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Radiation Heat Transfer

Ravi Kumar
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247677
 = ℎ
h=6.625x10-34 J-s
radiation per unit volume
and per unit wavelength
8 ℎ

 = /
k= Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38066x10-23 J/mole-K
 =   W/m2
σ= 5.667 x10-8 W/m2.K4
Eb is also called the emissive power of a blackbody.
06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 2
reflectivity ρ
absorptivity α
transmissivity τ
++ =1
• If the angle of incidence is
equal to the angle of
reflection, the reflection is
called specular.
• When an incident beam is
distributed uniformly in all
directions after reflection,
the reflection is called

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For the black body




 = ! Kirchhoff’s identity

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The Gray Body
• A gray body is defined such that the monochromatic emissivity λ of the body is independent of
• The monochromatic emissivity is defined as the ratio of the monochromatic emissive power of
the body to the monochromatic emissive power of a blackbody at the same wavelength and
temperature. Thus

! =

The total emissivity of the body may be related to the monochromatic emissivity by noting that
' '
 = # !  $ %&$  = #  $ =  
( (
So that
 )( !  $
!= =
Where Ebλ is the emissive power of a blackbody per unit wavelength. If the gray-body condition is
imposed, that is, ελ = constant, Equation reduces to ! = !

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 5
The emissivity of various substances vary widely with wavelength, temperature,
and surface condition.
• The functional relation for Ebλ was derived by Planck by introducing the quantum
concept for electromagnetic energy. The derivation is now usually performed by
methods of statistical thermodynamics, and Ebλ is shown to be related to the
energy density  = by
. /0/123 4

 = = 6 /8
4 7 −1
C1 = 3.743 x 108 W.µ/m2
C2 = 1.4387 x 104 µm.K
9  = 2897.7 >?. @

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 6
Blackbody emissive power as a function of wavelength and temperature

1649 oC

1093 oC

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comparison of emissive power of ideal blackbodies and gray bodies with that of a real surface

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Fraction of blackbody radiation in wavelength interval
We are frequently interested in the amount of
energy radiated from a blackbody in a certain
specified wavelength range

A  )(  $
= '
A ' )(  $
6B ,-
Equation  = can be rewritten as
. C7 /1D 4
  67 /8 − 1
Between wavelengths λ1 and λ2 is desired, then
A 7 A B
B 7 = A ' −
A ' A '
A ' =  

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• A glass plate 30 cm square is used to view radiation from a furnace. The
transmissivity of the glass is 0.5 from 0.2 to 3.5 μm. The emissivity may be
assumed to be 0.3 up to 3.5 μm and 0.9 above that. The transmissivity of
the glass is zero, except in the range from 0.2 to 3.5 μm. Assuming that the
furnace is a blackbody at 2000◦C, calculate the energy absorbed in the glass
and the energy transmitted.

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 16
Radiation shape factor, view factor, angle factor,
and configuration factor.
F1−2 = fraction of energy leaving surface 1 that
reaches surface 2
F2−1 = fraction of energy leaving surface 2 that
reaches surface 1
Fi−j = fraction of energy leaving surface i that
reaches surface j
4 4 E4F = F F EF4 as 4 = F
4 E4F = F EF4
I4 F = 4 E4F 4 − F = F EF4 4 − F
 E J = J EJ

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The projection of dA1 on the line between centers is
KLM4 .
The radiation arriving at some area element dAn at a
distance r from A1 would be
N $4
where dAn is constructed normal to the radius vector.
The quantity dAn/r2 represents the solid angle
subtended by the area dAn
$O = PLQ&M. P$M. $R
F+ +/F
 $4 = N $4 # # LQ&M
( (
= N $4 ≫  = N

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 18
Energy Exchange
$O =
Energy level leaving dA1 and arriving dA2 is
$4 $F
$4 F = 4
Energy level leaving dA2 and arriving dA1 is
$F $4
$F 4 = F
Net energy exchange
$4 $F
4 F = 4 − F # #
Integral is either A1F12 or A2F21 according to I4 F = 4 E4F 4 − F = F EF4 4 − F

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 19
Consider the radiation from the small area dA1 to the
flat disk A2, as shown in Figure. The element of area dA2
is chosen as the circular ring of radius x. Thus. It is
noted φ1=φ2. Integrating over area A2
2 V$V
$4 EUTB T7 = $4 #
T7 P F

KLM4 =
WF + V F
2W F
$4 EUTB T7 = $4 #
T7 W + VF F
$4 EUTB T7 = $4 Y = $4 F EUTB T7 = F
WF + V F ( 4W + ZF 4W + Z F
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Radiation shape factor for radiation between parallel rectangles

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Radiation shape factor for radiation between parallel equal coaxial disks.

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Radiation shape factor for radiation between perpendicular rectangles with a common edge.

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Radiation shape factors for two concentric cylinders of finite length.

Outer cylinder to itself outer cylinder to inner cylinder

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Radiation shape factor for radiation between two parallel coaxial disks.

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Real-Surface Behavior
Real surfaces, for
example, are not
perfectly diffuse,
and hence the
intensity of
emitted radiation
is not constant
over all directions.
emissivity for conductors and
nonconductors. φ is emissivity at angle φ measured from
normal to surface. Nonconductor curves are for (a) wet ice,
(b) wood, (c) glass, (d) paper, (e) clay, ( f ) copper oxide, and
(g) aluminum oxide

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• Two parallel black plates 0.5 by 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart. One plate is
maintained at 1000◦C and the other at 500◦C. What is the net radiant heat
exchange between the two plates?

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E[ 4,F = E[ 4 + E[ F
[ E[ 4,F = [ E[ 4 + [ E[ F
Making use of reciprocity relation
[ E[ 4,F = 4,F E4,F [
[ E[ 4 = 4 E4 [
[ E[ F = F EF [
The expression could be rewritten
4,F E4,F [ = 4 E4 [ + F EF [

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 28
• Two concentric cylinders having diameters of 10 and 20 cm have a length of
20 cm. Calculate the shape factor between the open ends of the cylinders.
• A truncated cone has top and bottom diameters of 10 and 20 cm and a
height of 10 cm. Calculate the shape factor between the top surface and the
side and also the shape factor between the side and itself.
• The long circular half-cylinder shown in Figure Example has a diameter of 60
cm and a square rod 20 by 20 cm placed along the geometric centerline.
Both are surrounded by a large enclosure. Find F12, F13, and F11 in
accordance with the nomenclature in the figure.

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We shall assume that all surfaces considered in our analysis are diffuse, gray, and
uniform in temperature and that the reflective and emissive properties are constant
over all the surface. Two new terms may be defined:
• G (irradiation) total radiation incident upon a surface per unit time and per unit
• J (radiosity) total radiation that leaves a surface per unit time and per unit area.
In addition to the assumptions stated above, we shall also assume that the radiosity
and irradiation are uniform over each surface. This assumption is not strictly correct,
even for ideal gray diffuse surfaces.
] = ! + ^
Since Transmissivity is zero  = 1 −  = 1 − !
So that,
] = ! + 1 − ! ^

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 30
= ] − ^ = _ + 1 − ! ^ = ^

I=  −]
 − ]
(a) Surface energy balance for opaque body
(b) element representing “surface resistance”
Radiations leaving surface 1 and
reaching surface 2: ]4 4 E4F
Radiations leaving surface 2 and
reaching surface 1: ]F F EF4

I4 F = ]4 4 E4F − ]F F EF4

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 31
But 4 E4F = F EF4
`B `7
So that, I4 F = ]4 − ]F 4 E4F = ]4 − ]F F EF4 I4 F = B
aB bB7
4 − F  4 − F
IO.8 = =
1 − !4 1 1 − !F 1 − !4 1 1 − !F
!4 4 + 4 E4F + !F F !4 4 + 4 E4F + !F F

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 32
• Two parallel plates 0.5 by 1.0 m are spaced 0.5 m apart, as shown in Figure. One plate is
maintained at 1000◦C and the other at 500◦C. The emissivities of the plates are 0.2 and
0.5, respectively. The plates are located in a very large room, the walls of which are
maintained at 27◦C. The plates exchange heat with each other and with the room, but
only the plate surfaces facing each other are to be considered in the analysis. Find the
net transfer to each plate and to the room.

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 33
• Two rectangles 50 by 50 cm are placed perpendicularly with a common
edge. One surface has T1 =1000 K, ε1 =0.6, while the other surface is
insulated and in radiant balance with a large surrounding room at 300 K.
Determine the temperature of the insulated surface and the heat lost by
the surface at 1000 K.

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A1 =A2 and F12 =1.0. Thus
I  4 − F
 1 1
+ −1
!4 !F
For two long concentric
4 4 − F
1 4 1
+ −1
!4 F !F

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06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 36
• The 30-cm-diameter hemisphere in Figure Example 8-8 is maintained at a
constant temperature of 500◦C and insulated on its back side. The surface
emissivity is 0.4. The opening exchanges radiant energy with a large
enclosure at 30◦C. Calculate the net radiant exchange.

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= =
 4 [
 [ F

I  4 − [  [ − F

= =
 1 1 1 1
+ −1 + −1
!4 ![ ![ !F
_4 = _F = _[
[ = 4 + F

I  4 − F 1
= 2 = I4 F
 1 1 2
+ −1
![ !F

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1−! 2
W & LℎQ c$L = 2& + 2 + &+1 1 = &+1 −1
! !
When no shield is present
1 1 2
W &K LℎQ c$ = + − 1 = − 1
_ _ _
We note that the resistance with the shields in place is n+1 times as large as
when the shields are absent. Thus
I 1 I
 d 8 e .fU & + 1  d 8Ag8 e .fU

06-11-2015 Prof. Ravi Kumar, Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee- 247667 39
• Two very large parallel planes with emissivities 0.3 and 0.8 exchange heat.
Find the percentage reduction in heat transfer when a polished-aluminum
radiation shield ( =0.04) is placed between them. The two concentric
cylinders of Example 8-3 have T1 =1000 K, ε1 =0.8, ε2 =0.2 and are located in
a large room at 300 K. The outer cylinder is in radiant balance. Calculate the
temperature of the outer cylinder and the total heat lost by the inner

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