Auds Bday Script

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AUDREI ’S SEVENTH Birthday Party

I. Arrival Of Guest
(Plays Upbeat Music)

A wonderful afternoon to all our cute guests in costumes and also to their proud parents!
Thank you for being with us as we celebrate the first memorable event in our Little Miss Audrei’s life.

While waiting I would like to express my thanks to those who did come early! Thank you so much!
While waiting for our program to start. I would like to inform everyone that they can go freely to the Candy
corner for delicious treats!
Please settle down in your respective seats for In 5 minutes we will start the program.
(Program Starts)

II. Introduction
A fun-filled afternoon to everyone! I am _______________ and I will be your Host for this afternoon’s Program.
Right now, I am overly amused! And utterly fascinated! Because now, we are all surrounded by cute kids in their
lady bug and cat noir costumes!, and speaking of Costumes! As a relative of the celebrant I never ceased to take
an effort in finding a cute lady bug/cat noir Outfit for this event!

At this Juncture! I’d like to welcome you all to Audrei’s 7 th birthday party!!

Turning seven, is always magical because a child gradually unlocks and discover the beauty and mischiefs of The
world, and by the guidance of their parents, relatives and friends! And that is indeed fulfilling and beautiful!

So now I would like to check! Are you ready to see the celebrant!!??
(Di ta kamo mabatian! Gusto niyo na ba Makita ang Birthday celebrant?!)

III. Grand Entrance of the Birthday Celebrant With Parents

Family and friends! All eyes, phones and cameras ready! Let us all welcome! Our Celebrant! Little Miss Audrei
Faith Ejertima!

Around of Applause please!

And now let us welcome the family of the celebrant! Please do clap your hands for they are the main people
that made this event possible, thank you so much!

(Happy birthday/ Upbeat song)

IV. Opening Message of the Mother to the guest

Now we will hear the message of the mother to the guest.

V. Singing of Birthday Song/ Short Birthday Wish for the baby/ Blowing of Cake Candles
As in every birthday Celebration, we have blowing of cake candles! And to express our sincere birthday
greetings to our celebrant. May I request everyone to please stand up and let us join together! As we sing our
little Miss lady bug a happy birthday song.

(Play Happy Birthday song)

So before, Audrei blow her candle, there should be a birthday wish, so now we give Audrei few seconds to make
her wish and after that we are going to assist Audrei in blowing her cake by saying.

(Blow the cake Lady bug!)

Upon my cue,


(audrei blows her cake)

Thank you everyone! I am so glad with the audience’s energetic participation. It’s quite evident that everyone is
overwhelmed with happiness in this afternoon’s event.

Ok everyone, you may now sit down. Thank you very much!

VI. Blessings of the Food

For now, we proceed to one of the most important parts of this celebration! It is enjoying each other’s company
over good prepared food! And so, to lead us in Prayer may we request.

Mrs. ______________________ . to bless the food.

Thank you Mrs. ____________________________.

VII. Eating time, Photo, Playing of AVP

Just a few reminders before we stand...

Food is served at the long buffet tables at the back. Before we proceed to the buffets tables, Miss Audrei will be
proceeding around your tables to have their pictures taken with you.

(libot na papicture si audrei)

After the picture taking, may I request those who are through, to please do make a line in the buffet area and to
avoid crowding and in adherence to public safety protocols please observe proper social distancing. Thank you!

VIII. Games and Entertainment by the Clown

Is everyone full already? Can you give me thumbs up? Busog na?
And now, let first prepare for the highlight of event. May I invite all kids to gather in front, because it’s now time
to make this party more fun! With lots of entertainment and fun-filled games by our invited GUEST!

Around of applause For our Guest Please!

IX. Games/ Awarding of Prizes/ Entertainment by the Clown/ Candy Pull

X. (Clown facilitates at this part)

XI. Giving of Loot Bags

At this moment! Our celebrant Little Miss Audrei would like to express her gratitude for all of her guests who
attended her special day. And so! She will be giving a memorable gifts and sweet takeaways before we bid our
goodbyes. So calling our kiddie guests to line here and get your loot bags from Miss Audrei

XII. This time well have a thank you Message By Mommy Judy.

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