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Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome (PACS): The

Role of Continuous Monitoring
Andrew H. Schmidt, MD,* Michael J. Bosse, MD,† Katherine P. Frey, RN, MPH,‡
Robert V. O’Toole, MD,§ Daniel J. Stinner, MD,k¶ Daniel O. Scharfstein, ScD,**
Vadim Zipunnikov, PhD,** Ellen J. MacKenzie, PhD,‡ and METRC
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will improve our understanding of the natural history of compart-

Summary: The diagnosis of acute compartment syndrome (ACS) ment syndrome and examine the utility of early and continuous
is a common clinical challenge among patients who sustain high- monitoring of the physiologic status of the injured extremity in
energy orthopaedic trauma, largely because no validated criteria the timely diagnosis of ACS.
exist to reliably define the presence of the condition. In the absence
of validated diagnostic standards, concern for the potential clinical Key Words: acute compartment syndrome, oxygenation monitoring,
and medicolegal impact of a missed compartment syndrome may pressure monitoring, fasciotomy, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS)
result in the potential overuse of fasciotomy in “at-risk” patients. (J Orthop Trauma 2017;31:S40–S47)
The goal of the Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome Study
was to develop a decision rule for predicting the likelihood of ACS
that would reduce unnecessary fasciotomies while guarding against BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE
potentially missed ACS. Of particular interest was the utility of
Acute compartment syndrome (ACS) occurs in as many
early and continuous monitoring of intramuscular pressure and
as 11%–18% of high-energy tibia fractures1,2 and remains
muscle oxygenation using near-infrared spectroscopy in the timely
a diagnostic challenge, a source of morbidity for trauma pa-
diagnosis of ACS. In this observational study, 191 participants
tients, and adds significant costs to caring for the injured
aged 18–60 with high-energy tibia fractures were prospectively
patient.3–6 There are currently no validated clinical criteria
enrolled and monitored for up to 72 hours after admission, then
that reliably identify when ACS is present. Instead, clinicians
followed for 6 months. Treating physicians were blinded to con-
rule out ACS based on the absence of concerning clinical
tinuous pressure and oxygenation data. An expert panel of 9 ortho-
findings and, in some cases, by demonstrating that tissue
paedic surgeons retrospectively assessed the likelihood that each
perfusion pressure (PP) is “safe” (PP $30 mm Hg).1 How-
patient developed ACS based on data collected on initial presenta-
ever, for both clinical findings and isolated measurements of
tion, clinical course, and known functional outcome at 6 months.
intramuscular pressure (IMP) or PP, there are few prospective
This retrospectively assigned likelihood is modeled as a function of
clinical studies assessing their sensitivity or positive predic-
clinical data typically available within 72 hours of admission
tive value, limiting the application of their use to reliably
together with continuous pressure and oxygenation data. This study
diagnose ACS.7,8 What little data exist raises concerns for
the efficacy of these tests, both in the reliability of the test
Accepted for publication January 13, 2017. itself,9 and the relationship between the results of the test and
From the *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Hennepin County Medical the diagnosis of ACS.7,8,10
Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; †Department of Ortho- ACS remains a challenge to diagnose in patients with
paedic Surgery, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC; ‡Department of extremity trauma, and because of the devastating nature of the
Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of
Public Health, Baltimore, MD; §R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, consequences of missed compartment syndrome, it is a com-
Department of Orthopaedics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, mon source of litigation in civilian practice.11 Patients with
Baltimore MD; kDepartment of Orthopaedics, San Antonio Military Med- concerning clinical findings and/or pressure measurements sus-
ical Center, US Army Institute of Surgical Research, San Antonio, TX; picious for ACS are treated with urgent surgical fasciotomy12
¶Centre for Blast Injury Studies, Imperial College London, London, United
Kingdom; and **Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg which immediately reduces IMP and restores myoneural per-
School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD fusion.7 It is likely, however, that some patients undergoing
A. H. Schmidt holds stock in Twin Star Medical and Twin Star ECS. The fasciotomy do not have compartment syndrome and are receiv-
remaining authors report no conflict of interest. ing unnecessary and markedly morbid surgery. Although fas-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL ciotomies introduce complications and morbidity, the practice
citations appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML
and PDF versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www. is accepted because the morbidity of delayed fasciotomy or missed diagnosis of ACS can be greater. Cases of ACS that #: NCT01561261. Department of Defense Contract #: are not treated with timely fasciotomy are associated with mus-
W81XWH-10-2-0090. cle necrosis, which in the short term may cause rhabdomyol-
Reprints: Andrew H. Schmidt, MD, Hennepin County Medical Center, 701 Park
Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55415 (e-mail:
ysis and renal failure, and in the long term may result in
Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. ischemic contracture of the involved compartment and perma-
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000000796 nent functional deficit.13 In 2 series of patients, delayed and

S40 | J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017 Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome

incomplete fasciotomy were associated with increased morbid- using NIRS, and continuous monitoring of IMP and PP.
ity and mortality, and a high rate of limb amputation.14,15 The long-term objective of the research is to develop a tool
Because the current management of ACS is based on that can aid clinicians in making a timely and accurate diag-
subjective clinical assessments, it is not surprising that the nosis of ACS.
rate of fasciotomy varies significantly among clinicians.10
Less often discussed is the fact that all research published
to date on ACS is affected by the lack of a strict gold stan- METHODS: STUDY PROCEDURES AND
dard for diagnosis. Lacking such a standard, the perfor- PATIENT SELECTION
mance of fasciotomy has been used in past studies as
a proxy for the presence of ACS, where patients who Overview
undergo fasciotomy are considered to have had ACS, The study was conducted at 7 US trauma centers
despite the fact that an unknown proportion of them did participating in the Major Extremity Research Consortium
not actually have the condition. This lack of a strict defini- (METRC), which are listed in the Appendix 1.22 All study
tion of ACS compromises understanding of the condition, materials, including the protocol, consent, and recruitment
including its diagnosis and treatment. The development of materials, were developed in conjunction with the METRC
a decision rule for ACS could by itself reduce the incidence Coordinating Center located at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
of fasciotomy simply by lessening the number of false- School of Public Health and approved by the Department of
positive diagnoses. It would also guard against the potential Defense (DoD) Human Research Protection Office (study
for a missed (or delayed) diagnosis of ACS. Such a decision sponsor) and the local institutional review board (IRB) at each
rule would also facilitate further research on potential ther- participating center. Local sites also obtained DoD Human
apies for ACS by providing a set of standardized criteria for Research Protection Office approval of local IRB documents
the diagnosis of ACS. and were thoroughly trained and then certified by the Coor-
No one has carefully mapped the relationship between dinating Center before engaging in study activities to ensure
clinical signs, objective, continuous measurements of leg proper execution of study procedures and data collection.
perfusion or IMP and a diagnosis of ACS. Continuous In this prospective study, no intervention was used to
pressure monitoring has been shown to have high sensitivity alter the treating physician’s standard of care for the diagnosis
and positive predictive value in 1 retrospective study,1 but or treatment of ACS. Physicians were blinded to continuous
this technique is not commonly used in North America. oxygenation and pressure data.
Recently, a noninvasive means of monitoring skeletal muscle
perfusion with near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) became Patient Selection Criteria and Consent
available, and its potential role in the diagnosis of ACS has The study inclusion and exclusion criteria are outlined
been reported.16–21 It is hypothesized that monitoring skeletal in Table 1. Patients meeting the study inclusion criteria were
muscle perfusion in a continuous fashion could greatly assist approached for informed consent within 18 hours of injury.
clinicians in making a timely and accurate diagnosis of ACS, Legally authorized representatives were approached when pa-
so that early fasciotomy can be performed and unnecessary tients were unable to provide informed consent. METRC has
fasciotomy avoided. However, NIRS has not been widely adopted a comprehensive informed consent process for all of
studied in ACS, and combined monitoring using both NIRS its studies that involves the treating surgeon, the clinical site
and continuous pressure monitoring has not been reported, research coordinator, and material and resources for patients
despite the potential value of these complementary and family members to facilitate informed decision making
technologies. about participation (see Figure, Supplemental Digital Con-
The Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome Study tent Figure 1, describes the
was designed to develop a better understanding of the natural METRC consenting procedures).
history of elevated compartment pressure and the utility of
early and continuous monitoring of the physiologic status of Study Procedures: In-Hospital Monitoring
the injured extremity in the timely diagnosis of ACS. In this After obtaining informed consent, 48 hours of moni-
study, the probability of ACS is determined retrospectively by toring was initiated. This monitoring included blood pressure,
an independent panel of experts based on the patient’s initial pain (using a visual analog scale23), neurovascular assess-
presentation, clinical course, and known outcome at 6 months ments including assessment of pulses, pain with passive
(including functional outcome and presence or absence of stretch, muscle strength, and a sensory examination of the
myoneural deficit). These probabilities are then modeled as superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, sural, and posterior tibial
a function of the clinical information obtained within the first nerves of the injured limb every 4 hours. Also obtained were
72 hours of injury to determine the predictive value of the daily creatinine phosphokinase values and continuous IMP
data that would be available at the time of initial assessment. monitoring and tissue oxygenation monitoring. The study
The immediate objective of the study is the development of injury was characterized using the AO/OTA fracture classifi-
a model that accurately predicts the likelihood of ACS based cation,24 Gustilo classification,25 and Tscherne soft tissue
on data available to the clinician within the first 72 hours of classification.26 Standard of care radiographic images were
injury, to include specific clinical findings supplemented by captured in the study database. All participants who under-
objective data obtained from state-of-the-art physiologic mon- went a surgical procedure to the study the limb during the
itoring tools, specifically, muscle oxygenation measured initial monitoring interval were disconnected from monitors

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Schmidt et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017

in this study. Tissue oxygenation was monitored using the

TABLE 1. Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for the Predicting
Nonin Medical Equanox 7600 (Plymouth, MN) with the
Acute Compartment Syndrome Study
8003CA sensor. Both devices are cleared by the FDA for
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria the study procedures; a nonsignificant risk determination
1. Ages 18 and 60 who presented 1. Soft tissue wounds interfered with was obtained to allow the PMFC catheters to be used for
within 18 h of injury monitoring (ie, the insertion of up to 48 continuous hours, as they are only FDA approved
2. Injury associated with a high indwelling pressure catheters and/
risk of ACS including, but not or application of spectroscopy for 24 hours.
limited to sensors) Continuous monitoring of both pressure and oxygena-
Closed tibial shaft fracture 2. Informed consent from the patient tion was done only in the anterior compartment, according to
occurring in the proximal half of or from a legally authorized the “sentinel compartment” principle, which relates to the fact
the tibia with displacement, representative was not obtained
comminution, or segmental early enough to begin monitoring
that the anterior compartment typically is the earliest com-
pattern within 18 h postinjury partment involved in ACS and usually has the highest pres-
Closed bicondylar tibial plateau 3. Medical history significant for sures.6,27 In addition, the deep posterior IMP was monitored
fracture or medial tibial plateau peripheral vascular disease with a pressure catheter because this compartment is also
fracture or knee fracture- 4. Prior extensive traumatic injury commonly involved and is the most difficult compartment
dislocation requiring surgery to either lower
Open tibial shaft fracture (Gustilo extremity to monitor clinically.
type I, II, or III A) occurring in the 5. Non-ambulatory due to an In this study, treating physicians were blinded to the
proximal half of the tibia associated complete spinal cord NIRS and continuous measures of IMP and PP, and their
Open bicondylar tibial plateau injury diagnosis and treatment of ACS followed standard practice.
fracture or medial tibial plateau- 6. Non-ambulatory before the injury
knee dislocation (Gustilo type I, due to a pre-existing condition
Specifically, clinicians monitored the patient using standard
II, or III A) 7. Unable to speak either English or clinical guidelines, and had the ability to use the IMP monitor
Severe soft tissue crush injury to Spanish; or to obtain up to 2 discreet measures of IMP if and when they
proximal half of the tibia 8. Severe problems with maintaining determined that pressure measurement was clinically indi-
High-energy gunshot injury to follow-up cated as part of their standard management of patients at risk
leg, with significant soft tissue
swelling of ACS.
Tibia fracture resulting from Additional data were collected on subjects who
a sports-related injury, such as received a fasciotomy during the monitoring period, including
soccer or football prefasciotomy and postfasciotomy pressure (using a Stryker
3. Regardless of timing, any acute
onset of clinical symptoms
device), oxygenation (using the NIRS sensor), and clinical
consistent with the likelihood of data, including appearance of tissue at the time of fasciotomy,
compartment syndrome, including and time to and method of wound closure. Photographs of the
4. Visual analog scale pain score $7 wound were also obtained. No additional compartment
that is stable or worsens with monitoring was conducted after the fasciotomy.
serial examinations
5. Pain not controlled with narcotics
6. Pain with passive stretch of Study Procedures: Patient Follow-up
involved muscle compartment (if Participants were asked to return for follow-up study
possible to assess) visits at 3 and 6 months after injury. At the 3-month study
7. Measurement of IMP is indicated visit, the participants completed the Short Form Musculo-
to assist with interpretation of
clinical findings; or for a patient
skeletal Function Assessment (SMFA).28 At the 6-month
who was intubated and visit, participants completed the SMFA again, and muscle
unresponsive, increased swelling strength was assessed using a handheld dynamometer (Micro-
and increased clinical concern of FET2 MMT) and single leg heel rise tests.29 A clinical exam-
ACS, such that the clinicians have ination was conducted to assess the presence of myoneural
decided that IMP measurement is
indicated to assist with deficit (based on sensory and motor examination of superfi-
interpretation of clinical findings cial peroneal, deep peroneal, sural, posterior tibial nerves),
8. Patients’ weight .88 lbs complications, wound healing, and fracture healing (defined
9. Uninjured limb that could serve as as healed if no pain with weight-bearing, bridging callus on 3
a control cortices). Photographs were taken of the leg to include the
surgical incisions and/or wound site, and follow-up radio-
graphs were obtained. For patients who did not return to
clinic, a combination of chart review and phone calls was
during the procedure. After the procedure, monitoring used to assess gross myoneural function, including use of
resumed for an additional 24 hours. a device or orthotic to assist in ambulation, and pain.
Continuous IMP was assessed using the Twin Star
ECS (Bloomington, MN) Pressure Monitoring Fluid Col- Protocol Changes
lection (PMFC) catheter and ECS monitoring unit, which The protocol underwent several modifications, most
recorded IMP and the patient’s blood pressure. The PMFC of which were administrative in nature. Most significantly,
catheters were not connected to suction, and only the pres- after 100 patients were enrolled, the protocol was amended
sure monitoring functionality of the devices was employed to limit enrollment to participants at a higher suspected risk

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017 Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome

FIGURE 1. Representative continuous

muscle oxygenation and compartment
pressure data. The first 2 plots corre-
spond to oxygenation data received
from the anterior compartment of the
injured and control limb, respectively.
The third plot is a ratio of the oxygen-
ation data from injured limb to the
control limb. The fourth and fifth plots
correspond to pressure data recorded
from the anterior and deep posterior
compartments of the injured limb,
respectively, and the dots represent
diastolic blood pressure (recorded once
every 4 hours). The bars denote time in
the operating room.

of ACS and to expand the window for enrollment from 12 initial barrier to enrollment and allowed a focus on
to 18 hours postinjury. Specifically, patients with distal enrolling the individuals most likely to develop the out-
tibia fractures were excluded. These changes overcame an come of interest.

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Schmidt et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017

METHODS: ASSIGNING PROBABILITY OF ACS decision making and prevent a single score from unduly influ-
Once collected, data were cleaned and displayed on encing results.
a custom online application designed for this study to present
the data in a 2-stage process to allow reviewers to assess the
likelihood that each participant had experienced a compart-
ment syndrome based first on clinical data typically available METHODS: DATA MANAGEMENT, SAMPLE
(injury characteristics, radiographs, pain medications admin- SIZE, AND ANALYSIS
istered, neurovascular assessment data, surgical procedures, Data Management
and myoneural and functional outcomes), and then with the Data were collected by site research coordinators and
addition of continuous oxygenation and pressure monitoring clinical investigators using paper case report forms designed
data (Fig. 1). Nine clinical experts, grouped in 3 panels of 3, specifically for this study and then entered into REDCap,30
were asked specifically to (1) estimate the likelihood that the the web-based data collection system used in all METRC
person had compartment syndrome (0–100 scale, where 50 = studies. Monitoring data were downloaded from the devices
completely unsure); (2) identify the 3 most important aspects and uploaded to REDCap (see Figure, Supplemental Digital
contributing to that decision; (3) indicate whether or not they Content Figure 2,
thought the patient had compromised muscle perfusion that
would have benefited from a fasciotomy; (4) indicate whether
they would have performed a fasciotomy if they had been the Sample Size
clinician responsible for the care the patient; and (5) indicate The sample size was determined using a simulation
whether or not the pressure and/or oxygenation data influ- study. Various sample sizes, ranging from 100 to 1000, were
enced decision making, for the second round of scoring. considered. For each proposed sample size, oxygenation and
Finally, reviewers were asked to identify whether or not data pressure levels at 2 time points were generated for each
were missing that would have influenced decision making, patient, and, based on these levels, an average probability of
and if so, what the impact would have been. Each panel ACS (as would be assigned by the expert panel) was
reviewed 25% of the cases, and all 9 experts reviewed the generated. A regression based on these data was then built
remaining 25% of cases to allow for calibration of ratings and evaluated for its predictive ability on a hypothetical
across panels. When a panel was discordant in their assess- external validation dataset of 2000 patients. There was an 8%
ment of likelihood of ACS (defined as a range of scores improvement in predictive ability when increasing the sample
.30%), the group was brought together to review the case, size from 100 to 200, a 2% improvement between 200 and
and the case was rescored by all 9 experts. The goal of 300, and even smaller percentage improvements for larger
rescoring was not to force consensus but rather to allow sample sizes. With these results, the study was designed to
reviewers to discuss aspects of the case that influenced enroll 200 patients.

FIGURE 2. Predicting Acute Com-

partment Syndrome Study enroll-
ment summary.

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017 Predicting Acute Compartment Syndrome

TABLE 2. Baseline Characteristics: Patient and Injury TABLE 2. (Continued ) Baseline Characteristics: Patient and
All Patients (n = 191) Injury
Age All Patients (n = 191)
Mean (SD), n (%) 38 (12.7) Very good 80 (42)
,25 37 (19) Good 49 (26)
25–34 45 (24) Fair or poor 14 (7)
35–44 41 (21) Missing 1 (1)
45–54 45 (24) Fracture classification, n (%)
.54 23 (12) Closed fractures 95 (50)
Sex, n (%) Tscherne grade C0 20 (10)
Male 143 (75) Tscherne grade C1 60 (31)
Race-ethnicity, n (%) Tscherne grade C2 10 (5)
Hispanic 19 (10) Tscherne grade C3 5 (3)
Non-Hispanic non-white 46 (24) Open 96 (50)
Non-Hispanic white 124 (65) Gustilo type I 19 (10)
Other 2 (1) Gustilo type II 30 (16)
Health insurance, n (%) Gustilo type III A 47 (25)
No insurance 50 (26) OTA classification, n (%)
Medicaid 19 (10) 41 (proximal tibia) 63 (33)
Private 74 (39) 42 (tibia shaft) 123 (64)
Other 41 (21) 43 or 44 (distal tibia or malleolus) 5 (3)
Unknown 7 (4) Mean monitoring time (SD), hr 37.4 (16)
Body mass index (BMI) Mean length of stay (SD), d 9.7 (9.7)
Mean (SD), n (%) 29.1 (7.1) Mean number of surgeries (SD) 1.8 (1.9)
,25 61 (32)
25–30 56 (29)
30–35 35 (18) Analysis
$35 39 (20) The time series of pressure and oxygenation will be
Mechanism, n (%) summarized based on both clinical and data-driven criteria.
Motor vehicle-occupant 54 (28) The outcome of the panelists’ reviews will be modeled using
Motor vehicle-cyclist or pedestrian 43 (23) generalized mixed effects models with linear31 and regression
Motor vehicle-motorcyclist 42 (22) tree structures.32 These models will include random effects to
Fall from standing 9 (5) account for the fact that each patient has multiple raters, and
Fall from height .10 ft 10 (5) each rater is evaluating multiple patients. “Optimal” predic-
Firearm 5 (3) tion models will be developed based on (1) only clinical
Other mechanism 28 (15) variables that are available before making the decision to
Tobacco use, n (%) perform a fasciotomy and (2) these variables plus the sum-
Current tobacco use 77 (40) maries of pressure and oxygenation. The “value-added” of the
Former tobacco use 29 (15) models which include pressure and oxygenation data will be
No tobacco use 82 (43) formally evaluated. The models will be developed using
Refused/unknown/missing 3 (2) cross-validation techniques. Other prediction approaches
Usual major activity preinjury, n (%) (eg, random forests, bagging, and boosting32) will be inves-
Working/active duty 138 (72) tigated. Multiple imputation methods will be used to handle
Laid off/looking for work 17 (9) missing data.33–35
Going to school 9 (5)
Taking care of your house 15 (8)
Missing 1 (1) In total, 191 participants from 7 centers were enrolled in
Major comorbidity preinjury (count), this study (32% of those eligible); 48% of eligible patients
n (%) were not enrolled because of administrative reasons, primarily
0 113 (59) related to lack of availability of equipment or staff to enroll
1 56 (29) a participant within the 18 hours window (Fig. 2). Final out-
$2 22 (12) comes were obtained on 181 (95%) participants, 163 (85%) of
Self-assessed health status preinjury, which were completed in person. Participants were monitored
n (%)
for an average of 37.4 hours (SD 16 hours), and 24 (12.6%)
Excellent 47 (25)
received a fasciotomy. The average age was 38.1 years (SD
12.8). The study sample was 75% male, most of injuries were
motor vehicle-related (28% occupant, 22% pedestrian or

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Schmidt et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 31, Number 4 Supplement, April 2017

cyclist, and 22% motorcyclist). Nearly one half (49%) of orthopedic injuries. The long-term goal of this research is to
participants overall had a closed fracture. Patient character- integrate the classic clinical signs and symptoms of ACS
istics are summarized in Table 2. (which by themselves are of uncertain clinical significance)
with the latest advances in monitoring and treatment of ACS:
NIRS and continuous monitoring of IMP. The long-term goal
DISCUSSION of deriving a validated prediction rule tool for ACS will
This study has many strengths. The prospective collec- benefit patients and surgeons by reducing the incidence of
tion of clinical signs (pain, motor strength, sensation) both unnecessary fasciotomy and missed ACS. Furthermore,
provides more reliable information than can be obtained from the insights gained by evaluating both the usefulness of
retrospective chart review. Furthermore, the continuous various data points and the clinical decision-making process
monitoring of both IMP and oxygenation using NIRS will with regard to diagnosing ACS and determining the need for
provide new information for clinicians to consider regarding fasciotomy will inform further research that may in turn lead
the utility of these tests in predicting the likelihood of ACS. to refinements in the clinical care of these complex patients.
Most importantly, the blinded collection of these continuous
assessments affords the opportunity to examine the utility of
these measures without influencing actual clinical decisions REFERENCES
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Participating Centers: Carolinas Medical Center: University of South Florida Department of Orthopaedic
Michael J. Bosse, MD, Christine Churchill, MA, Joseph R. Surgery), Rajesh R. Tummuru, MBBS, Manish K. Sethi,
Hsu, MD, Rachel B. Seymour, PhD, Madhav A. Karunakar, MD; Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center: Eben A. Carroll,
MD, Stephen H Sims, MD; Hennepin County Medical Cen- MD, J. Brett Goodman, MBA, Jason J. Halvorson, MD, Mar-
ter: Andrew H. Schmidt, MD, Gudrun E Mirick, MD, Jerald tha B. Holden, AAS, AA, Anna N. Miller, MD, FACS (now
R. Westberg, BA; San Antonio Military Medical Center: at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine);
Daniel J. Stinner, MD; Denver Health Medical Center: David Other Corporate Authors: Brown University Warren Alpert
J. Hak, MD, MBA, FACS; University of Maryland R Adams School of Medicine: Roman A. Hayda, MD (protocol com-
Cowley Shock Trauma Center: Robert V. O’Toole, MD, The- mittee member); METRC Coordinating Center at Johns
odore Manson, MD, Timothy G. Costales, MD, Amanda C. Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health: Ellen J.
Holmes, MS, Jason W. Nascone, MD, Andrew G. Dubina, MacKenzie, PhD, Lauren E. Allen, MA; Anthony R. Carlini,
MD; Vanderbilt Medical Center: William T. Obremskey, MS, Renan C. Castillo, PhD, Susan Collins, MSc, Katherine
MD, MPH, MMHC, Eduardo J. Burgos, MD, A. Alex Jahan- P. Frey, RN, MPH, Grace K. Ha, PhD, Daniel O. Scharfstein,
gir, MD, MMHC, Hassan R. Mir, MD, MBA, FACS (now at ScD, Vadim Zipunnikov, PhD.

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