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Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079





(submitted 25 September 2019, revised 30 November 2019, accepted 01 December 2019)

Reza Septian Pradana1

Statistic Expert BPS Aceh Jaya District Banda
Aceh-Meulaboh Road Km 152, Keutapang, Calang, Aceh Jaya

Abstraction. This study aims to examine the opportunities and challenges faced by
the fisheries sub-sector in supporting the economy of Banten Province through a
study of the development of the fisheries sub-sector, both capture and aquaculture,
and the factors that influence it. The analytical method used in this research is
multiple linear regression. The estimation results show that the number of outboard
motorboats and motorboats has a significant positive effect on capture fisheries
production in Banten Province. This can be an opportunity to increase capture
fisheries production that can support the economy of Banten Province. On the
contrary, There are indications of overfishing in shallow waters which are marked by
the insignificant effect of increasing the number of boats without motors on capture
fisheries production, which is a challenge for the capture fisheries sub-sector in
supporting the economy of Banten Province. Then, there is an indication of the lack
of expertise of fish cultivators which is marked by the negative effect of increasing
the number of fish cultivators on aquaculture production and the less productive
area of fish farming land which is marked by the insignificant effect of adding fish
cultivation area to aquaculture production, which is a challenge for the aquaculture
sub-sector in supporting the economy. Banten Province.
Keywords: opportunities, aquaculture, capture fisheries, economy,
Abstract. This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of fisheries
subsector in supporting the economy of Banten Province through studying the
growth of fisheries subsector, either capture fisheries or aquaculture and the
influenced factors. This study uses multiple regression. This study found that the
number of outboard motor and inboard motorboat significantly give positive
influence to the production of capture fisheries in Banten Province. It can be the
opportunity to increase the production of capture fisheries that can support the
economy of Banten Province. On the other hand, the indication of overfishing in
shallow water showed by the insignificance of nonpowered motorboat number to
influent the production of capture fisheries becomes the challenge of capture
fisheries in supporting the economy of Banten Province. then,

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

Keyword: aquaculture, capture fisheries, challenges, economy, opportunities

PRELIMINARY Banten is 509 km long and has 55 small

Banten Province is one of the and outer islands that store the
provinces on the island of Java which richness and diversity of coastal and
was formed in 2000 and the result of marine resources. In addition, the
the division of West Java Province. As location of the Banten Province is very
one of the provinces resulting from strategically bordering the state capital
the division and coupled with the and as a bridge or gate between the
demands for regional autonomy in islands of Java and Sumatra, thus
which each region is responsible for facilitating the marketing of fishery
the development of its own region, products. Based on data from the
this province has intensively carried Central Statistics Agency (BPS), share
out regional development. Fisheries sub-sector GRDP
Basuki & Gayatri (2009) of the total GRDP of Banten Province
said that economic development is by 0.54 percent in 2017.
part of the overall regional The development of the fisheries
development. The success of a sub-sector in areas of fishery potential such
region's economic development can as Banten Province needs to be carried out.
be seen from changes in the Gross Besides being able to support the economy
Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) or of Banten Province, this sub-sector plays a
regional economic growth. Based on role in meeting the food and nutritional
data from the Central Statistics needs of the community. However, in its
Agency (BPS), the economic growth of development the fisheries sector is faced
Banten Province was 5.71 percent in with various opportunities and challenges.
2017. This economic growth of
Banten Province cannot be separated The demand for fish certainly has a
from the role of productive economic positive meaning for the development of
sectors and sub-sectors in the region. fisheries. However, the demand for
fulfilling fish needs will be followed by
Subsector fishery is increasingly intensive exploitation of fish
one of the sub-sectors that can be a resources. In order for fish resources to
foundation in supporting the economy be utilized sustainably, one of the steps
of Banten Province. Banten has a land that can be taken is to conduct an
area of 8,651.20 km2which is assessment of fishery stock/production
surrounded by three large oceans, to determine the sustainable potential
namely the Java Sea in the north, the and the best efforts to increase fishery
Sunda Strait in the west, and the Indian production.
Sea in the south. In addition, Banten The new production process can
Province has coastal and marine areas run if the required requirements can be
with an area of 11,134.22 km . of met and these requirements are better
water2(not including archipelago/ known as factors of production (Daniel,
territorial waters and ZEEI that can be 2002). In capture fisheries, the minimum
utilized). Province coastline required production factors consist of:

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

from resources (sea), labor (fishermen) EEZ Indonesia. As for classification

and capital (boats/ships and fishing According to the Ministry of Maritime

gear). The three factors of production Affairs and Fisheries (KKP), fishing boats or
are something that absolutely must be fishing vessels are non-motorized boats,
available. outboard motor boats, and motorized
Widodo (2006) states that boats.
fishing activities are carried out by Table 1 show region
various types of fishing businesses, operation (fishing ground) at sea
both small-scale fisheries, usually growing from near-shore waters to
limited to the closest place to the the high seas. The fishing zone is
landing site, as well as large-scale adjusted to the conditions of the
fisheries such as fishing.trawling fishing fleet. The larger the GT size of
caught in the sea (Ginting, 2010). a shipping fleet, the farther the
fishing area (fishing ground) is an distance or the fishing operation area
area of water used as a place for will be from the coast.
carrying out fishing activities or it can
also be said as an area where there
are suspected fish assemblies. A Table 1 Arrest Operation Areas by
waters is called a good fishing area if Condition of Arrest Fleet
it fulfills several requirements, Track
including in the area there are Arrest
abundant fish throughout the year, (1) (2)
fishing gear can be operated easily Line I Boat fisherman

and perfectly, the location is not far (0-3 miles fromtraditional and
from the port so that it is easily Beach) boat without motor
accessible by boat, and the condition Line I Boat motorcycle

of the area is safe. (Impossible for (3-6 miles frompaste < 12 meters
strong winds and not a dangerous Beach) or < 5 GT
storm area). Line II Motorboat < 60
(6-12 miles fromGT
To support utilization Line III Motorboat < 200
The potential of marine fisheries requires (12-200 miles from GT
adequate facilities and infrastructure. Beach)
One of them is the fishing fleet, namely Source: Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 392,
boats/ships that are directly used in 1999 in Ginting (2010)
fishing operations for fish/other aquatic
animals/water plants. According to A number of study related
Suharso (2006), if the motorization of capture fisheries already many
boats/vessels is not improved both in conducted. In general, the results of
quality and quantity, it will be difficult for the studies used as references in this
fishermen to reach potential waters that study, namely Suharso et al (2006),
are very wide and far from the coast, Dwihendrosono (2009), and Widyatama
including coastal waters. (2013) showed that the fleet
Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

arrest fish by significant

effect on fish production. On the
other hand, the results of research
conducted by Rizwan, Ichsan, and METHOD
Ratna Aprilla (2011) and Bangun Data which used in
(2018) show that: that fleet This research is secondary data in the form
fishing does not significantly affect of datatime seriesthe number of motor
fish production. boats, outboard motor boats, boats
In addition to capture fisheries, without motors, the number of fish
aquaculture also plays an important cultivators, the area of fish cultivation, the
role in supporting the economy of a number of capture fisheries production,
region. Aquaculture is an alternative and the number of aquaculture production
way for the depletion of fish in 2001-2017. The data is sourced from the
production from capture fisheries. BPS Publication “Banten Province in
Figures”. The determination of the period
Development production results 2001-2017 takes into account the
Aquaculture cannot be separated from the availability of data at the relevant agencies.
availability of fish cultivation areas and the The analytical method used in
existence of the cultivators themselves. As this research is descriptive analysis
the results of Widyatama's research (2013) and inferential analysis with multiple
show that the area of fish cultivation and linear regression. In this study,
the number of cultivators significantly have descriptive analysis was used to
a positive effect on aquaculture production. describe development
fisheries sub-sector and its role in
Based on the above thinking, a supporting the economy of Banten
study is needed to identify the Province. Then, multiple linear regression
opportunities and challenges of the analysis was used to analyze the
fisheries sub-sector in supporting the determinants of the development of
economy of Banten Province. The benefit fisheries production both capture and
of this study is that it can be used as aquaculture in Banten Province.
material for government consideration in To analyze the determinants of
making policies related to the capture fisheries production in Banten
development of the fisheries sub-sector Province, the following equation is used:
in order to continue to be able to support
the economy of Banten Province.
There are two hypotheses used in where:
this study.First, the number of motor
= Capture Fishery Production
boats, outboard motor boats, and boats
periodt(tons) =
without motors has a positive effect on
capture fisheries production in Banten
= Variable Regression Coefficient
Province.Second, the area of fish
cultivation and the number of farmers
= Number of Motor Vessels periodt
have a positive effect on the production
of aquaculture in Banten Province.

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

= Number of Outboard Motorboats Multicollinearity) and Model Significance

periodt(units) Test (F test and t test).
= Number of Boats Without Motor
periodt(units) =
error termperiodt RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
t = 2001, 2002, ...., 2017 The Role of the Fisheries Subsector in
Supporting the Economy of Banten
In the capture fisheries production Province
equation, labor (fishermen) is not The economic growth of a
included in the marine capture fisheries region depends on the potential of
model because in reality there is a natural resources and the ability of
relationship between fishermen and the human resources to manage and
number of motor boats. The more and utilize them potency the.
bigger the capacity of the motor boat, The economic growth of a region can
the more the number of fishermen. In be shown by the growth of Gross
modeling, it is not allowed to have a Regional Domestic Product (GRDP). In
relationship between independent 2017, the economic growth of Banten
variables (multicollinearity). Province was 5.71 percent. The
To analyze the determinants of structure of the economy can be seen
aquaculture production in Banten from the composition of GRDP by
Province, the following equation is used: showing the contribution of each
sector in the formation of GRDP. The
where: role of a sector in the formation of
= Aquaculture Production GDP also
periodt(tons) = reflects the role of the sector in the
Intercept development of a region.
= Variable Regression Coefficient
Independent 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.54
= Fish Cultivation Area
periodt(hectares) 0.52 0.52
= Number of Fish Cultivators 0.51
periodt(units) =
error termperiodt
t = 2001, 2002, ...., 2017 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Figure 1 ProgressShareGDP
In order to obtain an estimator that
Fishery Subsector to GRDP
isBLUE(Best Linear Unbiased Estimatot),
of Banten Province
in this study, various tests were carried
Year 2011-2017
out on the data and models formed, such
as testing the basic assumptions
Based on Figure 1, in
(normality test, homoscedasticity, non-
general contribution (share) GRDP
autocorrelation, and Non
Subsector Fisheries to the total
GDP Banten Province tend to be

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

has an uptrend. In 2011, the For increase GDP

contribution of the Fisheries Sub-sector fisheries sub-sector, one of the
GRDP was 0.51 percent and then efforts that can be done is to increase
continued to increase until in 2017 it the production of the fisheries sector,
had reached 0.54 percent. both capture fisheries and
aquaculture. This is because
Table 2 production data is one of the
ShareGRDP of All Subsectors components most important in
Agriculture in Banten Province
GRDP calculation.
2017 Production increase fishery
the catch that the government is trying
Subsector (Share) GRDP
to prioritize for sufficient
(percent) community needs in order to increase
Plant food security. Capture fisheries
Food production is used to meet animal
food sources as a provider of protein
Plant to improve the nutritional quality of
the community. In addition, these
Plant efforts are also to support the
0.57 provision of raw materials for the
fishery product processing industry,
Farm 1.59 such as the food industry.
During the period 2001 to 2017,
0.06 the capture fisheries production of
and Hunting
Banten Province in general
Forestry and experienced an increase. In 2001,
Logging 0.03 capture fisheries production in
Wood Banten Province reached 59,787.50
tons and then continued to increase
Fishery 0.54 to reach 107,364.39 tons in 2017. In
Source: Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS)
2017, around 99.24 percent of
capture fisheries production was
On year 2017, Subsector
obtained from fish caught in the sea
food crops is still a sub-sector withshare while 0.76 percent is obtained from
The highest GRDP, especially in the the catch of fish in public waters.
agricultural sector in Banten Province. The increase in capture fisheries
The contribution of the fisheries sub- production both in quantity and quality
sector to the economy in Banten Province cannot be separated from the role of
ranks fifth after the plantation sub- the fishing fleet used. The type of fleet
sector. This means that until now the affects the range of fishing grounds.
agricultural sub-sector has not been able The fishing fleet in Banten Province is
to become aleading sectorin the dominated by motor boats that can
economy of Banten Province. reach waters above 6 miles from the
coast. Distance

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

the range of this motorboat depends on development fishery


the GT size of the motorboat. The catch. This is probably due to the shift
development of the number of motorized in the use of outboard motorboats to
boats and non-motorized boats in Banten motorboats considering the number of
Province is in line with the development motorboats continues to grow and the
of capture fisheries production, which range of motorboats is wider than that
tends to have an upward trend. Unlike of outboard motorboats.
the case with outboard motor boats, the
development tends to decrease
so that opposite with







2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

production nonmotor paste boat

Figure 2 Production Development of Capture Fisheries (hundred tons), Boats Without Motor
(units), Outboard Motorboats (units), and Motorboats (units) in Banten
Province 2001-2017

Remember resource cultivation is more controlled and the

capture fisheries start thinning, results are promising. In addition, the
Aquaculture is the right alternative as Banten area which is quite large and has
the main booster of fishery a beach length of 509 km is a very large
production. The advantages of natural potential and can be developed
aquaculture compared to capture for aquaculture.
fisheries are fisheries









2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

production cultivator area

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

Figure 3 Development of Aquaculture Production (tons), Cultivators (persons), and

Fish Cultivation Area (hectare) in Banten Province 2001-2017
During 2001 to 2017, This opposite is an indication of
Aquaculture production in Banten cultivators who lack expertise in
Province in general continues to managing the business, resulting in a
increase. In 2001, aquaculture condition where when the number of
production reached 19,543.30 tons cultivators increases but production
and then continued to increase to decreases. Lack of expertise in
reach 142,861.45 tons in 2017. This fisheries too
high increase in production indicates Becomes reason lack of
that aquaculture is a promising utilization land cultivation fish
business in Banten Province. potential.

Establishing the Best Model and

However, the development of the Testing Basic Assumptions
number of fish cultivators and the area By using software
of fish cultivation actually shows the Eviews 9, the best model formed in
opposite direction to the production of this study is as follows:
aquaculture. Which direction

Table 3
Cobb-Douglass Production Function Model Marine Fishing

Variable Variable t-
Coefficient P-value Summary of Statistics
Dependent Independent statistics
Constant 28299,48* 2.5896 0.0224 R2 0.6751
5.01* 4,5456 0.0005
5.48** 1.9626 0.0715 Prob F- 0.0017
3.09 0.5932 0.5632 Statistics
Constant 234720,4* 6.9832 0.0000 R2 0.6840
PBt - 1.77 - 1.6857 0.1140 Prob F- 0.0003
- 4.68* - 5.2940 0.0001 Statistics
* Significant at the level of significance / alpha 5 percent

* * Significant at the level of significance / alpha 10 percent

Gujarati (2004) says that all regression is biased, the standard

parametric statistics including error is biased and the value ofR2as
multiple linear regression require well as significance testing to be
assumptions that must be met before incorrect/ misleading. Thus, it is
model estimation is carried out. necessary to test these assumptions.
Violation of only one or more
assumptions may cause serious A model capable of producing an
problems such as coefficient estimator thatBLUEmust fulfill

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126
p-ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

normality assumption, homoscedasticity, results testing normality,

non-autocorrelation, and non- homoscedasticity, and non-autocrelation
multicollinearity. Here's a summary by usingEviews 9 software.

Table 4
Test Results of Some Basic Assumptions on the Best Model

Jarque-Bera 0.9308 0.3228
Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey 0.1696 0.7049
Lagrange Multiplier 0.6946 0.4161

Normality assumption of the In the model formed above,

formed model has been fulfilled. This no autocorrelation occurs. This matter
can be proven by the probability proved by the probability value (Pvalue)
value (Pvalue) fromJarque-Bera test fromLagrange Multiplier test(LM test)
greater thanalpha0.05 (accept H0). greater thanalpha0.05 (accept H0). In
Thus, it can be stated that the other words, the non-autocorrelation
residuals of the model formed are assumption is met.
normally distributed. Test assumption non-
The residual variance of the multicollinearityon research this
formed model is also homoscedastic. use formal test that is
This is evidenced by the probability by valueVariance Inflation Factor (VIF)
value (P-value) fromBreusch-Pagan- . By using SPSS 22 software, the
Godfrey testgreater thanalpha 0.05 results of non-multicollinearity testing
(accept H0). are obtained as follows:

Table 5
Non-Multicollinearity Test Results on
Best Model Free Variable

Equality Variable VIF

PTt 1,778

The assumption of Non-Multicollinearity the variable is much smaller than 10 so it can

for all independent variables used in the be concluded that there is no relationship
model has been fulfilled. This is evidenced by between the independent variables included
the value ofVariance in the model.
Inflation Factor(VIF) for the whole

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

Based on the basic assumption capture fisheries in Banten Province. This

test above, it can be concluded that is indicated by the value of the test
the model formed is the best model. probabilityt-statisticswhich is smaller
This model can be used to analyze thanalpha0.05 for the coefficient of the
factor determinant number of motor boats and less than
development production fishery alpha 0.10 for the outboard motor boat
capture and cultivation in Banten Province. coefficient. On the other hand, the
number of boats without motors does
Fisheries Subsector Opportunities and not significantly affect capture fisheries
Challenges in Support production in Banten Province. This is
Banten Province Economy indicated by the value of the test
Optimizing the use of production can
factor probability t-statisticswhich is bigger
increase fishery production. According to thanalpha 0.10
Dumairy (1999), the orientation of the For support utilization
fisheries sub-sector is different from the The potential for capture fisheries
other four sub-sectors in the agricultural requires adequate facilities and
sector. In addition to meeting infrastructure. The effect of adding
consumption needs, the fisheries sub- motor boats has a big impact on
sector is more oriented towards export increasing capture fisheries
promotion. This increase in fishery production in Banten Province. The
production and exports, of course, can coefficient value of the number of
increase the economic growth of the motor boats of 5.01 means that with
fisheries sub-sector. a confidence level of 95 percent, the
ScoreR2in the capture fisheries addition of 1 unit of motorized boats
production equation is 0.6751. This can increase capture fisheries
means that the variation that occurs in production by 5.01 tons. The addition
capture fisheries production can be of a motor boat can expand the reach
explained by the number of motor of fishermen to catch fish because the
boats, outboard motor boats, and range is wider than using a boat.
boats without motors by 67.51 percent However, there are still few
while the remaining 32.49 percent is fishermen who use motor boats
explained by other variables not capable of catching fish on the high
included in the model. seas and ZEEI. In fact, the fish
Overall, the number of motorized resources in the area are large and
boats, outboard motorboats, and non- not optimal
motorized boats significantly affects utilized. Influence positive

the production of capture fisheries in growth amount boat motorcycle

Banten Province. This is indicated by to growth production

the value of the test probabilityF- marine capture fisheries are similar to
statistics of 0.0017 which is smaller the results of research conducted by
than alpha0.05. Dwihendrosono (2009) and Widayatama
Partially, the number of motorboats (2013).
and outboard motor boat The addition of the number of outboard
significant effect on production motor boats also has a positive effect on the

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

capture marine fishery production in source power and not yet

the fish
Aceh Jaya District. The growth coefficient optimally utilized. While the reduction
value of the number of outboard motor boat without motor
motorboats is 5.48 which means that addressed for reduce
with a 90 percent confidence level, the arrest in the regionoverfishing.
growth in the number of outboard By increasing the number of motor
motorboats by 1 unit can increase boats and outboard motorboats, of
capture fisheries production by 5.48 tons. course, it requires more manpower to
The significance level of the coefficient of operate them. This can open up job
the number of motorboats is smaller opportunities in the field of capture
than that of motorboats. This is because fisheries so as to reduce
the fishing path that is passed by unemployment. In addition to opening
outboard motor boats is no more than 6 up job opportunities in the sub-sector,
miles. The fishing area that lacks fish fishery, opportunity open
resources in the area causes the catch Employment opportunities in other sectors,
obtained to be also small. The results of such as the boat/shipbuilding industry can
this study are similar to the results of also increase with the increasing demand
research conducted by Dwihendrosono for boats/ships.
(2009) and Widayatama (2013). The challenge faced by capture
fisheries in Banten Province is the
The development of the number increase in the number of boats
of boats without motors does not without a motor which does not
significantly affect the development significantly affect the increase in
of capture fisheries production. This capture fishery production. This is
is because the range of boats without exacerbated by the depletion of fish
motors is only in shallow waters. The resources in shallow waters (coastal).
short reach of motorized boats
causes fishermen to gather in the Ignorant exploitation of fisheries
same fishing area. This causes the development
fishing area sustainable also impact on
the Becomes the more decrease resource
overfishing. The results of this study fishery in Province Banten.
contradict the results of research The interest of fishermen in catching
conducted by Dwihendrosono (2009) fish in an easy way and getting a lot
and Widayatama (2013). of catches does not rule out the
In order to preserve resources possibility of using methods that can
power fish, better catch damage the ecosystem, such as the
conducted in areas use of trawls. This threatens the
underutilized with permanent sustainability of fish resources and
notice sustainability resource reduces fish production in the future.
demersal and pelagic fish. The increase
in the number of outboard motorboats Another challenge faced is the
and motorboats is intended to spread lack of adequate facilities. According
fishermen to areas that are still high to Dumairy (1999), the production of

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

the fisheries sector is controlled by Banten Province. This is indicated by the

marine fisheries and is experiencing value of the test probabilityt-statistics
obstacles in the development of its which is bigger thanalpha0.05.
production due to the lack of adequate The coefficient value of the number of
facilities. This can be seen from the fish cultivators is -4.68 which means that
structure of the fishing fleet in Banten the addition of the number of fish
Province which is still dominated by small cultivators actually decreases the
vessels, upstream and downstream production of aquaculture. The direction of
production systems that are not yet the negative relationship between the
integrated, and the limited facilities and number of fish cultivators and the amount
infrastructure built. The development of of aquaculture production is contrary to
the fleet is also hindered by the small the results of Widayatama's (2013)
number of motor boat manufacturing research. One of the causes of the negative
industries in Banten Province. Thus, effect of increasing the number of fish
fishermen are forced to buy motor boats farmers on aquaculture production is the
from outside the province of Banten. Not lack of cultivator expertise both in terms of
only ordering time or shipbuilding takes managerial and production techniques in
longer but also the cost is relatively more the management of fish farming business.
expensive. This is a challenge for the fisheries sub-
ScoreR2in the aquaculture sector, especially aquaculture in supporting
production equation is 0.6840. This the economy of Banten Province.
means that the variation that occurs in
aquaculture production can be explained Another challenge faced by
by the area of fish cultivation and the aquaculture in Banten Province is the
number of fish cultivators by 68.40 utilization of aquaculture potential
percent while the rest is which is still low (less productive).
31.60 percent is explained by other variables This can be seen from the negative
that are not included in the model. sign and the insignificant coefficient
Overall, the area of fish cultivation of the area of fish cultivation. In fact,
and the number of fish cultivators Banten has great potential for the
significantly affect the production of development of aquaculture.
aquaculture in Banten Province. This is
indicated by the value of the test CONCLUSION
probabilityF-statisticsof 0.0003 which is The number of motor boats and
smaller thanalpha0.05. outboard motorboats has a positive
Partially, the number of cultivators effect on capture fisheries
fish significantly influential production. This is an opportunity to
on aquaculture production in Banten increase the production of marine
Province. This is indicated by the value capture fisheries in Banten Province
of the test probabilityt-statistics which by increasing the number of motor
is smaller thanalpha0.05. On the other boats and outboard motor boats. To
hand, the area of fish cultivation does increase capture fisheries production,
not significantly affect the production the Banten provincial government
of aquaculture in Indonesia also needs to encourage investors to

Journal of Regional Development Policy, Vol..3, No.2, December 2019, p. 113 – 126 p-
ISSN: 2597-4971, e-ISSN: 2685-0079

invest in large-scale motor boats so The economy of Banten Province is

that fishermen can reach the high the utilization of the potential of
seas. In addition, the quality of aquaculture which is still low coupled
human resources needs to be with the lack of cultivators' abilities
improved through education and both in terms of managerial and
training regarding marine fisheries production techniques. Thus, an
for fishermen. active role for the Banten Provincial
The challenge faced by capture by government is needed in providing
fisheries in supporting the economy training and counseling related to
of Banten Province is the depletion of aquaculture to fish cultivators in
fish resources in coastal areas. This Banten Province.
can be seen from the increase in the Enhancement production subsector
number of boats without motors fishery must balanced with
which do not significantly affect the value increase plus so that
increase in capture fisheries enhancement production subsector
production in Banten Province. When fishery could increase
fishing, fishermen should not gather economic growth which is described by
in one area, especially in coastal GDP (value added). With the increase in
areas, but can spread to other the production of the fishery sub-sector,
potential areas. In addition, another it is expected that the income of
challenge faced is the use of fishing fishermen and cultivators will increase.
gear that can damage the ecosystem. To improve the welfare of fishermen and
Thus, fishermen should not catch fish cultivators, government need
using fishing gear that can damage controlling the price of fish in the market
the environment. so as not to fall when fish production is
abundant and setting the lowest selling
price to protect fishermen and cultivators
The challenge that by from rogue middlemen.
aquaculture in sustaining


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