Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Say hello to Alex the (1) ! Today isan (2) day. He has a math quiz Al his pals are taking the quiz too. Alex the alien wants to get a high score. Hehe gets a high (3) hhe can goto (4), ! He wants to meet the people on Earth. ‘Question One: 1 + 100 = Alex and his friend Tony (5) the first question atthe same time. “One hundred and one,” they shout out! Question Two: 123 + 12 = Teny, a (6) answers the question “Two hundred and forty-three.” Terry says, His answer is (7), Alay answers, “One hundrod thirty-five!” Iti (8) ! Question Three: 999 — Tony says, “One thousand.” He is wrong. Alex says, “Nine hundred and ninety-eight!" Yes, he is correct! Question Four: 9999 + 1 - 9999 = The (9). ‘question is (10) ‘Alex's other classmates don’t know the answer. ‘Alex is the unly one who knows the answer. “One!” he (11) (12) Alex is going to Earth! He car now meet the people on Earth! mH ew Words ite the sentences from the story that use the new words. "Oh no, T feel nervous!” feather - wake up flag - dream French - pleased ‘a. worried and afraid nthe sft prt of bird's outer body s: tostop sleeping na rectangular cloth with a symbol of a country on it 4. boing right about a question ‘images and emotions during sleep ‘a tlating tothe eountry France +11 rest with your eyes closed man exam «a, happy and glad about outcome or result Unies Exams 25 Dates ‘ 1 @ Toochee 6 Sentence Make up Fill n the blanks with the words in order. 1. Inher dream (school, i, she, at) 2. Tina's teacher gives _ (test, a er 3. hope the real test has rite, andi) 4 Itis time (schoo, t0, 910) 5. Tina doesn't CGnymore, nervous. fel) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. veusone n 2. tercoer c 3. artehfe f 4 ewkapu w u % ales by, ‘ Teochere ictation sten to the story and fill in the blanks. s eleven o'clock at night. Tina is (1) ing in her bed. morrow she has a (2) 1 ishavinga (3) her dream she iat school, Her teacher gives her a test! Hh no, Heel (4), 1" says Tina. uestion one,” sayz her teacher. wo times eight is?” teen,” says Tina. Juestion two, what animal has (5) sand wings?” asks her teacher. bird” says Tina, weston three, what colori the (6) a, sks her wher. lue, white, and red” Tina says inal question,” says her teacher. Vhere is New York?” Js in Americal” shouts Tina. our) answers, Tina, Excellent work ais very _ Tina doesn’t fee! nervous anymore, en she (10) 1 s time to go to school. hope the real test has the (11). ‘questions like the ones in my 2am says Tin, 1 snot scared to take her test and goes to school (12) ‘Unité Exams 27 New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1 5 6 2 % 8 comp 1. place ina forest whore people soo ‘Sam and his friends are ot a comp by the mount through retum collect tral schedule boat trip barbeque prep, from one end or side of something tothe othe oto give bad + to gather somethin 18 path in nature where people wall 1. lst of planned active 1 atrip you take on 2 boa 1. when people hurry to finish something fr +: to.co0k using dey heat from fi 1. food cooked ona fire outs ntence Make up lin the blanks withthe words in order. Sait Reni, tart (are, camp, 2, a They____theircamp sched, (ea, aking er sonnets. or, ries, wy ‘They cannot waitto tell stories (a, campfire, around) ‘Sam knows this bbe one of the best school camp tripsever.— S7NBNO 1) ord Make up scramble the words. brugoht tae g huledese brbaquee bo cteleol Uae Explains ine 29 = Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Sam and his friends are a a (1 by the mountains, They are very excited! ‘They are looking at their camp (2) Let's see what they will do at camp! ‘CAMP SCHEDULE 9am, bike in the mountains after breakfast. Tam, Aswim (3 ion the lake with prizes forthe best swimmers 2pm. Ad) fn the ake toa smal island, 4pm. 6) to camp and (6), firewood for a camp Spm. Afootball game 6pm. (7) dinner with burgers and hotdogs 7 pam. Light the campire and (8) marshmallows, 8 pan. Tell ample scores, sing songs, and play word games. opm, Bedtime. Saturday Sam. Awalk (9) the forest ater breakfast 10 a.m. Return to camp for a running race. 11 am. A bird watching tour along a mountain (10), T pam. Lunchtime, 3 p.m. Take the school bus back home, Sam and his riends ae very happy with the camp schedule They cannot (1), to have. barbeque and tll stories around a camps Sam knows this is going to be one ofthe (12) school camp tps ev 0 >w Words te the sentences from the story that use the new words. late ‘4, arriving toa place after the promised time He cooks for many different people. ontime not late finish 1: to be done with something wrist rthe body patt between the arm andthe hand wear vt put clothes on your body during ‘prep. from the beginning tothe end ofa fixe time period watch 1. thing you wear on your wrist that tel the time homework 1. schoo! work you do at home lunchtime nthe time when we eat lunch; the meal you eatin the middle ofthe day dinnestime 1 te time when we eat dinner: the meal we eat in the evening Unt Exlriog Tie 31 Dales Teorher 25 Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words in order. 1. Hes late for everything the, day, during) 2. Ben the time, Gust, krows, never 3. is nine o'clock! Ben starts 4. Ben makes it to the game on time to rene ketal, pla, wit) 5. Ben _ before it gts to late homework, hi, does) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 4. ifshin f 2 wrtsi w 3. moroewkh h 4 gundir d 2 o ication sten to the story and fill n the blanks. nis abvays (1). 1 sate for everything (2) the day. late for school, late coming home, and late to meet his (3), pal n just never knows the time. His mom has a great ideal e buys Ben a (4) 1 Ben (3). s the watch on his (6) everyday. Itis nine o'clock! Ben starts schoo! (7) itis ! Ben makes itto the lunchroom to eat lunch at one thitty. Itis three forty-five, and the school bell rings. Ring Ring! Ben (9) 8 school and goes home on time, Its five o'clock and its time to meet his pals. Ben makes itto the game on time to play basketball with his friends. Itisa si fiteen, and itis (10), dinner. He eats a hot dinner, and his mom is happy! Uh ob! Itis seven o'clock. Ben doos his (11) before it gets too late. jen comes home in time for ‘Yawn! Ben looks at his watch. Itis ten o' dock and Ben goes to (12), mis never late now! ats Exering Tine 33 New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1 10. messy «untidy and diy Tony has a very messy bedroom. tidy up 1 to make something neat pos (the photo on the internet) +: to put up text or pictures on a website tease to make fun of someone ashamed 2. feeling bad about something you did wrong fold (clothes) ¥: to bend clothes neatly sneakers in spnts shoes dirty ‘unclean clean 4. no dt, no mess: very tidy photo ‘na picture ofa person, place o thing ntence Make up in the blanks with the words in order. There. com the desk. {are books, of kts) Everyday she tidy up his room, (to, aks, Tony) ‘When Tony is at school, his mom (takes, of, photos) vey um His fiends tease him! Tony Tashamed, very is) He folds his clothes and inhis coset. (away, them, puts) ord Make up scramble the words. eetas sadmaeh nkresaes lofd Tit. Units Welcome toMy Environment 35 Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Tony has a very (1) bedroom. There isa (2) mirror on the wall There are papers on the floor. ‘There are clothes under the bed. There ate (3 ‘on the chair. There ate lots of books on the desk. But the computer on the desk i very (4) He loves the computer and takes care of itwell, Tony's mom is very angry! Every day she asks Tony to (3) up his room. “Did you tidy up your room, Tony?" “No, but Pll do it!™ But Tony (6) tides up his room, Tony's mom has an idea. When Tony isa school, his mam takes (7) sof his messy room, She (@) s the photos on his website AAI Tony's friends see his messy room! His friends (9), him! Tony is very (10), 1 ‘When Tony gets home, he picks the paper up off the floor He (1?) S his clothes and puts them away in his closet. He puts his sneakers in the shoe chest and (12) hic hooks on the bookshelf: When he finishes, he looks around and is happy to have a tidy room. ‘After that day, he tides up his toom every dy. 6 w Words te the sentences from the story that use the new words. ocean rn. avery large body of saltwater ‘An ocean is very big and has salt water. sgessland ‘an area covered by grass forest na place with many trees desert ‘avery hot and dry place with sand habitat ‘na place where animal lve spout \:to force out steam of water squirrel ‘an animal that has a bushy tal and lives in trees whale ra mammal that fives in the ocean that looks lke very big fish Antarctic 1 a continent covered with ie in the southern part of the Eath Arctic ‘avery cold region in the norther pat ofthe Earth Unt 6 Welcane toMy Enirnment 37 Date L 1 ¢ Teochar 4 ¢ Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words in order. 1. Agrassland __ many grassy areas (wit, is, , place) 2. Camels their backs that store fat (have, on, humps) 3. In the ocean (are, ish, there) They for swimming (use, wings, their shon) 5. The places where animal live __ (habitats, are, called) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. ptosu s 2. thaahit h 3. rirqeius 5 4 nectitraa A 38 ctation ten to the story and fill in the blanks. mals lve (1) they can find food, water, and a place to sleep, at kinds of different places do animals live? 2, ‘has many trees and other plants. Js and (3) s live in the trees. trees give food and shelter to the birds and animals, , isa place with many grassy areas, er and horses eat the grasses that grow there. 5 is a sandy place that gets very lite rain. nels have humps on their backs that store fat fat in the humps lets them survive a long time without food. ©) very big and has salt water. he ocean there are fish, ales (7). water. E rks have sharp teeth. (8), and Antarctica are very cold and snowy places with lots of| = Polar bears live in the Arctic. Ther fur coats keep them warm. guns lve in (9) They use their short wings for swimming, + places where animals live are called (10) Some are hot places. ne are (1) places. Some are cald places sre are animals everywhere in the (12) ! Uses vteame ty nveonment 39 New Words ‘Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1 5. % 10. pay to give money to somebody when you buy somethir Danny and his mam have everything they need and go to pay at the counte fresh «not lds made or picked recent buy «to get something by paying mone ist, - ‘n. a series of names or item Pg refigrator 1a container sed for keeping fod co es cart 1a metal shopping basket on wheel counter the place ina shop where you pay for somethin ee ee 5 shopping ‘:tobuy something ata sto es change nthe money you ge back afer buying something eae ae receipt ‘a plece of paper which shows what you bought a , ove = Teacher sntence Make up in the blanks with the words in order. “like shopping the shopping ist?” ‘make, Can} hhe writes them down, (os say, Hel Danny bread and cheese, {,for, looking % {sity dollars and fifty cents” (The, cost tal ‘The woman gives Danny's mom the receipt and a (charge her. of ord Make up scramble the words. efhes f raoirtrferge eitepre r rsuaeretmkp 5 Uni cong shepring 41 Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Danny's mom is going (1) “Do you want to come with me®” asks Danny's mom. “Yes | like shopping, Can 1 make the shopping (2), “OF course! We will have sandwiches for lunch. What do we need?” asks his mom, Danny looks in the (3) "de mtb __benadl chaesa, clad, and tamatnes.” he says ashe writes them down, * asks Danny. tthe supermarket Danny's mom gets a shopping 5) Danny is looking for (6 and cheese. “1 got them! he shouts. He puts them into the car. “Danny, can you get the salad and tomatoes, please?” Danny's mom asks, “Oh, they are over there. They look so (7) 1" says Danny. Danny p them into the cart Danny and his mom have (8) they need and goto , atthe counter. “The total cost ity dollars and fifty cents," says the woman at the (10), “Here you are.” Danny's mom says and gives the woman fifty-one dollars, The woman gives Danny's mom the (11 and her change of fity cents *Cing shopping i unt” says Danny. Danny and his mom go home with their shopping bag (12) of food and make a nice luneh a ew Words ite the sentences from the story that use the new words. coupon 1a piece of paper that gives someone a discount He cooks for many different people. discount - special extra - price ‘nan amount taken away from the full price costs no money, ‘a. notordinary ‘a. more of something tose money as payment for something 4 not much; having a smaller mount sn asingle thing ina lists a unit ‘athe whole amount of 1 the amount of money needed to buy an iter Unt 7 Gang Stonsng £3 Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words in order. ‘1. This coupon cost less (things, make, can) 2. This coupon ‘on any item you buy. (offers, discount) ‘one pie, you got one more for free. (hey, you.) 4. Itean only be used _ (a, during, certain time) 5. Coupons _ you have them atthe right tim (an, useful, be) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. tniudsoe d 2 iecpr Pp 3. eacpisl 5 4, gioemthsn s ctation ten to the story and fill in the blanks. x can yousave money when you go shopping? (1), s! Shops often out coupons. Here are three types of coupons: 2) Coupon This coupon can make things cost (3) _ This coupon offers a discount on any (4) you buy. If you (5) ten dollars, 8 50% off coupon takes five dollar off the (6) price One Plus One Coupon This coupon gives you one more thing for (7) when you buy an item. This coupon gives two items forthe (8) of one, For example, (9) you buy one pie, you get ane more for fee. Free Coupon This coupon gives you something for free. Itcan only be used during a certain time, and only on one (10) ‘tem. you use this coupon, you are sure to get (10 free, Don’t miss the chance! You can save money and. feel happy. en you save money with coupons, you can have (12) ‘money for er things. Keep coupons in your pocket al the time. They can be useful f you have mat the right time. uit 7 ing Sonpng 45 New Words Write the sentences from the story that use the new words. 1. twice ca, tes “The Moon changes the sea tide on Earth twice a day. 2, astronaut 1. penon who aves in a spaceship 3. aah ‘tll oraike wth oe 4, land to come ow othe rou 5. crater ‘aoe on he surface o the moo 6. tide she ring an fling ofthe se 7. rocky 4: contig of many tock 8. meteor apc of ack rom pe 9. amazing a wonder 10. space 1 the empty ea in which planets os ntence Make up In the blanks with the words in order. Peter and Ellie want to be astronauts (they, when, grow, up) Toxday they the Moon. ‘@bout talking, are) There and no plants ‘is, water, 0 Theday an the Moon comes out. Tito, tums, night) When they are astronauts, fon the Moon! ‘wil, they, walk) ord Make up scramble the words. satorutaa aBBRESSeee rtmeeo ceartr one Tetne Moun 47 Dues oes = ee ¢ Teorher ts aes ¢ Dictation Listen to the story and fill in the blanks. Peter and Eilie want to be (1) swhen they grow up. They are learning about outer (2) at school. Today, they are talking about the Moon. “What isthe Moon like?" asks Peter. “tis very dry and (3 There is no water and no plants!" says Elie “Wor!” says Peter “There are mountains, big rocks, and (4) s though!” says Elie, “What are craters?” asks Peter. “Long ago, big rocks called (5). s crashed into the Moon. They made big (6) son the Moon called craters!" replies Ellie. *Can people (7). there?” asks Peter “No! There is no air or water on the Moont” say Elie, “The Moon changes the sea fon Forth twice 3 day!” Potor cay. “Low that! You can soe the tide go out and come in everyday at the ©) says Ele “Wow! The Moon is rally (10) says Peter. The day turns into (11) and the Moon comes out Potor and Ellie look up at it. “We will and on the Moon someday!” they shout (12) ‘When they are astronauts they will walk on the Moon! .w Words te the sentences from the story that use the new words. weak «not trong (On the Moon, gravity is weak. =a ‘et magne oat asi float. v. to notsink, weigh icechameasenannaade ata utopllor daw gney he fovea hat pul hing tthe ound fall ‘eto go dwn quickly because of by saner force power or energy that moves something Unta Tomeseon 49 Date L L ¢ Teacher a Sentence Make up Fill in the blanks with the words In order. 4. Your feet fall down ‘on Earth, ‘you, when, wall 2. On Earth, things fon the Moon, (than, fll, faster) 3. Gravity isa force that things, atracts, topether) - ‘on the Moon than you do on Earth, ‘ou, less, weigh) 5. Gravity makes oon Earth, (more, weigh, you) Word Make up Unscramble the words. 1. enprtde Pp 2. tgayriv g 3. cofbauees b ° 4 cattart a 50 ctation ten to the story and fill in the blanks. {you are an astronaut: You are on the Moon. Earth, your feet (2) down when you walk, ‘on the Moon, you (3) down. Earth, you (4) 30kg. On the Moon, you weigh 4.9kg, y do you float down when you walk on the Moon? y do you weigh less on the Moon? because of 5) ! vity i force that (6) s things together. This force makes things m___ Earth, gravity is (8), ! On Earth, things fall faster ‘on the Moon the Moon, gravity is (10) | On the Moon, things fll slower than Earth, Earth, strong gravity (11), s you down to weigh 30kg. the Moon, weak gravity pulls you down to weigh only 4 9kg! | weigh lesson the Moon than you do on Earth. That's why you float down when | walk on the Moan! force of gravity brings your feet down when you walk on Earth. vity makes you weigh more on Earth suit is different in both places, your weight is diferent (12) , sts Tote Mean 81 Vocabulary Test .* [ wis Wiehen aa Read the definition and write the correct word. 10. 52 toeat for oneself all of them to make bread in the oven to offer food to someone to make food using heat to cary somewhere not being able to look after yourself tasting very good to put knives, forks, and plates on the table = a room used for eating Seow 0 Teather How to Make a Fruit Salad Dates ad the definition and write the correct word. to make ready something put on a salad to add flavor to put ingredients together to make clear by example: explain to tear or cut the outer covering off of something ‘a part of something to mix orstir a deep, round dish with sides a mixture of cold vegetables or fruit with a dressing - noatly Vocabulary Test 53 dows Growing Trees Helps Earth: Read the definition and write the correct word. 1. the stuf we breathe 2. asmall area of land used for growing plants 3. to move ir into and out of your lungs 4 home fr beds 5. to puta plant into the ground 6. notin danger 7. albee's house 8. apace that gives safety 9. the bottom part of a plant that grows underground 410. to give water to a plant to help it grow sere no Teacher Protect Our Environment! Dates 3d the definition and write the correct word. to go away from a place to completely remove what is inside of @ container the two together 1 place where paper, plastic and glass are cleaned for use again 2 glass or plastic container for holding liquids ‘everything that there is a natural area where people lv to flick a switch off ‘energy that can be carried by wires and produces heat and light 10 keep something from being used alot Vocabutary Test 85 fal.. Dentist Game Doro Read the definition and write the correct word. 1. a tool for making a hole 2. ahole in atooth 3. frightening or terrible 4. having the quality which can cut 5. adoctor for teeth 4 to direct a light somewhere 7. a sharp, thin metal used to give injections 8. a meeting, 9. to cause pain 10. wear clothes Brush Your Teeth Deters | id the definition and write the correct word. sometime later than now the meal after breakfast the hard, white things in your mouth used for chewing food the dirty gorms that form on teoth to take away dirt with water or soap atime when food is eaten the fist meal of the day to force liquid out ofthe mouth the meal after lunch to wash olf with clean water i score to Teosher VecbulryTest 57 FE) seine Read the definition and write the correct word, 1. points ina game 2. alving being from another planet 3. having great value 4. todo something in an excited way 5. someone in the same class as you 6. not comract 7. to sy something loudly 8. the planet we live on 9. being the only ane let 10. to respond to a question wow 0 Teacher 58 Tina’s Test Dotets 4d the definition and write the correct word. images and emotions during sleep anexam the soft partof a bird's outer body a rectangular cloth with a symbol of a country on it torest with your eyes closed to stop sleeping | relating tothe country France happy and glad about outcome or resuit worried and afraid _ being right about a question sooo vo Toochee Vocabulary Test 59 9 10. 60 5" | Sam at Camp! - Read the definition and write the correct word. to give back 2 place in a forest where people sleep a trip you take on a boat from one end or side of something to the ther ‘when people hurry to finish something fist to gather something a list of planned activities food cooked on a fre ouside «path in nature where people wall to-cook using dry heat from fire bows sore Teacher Z no ad the definition and write the correct word. a thing you wear on your wrist that tells the time | to put clothes on your body rot late school work you do at home ‘rom the beginning tothe end ofa fixed time period the body part between the arm and the hand ariving to a place after the promised time the time when we eat dinner: the meal we eatin the evening the time when we eat lunch; the meal you eat in the middle of the day - to be done with something Vocabulary Test 61 6: ve Read the definition and write the correct word. 4. to put up text or pictures on a website 2, feeling bad abour something you did wrong 3. no dit, no mess: very tidy 4. tobend clothes neatly 5. untidy and ity 4 unclean 7 te make something neat 8. tomake fun of someone 9. a picture of a person, place, or thing 10. sports shoes score @ Teceher 62 Where Do Animals Li d the definition and write the correct word. a place with many tees an area covered by grass a place where animals live fan animal that has a bushy tail and lives in trees 2 veny large body of salt water ‘a very cold region in the northern part ofthe Earth a mamimal that fives inthe ocean that looks like a ver big ish to force out astream of water a very hot and dry place with sand continent covered with ice inthe southem part ofthe Earth Dates EB cone, Goes Shopping Doe Read the definition and write the correct word. 1. to give money to somebody when you buy something 2. not old; made or picked recently 3. to buy something at a store 4. a metal shopping basket on wheels 5. a container used for keeping food cole 6. the money you get back after buying something 7. apiece of paper which shows what you bought 8, to get something by paying money 19. the place in a shop where you pay for something 10. a series of names or iterns scor.o 0 64 Coupons ales d the definition and write the correct word. not ordinary more of something the amount of money needed to buy an item {an amount taken away from the full price costs no money «@ piece of paper that gives someone a discount a single thing ina list unit the whole amount of to use money as payment for something ‘not much; having a smaller amount no Yocabtary Test 65 "| The Moon Does Read the definition and write the correct word. 1. to.come down tothe ground 2. a person who travels in a spaceship 3. wonderful 4, apiece of rock from space 5. consisting of many rocks 6, to fall orstrike with force 7. ahole on the surface ofthe moon 8. therrising and falling ofthe sea 9. the empty area in which planets float 10. two times seo 10 Toochee Your Weight in Space! the definition and write the correct word. 10 go down quickly power or energy that moves something to pull or draw to imagine or act as if not strong to have a certain weight by reason of| the force that pulls things to the ground to not sink also; too Vocabulary Test 67

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