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11 HUMSS 6

1.) Well the philosophy that is related to human and the environment that is more concerned about
Mother Nature and we’re the human’s place is, and it is belief that we humans are the most significant
species on this earth. And also they are dependent on other species for their survival.

2.) They’re roles are that humans interact with the environment because to obtain resources like food,
water, building materials or even fuel. That today we still do it like planting trees, vegetables and fruit or
even hunt for meat. But throughout time we evolved and due to technology and more but the bad outcome
of it is that we cause pollution.

3.) As I can say the moral approach is that we humans our relationship to the environment, is that to value
our environment because this is important. Throughout the ages we humans depend on Mother Nature or
our environment. As I say that we obtain our resources here and also the principal approaches in
environment Ethics, the anthropocentrism(human-centered approach), biocentrism(life-centered
approach) and the ecocentrism(ecosysytem-centered approach).

4.) How can we live harmoniously with the environment? Well I would say that our environment is
important in our lives, as we live in earth it also began to decay, we should be more understanding and
take care of our environment or Mother Nature. Because without it we are already dead we should be
more careful on what we do cause for example pollution and all the living are affected including us. Use
eco friendly items, plan trees , flowers, or even fruits or vegetables, Do the 3r’s , throw garbage properly
and many more , so we humans can live longer as well we can live In earth.

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