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a normal day in a small house where a humanoid vixen called Lia, a shapeshifter kitsune

called denji, an 8 meters tall bear called christopher, gutz from berserker, a spartan 2 called
mario and a penguin sith called javier live togrther

The day begins with the usual morning routine. The alarm clock rings at 5 am, which is
early for all of them except javier, who was up before 4 am.

"I'll make some coffee," said Christopher as he went out of the room.

"No need to get up so early, you can sleep longer today," said Javier. "We have a big day

"It's my turn to cook today," said Lia. "I hope you're not expecting any leftovers."

"That depends on how hungry I am when we finish this mission," said Christopher. "But
no, I'm not that hungrier than yesterday."

Lia rolled her eyes and started making breakfast while the others got ready. They were all
dressed in their regular outfits: Christopher in his white t-shirt and blue jeans; Javier in his
black shirt and pants; Marios in his red tank top and green shorts; Denji in her black skirt
and jacket; Gutz in his brown shirt and gray trousers; and finally, Lia in her purple dress.
She was wearing a pair of pink sneakers under it.

They ate breakfast together, enjoying each other's company. It was the first time they had
done something like this since the events that led to them becoming roommates. There was
something comforting about eating together, especially because they had all been through
so much lately.

After breakfast, they went to the training area. Christopher and Javier sparred against one
another. Marios worked on his strength by lifting weights. Denji did her stretching
exercises. Gutz played video games. Lia took care of the laundry and cleaned up after
everyone else.

At 11 am, they went to the kitchen and made lunch. Then, they decided to go to the beach.
It was a nice day outside. The sun was shining brightly, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. It
was a perfect day for going to the beach.

As they walked down the path leading to the shore, they passed by a group of people
playing volleyball. They were laughing and having fun, oblivious to everything around
them. As they watched them, Christopher felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him. He
remembered how it used to be. Back then, he would play with the kids on the beach, and
the adults would let them run around and do whatever they wanted. He could still
remember how much fun he had back then.

Christopher looked at the kids playing volleyball, and he couldn't help but smile. It
reminded him of how things were supposed to be. Before he knew it, he had joined the
volleyball game, and he was having a blast. The kids cheered for him as he slammed the
ball into the net.

"You're amazing!" shouted one of the girls.

"He's a beast!" said another.

"I didn't know bears could jump that high," said a third girl.

A few minutes later, the volleyball game ended, and everyone headed towards the shore.

As they walked along the sand, Christopher noticed that there were more and more people
joining the party. Soon, there were a lot of people playing volleyball, and a large crowd
gathered around the beach.

"This is fun!" said Christopher.

"Yeah," said Javier. "There's nothing better than hanging out with friends."

"It's great to have fun," said Denji. "And we have so much fun together."

"It's like old times," said Gutz. "Except now we're all naked."

"Why don't we swim?" suggested Lia.

"Let's," said Christopher. "I haven't swam in ages."

The four of them changed into their bathing suits, and they went into the water. It was a
beautiful day, and the sea breeze felt good on their skin.

"It's great to be able to relax like this," said Javier. "I wish we could do this every day."

"It's our last day," said Denji. "I want to enjoy it."

"I feel bad for all those people who can't afford to go to the beach," said Marios. "We
should invite them here."

"What if we asked them to pay us?" said Christopher. "Then we could give them a free trip
to the beach."

"That's a good idea," said Javier. "We could charge admission."

"That's not a bad idea," said Christopher. "We could make enough money to buy a boat."

"We could use that to sail around the world," said Denji.
"Or we could sell tickets and go to other countries," said Javier.

"That sounds cool," said Christopher. "We could make a fortune selling tickets to other

"I wonder what we should name the boat," said Javier. "Maybe the Golden Bear."

"That's a good name," said Christopher. "But maybe we should name it after one of our
friends. What do you guys think?"

"I like the idea of naming it after Lia," said Javier. "How about that?"

"That's a great idea," said Christopher. "We can call it the Golden Bear."

"I love the sound of that," said Denji. "It reminds me of the movie Splash."

"I can't wait to see that movie," said Christopher. "It looks really funny."

"We can rent it next weekend," said Javier.

"That's a great idea," said Christopher. "I'll bring my laptop and watch it with everyone."

"Let's go to the beach tomorrow too," said Denji. "If we spend the whole day there, we
won't have to worry about the exam results."

"I like that idea," said Christopher. "But I'm not sure how long we can stay. We don't know
how many people will come to the beach."

"Don't worry about that," said Javier. "We can just take turns going to the beach every day.
That way, we'll always have a beach to go to."

"I like that idea," said Christopher. "But we should only go to the beach once a week."

"Once a week isn't enough," said Javier. "We should go twice a week."

"I agree," said Christopher. "We should go three times a week."

"We should go four times a week," said Javier.

"Five times a week," said Christopher.

"Six times a week," said Javier.

"Seven times a week," said Christopher.

"Eight times a week," said Javier.

"Nine times a week," said Christopher.

"Ten times a week," said Javier.

"Eleven times a week," said Christopher.

"Twelve times a week," said Javier.

"Thirteen times a week," said Christopher.

"Fourteen times a week," said Javier.

"Fifteen times a week," said Christopher.

"Sixteen times a week," said Javier.

"Seventeen times a week," said Christopher.

"Eighteen times a week," said Javier.

"Nineteen times a week," said Christopher.

"Twenty times a week," said Javier.


"once a week is enough" said Lia

The four of them continued to talk about the beach as they swam. They agreed that once a
week was enough. They could go to the beach more often if they wanted to, but they
shouldn't go more than twenty times a week.

They stayed in the water until it was time to go back to the house. As they walked out of
the water, they saw a large group of people waiting for them. They were all wearing
bathing suits.

"Are you guys coming to the beach?" asked a woman.

"Yes," said Christopher. "We're going right now."

"Come with us," she said.

"We're already going," said Christopher.

"No, I mean join us," said the woman. "We're all going to the same place. Come with us."
"We're going to the beach," said Christopher. "You can go to the beach whenever you

"I'm telling you, we're all going to the same place," said the woman.

"can we just go home to sleep? I'm very tirerd" said Lia

"I don't want to go to the beach," said Marios. "I want to go home and sleep."

"Me too," said Javier.

"I don't know why you're being so stubborn," said the woman. "Just come with us. You'll
have a lot of fun."

"I'm not interested," said Christopher. "I'm going to the beach."

"Fine," said the woman. "Have it your way."

She turned away from them and started walking towards the beach. The other people
followed her.

"Come on," said Christopher. "Let's go."

"Wait," said Javier. "I want to hear more about this place."

"It doesn't matter," said Christopher. "We're going to the beach."

Javier grabbed Christopher's arm. "Please. Just for a little bit. We can go to the beach after
we listen to what she has to say."

Christopher sighed. "Okay. Let's go."

The five of them walked down the path leading to the beach. Christopher, Javier, and
Marios were all wearing their regular clothes, while Denji and Lia were both wearing their
bathing suits. They reached the beach, and Christopher immediately started playing with
the sand.

"What are you doing?" asked Javier.

"I'm playing in the sand," said Christopher.


"Because I want to," said Christopher. "I love playing in the sand."

"Can we play too?" asked Denji.

"Sure," said Christopher. "We can all play in the sand."

The five of them began playing in the sand, and they all had a great time. After they played
for a few minutes, Christopher noticed that they were attracting a lot of attention. The other
people in the beach were staring at them. Some of them were even pointing at them.

"They're looking at us," said Christopher.

"I know," said Javier. "It's weird."

"What should we do?" asked Christopher.

"I don't know," said Javier. "Let's keep playing."

The five of them kept playing in the sand. Eventually, the beachgoers stopped staring at
them and returned to their own activities.

"I guess they lost interest," said Christopher.

"Maybe they were just jealous," said Javier.

"Do you think we should go back to the house?" asked Denji.

"I don't know," said Christopher. "Maybe we should stay here for a little longer."

"Why?" asked Denji.

"Because I want to," said Christopher. "I want to stay here forever."

"I want to stay here too," said Javier.

"Me too," said Marios.

"I want to stay here too," said Lia.

"I want to stay here too," said Denji.

"Let's stay here," said Christopher. "We can play in the sand forever."

"We can't," said Denji. "We need to go home. We have to study."

"I don't care," said Christopher. "I want to stay here."

"I want to go home," said Marios.

"Me too," said Javier.

"I want to go home," said Lia.

and then the 5 go home

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