EXERCISE 5 GE Dicko Done

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Dicko Syah putra

NiM : 22030200097
There is / there are ?
There is There are
Singular Plural
Affirmatif Affirmatif
There’s a teacher There are some student
Negative Negative
There is a TV There are any CDs
Interrogative Interrogative
No, there isn’t a noticeboard? Yes, there are any children?

1. There is / There are
a. There are some student
b. There is a teacher
c. There is a computer
d. There are any posters
e. There is a noticboard
f. There is a TV
g. There are any shelves
h. There are some trees


1. Look at the photo Explore exercise 1 again. Complete the sentence with the correct form
of there is/ there are

1) There are some students

2) There is a teacher

3) There is a computer

4) There are any posters

5) There is a noticeboard

6) There is a TV

7) There are any shelves

8) There are some trees

2. Look at the picture of a bedroom and complete the questions with is there a/an..? or are
there any…?

1) Is there a bed?

2) Is there a chairs?

3) Is there a desk?

4) Is there a CD player?

5) Are there any shelves?

6) Is there a tv ?

7) Are there any books?

8) Is there a window?

9) Are there any CDs?

10) Are there any CDs?

11) Is there a bin?

12) Is there a clock?

13) Are there any plants?

14) Is there a cupboard?

Have to


1. Read the text. What do students at Summerhill School have to do?

All students have to follow the rules

2. Study the information in the Learn this! Box. Complate the examples, using the
highlighted words from the text in exercise.

1) We have to be at school before 9 o’clock.

2) We don’t have to have lunch at school. Some people go home for lunch

Do you have study French? Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

3) Does she have to do P.E? Yes, she 4) does / No, she doesn’t


1. Complate the sentences with the correct from of have to, affirmative or negative.

1) My brother has to wear a school uniform: black trousers and a green sweatshirt,
but I don’t have to wear a uniform.

2) We have to take exams every term – only at the end of the year.

3) I have to be at school by 8.50 because the first lesson starts then.

4) We have to study a foreign language: French, Spanish or German.

5) I don’t like geography, but I have to study it.

6) My sister is at a normal state school – she has to play


3. Read and complete one student’s description of an ideal school. Use have to and don’t
have to.

We 1. Don’t have to get to school early in the morning – 10.30 or 11.00 is ok. We 2. Don’t have
to wear a uniform – we can wear what we like. Every morning the teachers 3. Have to ask the
students what they want to study.

There are classrooms, but we 4. Don’t have to go to lessons. We sometimes go to the computer
room or the library instead. We 5. Have to be quiet in the library – we can sit and talk with
friends. There’s a canteen where students have a snack or lunch. We 6. Don’t have to buy the
food – it’s all free.

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