BanKcasH 300wordessay2activities

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Mary Cecille Bancas

We define religion at other terms as a group of people but with different beliefs and worship the
Supreme being from above as what they do. Thanksgivings, worshipping God as a part of their religion.
Religion is somehow like a path that we can closer our faith to God, like praising Him for the blessing he
had showered towards us and which we also repent our sins. It is also like putting together our
brotherhood and sisterhood for worshipping and go to church with. Religion is somehow where beliefs
occur and how we nurture our faith with God, or where preachers spread the word of God. We have
notice on some televisions or radio broadcastings spreading about the words of gospel or how God
provides his people’s needs and such or also how it changed their loves as a whole person and especially
spiritually. We have seen many people coming from different kinds of religions such as Catholic,
Christian, or Muslim and they have values and traditions or beliefs they need to follow or to know. We
have also seen in televisions like priests conducting a mass on churches and preachers spreading the
words of God to the youth. Mostly issues about today that some religions are having wars or beguiling
innocent people or abusing other people but not to generalize all because some are not like that. And
there are some people that disrespect another one’s religion and some just don’t respect it but throw
some not so pleasant words about it. To tell you one, having different religions is not for having
competitions like who is the best or superior one, this and that. It’s not. If you truly respect each
individual, respect also their beliefs and their tradition, we human beings will not bring war, but faith.

Another Activity
This is the illustration how Spanish influence Filipino Literature, we all know that El Filibusterismo is one
of Jose Rizal’s novels which describes how we are colonized by Spanish invaders and betrayal of our
fellow men, and women are being molested and poor being degraded and belittled. It is a remarkable
thing that Jose Rizal jot down events and turned that characters as to portray the happening between
that period.

Another Activity (Answers)

1. Nick Joaquin’s way of writing is very tragic or bittersweet happenings that can be relatable to
couples with a bitter marriage.
2. The story was written after world war 2 which is war with Americans, I think, and which those
times where bitter relationships occur or lost.

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