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TRUNG TÂM ĐÀO TẠO TỪ XA Môn: Ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh

Thời gian: 60 phút
ĐỀ SỐ 01

Họ và tên: ______________________________
Mã số sinh viên: ______________________________
Lớp: ______________________________

I. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete the sentences. (1 point)
1. Every batch of sauce at Generita’s Bistro 5. The chefs are still waiting for a ______
is processed meticulously by ______ date for the new convection oven that
expert chefs. was ordered two weeks ago.
(A) they (A) shipper
(B) their (B) ships
(C) them (C) shipments
(D) themselves (D) shipping

2. Computerization of medical records 6. Mr. Kang works ______ with our internal
______ increases a physician’s ability to team members as well as various
diagnose and treat patients. regional sales representatives.
(A) great (A) mildly
(B) greatly (B) nearly
(C) greatness (C) closely
(D) greatest (D) narrowly
7. Fashion designer Hye-Ja Pak knows
3. At Rojelle’s Fine Dining, we use the
______ to update her line in response to
freshest ______ available to make our
changing tastes.
(A) and
(A) applications
(B) when
(B) subjects
(C) need
(C) ingredients
(D) for
(D) factors
8. The samba class was so well ______ that
4. Professor Benguigui will present his paper
the Yulara Dance School decided to
______ the natural history conference
make the course a permanent offering.
(A) attended
(A) by (B) educated
(B) at (C) gathered
(C) of (D) protected
(D) on

9. A wooden bridge crossing the wading 15. Of all the truck models available today, it
pond ______ to the hotel’s nine-hole golf can be difficult to figure out ______
course. would best suit your company’s needs.
(A) prepares (A) when
(B) leads (B) why
(C) presents (C) which
(D) takes (D) where

Page 1
10. A special sale on stationery ______ on 16. CEO Yoshiro Kasai has expressed
the Write Things Web site yesterday. complete faith in Fairway Maritime’s
(A) was announced ______ to deliver the product on time.
(B) announced (A) belief
(C) was announcing (B) measure
(D) to announce (C) problem
(D) ability
11. All produce transported by Gocargo 17. At Derwin Securities, trainees alternate
Trucking is refrigerated ______ upon ______ attending information sessions
pickup to prevent spoilage. and working closely with the assigned
(A) lately mentors.
(B) promptly (A) along
(C) potentially (B) against
(D) clearly (C) between
12. The Ferrera Museum plans to exhibit a (D) near
collection of Lucia Almeida’s most ______ 18. Company Vice President Astrid Barretto
sculptures. had no ______ to being considered for
(A) innovative the position of CEO.
(B) innovation (A) objected
(C) innovatively (B) objecting
(D) innovate (C) objects
(D) objection
13. The bank’s cashier windows are open
daily from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. ______ on 19. Belinda McKay fans who are ______to
Sundays. the author’s formal writing style will be
(A) except surprised by her latest biography.
(B) until (A) fortunate
(C) nor (B) readable
(D) yet (C) comparable
(D) accustomed
14. Inventory control and warehousing
strategies ______ within the 20. The Southeast Asia Business
responsibilities of the supply chain Convention will feature ______ known
manager. and respected leaders from countries
(A) have across the region.
(B) cover (A) widen
(C) mark
(B) wider
(D) fail
(C) widely
(D) wide
21. The Stoneport Gallery is hosting a 26. All employees should back up crucial
______ next week to showcase the works of
data ______ switching over to the new
sculptor Fabrice Pepin.
software system on August 5.
(A) scene (A) before
(B) society (B) of
(C) formality (C) what
(D) reception (D) so

Page 2
22. Mr.Soto will run 5 kilometers every other 27. A label on each box should indicate the
day in order to ______ for the Leesburg production date as well as the place of
Corporate Challlenge half marathon. ______ of the contents.
(A) translate (A) importance
(B) listen (B) safety
(C) wait (C) foundation
(D) train (D) origin

23. All employees are expected to behave 28. Ms. Jha assured that the client that
______ when they are travelling on ______ would deliver the contract that
company business. afternoon.
(A) responsible (A) her
(B) responsibly (B) she
(C) responsibility (C) hers
(D) responsibleness (D) herself

24. ______ he is now retired, Mr.Matilla is 29. During negotiations, management

able to pursue his hobby of woodworking. appeared ______ to the idea of
(A) During increasing the staff’s wages.
(B) Therefore (A) agree
(C) When (B) agreement
(D) Because (C) agreeable
(D) agrees
25. ______ for press coverage of the music
festival will receive official response by 30. Employees ______ several departments
June 30. have been encouraged to minimize
(A) Applies costs.
(B) Application (A) across
(C) Applicants (B) into
(D) Applying (C) between
(D) despite

II. Read the text and circle the best answer A, B, C, or D to complete to complete the
Questions 31- 34 refer to the following e-mail.
Dear PGD Account Holder,
PGD Bank strives (31) ------ the highest levels of client security and service. This applies not
only to online – and telephone-based services, but also to our brick-and-mortar locations.
Our three branch offices have proudly been a part of the community (32) ------ a combined
total of 40 years.
To assist you even better in the future, our Smithville branch will be temporarily closed for
renovations July 8-22. 133) ------. In the meantime, our other two regional branches in Pine
Grove and Bradford will maintain normal business (34) ------. We value your feedback and
will respond to any concerns that you may have as soon as possible.

Page 3
Edwin Chen, Operations Manager
PGD Bank

31. 33.
(A) to provide (A) Unfortunately, services will be limited.
(B) provided (B) We thank you for trusting in PGD Bank
(C) providing over these years.
(D) to be provided (C) We apologize for any inconvenience this
may cause.
(D) Traffic on the boulevard has increased

32. 34.
(A) except (A) investments
(B) amid (B) hiring
(C) near (C) hours
(D) for (D) interests

Questions 35-38 refer to the following information.

As a Hanson-Roves employee, you are entitled to sick absences, during which you will be
paid for time off work for health (35) -------. To avoid deductions to your pay you (36) -------
to provide a physician-signed note as documentation of your illness. (37) ------- should
include the date you were seen by the doctor, a statement certifying that you are unable to
perform the duties of your position, and your expected date of return. Your supervisor will
then forward the documentation to Human Resources. (38) -------. Employee health
records can be accessed only by those with a valid business reason for reviewing them.

35. 37.
(A) reasons (A) Those
(B) origins (B) They
(C) senses (C) I
(D) contributions (D) It

36. 38.
(A) were required (A) Hanson-Roves ensures the privacy of
(B) require your health information.
(C) are required (B) Absences may be caused by a number
of factors.
(D) are requiring
(C) You should then explain why a
physician's note is not available.
(D) Take note of the duties you were
originally assigned.
Questions 39- 42 refer to the following e-mail.

Page 4
To: Wu Investment Services employees
From: Eileen Suen, Officer Manager
Re: Jacob Wu
Date: 15 August
To All Staff,
As many of you are aware, Jacob Wu, our long-standing Chief Executive Officer, (39)
------- on 1 October. Twenty years ago, Mr. Wu set out to create a Hong Kong- based
services firm with an international scope. (40) -------. Wu Investment Services serves
clients in seventeen countries, 95 percent of whom have chosen to invest with us for the
long term.
Mr. Wu will be (41) ------- by Thomas Wu, his son, who has served as Vice President of
Wu Investment Services for the past four years.
A gathering will be held on 28 September to celebrate Mr. Wu’s (42) ------- career. I will
send further information about the event closer to the date. Thank you.

39. 41.
(A) retired (A) succeeded
(B) will be retiring (B) achieved
(C) would retire (C) accomplished
(D) was to retire (D) resolved

40. 42.
(A) You will soon receive a formal invitation. (A) promising
(B) The event will take place in the staff (B) technical
room. (C) foremost
(C) He certainly achieved his goal. (D) distinguished
(D) There, he graduated with academic

Questions 43- 46 refer to the following notice.

Page 5
13 March
Dennis Carrera
Lejos Plumbing and Heating
San Antonio, Texas
Dear Mr.Carrera,
Congratulations! Mallorca Construction (43) -------- the bid of Lejos Plumbing and Heating to
provide enhancements to the County Courthouse. Your workers will have access to the (44) --------
on May 5.
As specified by the district building code, Lejos Plumbing and Heating will be responsible for
securing the required permits. The enclosed plan outlines the scope of the project. (45) --------, the
document lists the other contractors we are partnering with, and it reveals how your firm’s work fits
into overall project.
We are requesting no significant adjustments to the blueprints and specifications you submitted
with your proposal. Please contact my office if you need additional information. (46) --------.
Petra Rojas, Manager
Mallorca Construction Ltd

43. 45.
(A) may accept (A) however
(B) would accept (B) In addition
(C) has accepted (C) As a result
(D) was accepting (D) On the other hand

44. 46.
(A) site (A) Unfortunately, your bid arrived after the
(B) data deadline.
(C) results (B) We will inform you of our final decision
(D) product
(C) Best wishes again on your recent
(D) We will provide it to you promptly.

Questions 47-48 refer to the following Web page.

Page 6
47. What is being advertise? 48. What will be offered on October 10?
(A) A vacation (A) A discounted reservation rate
(B) A new hotel (B) A special concert
(C) An event space (C) A famous recipe book
(D) A summer camp (D) A class by a famous chef
Questions 49- 50 refer to the following memo.
To: Processing Plant Managers
From: Sunlight Sugar Executive Board
Date: June 15
Subject: News
We are pleased to announce that, following our strongest quarter in over three years, we
were ranked as the number-two sugar distributor in the region in the June 1 edition of
Sugar Industry Times. We are extremely grateful to all our employees, who helped make
this possible through their hard work and dedication.
To celebrate this achievement, we would like to recognize employees with a bonus to be
added to their July 15 paycheck. Plant managers at each location should inform staff at
the next plant meeting on July 1. Thank you for helping us achieve our goals.

49. What is indicated about Sunlight 50. When will plant managers announce an
Sugar? employee bonus?
(A) It is changing the payday (A) On June 1
schedule. (B) On June 15
(B) It publishes the Sugar Industry (C) On July 1
Times. (D) On July 15
(C) It was established more than
three years ago.
(D) It was previously the number-
one distributor of sugar.
III. Choose one of these questions. Write your answer in about 100 words.

Page 7
1. You see this notice on English – language website.
We need your articles!
What kind of food do you like to eat?
Do you prefer eating out or eating at home? Why?
Write an article answering these questions and we will put it on our website!
Write your article:
The food I like!
There are many types of food that I like, but I like spicy food the best. It’s very great to taste
hot food. I seem be addicted to this type of food especially in the coldness of winter. Spicy
food makes me feel stronger and warmer. Frankly, I prefer eating out to eating at home
because food cooked in restaurants are normally more delicious than home-cooked food.
Furthermore, it is more relaxing to enjoy yummy food served by others, we don’t need to
prepare and cook at the same place like every day. Also, eating out is one of the best ways
to improve our relationship with others.
2. Your English teacher has asked you to write a story. Your story must begin with this
sentence: “When the postman gave me the parcel, I had no idea what was inside.”
Your story
Page 8
When the postman gave me the parcel, I had no idea what was inside. At that time, I was
cooking dinner, so I put the parcel on the table in the sitting room. At 7 p.m. my mom came
home and asked me whether any parcel was sent to her today. I said “Yes” and walked
forward to the table and gave the parcel to her. She opened it and recognized that it was not
the camera ordered online by her last week. The one that she booked is Fujifilm X-T200
with 3.5 inch touch screen LCD, but this camera is Sony Alpha A600 without touching
function. My mom was a bit angry, she asked me why I hadn’t checked carefully before
receiving. I was very confused at that time. Luckily, my mom called the shop from which she
ordered last week and notified them about the problem. They said to my mom that they
would change it as soon as my mom turned it back to the shop at No 12 Ta Quang Buu
street. I felt really relieved when hearing that. And my mom said to me that I should check
everything carefully when receiving from other people. It was a good lesson for me.

_______ End of the test______

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