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Dulfo, Angelica D. 12 HUMSS 6

Ballroom Dances

Ballroom dances has been part of history of dances, as a child seeing ballroom
dances were at times in animated movies to acting and to real life as people enjoy
and love doing ballroom dances to there partners and even there lovers. Ballroom
dancing is were partners or couples dance in a step patterning, moving in a
rhythmitcal ways as they can express theirselves as they dance and even express
their love for music with their lover or partner.

In ballroom dances of course you must know how to dance, know the dance
positions with steps and smoothly or elegantly expressing oneselves feelings, music,
and even emotions. In ballroom dance positions we have back cross position,the
beautiful butterfly position, pigeon wing position, the simple yet elegant
conversation position as you converse with your partner , the romantic flirtation
positionfor the intimacy love for the partners, the unique versovienne position, the
couple position, the escort postion as your man or partner helps you lead the way
and lastly the open arm position as for this we can commonly notice this dance on
movies, animated movies and in real life.

Furthormore, these ballroom dance positions are beautiful and elegant as you
imagine yourself being with your lover as you dance in the moonlight or a castle.
Learning this dance positions will help you gain more knowledge in dancing and
even be able to dance or just knowlegde itself. Its good to have skills in dancing or in
arts just to explore yourself and your mind as you can express yourself in many
forms like dancing.

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