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AAVV (8 May 2021)

AHAR- Foor we eat

3 types of foods:
Fresh and easy digest
Keep our mind calm and balance
E.g fresh VG, Milk and Dairy product
Heavy to digest
Agitate our mind
E.g Onion, Garlic, Chilli, Eggs
Stale and unnatural
Make our mind dull
E.g Coffee, Tea, Canned/ Frozen food

Shouldn’t skip our breakfast and should be the biggest meal of the day
Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day and finish 4 hours before sleep
Be grateful and relax when having meals
Chew our food properly and don’t drink water along with food.
(drink water 1hr before food/ 2hr after)

ACHAR- Daily routines

Ayurvedic concept of Dinchahrya:
Regular meal time
Morning walk & sun bathing
Day/ week planning
Gratitude journal
Regular sleep time
VIHAR-Relaxation and recreation
Recreation is when our mind and body participate totally. Spending some time in
activities that we enjoy clears off the mind, relieves depression and anxiety, elevates
our mood, and gives a feeling of well being. Active creative hobbies like painting,
playing musical instruments engage all sensory organs and release pent-up emotions,
and recharges the mind.

Yoga relaxation techniques:


VICHAR- Our thoughts

Manage our thought process correctly. Always develop a good attitude and enlarge
your vision. Our thought comes in our sensory organs. The good thought process can
be added in daily life by reading good books, scriptures, recollecting good
experiences, and thinking positively in all situations.

Developing positive mindset

Develop a more witness like attitude to life
Develop faith in higher reality
Pretipaksha Bhavana
Maintain a gratitude journal- 10 povs
AUM chanting
Practise Parkarmas

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