ET 6. What - Is - Important - Besides - Getting - The - Bone - To.5. JOT 2018

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What Is Important Besides Getting the Bone to Heal? Impact

on Tissue Injury Other Than the Fracture
Michael J. Gardner, MD,* Thomas A. Higgins, MD,† William H. Harvin, MD,‡
James P. Stannard, MD,§ Mark A. Lee, MD,k and Brett D. Crist, MD§


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Summary: Fracture surgeons do a great job of managing bone TISSUE COVERAGE: UNDERSTANDING THE
issues, but they may overlook the associated soft tissue injuries
that play a significant role in the final outcome after musculo-
Several current theories on bone regeneration do not
skeletal injury. The soft tissue reconstruction ladder can help
emphasize the soft tissue envelope.1 Adequate soft tissue
guide reconstructive procedures based on the least complex
coverage of a fracture includes (1) healthy periosteum to pro-
procedure that allows the best chance of fracture healing.
vide the cellular and growth factor components necessary for
Muscle injury, volume loss, and deconditioning occur with
fracture healing; (2) a stable muscle envelope, depending on
traumatic injury and during the recovery phase. Neuromuscular
the specific anatomic region, which also provides local blood
stimulation, nutrition, and strength training are potential ways to
flow to modulate fracture healing and provide immune cells;
aid in recovery. Complex periarticular knee injuries have a high
and (3) intact skin to create a sterile barrier to the external
rate of associated soft tissue injuries that may affect outcome if
associated with knee instability. Identifying and addressing
Traumatic extremity injuries disrupt each of these
these injuries can increase the likelihood of a good outcome.
components to varying degrees. As the energy of the injury
Articular cartilage loss can make articular reconstruction
increases, larger volumes of skin or muscle are lost or
impossible. Large fresh osteoarticular allografts can be a recon-
necrotic, and more complex soft tissue envelope reconstruc-
structive option. Addressing all the damaged structures involved
tion is necessary if limb salvage is chosen. Determination of
with a fracture may be the next step in improving patient
when to employ more complex soft tissue techniques, and
which ones to use, can be extremely complex and difficult.
Key Words: soft tissue injury, muscle damage, ligament reconstruc- To address this difficult situation, the concept of the
tion, articular cartilage injury “reconstructive ladder” was introduced initially by Gillies in
the World War I era2 and was revisited in the modern era by
(J Orthop Trauma 2018;32:S21–S24)
Levin.3 This concept was initially described as a systematic
way for reconstructive surgeons to organize and prioritize
microvascular procedures necessary to treat a specific
INTRODUCTION injury.2,4 The general concept is that various procedure op-
Fracture surgeons frequently overlook injuries to soft tions can be organized as rungs on a ladder, such that as 1
tissues and related muscle deconditioning after osseous moves up the ladder, the procedures become more complex
injuries. Although high-energy injuries to bone in the setting and invasive. Procedures should be chosen based on the least
of open fractures can create significant bone healing chal- complex procedure (lowest rung on the ladder) necessary to
lenges, frequently the injuries to the surrounding soft tissues allow durable and expeditious wound and fracture healing,
are so severe that no reconstructive option is available. and then the surgeon can move up the ladder as necessary.5
However, recognizing the spectrum of injuries to the soft More recently, this concept has been adapted to an “ortho-
tissue envelope and articular surface associated with fractures plastic” approach to include soft tissue coverage procedures
and how they are managed may lead to improved outcomes. that do not involve microsurgery and can be employed by the
orthopaedic trauma surgeon.4,5
Based on these principles, the reconstructive ladder
begins with primary wound closure on the lowest rung and
Accepted for publication December 11, 2017. progresses up to secondary closure, skin grafts, rotational
From the *Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA; †University of Utah, Salt Lake flaps, regional flaps, and finally free tissue flaps. Although
City, UT; ‡University of Texas-Houston, Houston, TX; §University of
Missouri, Columbia, MO; and kUniversity of California-Davis, Sacramen- visualizing this hierarchy can be a useful thought experiment,
to, CA. some authors have questioned the practicality of such a step-
The authors report no conflict of interest. wise approach in clinical practice. Sometimes, skipping rungs
Reprints: Brett D. Crist, MD, FAAOS, FACS, FAOA, University of on the ladder is necessary, and perhaps the analogy of
Missouri, One Hospital Dr., Columbia, MO 65212 (e-mail: cristb@
a “reconstructive elevator” is more appropriate.6 This implies
Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. that the initial procedure selected has the highest chance of
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000001125 success, instead of progressing through several less complex

J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 3 Supplement, March 2018 | S21

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Gardner et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 3 Supplement, March 2018

procedures that fail. Furthermore, with modern advancements mitochondrial dysfunction, and disorganized muscular archi-
in microsurgical techniques, some would recommend that tecture. Ten days of bed rest in healthy elderly patients leads
often the best approach is proceeding right to the top of the to a significant loss of lean body mass, protein synthesis, and
ladder to provide the patient the best chance at avoiding strength, with no difference between the sexes.19 Although
infection, achieving wound healing, and obtaining fracture decreased body mass index and lean body mass are estab-
union.7 Overall, regardless of how these various procedures lished risk factors for geriatric hip fractures, the actual bone–
are conceptualized and organized, the selection of the appro- muscle interaction plays a role as well.20,21 In animal models,
priate soft tissue coverage technique for a specific patient is chemically induced short-term muscle atrophy has been
often difficult. Surgeon experience in evaluating complex demonstrated to impair fracture healing in the adjacent
wounds and performing coverage procedures should be taken skeleton.22
into account, and consultation with colleagues can provide Two main areas of potential intervention have been
important insight before undertaking reconstruction. considered for addressing sarcopenia in the geriatric popula-
tion: nutrition and strength training. A Cochrane review
concluded that progressive resistance training 2–3 times per
MUSCULAR RECOVERY: HOW MUCH IS LOST week demonstrates improved function, most frequently mea-
WITH INJURY? sured with gait speed and timed-up-and-go.23 Both protein
The ramifications and extent of muscle damage are supplementation and vitamin D have been shown to help
frequently underestimated. There are 3 individual settings in address sarcopenia but must be coupled with a physical exer-
orthopaedic trauma that merit further evaluation in reference cise regimen to be maximally effective.24–26 Multiple phar-
to muscle loss and recovery: patients with isolated limb macologic interventions are being considered, but definitive
fractures, the polytrauma or intensive care unit (ICU) patient, effectiveness of these interventions has not yet been
and the patient with geriatric hip fracture. demonstrated.27
The muscle loss and damage associated with open At this time, the evidence of the detrimental effects of
single limb injuries or isolated crush injuries is often obvious, muscle loss in the fracture setting and with aging is
but isolated closed injuries will frequently lead to a slower, convincing, but the best routes for intervention remain
insidious muscle loss over the time course of skeletal healing. unclear. Looking to the future, potential areas of progress
For example, 6 weeks of a short leg cast leads to a 17% loss in may lie in resistance exercise, NMES, muscle grafting,
muscle volume below the knee.8 For a long-term perspective, nutrition, and protein synthesis.
even at 16 years after closed treatment of tibial shaft fractures,
injured limbs demonstrated a 15% loss of posterior compart-
ment cross-sectional muscle volume compared with contra- PERIARTICULAR KNEE FRACTURES:
lateral uninjured limbs.9 One potential solution may be LIGAMENTOUS STABILITY AFFECTS SUCCESS
neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) that mitigates Patients with complex periarticular knee fractures may
muscle volume loss during immobilization but does not affect have poor outcomes—including stiffness, instability, and
strength.10 NMES has also been shown to reverse some of the chronic pain—unless certain parameters are restored: knee
muscle loss associated with knee osteoarthritis and yield sub- stability, mechanical alignment, condylar width, and near
sequent improvements in function.11 anatomic articular reductions (,2 mm incongruity).28–32
For acute cases of muscle volume loss caused by open Most of the knee periarticular fracture literature is focused
injuries, animal models have demonstrated persistent func- on restoration of limb alignment. Despite the fact that the
tional deficits beyond volumetric loss.12 In humans, the lost knee is not inherently congruent and relies significantly on
fibers are not replaced, and any volume recovery must come soft tissue constraints, little literature has been dedicated to
from hypertrophy of remaining tissue.13 Studies exploring concomitant soft tissue and bone injuries.
minced muscle as a type of “autograft slurry” have shown Tibial plateau fractures are the typical injury where soft
some promise for replacement of volume loss in experimental tissues can play a significant role in outcome with up to 91%
models.14 of plateau fractures having a positive finding on magnetic
In addition to the catabolic effects of polytrauma, the resonance imaging (MRI).33–35 For collateral ligament inju-
sustained bed rest inherent in an ICU stay has a prolonged ries, repair at the time of plateau fixation had significantly
negative effect on muscle volume. Within the first week of better outcomes than those with neglected ligament injuries.32
bed rest, protein synthesis declines 14%, but at the muscular Likewise, repair of avulsion fractures and conservative treat-
level, protein incorporation drops 50%, with more profound ment of soft tissue collateral injuries, particularly the medial
decline in the second week.15 This is even more profound in collateral ligament, can result in good functional outcomes.36
the elderly ICU patient, where skeletal muscle volume corre- Although surgical treatment of ligament or meniscal pathol-
lates with ventilator-free days, ICU-free days, and mortality.16 ogy may not always influence outcomes, 1 study showed the
Some studies have suggested a therapeutic role for NMES in best predictor of poor outcomes was the residual articular
maintaining muscle mass in critically ill patients, but other incongruity of .5 mm.37 Last, a long-term outcomes study
reviews have been mixed.17,18 of tibial plateau fractures found no significant increase in knee
Sarcopenia, the decline in muscle strength and volume, laxity on comparison stress radiographs.38
is associated with the normal physiologic changes of aging. Menisci affect knee stability and tears are common with
This manifests itself in altered cellular turnover, tibial plateau fractures.33,34,39 MRI has detected meniscal

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 32, Number 3 Supplement, March 2018 Impact on Tissue Injury

pathology in 42%–91% of these fractures.33–35 However, the transplants have been the most successful treatment to date
question is which pathology affects outcomes. Clinically rel- with potentially large defects treatable but have been
evant unstable meniscal tears occur in approximately 36% of hampered by graft availability and short time limit for
plateau fractures.34 MRI alters the treatment plan in 19%– chondrocyte viability. Ten- to 15-year survival rates for
23% of cases, usually to address unstable meniscal tears.35,40 OCAs have been reported as 71%–85%.43–50 It has recently
Addressing clinically relevant meniscal pathology leads to been established that chondrocyte viability is a critical factor
good functional outcomes and may lead to a similar outcome in success of OCA transplants.51,52
as if the patient had no meniscal tear.41 The importance of viable chondrocytes was investi-
To optimize functional outcomes, one should have gated using a canine model and 2 different chondrocyte
a high index of suspicion for combined bone and soft tissue preservation techniques.51,52 Sixteen dogs with 32 OCAs
injuries about the knee. Moore described 5 fracture patterns were evaluated with grafts that were preserved for either 28
with marked joint instability, which are often considered or 60 days using the 2 different preservation techniques.
fracture–dislocations.42 Several markers on injury radio- Chondrocyte viability ranged from 23% to 99%. Every graft
graphs can help identify significant soft tissue injuries: fem- that had 70% or more viable chondrocytes was successful in
orotibial joint subluxation, rim avulsion or depression this canine model with long-term follow-up. Every graft with
fractures, epicondylar or fibular head fractures, proximal ti- 62% or less viable chondrocytes failed when evaluated over
biofibular subluxation, and large tibial eminence or cruciate the same period. A fluorescent in situ hybridization assay
avulsions. If preoperative MRI is not routinely obtained, the suggested that the surviving chondrocytes were from the
above findings may be used to indicate the need for MRI to donor in successful grafts and that failures were repopulated
identify soft tissue injuries. Intraoperative stress imaging is with fibrocytes from the recipient.51,52
helpful, but it can be difficult to determine the location of The clinical relevance of this study is that large defects
collateral ligament injury without directly exposing the liga- may be treated with fresh OCAs if adequate chondrocyte
ment. Another intraoperative finding that may indicate sig- viability is maintained in the graft. Another factor for success
nificant ligament injury is joint subluxation or asymmetric is graft thickness. Increasing the bone thickness increases
joint widening, with unilateral application of a universal biomechanical properties but also increases the chances of
distractor. Soft tissue injuries with joint instability are not immune response and inhibits the diffusion required to
isolated to tibial plateau fractures and can also occur with provide nourishment to the cartilage cells. Graft thickness
distal femur fractures. between 6 and 8 mm, including the bone represents the ideal
Mid-substance collateral ligament injuries can be thickness to allow diffusion of blood and nutrients to the bone
treated conservatively with bracing and therapy; however, and cartilage while also maximizing graft strength to allow
large collateral sleeve avulsion injuries from either femoral or weight bearing.53
tibial sides heal less predictably and should ideally be Articular surface loss is a challenge to address when it
anatomically repaired to restore joint stability and allow early is larger than a few millimeters. This is particularly challeng-
motion. Avulsed meniscal root or meniscocapsular attach- ing in open fractures or high-energy injuries where the
ments should be repaired to restore normal stress distribution cartilage is either lost or sheared off the subchondral bone.
across the compartment as well as to restore stability, Fresh OCAs may represent an option for these patients.
particularly with medial-sided injuries. Cruciate injuries likely However, there are still changes related to the need for donor
should not be acutely treated unless joint stability cannot be matching, chondrocyte viability, and prolonged recovery
maintained or an avulsion fracture blocks motion. period. The envisioned future is off-the-shelf availability as
Although the literature is somewhat limited on peri- preservation systems continue to improve and cost decreases.
articular knee injuries and the effects of the soft tissue injury
on outcomes, outcomes seem to be optimized when the
primary goals of restoring alignment and stability are SUMMARY
achieved, regardless if these derangements are related to Although orthopaedic trauma surgeons are experts in
bone or soft tissue injuries. The first place to start is to have stabilization of bony injuries, our limited recognition and
a high level of suspicion for injury and determine whether training in management of soft tissue or articular cartilage
advanced imaging or surgical exploration is necessary. loss, muscle injury or deconditioning, or ligamentous insta-
bility may contribute to poor outcomes. Recognition and
training in the specific management of the full spectrum of
WHAT TO DO WHEN THE ARTICULAR associated soft tissue injuries and articular cartilage may
CARTILAGE DOES NOT HEAL OR CANNOT improve our ability to manage these complicated and
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