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The term "social media" refers to a computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of

ideas, thoughts, and information via virtual networks and communities (Maya, August 31). Users

can instantly communicate content such as personal details, documents, movies, and images

through social media, which is based on the internet. On a computer, tablet, or smartphone, users

connect with social media through web-based software or applications. Social media initiated as

a tool to connect with friends and family and it was eventually embraced by companies looking

to reach out to customers through a new communication channel. In order to improve a

company’s reputation and increase sales, people use social media as a tool in business and

marketing. It served as a tool for brand promotion, customer engagement, and the growth of new

businesses. Consumer feedback is encouraged by social media as a communication tool, and it is

made simple for customer to share their experiences with brands. Businesses can address

customer complaints, react quickly to both positive and negative reviews so that they can

maintain their connection with their customers.

Customers are spending more time on social media than ever with all that scrolling, swiping, and

liking has given social media marketing and the businesses to present themselves or their brand

in the public. Although social media is the best way to promote your brand there is still some

common problems that needs to address such as not engaging with followers, focusing too much
in sales and building strategies without thinking it carefully but instead they all basing it by their

instinct not by their performance and on top of that many marketers often forget what is the

purpose of social media.

On the contrary, such obvious efforts are quickly ignored as social network users want to learn,

find inspiration, converse and have fun, not have products and services sold to them because

businesses are way too focus in sales. If you don’t have the time to share material with your

readers on a daily basis, then they will forget all about you. They will most likely go somewhere

else for what they can’t get from you perhaps your competitors (Creative Marketers, March


Creating a strategy based on your instincts will lead your business to different and not good path,

instead of creating a strategy based on your performance by pointing out the lacks of your

marketing that needs to fulfill and the problems that needs to address. Engage more with your

customer, customers want to interact, inquire about products and services, and share opinions

about your business especially those comments that are related to your products or services it

doesn’t matter if its positive or negative. Take time to reply to comments and reviews and drive

further discussion about topics that are of genuine interest to your followers.

Good social media marketing requires a knowledge of its organization and a solid plan of how it

can be used to achieve business goals. Remember that you should not just share information with

those who use social networks; you should be taking part in the conversations yourself. Focus on

creating a unique strategy, pin point those possible problems and lacking of your business which

based on your past performance recently.

By solving all the problems it gives the business a chance to be successful in their business. And

also it will give them a lot of benefits such as increased brand awareness, personal relationships

and boost sales with customers because there are over 3.8 billion people on social media in

2020, which means there are 3.8 billion opportunities to get your brand out to a new customer. A

huge driver of social media marketing’s popularity is customers’ desire for genuine interaction .

The purpose of the study is to know strategies and the best practices that the business should do

and also to tackle all the problems why some businesses are having difficulty promoting their

brand in social media.

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the study will try to answers the following questions:

1. What kind of strategies that will work out in order for your business to have impact in

social media?

2. Why is it important to have a good strategies in promoting business?

3. How significant is Customer Satisfaction to University of Makati students in terms of

their Social Media Strategy?


The efficiency of having of a good strategy that will to help promoting business and build a

strong impact presence online.

Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge in regards with

how strategies helps business to be successful online while giving good customer satisfaction.

Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The students are prone in social media. Most of the students using social media, they use social

media to purchase something.

The Business Owners will know what is the best strategies and practices when it comes to

promoting their business in social media. And also the problem that needs to address.

Citizen will benefit by giving them a knowledge and awareness on how social media works. And

also for the future, this can benefit them by knowing on what best option that can benefits them.

Future Researcher can use this as reference for their research in the near future.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research focuses on finding out the best practices that affects your business performance

and customer satisfaction when it comes to promoting business in social media platforms. The
selection of the respondents is only limited to the University of Makati Students. The limitations

of the study includes the opinion of the students by answering surveys that only limits 10

students to answer.

Definition of Term

The following terms are defined for better understanding of the study.

Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share,

and/or exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks.

Virtual networks connects virtual machines and devices, no matter their location, using


Marketing refers to activities a company undertakes to promote the buying or selling of a

product or service.

Promoting is a variety of actions intended to raise greater awareness or advancement of an item.

Customer is an individual or business that purchases another company's goods or services.

Product or Service is an object, or system, or service made available for consumer use as of the

consumer demand.

Business is an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or

professional activities.

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